FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1939 BASKETBALL TEAMS ORGANIZE MONDAY; DANCE SUCCESSFUL Christian Church —The Livingstones. Minister. Church School at 9:45; Commun­ ion and Preaching at 11:00; sub­ ject of the sermon, “The Christ of the Years”. In lieu of the usual evening services, the Christmas Program will be given as a vesper service at 6 o’clock. Prayer Meet­ ing of Wednesday evening at 7:30 o’clock, subject, “The Ultimate Triumph of the Kingdom”. TIMBER—(Special to The Eagle) —The dance given Saturday night in the gymnasium by the Sub-Deb gills was a grand success. They cleared $12.90. Albert Karpstein spent Monday in Beaverton at the home of his parents. Mrs. Alice Hensley visited Fri- dry night in Portland at the home of her mother, Mrs. Williaf Baxter. Alvin Cornett spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. Cornett is an S. P. operator and was working recently in Clackamas and at pres­ ent is in Dallas. Governor Sprague to Be Timber grade school has joined One of Speakers for An­ the Western Washington County Basketball League again this year. nual Gathering The league opens on January 5. The annual meeting of the Ore­ Timber’s first game will be against gon State Teachers’ Association Gales Creek at Timber at 2:30; will be held at the Lincoln High the second, against Manning at School in Portland Wednesday, Banks. Players trying for places December 27 to Friday, December on the team are: Bobby Ramsey, 29. Louis Sellers, Alvin Meury, Russell Governor Sprague, Jessie Ward- Dunn, Albert Porter, Dale Bonnell, law Williams, Professor of Educa- arid Richard Turley. tion, Chico State College and Dr. The Reehers CCC camp played Carl Sumner Knopf, President of the Scotts Cowboys of Forest Grove the Southern California Academy in the Timber gymnasium on Thurs­ of Sciences and Director of Religi­ day, December 14. Timber CCC ous Activities, University of South­ won 42 to 46. ern California, will be some of the Mrs. Courtney Syverson of Beav­ principal speakers to be present. erton was a visitor Thursday at In addition to general assemblies, the home of Mrs. William Huffman. of greet interest to the teacher are Nick Vanderzanden o' Wheeler the sectional meetings at which ws a Sunday visitor here, visiting are given demonstrations and dis­ old friends. cussions. of particular subjects. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riggle of Bir- These departmental meetings aTe ker.feld were visitors here Monday very inspirational to teachers maj­ at the homes of Mrs. Riggle’s sis­ oring in a particular field; they ters, Ida Kilburg and Mrs. William afford the chance for the teachers Huffman. Mr. Riggle was enroute to see what is being done in other to Salem on business. classrooms. Mrs. Lewis Wood» of Rainier spent Friday night at the Tallman Dorothy Webb Given heme. A. T. Kilburg went to work at Majority Degree— Dallas Tuesday as S. P. log scaler. Dorothy Webb received her Maj­ At a meeting in Hillsboro on ority Degree at the regular meet­ Monday, December 11, a basketball ing of the Rainbow girls Monday league was formed. Teams in the night, December 18th. Alice Baker league are Gaston, Yamhill, Corn­ acted as Worthy Advisor in con­ elius, Orenco, Hillsboro, two Beav­ ferring the degree which is given erton teams, and Timber town active Rainbow girls when they team. Games will be played on reach the age of 21. Miss Webb Tuesday or Friday at Timber, one presented with handkerchiefs game at home and one on the visit­ was formed in the shape of a ilower ing court. Games will begin on Jan­ in the Rainbow colors. uary 2, 1940. The ceremony was followed by The Timber town team played a a Christmas party for the mothers basketball game with Scotts Cow­ of Rainbow girls. A short program boys of Forest Grove. Timber won under the direction of Lillian Hed- by a score of 38 to 24 »n Monday man consisting of two songs by December 11. Joanne Nichols, a reading by Frances Childs, and group singing of carols preceded the serving of refreshments. Association Of Teachers To Meet At The Churches Evangelical Church— —Harvey R. Scheuerman, Minister 9:45 Church School in which .there will be a short Christmas program by the primary classes, 11:00 Morning Worship hour with 'Christmas sermon on the subject, “The Angel’s Song”, by the pastor and special' music. At 5:00 p. m. the regular Christ- mas program will be presented. There will be no later service. The mid-week service—prayer and Bible study—Wednesday evening at 7:30. The regular time for the S. S. Board meeting is following the prayer service. The Martha Circle meets Thurs­ day afternoon with Mrs. Alice Malmsten on First Ave. Plans Announced for Christmas Observance— The Evangelical Church an­ nounces its plans for observing Christmas. During the Sunday School hour there will be numbers by the individuals and classes >f the primary department. At the vesper hour at 5 o’clock, “Bethle­ hem”, an impressive pageant with scenery and decorations will oe presented. The time of the evening entertainment has been set early because of caroling and “the even­ ing at home with the family”. The public is invited. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA. OREGON [Banquet for Football Men Successful Roger Folgate Heard as Guest Speaker; Credit __ Given Girls’ League The football banquet given last Thursday evening in the Home Ec­ onomics rooms of the high school by members of Girls’ League in honor oif football boys was a highly successful affair. 1 Much credit is due the committee ! of girls who prepared, cooked and served the food. Erma Kent was chairman of that committee. Roger Folgate, guest from Pac- ific University, spoke on football, its history and development to its present place in American sport«. The attending football men, men teachers including Coach McCoy PAGE SEVEN and Principal McCrae expressed Get Letter* from Coast Guard— FOR SALE—Hags, Fancy Blotkers, their pleasure in being able to Fritz Hausler and Fred Erven, dressed. Place orders this Satur­ have as guest speaker for that evening an interesting speaker such Vernonia High School graduates, day. J. O. Kane, Keasey route. received weird from the United 50t3— as Mr. Folgate proved to be. States Coast Guard stating that their entrance examinations had. WANTED—Shake boards and shin­ New Enrollment in been passed satisfactorily and that' gle bolts; one-half bf 25 doublo CCC Announced— the boys were subject to begin I splits. Cedarwood Timber company, There will be an enrollment in active duty within a few weeks. | Timber, Oregon. See Mr. Thomp­ son at Timber. 46tf— CCC January 4, 1940, handled_ as usual by the Columbia County Pub­ lic Welfare Commission. Applica­ FLOWERS tions are being taken at the St. Corsage» — Cut Flower» Helens welfare office and those Potted Plants in the outside areas can indicate Sprays for Funerals their desire to enroll by forwarding Bush Funeral Home a postal card. Plans for enrollment HOLLY WREATHS—75c and up.' Phone 592 6tf— Order yours now. Bush Funeral will then be worked out individual­ ly. Minimum age is 17 years. Home. 50t2— FOR SALE—Order your Christ- -------------------------------------------------1 mas capons. Call 13F555, Henry Here from Cascade College— RADIOS, Lamps, etc. for Christmas Forquer or W. E. Crawford. 49t3 gifts. Bush Furniture Store. *--------------------- Miss Zonweiss Douglass, daught­ er of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Douglass, 50t2— FOR RENT—2 houses, one with 3 returned Friday for the holidays. 1 acres; one with garden spot. Both Miss Douglass is attending Cascade FOR SALE—Prime turkeys for the with city lights. Also sleeping rooms, College in Portland where she is' holidays. Order early. See A. L. W. O. Porterfield, 376 North St. very active in choral work. j Parker or call 572. 50t2— 50t3— Classified Ads . . . llerwy Please! Hie hose that is going places Sheer shiffon crepe hose wrapped^ In cellophane to insure perfection at only .... $1.00 And 3-thread sheer chiffon, also durable pure silk service weight Hose at §9c or Pa’r ^or ...... <¡2.50 — Ladies Purses Large Shipment Just Arrived. A Startling Assortment of Colors and Styles' At Only $1.00 Beautiful Silk Bound 100% Virgin Wool Blankets — Health Ray $13.95 Moth Proof ......................................... Heavy 100% Virgin Wool Blankets, Plain Binding and Beautiful Indian Robes Part Wool Double Elankets Sheet Blankets as low as $9.95 $7.95 $1.98 $1.29 t0 $4.98 ...................69c 7 To Portland— Mrs. Sam Hearing and Evelyn, Mrs. Art Nanson, Mrs. Robert Cline and Mrs. Alton Roberson drove to Portland last Thursday. i Mens’ Gift Problems Made Easy Scarfs, Attractive Rayon Pattern LUMBER — SHINGLES — VENEER Wholesale and Retail See my bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $8.75 jer M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to noon. C. BRUCE 49c Mens’ Fancy Socks—Silk Rayon and All ... Wool . ................. 25c — 35c _ 49c Mens’ Wool-Lined Cape Skin Gloves 1 I $1.49 Boys’ Wool-Lined Cape Skin Glovep 98c Mens’ Slippers — Felt and Leather 98c t() $2.98 Oregon-American LUMBER I Mens’ Pajamas, Outing and Broadcloth $1.49 — $1.69 $1.98 Men«’ Wool Flannel and Cotton Bathrobes $2.98 — $4.98 — $6.90 i Mens’ Hankies 5c — 10c — 15c — 25c Mens’ Box Hankies ..................... 49c ■ Mens’ Fancy Box Dress Socks Four in a box .............................. $1.00 ____ CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon ' % A /