PAGE FOUR FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1939 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON your reindeer up there? I am glad Dear Santa Claus, The weather is cold here and it for all the toys you have given me freezes nearly every night. On Sat­ and my sister. Goodbye and good Dear Santa, urday and Sunday I like to slide on luck. Merry Christmas. Please bring me an electric train the frost don’t you? I would like to Your ifriend, and a rubber-tired scooter. Mother have a cowlboy suit and a new Edward Fowler razor lor father. And I would like wants a fur coat. to have a tool set too. And would With love, Claus, Dear Santa you send some snow. Goodbye and Bill Shipman This year I want a steam engine Merry Christmas. George McKay and the Wizard of Oz book, a tool Dear Santa, Will you please bring me a real Dear Santa Claus, chest and a movie camera and a wrist-watch and a play typewriter Please send me a Mountie suit, bike and a Big Chief suit. I still that types. Please do not forget the and sled, and a car, and an airplane. got my truck that you brought me rest of my family and the poor 1 want a suit for my father and a children. Please bring Miss Ramsey dress for my Mother. I want a bi­ last year. But will you bring me a a fountain pen and a new dress. cycle this year, and a cowlboy suit. i new door for it? Your pal, With love, 1 want a scooter and some story Robert Reed Eddie Kaphammer books. This is all I want for Christ­ mas. Happy New Year. Goodbye. Claus, Dear Santa, Dear Santa Your ifriend, I want a pair of boxing gloves. I want a didee doll and a doctor Lester DeHart -------- wants a light that goes My brother set and can my little brother have on his bicycle and I want a box of an electric train. Dear Santa.Claus, With love, I have been good this year so Tinkertoys too. That is all. With love, Patsy Parry will you please bring me a doctor Donald Emmons set? My little sister wants a doll Dear Santa, I (Continued on page 5) buggy if you have one. My mother Please bring me a G-man suit and a play machine _ gun that shoots wants a pair olf slippers this Christ­ mas and my brother wants a wagon sparks. Don’t forget the things I that has lights. I do not know what wrote to you yesterday. my Daddy wants. Don’t forget to With love, come at my grandmother’s house Calvin Mitchell’ this Christmas. We all wish you a happy Christmas and through the Dear Santa, Do you have a dydee doll with a New Year. With love, suitcase full of clothes and a bike Sheala xnd please give Mother a red silk I dress. Can Sam have a trike? Claus, Dear Santa With love, I want a bicycle please. This year Earline Carriker How is the weather up there this year, Santa Claus? How are Dear SaVa, r. Will you please bring me a real reindeer? I hope they are all see us and come so you can wrist watch and a pair of roller Expert Refrigerator skates and Lynn wants a tricycle. ren. With love. Don’t forget the family. Service Dale Hunt With l ’ ove, Household and Commercial Dorothy McDonald Dear Santa Claus, BERT EASTMAN This year I want a pair of high Dear Santa, Paterson*« Furniture Store Can you bring ine an accordian topshoes and my sister wants a doll and a red wrist watch. Bring me with hair and doctor’s set. How are something for my baby sister and brothers and mother wants a refrig­ PAINTING '/4 Price erator. PAPERHANGING With love, CALSOMINING Stonewall Jackson Goodbye, Leo Parker A WELCOME SOUND NOT HEARD FOR SOME TIME— THE MOST RECENT CITY ORDINANCE BADLY NEEDED— THE CITY council at their last meeting passed an ordinance which can easily prove of great value to children of the city in that it regulates the use of bicycles, thereby pro­ viding a means of regulation and protection. Bicycle riders seldom take necessary pre­ cautions for their own safety, especially when riding at night. The first section of the regula­ tion takes into consideration that particular danger of afternight riding. Few bicycles have lights in any degree suitable to illuminate them so that motorists may be made aware of their presence. According to the ordinance, bicycles must carry a forward light visible at a distance of at least 300 feet in normal weather conditions and a rear light or reflect­ or visible at a distance of at least 200 feet. With such lights the bicycle rider may be assured of a less degree of danger to him­ self and the car driver will enjoy a greater feeling of ease from the thought that he may accidentally strike a bicycle that he could not see at night until it was too late to avoid an accident. Another feature of the ordinance that cannot go amiss, if enforced strictly to the letter, is that prohibiting riding on sidewalks in the business district. Accidents to pedes­ trains have resulted in death from such ac­ tions. Such cases are rare but possible and many injuries do come as the result af the use of sidewalks for bicycle paths. That sec­ tion of the ordinance certainly cannot but be worthwhile. A third feature of the ordinance that warrants comment is the regulation placing __ ,__ ____________ bicycle riders in the same classification as operators of other vehicles and requiring those riders to be subject to provisions of laws of the State of Oregon dealing with that subject. This feature makes it imperative to observe traffic laws and thereby adds another measure of safety. It is also commendable to note that the Safety Club of the Washington grade school has been studying bicycle regulations enforced by the city of Eugene. Education of children to the danger which may arise from careless­ ness will bring better observance of the rules of the ordinance and provide an understand­ ing of the regulations that would not be gain­ ed otherwise. Verncnia Easle MARVIN KAMHOLZ, Editor and Publisher Entered as second class mail matter, August 4, 1922, at the post office in Vernonia, Ore­ gon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Rate $2 per year Local advertising rate: 26 cents per column inch Foreign advertising rate: 35 cents per column inch Classified advertising rate: Minimum 25 cents, 5 cents per line, three insertions for price of two. Legal advertising rate on request Reader advertising rate: 10 cents per line. Official newspaper of Vernonia. Oregon THE BEGINNING of work at the Oregon American mill last Wednesday again brought sounds of an activity that have been missed since the shut down which began September 25th. The beginning of work will bring joy to many families which have been without income since that time and will make possible a far more joyous Christmas than otherwise would have been possible should the shut down have continued longer. The end of difficulties came through the proposal to arbitrate the disagreement, the proposal of settlement being submitted by IWA local No. 37 and requiring an arbitra­ tion board to bring about a final decision. Regardless of that decision, whatever it may be, men whose livlihood depended upon work in the mill and at the logging camp are again gainfully employed and will be able to pro­ vide needed funds for their families. What the decision of the arbitration board may be remains to be learned at the end of the 15-days time set aside for that purpose. It is to be hoped that the findings and recom­ mendations of that group may be satisfactory to both sides involved and that no future difficulties may arise which will result in a shutdown such as the one just experienced. Should a difficulty arise it is to be hoped that a board of arbitration may be called upon immediately to give ultimate decision. A DECISION TO BE GIVEN IN 120 DAYS— A SIZEABLE crowd representing practic­ ally every portion of the proposed people’s utility district was present at the public hear­ ing of the Oregon Hydroelectric Commission last Saturday to learn as much concerning the proposal as possible. The commission’s pur­ pose here was not one of explanation of the district but to hear arguments both for and against the proposal, that data to be used by the commission in rendering a decision as to feasibility of the district’s formation. As was stated at that time the decision will be given in 120 days. Then will be learn­ ed the results of the commission’s investiga­ tion. The commission is composed of members capable of making a thorough study of con­ ditions prevailing here and whether those con­ ditions warrant a district to purchase Bonne­ ville electricity. A number of arguments were presented on both sides of the question with varying opinions being expressed. However, as stated before, feasibility of such a district will be learned when the commission has made public its opinion. COMMERCIALIZING ON THE CHRISTMAS TREE— Business Professional Directory Dear Santa, May I have a pair of skates and i scooter and a big bingo-set. Please Jo not forget all the others and please Santa will you give Benny, my little brother, a stocking full' of candy. Santa please bring Miss Ramsey an electric stove. With love, Donna Lee Plymale Dear Santa, May I have a housekeeping set and please don’t forget the poor children. With love, Norma Simonatti Dear Santa,. Please bring me a pair f roller skates and a toy typewriter that really types and a toy ifire engine, Please bring Johnny a teddy bear with long hair. With love, Albert Woolsey Dear Santa, I want a dydee doll and a pair of skates and a violin and do not for­ get Pauline wants a teddy bear and Patsy wants a Shirley Temple doll. With love, Bernadine King Onh lOc ■ Day Save over % on all standard office mod­ els. Also portables at reduced prices. SEND NO MONEY All late models completely reflnlshed like brand new. FULLY GUARAN­ TEED. Big free catalog shows actual machines in full colors. Lowest prices. SEND AT ONCE. >31 W. Monroe St., Dept. 934, Chicago First Grade Dear Santa Claus, I want a little doll for my little doll bed. Daddy made the bed. With love, Tern pie DeHart Dear Santa iClaus, I want a fire car, a fire hat and a machine gun. With love, Ralph Kent Dear Santa Claus: I want one of those guns with arrows and a bow. I want to go hunting. With love, Marvin Brissett Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia Dentist I Joy Theatre Bldg. Phone 662 I__________________ LODGES First Meets J. E. TAPP All Kinds of Wood Prompt Delivery V. F. W and Phone 241 Third Fridays of Each Legion Month. 8 P. M. Month. Letters tc Santa Claus LINCOLN SCHOOL ------ Dr. U. J. Bittner Free coarse in typing included International Typewriter Exchange John Grady, Commander AN ITEM appearing last week in the news items chronicled from the Stoney Point sector mentioned an activity being carried on Vernonia F. O. E. Santa, which is each year gaining in importance in Dear (Fraternal Order of Eagles) Please bring me an electric train the Northwest. The news item mentions that and a sidewalk bike and a pair of “regular trips were being made to Portland skates and that is all. With love, with Christmas trees.” Grange Hall Lester Wells The cutting, packing and shipping of Vernonia Christmas trees is gaining in importance as Dear Santa, Friday Night« Please bring me an electric train a seasonal industry which helps to swell funds and a bow and arrows. at the holiday season for those so engaged 8 o’clock With love, and at the same time it makes possible the Barney McKay enjoyment of those trees by children and Roy Barnes, W. P. Santa, grown ups who otherwise would probably not Dear May I have a pair of roller skates Marvin Kamholz, W. Sec’y. be able to procure a small fir tree for the day and a trick don ' ' and ' please ' ’ ’t * forget x which it has grown to symbolize in many Maria and Mother. Knights of Pythias With love, countries. Harding Lodge No. 116 Lavonna Brownlee Showing that the industry has grown in Vernonia, Oregon size, a portion of a recent newsreel appearing Dear Santa, Meetings:—I. O. O. F. Please give me a pair of skates here gave mention to the shipping of those Hall, Second and trees to far distant points in many countries. and a doll. Fourth Mondays Each With love, Annalee Lewis another princess doll, and a wind­ up doggie and a wind-up cat and Dear Santa, a really gun for my brother. Please I just want a scooter. With love, With love, Aladene Crume Betty Lou Frazee Dear Santa Claus: I want a sweater and a cop suit. Dear Santa Claus: Dear Santa. I want a doll buggy and a doll Please bring me one bow and With love, that sleeps. twelve arrows and a $1.00 tractor Billy Eckland With love, set. Betty Huntley With love, Dear Santa Claus: _Jerry Jerome Oakes I want a boys’ and girls’ doctor Dear Santa Claus: set and a little dolt with hair on it. doll that costs $3.00, a Dear Santa. I want a With love. set of dishes and a doll house. I want a long haired teddy bear Hazel Fowler With love, and a wagon and an accordian and Gloria Lane please remember everyone. Dear Santa Claus: With love. I want a cowboy suit and a Dear Santa Claus: Mary Anne Clark stream-line wagon. I want a pair of skates, a doll __ With love. bed and a dolly with curls, a violin, Dear Santa. Gerald Millis a pair of shoes and a dress, a pair Please bring me a real live rabbit of stockings and galoshes, and I and a toy gun. Dear Santa Claus: want a wagon and a car for my With love, I want a really doctor set. a George Hoibson princess doll. Sleeping Beauty, and little brother. With love, Dear Santa. Claudine Gibson Please will you bring me a scoot- Dear Santa Claus: er and a wagon and something for I want a wagon that has lights my baby brother and a real wrist on and a football. watch and some candy. Please don’t With love, forget the rest of the family and Clayton Shaber the poor children. With love, Dear Santa Claus: Wesley Ade I want a dolly that has long curls and a didy doll and an accord­ Dear Santa, ian. May I have an electric train and With love, an accordian. Doris Gilman With love, Bobby Adams Dear Santa Claus: I want a wagon that ras lights LINCOLN SCHOOL on and a $1.98 tractor. Third Grade With love. Ralph Sawyer Dear Santa Claus, I want a cowboy suit and a wag- LINCOLN SCHOOL on and a tool chest. How are your Second Grade reindeers? I hope they are all 1 right Dear Santa. and I want a pair of skiis. May I have an accordian and that With love. is all I want James Brewer BOB MORRELL 376 B Street Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple No. 61 Vernonia, Oregon Meeting«:— 1. O. O. F. Hall Second and Fourth Wednesdays Each Month Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular Communi­ cation first and third Wednesdays of each month, at Masonic Temple. All visiting sisters and brothers wel­ come. Mrs. Jean Crawford, W.M. l|40 Mrs. Helen Dewey, Secretary A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, Stat­ ed Communication First Thursday of each month. Special called meetings on all other Thursday nights, 7:30 p. m. Visitors most cordially wel- come. Special meeting« _ Friday night«. Lowell Hieber, W. M. Glenn F. Hawkins, Sec. VERNONIA POST 11» AMERICAN LEGION Meet« First and Third Wednesdays AUXI1 IARY First and Third Monday« Expert Tonsorial Work BEN’S BARBER SHOP Vernonia, Oregon LESTER SHEELEY Attorney at Law Bank of Vernonia Bldg. Phone 231 Roland L. Treharne Expert Automobile Repairing WELDING ROLAND’S SERVICE STATION BAFFORD BROS. General Plumbing Vernonia Nehalem Valley Motor Freight Frank Hartwick, Proprietor Portland - Timber - Vernonia Sun«et-EI,ie-Sea«ide Vernonia Telephone 1042 CASON’S TRANSFER LOCAL and LONG DIS­ TANCE HAULING SEE US For Your Old Growth 16-INCH FIR WOOD AND CEDAR SHINGLES Roland D. Eby, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Town Office 891 NEAL W. BUSH Attorney at Law Joy Theatre Bldg., Phone 663. In Vernonia Mondays and Tuesday*