/ VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1939 To Sing Carol*— a fund for Finland relief was start- schools of Vernonia offer for the Mr. and Mrs. Bill’ Morley of Hills­ The young people of the Christ- ed. The church will be pleased to Monday of this week, boro visited here Sunday at the ian Church will go about the city receive gifts for the same during Home from Pacific— Saturday evening singing carols; tM* week, send same to the minist- Lura Shipley home. ers, or Mrs. Joe Peachey, River-' Sonny Sehalock from Pa.ific they will be pleased to receive re­ Holiday» in McMinnville— Vlew. , University in Forest Grove was Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brutkie and quests from any who wish their I home for the weekend. ' Returns for Vacation— son, Leo, left Monday morning for services. ; Albert Haverland, Willamette In Vancouver— McMinnville wnere they plan to Lost and Found— ¡University student from Vernonia Miss Jane Wilkinson spent the Found a way to keep your wife will return to Vernonia this week- spend the holidays. weekend at her home in Vancouver, looking young and staying happy! en(J ior the Christmas __________ ______ _ holidays. Washington. Weekend Spent in Portland— Gise her an EASY (Washer) (Iron- Sci10flt {or Willamette University Mrs. Frank Lange and Mr. and er) for Christmas Only $1.00 a wjj] be dismissed Thursday after­ In Portland— Mrs. Thurman DeHart spent the week at Paterson a Furniture Store. POPn for fhe Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howard weekend in Portland. Return, from Hospital— Mr. Haverland will return from were in Portland Monday on busi- Harold (Whitey) Gay returned Saiem to visit his mother’ Mrs; H- ness. Visit in Oregon City— from St. Vincent’s hospital in Port- Eggleston. Mr. Haverland is a Mrs. Harry Emmons and son, land this week following sufficient freshman at Willamette University Weekend Guests---- Guests from Longview at the Jimmy, spent the weekend at Ore- recovery from an accident involv- having enrolled in the institution Ernest East home last weekend gon City at the home of her broth­ ing a fractured pelvic bone some *n September, | were Mr. and Mrs. Rube Flaughter, time ago. er," Bill Ellis. School Superintendent Visits— 1 Warren Paulson, and Wallace East, (County School Superintendent all of Longview, Washington. Return from Trip to Nebraska Mother Dies in Portland— Miss Ivy and Miss Olive Masters,1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Broderick I Returned home last week from a employed in the office of the Ore­ gon American Lumber Corporation, two week’s visit with Mr. Broder­ were called to their home in Port­ ick’s parents in Nebraska. land Wednesday morning because Hillsboro Visitor»— Y OUI? TOWN’S TOPICS Christmas holidays. He is attending Marvin Porterfield had the mis- Linfield College in McMinnville. fortune to cut his left ear when he accidentally fell against an iron Returns from Portland U.— brace in the dry kilns at the Oregon Jack Anderson returned from the American milt Tuesday afternoon. University of Portland the fore I Mr». Duncan 111— part of the week to spend the holi- Mrs. Ross Duncan has been ill days with his family, the C. A. I since last Friday. She is suffering Andersons. with arthritus. Here from Wamic— Man Injured at Mill— A. J. Stockton, of Wamic, Ore­ Clifton Hiatt returned to Ver- gon, is here visiting at the George nonia Tuesday of this week for the Johns’ home. Home for Holidays---- HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX Christmas Specials SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER Regular $15.00 — One left for............ $12.00 Electric Beater and Food Mixer — 3-piece Set Regular $17.95 — This week special .... $14.98 The Forest Grove Spending Christmas in California— Mr. and Mrs. Ed Salomonser. left Thursday, today, for Los Angeles to spend the Christmas holidays with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Davies. Celebrates Birthday Sunday— Electric Sandwich Toaster and Cooker Waffle Iron $3.49 Special .......................... $3.90 Electric Hair Dryer Electric Toaster .............. ...... $2.25 Special ................. $1.98 Electric Stove for Coffee Makers 1 i only $1.25 Unbreakable Flash Lights (Less Batteries) $1.15 Chromium Plated Coffee Set with Tray Regular $8.50 — Now of the death of their mother who has been ill for some time. Funeral services will be held in Portland Thursday at Edward Holman and Sot. at 2:30. Burial services will be Saturday at Calispell, Montana, former home of the Masters family. The Masters’ Portland address is 1714 S. E. 54th Street. Vernonia, Oregon Phone 181 IXHZHZHXHZHXHZHXHZHXHZHZHXN Invites Yon To Bank By Mail if Inconvenient To Come In Person Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Watts and daughter, Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Observe “Finland Day”— The Christian Church observed Lachine and son, Alvin, were Sun­ day guests at the Rex Pemble home “Finland Day” on last Sunday and The dinner was in honor of Mrs Lachine’s birthday. J. A. Thornburg, President. “THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK” i Hiatt, Choir Member— Clifton Hiatt, a member of the Linfield College A Cappella choir, sang in that music group’s seven concerts of this holiday season Sunday evening, December 17, the choir, under the direction of it; leader, Mrs. Virginia Ward Elliott gave the last of its Christmas re citals in the White Temple Memor­ ial Church, Portland. The group which features Christmas carols, is one of the outstanding robed choirs in the Northwest. The repertoire this year has included appearance in Salem, Portland, Oregon City and McMinnville. / Sunday Vesper Service— Hoffman Hardware Co. National Bank a REAL The Christian Church will’ hole’ the pregram of the Christmas tid< as a Vesper Service on Sunda evening at 6 o’clock thus a fordin those attending the opportunity o spending the evening at home. « -St:? JTZT I U,. I Our Paper and 5 Magazines SWEET POTATOES— Wadhams Each forOne Year-A Total of 152 Issues nr* Squat tins 2 for CRANBERRY SAUCE Ocean Spray *] r 13C 16-oz. tin .......................... newspaper Wadhams i n 1“C BRAZIL NUTS— 29c 2 Pounds WALNUTS— 2 Pounds ......................... Large Extras .... Mediums COFFEE Wadhams 1-lb tins 9c 27c Don't Forget Our Meat Department All kinds of Choice Meats and Poultry Please place your orders for turkeys before Friday. 2 for TOMATO JUICE No. 1 tins POPCORN 21c 18c Bulk I 2 pounds 15c 4 rolls Clinic TOILET TISSUE 15c 19c 5-oz. bottle..... gc MIXED NUTS— Superior Grade 19c Pound MIRROR, ROAST PEANUTS— 2 Pounds ......................... YOU GET ALL SIX publications for ONE FULL YEAR, and if you are al­ ready a subscriber to ANY of these well-known publications, your present subscription will be extended one full year. Return the coupon below to our office AT ONCE, and you will receive FIVE BIG MAGAZINES and THIS NEWSPAPER—152 issues in all— for only $3.00. ORDER AT ONCE before we have to withdraw this offer, or advance the price. « 23c PLAIN MIX CANDY— TOILET SOAP Camay 3 bars 17c SWEET PICKLES Pheasant Jar 25c OYSTERS Pheasant 5-oz. tins ..2 for 25c PEACHES Wadhams No. 2i/2 tins .... J5C 23c 2 Pounds FRUIT COCKTAIL GUM DROPS— Big Jell 23c 2 Pounds USE THIS COUPON AND SAVE $2.00 THE VERNONIA EAGL.E VERNONIA, OREGON Date ................................................ ... Enclosed is $3.00 in FULL PAYMENT for a ONE YEAR’S subscrip­ tion to the following SIX publications: _ _ 1 yearAmerican Poultry The Vernonia Eagle 1 year 1 year Journal »Pathfinder (Weekly) 1 yearFarm Journal and Woman’s Home Companion 1 year 1 year Farmer’s Wife Woman’s World Movie Mirror True Romances- *Instead of Pathfinder send me: Town ........................................... QUEEN OLIVES Don Pedro 2’/>-oz. bottle MARASCHINO CHERRIES VALUE $5.00«—........ YOU SAVE $2.00 My Name Is ......................................... 29c Eggs All Six for One Year »PATHFINDER (Weekly) .................52 Issues WOMAN’S HOME COMPANION 12 Issues WOMAN’S WORLD ......................... 12 Issues AMERICAN POULTRY JOURNAL 12 Issues FARM JOURNAL and FARMER’S WIFE ......................... 12 Issues THE VERNONIA EAGLE ............. 52 Issues * If you prefer, you can have TRUE ROMANCES, or MOVIE instead of Pathfinder 31c JELL DESSERT— 4 Pkg.................................. Here's What You Get! Package BISQUICK ..... PUMPKIN CHOCOLATE— Hustler Vanilla 90. 2 Pounds ......................... Z J C PEAS No. 1 tins Wadhams Wadhams 2 for .... 25c No. 2i/2 tins . No. 2 tins 2 for 10c 35c Specials for Friday and Saturday, Dec. 22 and 23 King’s Grocery and Market Where Your Money Ituys More Address ................... Ph. 91 State *. At the New Mile Bridge :■ •) i 2 Deliveries Daily