FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1940 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON ____ 1 LET’S BE SOCIABLE Chippewa Tribe Elects, Installs Officers— Rainbow Girls Elect New Officers— The Chippewa tribe of Campfire Girls with Mrs. Wauneta Timmons ss Guardian have elected and in­ stalled the following officers: Gloria Lamping, president; Leota White, vice-president; Sylvia Brady, sec­ retary; Caroline Romtvedt, treas­ urer; Betty Blitterswyke, scribe; Ruby Parcells, song leader; Iva Wood, monitor. The group under the sponsor­ ship of the Pythian Sisters will hold meetings the first and third Saturdays of each month in the Campfire cabin. The gills are desir­ ous of furnishing the c.bin more fully; they request any old, discard­ ed furniture which may be suitable for use in the cabin. At their meeting Monday night at the Masonic Temple, Rainbow Girls elected the following officers for a four month term: Worthy Ad­ visor, Myrtle Stacey; Worthy As­ sociate Advisor, Heidi Reich; Char­ ity, Elsie Duncan; Hope, Joanne Nichols; Faith, Pauline Rollins; Secretary, Lillian Laird; Treasurer, Jonnibel Hat' ield. Installation will bt held Monday, January 22. During the business meeting plans for the annual doughnut sale to be held January 25, and for a dance to be given Saturday, Febru- ry 10, were completed. Past Worthy Advisors surprised the Rainbow Girls with a chili feed following the business meeting. Deborah Circle Meets; Vernonia Business Women Mrs. Locke Taylor Honored Hear Pioneer Reports—- The Deborah Circle of the Evan­ gelical Missionary society met at the Walter Thompson home on thè Oregon American hill Tuesday, Jan­ uary 9; Mrs. Phil Taylor assisted Mrs. Thompson. After the business meeting, a stork shower was given Mrs. Locke Taylor. Candlelight Bridge Club Meets at MacDonald’s— The Candlelight Bridge Club met at the W. F. MacDonald home on the afternoon of Friday, January fi. Mrs. Harry Sandon and Mrs. Phi! Taylor were the club’s guests. High score was won by Mrs. Glen Hawkins; Mrs. Phil Taylor won second high 3Core. Legion Auxiliary to Hold Special Meeting— The American Legion Auxiliary will hold a special meeting Monday afternoon, January 15, at 1:30. All members are urged to attend this special business meeting. Social Club Plans C. of C. Dinner— The Nehaltm Social Club of the Eastern Star held its meeting Wed­ nesday afternoon, January 10, at Mrs. Hamp Roberson’s home. New­ ly elected officers who took over their duties at this time were: Mrs. Ray Mills, president; Mrs. Paul Gor­ don, secretary; Mrs. Glen Hawkins, treasurer. Business of the day included the appointment of new standing com­ mittees for the year. Definite plans for the Chamber of Commerce dinner, prepared and served by members of the Club, to be held on the evening of January 30, were made. Handicraft Club Meets with Mrs. Shipman— The Handicraft Club met Wed­ nesday, January 3rd, at the home of Mrs. Hazel Shipman. Those pres­ ent were Mesdames Pearl Adams, Irma Johnson, Viola Carrick, Bessie Spoffard, Gladys Strong, Mossman, Acord, Miss Grace Armstrong and the hostess. The next meeting will be held at Gladys Strong’s January 24. O. A. Bridge Club Meets Thursday— Mrs. Judd Greenman entertained the O. A. Bridge Club at her home Thursday of last week. Mrs. Alice Estey held high score for the after­ noon’s playing. Mrs. Lee Caulfield was guest, replacing Mrs. Walter Vaughn. PARENT EDUCATION, CHILD DEVELOPMENT DISCUSSED Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Gillham visit­ ed at the J. O. DeVaney home Fri­ day evening. Frank Morris and Warren Gill­ ham drove to Vernonia Monday. Twenty-one 4-H’ers of the Rock creek club met .at the home of George Roland January 2, 1940. In answer to roll call, each member reported the care he was giving his livestock and the results obtain­ ed. Two boys reported the loss of two yearling dairy heifers, which have been on the range. The Health Club gave a very encouraging report, showing that the members were going to the dentist and following up other measures of health recommended by Miss Alley and Dr. Eby. Each member is to keep a record of hours slept each night and the total number of hours in January is to be reported at tbe February meeting. KEASEY—(Special to the Eagle) —The Keasey Extension club met The Vernonia Business Women at Mrs. L. O. Gillham’s home Jan­ met Tuesday evening, January 9, at uary 3rd. Mrs. Maude Purvine dis­ .he home of Mrs. Marvin Kamholz. cussed Parent Education and Child A Valentine party will be held Feb­ Development with the members and ruary 14; each member is to bring i pot-luck lunch was served. There i guest. Reports on the club’s pio- .vere 17 members present. They leer program were given by Peggy vere Iosla Morris, Viola Comstock, Hatfield and Grace Condit, presi- Ann Luther, Mary Christiansen, lent. Mrs. Hat. ield read from a Hilda Keasey and two children, combined log, diary and account Cathryn and Bertha, Mae Melling­ book kept in 1896 on the activities er, Clara and Claraibel Lindsley, md expenses of the sawmill which Eola and Gene DeVaney, Viola jsed to stand near the present site Treharne, Seagel Armstrong and ,if Pittsburg, five miles out of son, Arthur, Vivian Counts, Edith Vernonia. Miss Condit recounted Parker, Carol Carlson and son, Iva facts concerning early days here Gillham and Maude Purvine. is told her by A. L. Parker, first The 4-H Club met at the Rolland white child to be born in this dome Tuesday, January 2. The reg­ valley. ular meet was held and the mem­ bers were given their new record Mrs. Sidney Malmsten books. H. A. DeWitt made a trip to Entertains Circle— Hope Well Saturday to purchase The Betty Brite Circle with Mrs. a horse. Wallace McCrae presiding met Tues­ Mrs. H. Counts visited Mrs. Alma day, January 9, at the home of Sitts' in Vernonia Saturday even­ Mrs. Sidney Malmsten. Mrs. G. C ing. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kreiger vis­ Kirkbride assisted the hostess. Plans ited at the W. J. Lindsley home for a cooked food sale to be held Wednesday evening. Saturday, February 10, were made. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Fugate visit- Mrs. Harold McEntire With Mrs. •d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dutton assisting will be the Bales Saturday. Mrs. C. Reed and sons, Ivan and next hostess for the circle’s meet­ Bolbbie, returned from California ing. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Westernberg Jimmy Emmons Has visited at the J. O. DeVaney home Birthday Party— Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald A birthday party was given Fri­ day, January fifth, for Jimmy Em­ visited Mr. and Mrs. D. R. DeiVaney Shnday at Camp McGregor. mons on his third birthday at the Mr. and Mrs. Frank White took Harry Emmons home. Those present their son, Emerson, to Portland were Ross and Leroy Tackett, Eddie Thursday, January 4th, to have and Dickie Kaphammar, Arlene Ray­ his leg dressed. He is getting along mond, Annetta Gaines, Mrs. Dave nicely. Joe Van Gilder, Mr. C. Reed’s Raymond. Mrs. Claude Tackett and brother-in-law, was killed in Port­ Diana Aldrich sent a gift but did land New Year’s. His wife, Anna not attend. Jello and cake were Reed Van Gilder, died the 2nd of served as refreshments. January, 1939. PAGE THREE ILL WITH THE FLU; BILL BASSETTS GIVEN CHARIVARI RIVERVIEW— (Special to The Eagle)—Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bond were in Portland Sunday. Jewel Solomon from Roseburg is here until Monday visiting his sister, Mrs. H. E. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ranger from Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magoff over the weekend. A charivari was given in honor of Bill Bassett who was married Christmas day to Verna Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cobat had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heath Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Simmons of La Grande were, here visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Johnson. Clark and Wilson are logging the Natal Grove. Little Claudine Claire Gibson has been ill this week. Braley and Graham, | Ethel Spencer visited Mrs. Ralph Cobat and Mrs. George Cobat Mon­ day. Mrs. Ferdie Beller is sick with the flu. Mrs. Glen Pearl and Mrs. Earl Byers visited Mrs. B. H. Henderson over Sunday. Harry Henderson is in Seaside visiting his brother. Mr. and Mrs. John Atkins and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bennett of Birken- feld. Mrs. O. D. Willard and daughter, Patsy, are ill with the flu. WAKE UP BUSINESS / By Advertising In | / / This Newspaper Portland Buick Dealer, is announcing a gigantic stock-reduction sale to be held in Vernonia on January 11, 12 and 13. Cars will be on display next to the Post Office. In this tremendous Used Car Clearance, our prices have been reduced from $75 to $100 below the market. Check for your­ self and be convinced. ’37 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN— with a built-in trunk. Excellent mechanical condition; lots of extra equipment. Special for Vernonia,...................................................................... ’39 BUICK SEDAN—Built-in trunk. Car No. 1475. Its original black gleaming finish is immaculate; tires are nearly new. January N.A.D.A. $880 but in our inventory clear­ ance sale priced at ............................ has ’37 BUICK SPECIAL COUPE—Gold Seal, mechanically tops, tires 80 per cent, uphol­ stery unusually clean. Our regular asking price $595, plus $45 for radio and heater. Today’s special, including same ........... ’36 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN— with built-in trunk; mechanically okeh. Its original gleaming black duco finish hasn’t a scratch on it. Real good tires. Special .................... It Will Pay You To drive to King’s Grocery for your needs in groceries and meats. PEANUT BUTTER— IQ/» Wadhams fancy 16 os. jar ..................... 1Ï7C QUAKER OATS— Quick or regular Small 1 A tins 2 for û J C TOMATO SOUP— Campbells 1 3 tint for RAISINS Seedless 4-lb pkg. TOILET SOAP White King bar Golden Bantam 2 tint 2 for Lg. Pkg. RICE Extra Fancy Blue Rose 25c SAUER KRAUT— Wadhams | *) 2H tin» ........................ Wadco Cut GRAPE NUTS WHEATIES PAPER TOWELS Clinic ’37 PLYMOUTH SEDAN—with built-in trunk; mechanically tops; tires nearly new; upholstery •perfect. Would ordinarily sell for $545, Special ........... IMS ’37 CHRYSLER ROYAL COUPE—Rumble seat. Mechanically tops. Extra good tires. Jan. N.A.D.A. is $523. Today’s special ’39 MERCURY 2-DR. SEDAN—Built-in trunk; appearance perfect; mechanically first-class, and a whale of a value at ................. - ’36 STUDEBAKER PRESIDENT COUPE— This model Studebaker is famous for its abundance of power and smart streamlin- '37 LA SALLE COUPE— A mighty fine car throughout. Would ordinarily sell for $675, including radio. January N.A.D.A. $625, but in this clearance event ....................... - $475 2 lbs. Large bar IVORY SOAP MACARONI CORN— No. 1-lb. tin OXYDOL *?^/» Broken slice No. Wadhams package PINEAPPLE— 2H COFFEE 9c 3 lbs. 14c Pkg. 13c 2 Pkgs. 23c 3 rolls 25c .................... $435 ’36 GRAHAM SEDAN—Has radio, heater. Unusually fine condition. Would ordinarily sell $100 more than we’re asking. January N.A.D.A. is $840 but at this special stock­ reducing event .................................... $295 ’37 PLYMOUTH COUPE—This Plymouth is popular as a car because it offers so many mechanical features. Extra special .... $465 ’36 AUBURN SEDAN—with built-in Has extra fine motor. A real buy at... trunk. $365 Specials for Friday and Saturday, Jan. 12 and 13 King’s Grocery anil Market Where Your Jlonrij Ihujs More Ph. 91 At the New Mile Bridge 2 Deliveries Daily Hear Vernonia Round-Up Time Every Thursday at 11:30 a. m., KWLK 1.00 others from which to select L. D. Sperber, E. G. Roediger and J.Bevill will be in charge Braley & Graham Inc. Buick Distributor* for Oregon