336176 FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1940 ANDERSONS HAVE NEW YEAR’S GUESTS; MAN TAKEN TO HOSPITAL TREJIARNE—(Special to The Eagle)—New Year's day guests at the Carl Anderson home were Mr. and Mrs. George Ortman, Floyd, Harold and Luella Ortman, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ortman, Bill Purdin, Bessie Hulyrod and Willard Haney all of Forest Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McMullin and family, Paul Cummings, Frances Vike and daugh- motored to Hillsboro on business You Get letter-looking Shaves With This New Gillette BWe At Price! k 1! 1 4 New Kind Of Shaving Edge» On Easy-Fleeing Steel Stand Up Where The Going It Tough t • easy, spick-and-span shaves at rock-bottom cost. Q UICK, That’s what the new Thin Gillette Blade . . 4 for 10c . . . gives you every time. Cutting edges of a radi­ cally different kind protect your skis from smart and burn caused by misfit blades. Your lace looks bettsr ... feels better ... and you eavs real money. Buy a package of Thin Gillettes from your desler today. [Thin Gillette Blades Are Produ^ 3y The Maker Of The Famou Gillette Blue Blae 5 For 25c VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON ter, Louis Haverland and Harry Dickerson. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ortman and Floyd Ortman were guests over night returning home the next day. Ed Houghtaling was taken to the hospital last Wednesday. He has been quite ill from the result of a shock. Alvis Saver, Lawrence Mullins, Art McCrary and Art Blum drove to Forest Grove Tuesday. Mrs. Rilla Snyder spent New Year’s with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Pickens and children spent from Saturday to Monday visiting at Woodburn with Mrs. Picken’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Krebs. Several from this community at- tended the dance at Clatskanie Sat- urday night. Gary Baches was an over night visitor with his grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Mullins, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Leslie spent Mow Year’s with relatives here. Mrs. Betty Schram and children spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davidson, at Helvetia. M . and Mrs. Dewey French and laughter, Ruth, of Kings Valley spent New Year’s with Mr. French’s «other, Mrs. Ed Houghtaling. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carrick and hildren visited at their grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chanellee, if Lebanon over the New Year’s holidays. 'Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thomas spent New Year’s evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alvis Saver and family. School reopened January 2 after i week vacation. Romona McCall ' as left Pleasant Hill school to en­ ol!' at a grade school in Vernonia. Mrs. Webb’s mother is visiting at the home of her daughter here. Mrs. A. H. Wilson is ill at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDaniel and her mother, Mrs. Cox, of Castle Rock, Washington, spent the Christ­ mas holidays with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Al Baches and Gary were New Year’s visitors with Mr. . nd Mrs. Garland Seger and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hulan Thacker and daughter and Mrs. Wilbur Thackei Tuesday. Mrs. Nannie B. Hall of Waldport Winter Clearance DRESSES ALL HATS Were $1.19, $1.98 and $2.98 Were $1.98 & $2.98 NOW $Loo NOW $1.00 All Wool Plaid Jackets Were $3.93 — Now $2.98 The Apparel Shop Peggy Hatfield. Prop. Hear Vernonia Round-Up Time Every Thursday at 11:30 a. m.. KWLK LUMBER — SHINGLES — VENEER Wholesale and Retail my bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $8.75 M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to noon. C. IIHUCE New and Used Parts New and Used Tires Gas and Oil Expert Auto Repairing LYNCH AUTO PARTS Phone 773 RIVERVIEW has been visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Art Kirk. Hullin Thacker and Wilbur Thack­ er motored to Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Falconer and children were Christmas day guests at the home of Otto Stowell in Buxton. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wienecke of Hillsboro spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wien­ ecke. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Hulart Thacker and family were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Thacker in Vernonia. The Kist Unit of Home Demon­ stration met at the home of Mrs. Marvin Hult December 19. Gifts were exchanged by a grab-bag method. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Iris McDonald’s. Chester Wienecke spent New Year’s at Battle Ground, Washing­ ton. Mrs. Clyde Carrick held the meet­ ing for the Quilting Club December 20 when gifts were exchanged and new friendship names were drawn. Santa Claus passed out gifts to all the children from his well loaded pack. Christmas dinner guests at the Garland Seger home were Mr. and Mrs. James McCrary and Art Mc­ Crary, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thomas, Mrs. Elizabeth Mullins, Lawrence and Ervin Mullins, Harry Hender­ son, Myrtle Stacey, Mr. and Mrs. Al Baches and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Alvis Saver and children and the host and hostess. Goose and turkey were enjoyed, having been sent by Mr. and Mrs. Murrell Peterson of Sherwood, North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Schram spent Christmrs at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson, at Helvetia. The occasion also being the 60th birthday of Mrs. Schram’s father. Ervin Mullins sprained his ankle luring the Christmas vacation and __ nonAval davs days here here with with his ^pent several sister, Mrs. Garland Seger, Mrs. Alvis Saver and Mr. and 1 and Mrs. Elizabeth Mullins children , ---- spent Wednesday at the Al Baches home in Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Charles VanDoren of Forest Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Shelton of Portland were Sunday guests at the Carl Anderson home. Merle Jones and his sister, Jean, came up from Seaside the first of the week for a few day’s visit with their father. Mrs. Clyde Harmon.’s mother and father were guests at the Harmon home for a while last week. They are from Olympia, Washington. The Nehalem river is quite high owing to the recent heavy rains. The Otto Bittner family were New Year's dinner guests of their son, Thomas Osborn and wife. The residents of Mist regret learning of J. Wesley Broughner’s accident. “Old West” was a familiar figure in our village streets a few years ago. He came to the valley some thirty years ago. Earl Holce returned for the Christmas holidays from Bend where ha has been because of his health. During his stay here he suffered an attack of the grippe and Mrs. Holce had to take him to Portland for medical care, We are not in posses- sion of the latest news regarding him. PARKERS, GRAVES HOSTS TO FRIENDS ON NEW YEAR’S DAY RIVERVIEW—(Special to The Eagle)—Florence Biggs and Ruth Boeck visited Dorothy Myers Sun­ day afternoon. 'Mr. and Mrs. L. C. i Boeck and daughter, R ith, had I dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Counts and family on New Year’s day. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gwin and daughters, Dorothy Ann and Shar­ on, were dinner guests New Year’s day of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gwin. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing were guests New Year’s eve of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gwin. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bell and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lynch over the weekend. Dick Lynch was in Portland Sat- irday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lynch visited Mr. and Mrs. George Bell New Year’s eve. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parker, Mr. Henry Glahn, Dad Buffmire, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parker and child- ren, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gill and son were all dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Parker New Year’s day. Mr. and Mrs. Chick Johnson re- pirned from Washington Saturday A. DOWLING RETURNS and visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom FROM HOSPITAL; THE Magoff. Wallace Buffmire was a weekend BR1DGERS ENTERTAIN visitor of the H. E. Parker family. MIST—(Special to The Eagle) — Mrs. Alma Sitts and Mrs. George A happy and prosperous New Peachey were visitors New Year’s Year to everyone is our wish. eve at Mrs. Noble Dunlap’s. Floyd Libel took his father to Floyd Deeds visited Mrs. Noble Portland Tuesday for a checkup by Dunlap Monday evening. the doctor. Mr. Libel is getting Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bennett of along fine. Birkenfeld spept mt New Year Yes ’s day Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bittner spent at the home o if ’ Mr. and Mrs. John Monday evening with the Austin Atkins. Dowling family. Mr. end Mrs. W. T. Graves en­ Mr. and Mrs. Walt Batson and tertained at their home New Year’s Agnes spent a few days last week day Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Graves and in Portland and vicinity. son and Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Graves. Shady Lane spent Christmas at Relatives and friends who visited Birkenfeld with friends. at the home of L. C. Boeck on Austin Dowling came home from Christmas were L. A. Boeck, O. W. the Coffey Hospital in Portland Boeck, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert two weeks ago where he had been Counts, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Brown­ or the past two months with a ing and son. Out of town guests carbuncle at the brain base. He is were: William Boeck of Roseburg, gaining in health now, although Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Creson of not able to work. Coquille, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tuesday morning the youngsters Boeck and children, Bernice and returned to their school duties after Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. Gene a week and some day’s vacation. Willard of Portland, Dr. Young of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Osborn Toledo, and Franque Fitzgerald of motored to Salem over the weekend Forest Grove. taking Mr. Osborn’s grandparents L. C. Boeck and daughter, Ruth, back home after their spending a and Mrs. Johnny Counts were Port­ while at the Osborn home. land visitors on Friday. Mrs. Otto Bittner hat her sister, Miss Florence Biggs of Wauna Mrs. Rose Pope, from Portland as is visiting her aunt, Mrs.. Ruby a guest Christmas. Biggs. Miss Esther Peterson, a teacher of The 4-H Club of Natal school music in the Corbett school, was a are presenting next Saturday at 8 guests last week for a few days p. m. “Ali Baba and the Forty at the Robert Berg home. Thieves” at the Natal Grange hall, Mrs. L. Wikstrom was a caller The pupils have devised colorful at the L. B. Eastman home recently. costumes; a good program is ex- Mrs. I. E. Knowles and Mrs. Ray pected. Garlock motored to Forest Grove G. W. Gibson was a dinner guest Tuesday. at the home of Claude E. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Borgie are staying New Year’s day. with her grandparents for a while, they have been living at Sequin, Washington. The L. Wikstrom family were movie visitors in Clatskanie New Year’s eve. Irving Knowles’ folks purchased a new Plymouth car around Christ­ FOR RENT—Modern 4-room house, newly painted and papered; new mas. Mr. and Mrs. Bridgers entertained linoleum on three rooms; garag< with a dinner party Sunday before and shed; place fenced. Inquire of Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. De­ Mrs. Otto Carlson, Riverview. ltl Rock from Glenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin DeRock and Mr. and Mrs FOR SALE—Buff Orphington chic­ Kenneth Smith and Bonnie were kens. 22 hens and a rooster for among those enjoying the dinner. »18. J. M. Peachey 11.3— Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dowling and family had Xew Year’s dinner with BOY—15, wants work for board their daughter and family at Elsie. and room while attending school. Bob Lindsey was a vitlage shopper Can milk. Reference. Inquire A. L. from Natal Saturday. Parker. It3— Classified Ads PAGE FIVE FOR SALE—Saddle pony, gentle FLOWERS for children. Did growth wood; Corsages — Cut Flower» will deliver. Seven pigs. G. A. Rig­ Potted Plants gins, Rock creek. It3 Sprays for Funerals Bush Funeral' Home 6tf— FOR SALE—Weanling pigs. Charles Phone 592 Schmidlin. Phone 13F51 ltl__ FOR SALE—Ten-ton truck or wag­ on scales. Heavy Vaughn drag WANTED—Shake boards and shin­ gle bolts; one-half bf 25 double saw, 2 blades. John Deer plow. splits. Cedarwood Timber company, Spike tooth harrow. Viking cream Timber, Oregon. See Mr. Thomp­ separator, 400 cap. Excellent con- son at Timber. 46tf__ i dition. A. L. Parker 52t3— Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon Values for Smart Shoppers— You get double satisfaction when you trade at Sam and Bob’s—the satisfaction of buy­ ing your foods at low prices, and the satis­ faction of receiving guaranteed, finest qual­ ity foods. Phone orders handled promptly. DELIVERY SCHEDULE------ Corey Hill—10 A. M. and 3 P. M. O-A Hill and East Side—10:30 A. M. and 3:30 P. M. Phone 761 Quantity Orders Gladly Delivered SAM aiiid BOB Grocery & Market LET US HELP YOU LIGHT-CONDITION A light meter survey will quickly show whether you have enough light to read in bed comfortably. Our Home Advisor can tell you the minimum size lamp bulbs you need in each lamp you use for reading. If your dining room table is also used for studying, you need a 150-watt bulb or a fixture with 3-lit< bulb. She'll show you how to work more com* fortably in a light-conditioned kitchen, Perhaps a Silvered Bowl bulb will do is Oregon Gas & Electric Co.