PAGE TWO VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON her duties in Hillsboro as the first J y€>UK TOWN’S TOPICS home demonstration agent in Wash­ ington county. Because of the con­ tinued interest of women of that county in the service of a home demonstration agent, an appropria­ tion for this work was made for this year. Miss McCrae is Principal McCrae’s sister. Aloha, had both jaws broken, a number of teeth smashed, and sev­ ere cuts on his face when the bi­ cycle he was riding collided with a car at Aloha last Saturday Mr«. Green 111--- night. The Prinks were former Mrs. Lytle Green has been very residents of Vernonia where LeRoy ill with the flu at the home of her mother, Mrs. Dan Cason, since be­ attended Lincoln school. fore Christmas. The Greens reside Fails and Breaks Wrist— in Medford where Mr. Green has Mrs. Mossman, mother of Mrs. employment as a government en­ Here Sunday— Gene Shipman, had the misfortune Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Kullander of to fall and break her wrist recently. gineer. Milwaukie spent the past Sunday Former Residents Here— at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. At Port Townsend— Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Thompson Fred Ervin and Fritz Hausler, and Mr. and Mrs. O. D. McCabe, Kullander. who joined the Coast Guard re­ formerly of Vernonia, visited at Here from California— cently are stationed at Port Town­ the E. Frazee and E. M. Bollinger Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hammond send, Washington, according to last homes, respectively, Sunday, The of Red Bluff, California, arrived reports from the boys. visitors reside in Portland. in Vernonia last Thursday to visit friends and relatives of this city. Pioneer Fiddler Honored— Improving from Infection— Samuel Walker, violinist, of For­ Mrs. Hammond is the sister of Bert Michael Grady, son of Mr. and est Grove celebrated his 87th birth­ Mrs. John Grady, is improving from Moulton. day anniversary Tuesday, January an extended illness due to strepto­ Montana Visitor--- 2, at the home of his son, Raleigh Miss Helen Buchele of Lewis- Walker in Forest Grove. Mr. and coccic infection. town, Montana, visited Eleanor Mrs. Ellis McGraw and family were In Portland Saturday--- Poetter over the holidays, Eleanor among those attending the dinner Mrs. Alice Estey and Mrs. Dave and Helen are cousins. party honoring the pioneer violinist; Marshall were in Portland last Sat­ Mrs. McGraw formerly of Vernonia urday. They returned the same Hauslers III— Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Hausler have and Mrs. Frank Hartwick of Ver­ evening. been quite ill with the flu during nonia are nieces of the well known To Work for Local Barber— the past week. They are improving musician. Arthur Kilby, who graduated at this time. from Mohler Barber College in Locates in Hillsboro--- Miss Kathleen McCrae, f ormer Portland January 8, will work in LeRoy Prink Injured— LeRoy Prink, ten year old son teacher of home economics in the the J. L. Howard barber shop begun here. of Mr. and Mrs. C. Prink cf Prineville high school; At Douglass Home— Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Perkins and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Crabbe of Ser­ geant Bluff, Iowa, spent the past Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Douglass. Mrs. Crabbe is a school friend of Miss Zonweiss Douglass. The week­ end marked the 12th year since the families had visited. In St. Helens— New and Used Parts Miss Mildred Weed spent weekend in St. Helens with and Mrs. Elza Weed. are as far apart as the poles, and it is the old father himself who makes the move that is so inevit- able. ACTRESS BRINGS ENTIRE SCHOOL TO HOLLYWOOD— An entire school, including facul­ ty and students, traveled from New York to Hollywood when Mme. Marie Ouspenskaya, noted Russian actress, started her role in “Judge Hardy and Son,” showing at the Joy Theatre Sunday and Monday. Mme. Ouspenskaya, I Moscow Art Theatre star, founded a dramatic institute in New York some years ago. “Judge Hardy and Son” sees Mickey Rooney turn amateur detc- tive, get into girl trouble galore thereby, and amid his comedy trials and tribulations prove himself a hero and inspire his father to a new courage in a poignant heart- interest moment. Gas and Oil Expert Auto Repairing LYNCH AUTO PARTS RIVERVIEW Phone 773 YOV MAY UK SUHK that when you see the sign “GRADE A MILK and CREAM” that you and your family’s health is being safe­ guarded. You get this assurance at the j COLORFUL, COSTLY SETS I BUILT FOR LLOYD FILM, Ill— I“RULERS OF THE SEA”— Mrs. Rex Pemble has been ill No less than twenty motion with the flu the past week. ture sets, including some of most colorful and costly sets ever Has Flu— Mrs. Harry Emmons is ill with constructed, were required for the new Frank Lloyd film, “Rulers of the flu. the Sea,” epic story of the triump Wilma Adams in Hospital— of steam over sail which Para­ Mr. and Mrs. At Crist, Joe Arm­ mount will present on Thursday at strong, Mrs. Mike Stolen and son, the Joy Theatre with Douglas Fair­ Vernon, visited Wilma Adams in St. banks, Jr., Margaret Lockwood and Vincent’s hospital Sunday. She is Will Fyffe, great Scottish charact­ suffering from a broken arm. er actor, in the starring roles. Among the sets built were two Suffer with the Flu— 0. T. Bateman and Jake Boss ections of the harbor of Greenock- are among those suffering with the n-the-Clyde, Scotland, as it looked in the early nineteenth century, flu. London’s West India docks of the Take Sunday Trip— • me period, the engine room of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Bond, Mr. the “Dog Star,” first ship to cross and Mrs. 0. H. Kaphammar and the Atlantic by power of steam sons, Dickie and Eddie, spent Sun­ ilone, and a completely equipped day in St. Helens and Portland. Scottish machine shop of that earl­ ier day. Move to Vernonia Hotel— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellis moved to an apartment in the nonia hotel. In Portland— Mrs. Frank Lange and Mr. and Mrs. T. L. DeHart were in Portland over the weekend visiting Mr. Lange who is in the St. Vincent’s hospital. Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon Enjoy I lie Winter Itelieving Yourself of llie Tiresome Drudgery of Cleaning! Our call and delivery service and expert work­ manship will return your clothing and laundry articles to you with the appearance of newly- purchased materials. Vornonia Laundry ‘aners VERNONIA, OREGON News of the Theatre ELLIOTT BRINGS LAW TO TEXAS IN TENSE DRAMA— Barking guns and flying fists mark the return to the Joy Theatre of Bill Elliott, colorful star of Col­ umbia’s new series of historical < utdoor action dramas. Elliott is currently seen as a young Texan lawyer, veteran of the Mexican War, assigned by the Governor of the State of Texas to run down and expose an outlaw gang which has been waylaying un­ suspecting ranches • and stage­ coaches. In his effort to clean up a difficult situation, created by an ■>ld law which prevents peace of- fleers from pursuing criminals acron county borders, Elliott dis- guises himself as a fugitive from justice and joins the outlaw band. "NO PLACE TO GO" POIGNANT COMEDY.DRAMA AT JOY— ing conducted by the young people. These services have proven a bless­ ing to the sick and those unable to attend church services. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Bible study and prayer meeting. Thursday 2 p. m. Ladies prayer band. Come and enjoy these services, Good music, singing and preaching. 5 f “ a c t F l - F j FQA BMVtAJ j «» Ion ty l«u t«tu. cars observed ut improper practices such as parking on the wrong side of the street, double parking, mak- ing U-turns, backing against traf- fic, etc. The improper action, the car, its license number and the regist- ered owner are listed in the column and reports from citizens of the town indicate the campaign is hav- ir.g a salutary ef.ect, it was said. Drivers are making it a point of p. ide 'not to be included in the column and as a result driving prac­ tices in the town are being improv­ ed steadily, reports say. Gym Classes to Continue— Gym classes under the direction Safety-minded citizens of Mil- of Mrs. R. D. Eby will continue to waukie are conducting an informal meet each Monday night at 7:15 safety program thut is attracting at the Washington school gym. Re­ considerable attention in the stat’*, gistration is open to any lady wish­ according to an announcement from ing to join. the tra fic safety division of the secretary of state’s office. Mrs. Valpiani— THEY HAD TO FIND VIENNESE Each week the Milwaukie paper Mrs. Ralph Valpiani has been ill FOREST FOR A BACKGROUND— publishes a column dealing with with influenza the past week. Actors have faced screen tests for many years, but when techni­ cians started out to make screen BUS SCHEDULE tests of all the scenic forests in Northern California, it marked the Trips by way of Banks and Forest Grove first time in screen history that Leave Vernonia: Leave Portland: trees and rocks have been tested 8:05 a. in. 8:45 a. m. 1:35 p. tn. 2:45 r- m. for a role. 6:35 p. m. 4:45 p. m. A technical crew covered Cali­ Call Service between Vernonia and Keasey and Pittsburg for fornia to find the “Vienna Woods” Passengers to or from Forest Greve or Points Beyond. for “The Great Waltz,” coming TERMINAL: The Cozy Fountain Tuesday to the Joy Theatre. AGENT: Mrs. Earl L. Smith Beauty spots along the Redwood PHONE: 582 for information Highway, in Napa and Sonoma OREGON MOTOR STAGES counties and about Clear Lake and the Russian River, were covered the screen tests. Mrs. Pemble New and Used Tires FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1940 At The Churches Christian Church —The Livingstones. Ministers Church School at 9:45, M. L. Herrin in charge, closes at 10:50; morning preaching and communion ervice follows at 11:00, subject of he sermon, “A Comforting Assur­ ance”. Service closes at 12 noon. I Christian Endeavor service at 6:30, j public service at 7:30, beginning j a series that will continue every I Sunday and every Wednesday even­ ing until Easter, subject of sermon, “Living Dangerously”, subject for Wednesday evening next, “Dangers of Victory”. The public is cordially invited to attend these special ser­ vices. A young people’s chorus on Sunday evenings under the direction of Mrs. Livingstone is being organ­ ized. LUMBER It is a tale of the sort of people everyone knows, and it deals poig­ nantly with u situation which is universal—the design for living which must be worked out in fam­ ilies where there is an aged parent, >r parents, and children who have •eached maturity and married. The complications begin when the old man, played by Stone leaves ’he old soldiers’ home, where he has been happy and content, at the I insistence of his son, played by Assembly of God Church young Morgan, and moves to the —Rilla M. Sanders, Pastor home of his son and daughter-in- Friday, January 12, 7:30 p. m. law. young people's service. Mrs. Nola All three have the best intentions Brady will be the speaker. but it does not take very long for Sunday services: Sunday School the old man to realize that it would at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 be best for alt concerned if he a. m. Evangelistic service, 7:30 p. made his home apart from that of m. the young couple. The generations j Tuesday 7:30 p. m. Shut-in meet- 4 SHINGLES — VENEER Wholesale and II el ail see my bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $8.75 >er M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to noon. c. it k iff YOUR WEEK’S PROGRAM AT THE Joy Theatre Thursday and Friday, January 11 and 12 DOUBLE FEATURE TH«5*11*«®1*’ «*•»$$$*' mt r EGM* PfADWKIDÍ "ON DRESS PDRUDE PARKE* Saturday, January 13 DOUBLE FEATURE S BIGGEST THRILL SHOW ! Evangelical Church —Harvey R. Scheuerman, Minister 9:45 Church School under the supervision of O. G. Weed, with spiritual instruction. 11:00 Morning worship with spec­ ial music and the pastor speaking rom the subject, “The Beginning ; >f the World". 6:30 The Evangelical League of C. E. meets in three separate roups. You are invited. The Word Applied Daily” 7:30 “ "The is the sermon subject for the even- ng service. The Pollyanna Circle meets with Mrs. Pumula on 2nd Avenue, Corey Hill. Mrs. Hieber will assist. The prayer group meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30. We sre studying the book of Genisis which is becoming beneficial in il­ lumination. 4 Tuesday & Wednesday January 16 and 17 PAL NIGHTS Sunday and Monday January 14 and 15 THE % HOGE HARDY AND SON LEWIS STONE - MICKEY ROONEY LUISE RAINER GRAVET KORJUS with FERNAND CECILIA PARKER • FAY HOLDEN Original Story «od Screen Play by Carey Wilton Directed by George B. Saits F’»Nt Lloro s Mints OF thfsfa Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. MILIZA 1 Thursday and Friday i\ January 18 and 19 k