I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1939 VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON VOLUME 16, NUMBER 50* Comparison of School Post Office Preliminary Investigation Facts of To Be Open District Finances Proposed Utility District Revealed Saturdays Given in New Report Levy in Mills Increases for City Budget, 1940 Tax Below 1939 Body of Free Movie Mau Found Slated Sat. Near Camp Afternoon Members of the' Hydroelectric Commission of Oregon were in Ver­ Information was released this nonia last Saturday afternoon to week by Postmaster Emil Messing In a report issued by county of­ hold a hearing relative to the filing that announces a change in policy ficials this week a comparison of of preliminary petitions for the of the local post office for each of finances of the school districts ip ..ormation of a peoples ’ utility dis­ the two Saturdays remaining bet­ the county and of the population Matinee to Attract Christ­ trict in the Nehalem valley. Carl Anderson Found ween now and Christmas. centers was revealed. The informa- A fairly large crowd was present Near Home at O-A Camp mas Shoppers; Two Runs The Vernonia post office, accord­ tion given below, although not com­ for the afternoon to listen and Following Search to Be Made give opinions both pro and con Regular Games Not to ing to the announcement, will re­ plete, gives a comparison of the The management of the Joy regarding the proposal. The petit­ Be Scheduled Until After main open all day on both Satur­ The body of Carl A. Anderson, local standing with other parts of day, December 16 and Saturday, 49 year old logger of the Oregon- Theatre announces a free motion ions had been filed some time ago First of Year the county and shows a comparison December 23. The additional ser­ American Lumber Corporation, was picture to be given Saturday after­ and the date of the hearing set between 1939 and 1940. The Vernonia basketball team, vice and time will make it possible discovered Monday lying in the noon, December 16. A comedy after that time. Lester Sheeley, act­ Selecting school district No. 47, sponsored by Local No. 37, IWA, to more easily care for the last ing as chairman of the proposing woods not far from his house near drama “City Limits” with a cast group, spoke in favor of the district Jt., Vernonia, the tax in 1939 was held its first practice session of minute rush of mailing that occurs Camp McGregor. Anderson had been including Ray Walker and Sally as did several others. Also during $15,305.81 while tor 1940 it il the winter last Sunday afternoon at that time, it was stated. At the same time it was urged missing since Friday afternoon. Blaine, and short subjects will be the meeting some sentiment against $26,397.96. St. Helens was 1939, it was announced this week by that all those persons intending to offered free to those Vernonia resi­ the proposition was heard. Several -44,858.88; 1940, 846,961.21; Clats­ Denny Ryves, manager for the mail packages to distant points do When discovered by fellow work­ dents and out-of-town shoppers petitions were filied requesting the kanie, 1939, $25, 798.19; 1940, players. The team was given back­ so as early as possible so that men, who had been searching since removal of property firom the dis­ his disappearance, Anderson’s left here for the afternoon. There will trict. A petition was filed by a $24,478.11; Rainier, 1939, $13,- ing last year by the IWA and was greater certainty of timely delivery hand had been torn and his right be two continuous shows, it is stat­ group from the Mist and Birken­ will be possible and so there will 986.35; 1940, $14,407.65. managed at that time by Ryves. A be less liklihood of damage or loss temple and cheek mutilated badly. ed, starting at one o’clock in the feld district, the Oregon American Union high school district No. 1 good showing was made in games Upon medical examination before Lumber Corporation requested its to mailed articles. the body was moved, it was con­ afternoon and continuing until five. was taxed $32,958.72 in 1939 and last season and it is believed, with property removed as did Clark and cluded that Anderson had been the $30,128.17 in 1940. Wilson. playing material available this year, victim of a heart attack, and that The report of the Hydroelectric that another good team will be the wild animals had caused the mutila­ Commission following its prelimin­ result this season. tion. ary investigation of the district was Wallace McCrae acted as coach given Mr. Sreeley and is given be­ for the group last year but will low for the information it contains: INTRODUCTION not be able to devote sufficient Voters preliminary petitions re­ time to the activity this winter, it questing the Hydroelectric Commis­ Visitors End Encounter in was stated. According to Ryves. Pacific University Coach sion of Oregon to make a prelimin­ Lead by 8-Point Margin; the services of Paul Gordon will be to Be Speaker of Even­ ary investigation of the advisrbility Mrs. W. O. Livingstone to Tie Features 4th Period obtained in the capacity of; coach of creating a people’s utility district ing at Annual Affair Serve as Chairman of if possible. in Columbia and Washington coun­ Beaverton high school defeated The annual football banquet giv­ Group for Coming Year Competition with Forest ties were filed in the office of the The playing squad and lineup the local high school basket ball en by Girls’ League of! the local Hydroelectric Commission on Octo­ Grove Slated for Friday At the meeting of the Vernonia will be given later it was announc­ team here Friday night. The game high school will be held Thursday, ber 18, 1939. Section 56-3405, Ore­ of This Week Library Board Monday night at the ed, «"hen that information is avail­ was a thriller. At the half Beaver­ tonight, at six thirty o’clock in the gon Code 1935 Supplement, being ton led, 15-10. In the last quarter home of Mrs. Paul Gordon, officers able following several practices. The Vernonia Rifle Team won Home Economics rooms. Thirty foot­ a part of the Peoples’ Utility Dis­ the score was tied, 20-20; then for the following year were elected: ______________ ;________ i_______ Beaverton forged ahead in the last its third match last Friday night ball boys, Coach McCoy, Principal trict Law, requires the Hydroelect­ Chairman, Mrs. W. O. Livingstone; few minutes of pls to win to the when it defeated the Johnson Creek MctCrae and other men members ric Commission to conduct a public Club in Portland with the score hearing on said petitions not less Secretary, Mrs. Franklin Malmsten; tune of 30-22. 853-771. The local team has been of the faculty will be guests. than 30 days nor more than 60 days Starting lineup: Treasurer, Mrs. Harry Culbertson. The guest of honor and speaker after the date of filing and also to victorious in each match so far Beaverton Vernonia Mrs. Paul Gordon and Mrs. Wall­ of the evening will be Roger J. present at this time a report of the (4) Jenne this year. Baker (5) F Folgate, coach at Pacific University, Commission’s preliminary investiga­ ace McCrae will also serve on the Fetsch, 173; Nichols, 177; Culbert ­ Parcells (2) F (10) Hagg coach of the Northwest Champions. tion of the proposed district. son, 134; W'agner. 121; Melis, 148; board. (0) Scheller Roeser (3) C Folgate is widely known as a good GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF (1) Pulcipher Ktllmer, 160; Zimmerdahl, 179; spokesman as well as a coach so the Killian (9) G Treharne, 127; Layer, 164; Scha- PROPOSED DISTRICT Scouts to Hold Regular Walker (2) (0) Van Horn G evening is being looked forward to This proposed district is located Meetings Each Wednes­ Substitutions for Vernonia: Mui- fock, 120. The next match will be with the by all those attending the banquet. along the Nehalem River in Colum­ lins, Crawford (1). day Evening, Stated Heidi Keich, president of Girls’ Substitutions for Beaverton: Ny- Forest Grove team Friday, Decem­ League has named as committee bia and Washington counties. It has The Parents Club of the Vernonia ssen (10), Johnston, Foster (4), ber 15; keen competition is antici­ a total area of 83 square miles of chairmen: Erma Kent, Menu; which 68 are in Columbia county pated, according to Bill Nichols. Boy Scouts had its first meeting of Lee, Willis (1). Frances Childs, Entertainment; Jo. and 15 in Washington county. The the year last Monday night at the anne Nichols, Decorations. Two girls area in Columbia county is about Walter Thompson home on the O. 'rom each class will act as wait­ 10 per cent of the county total and 16 Girls’ League Mem­ A. Hill, Mrs. Thompson presiding. A resses. the area in Washington county bers Attend Meeting Sat­ committe made up of Legion mem­ about 2 per cent of the area of urday that county. bers who are sponsoring the Boy The district would extend from Sixteen girls from Vernonia Scouts here introduced the new the Clatsop-Columbia county line, High School' with Miss Alvina Con­ scout master, Ira Baucom, and the just west of Birkenfeld, easterly new assistant scout master, Harold nell, as advisor substituting for and southerly up the Nehalem Riv­ George A. Nelson, County Agri­ McEntire. Redoubled efforts to control tub­ Mrs. Justine Prescott, attended the er to include Timber and West Discussion of the program for erculosis were urged today by Miss cultural Agent, this week released Timber in Washington county. The Lower Columbia Girls’ League con­ 1940 and a temporary plan for the Elsie Witchen, acting executive sec­ facts relative to the November re­ unincorporated communities known ference which convened at Scap­ Boy Scout Court of Honor through retary of the Oregon Tuberculosis port of the Columbia cow testing association: Final Count Recorded at as Mist, Birkenfeld and Pittsburg, poose High School, Saturday, Dec­ which boys are advanced from one association. Number of herds on test: 26, 35-19; Game Proves Al­ and the incorporated city of Ver­ Miss Witchen said that Christmas ember 9. The group traveled to rank to another were principal top­ nonia in Columbia county are in­ Number of cows enrolled, 525, of seals, which are now on sale under ics brought before the group. most Repititious Scappoose in the C. A. Mills’ bus. cluded. A map showing the bound­ Attending the meeting were Mr. auspices of the tuberculosis assoc­ which 83 are dry. Total production: Beaverton defeated the local bas­ aries of the proposed district is in­ The attending members report and Mrs. Fred Zeiner, Mrs. Ray iation, had been a powerful factor milk, 268,548; fat, 12,485.4. Num­ the meeting very inspirational with Plymale, Mrs. George Jchns, Mr. in reducing tuberculosis deaths in ber of 40 lb. cows, 92. Average ketball team on the Beaverton floor, cluded at the back of this report. Tuesday night. Score, Beaverton 35, POPULATION addresses by Deans of Girls from and Mrs. Ira Baucom, Mr. and Mrs. the last 32 years, but that war and production (including cows in milk Vernonia 19. The game was almost Most of the people, living in tho and cows dry): milk, 512; fat, 23.8. Jefferson and Grant High Schools Harold McEntire and Mr. and Mrs. international tension now threatens High herds, including dry cows: a repetition of last week’s game Nehalem Basin, live wjthin the Welter Thompson, the hosts. this reduction. in Portland. Practical ideas on between the same teams. At the boundaries of the proposed district. Scout Master Baucom announces “In periods of great strain, such High herds, over 20 cows: 1. C. W. means of stimulating the desire Boy Scout meetings every Wednes­ as-the World War of 1914-18,” Miss Sherman, Scappoose. 2. M. M. Ly­ half Beaverton led 10-9. Rallying Summarizing the population of vot­ in the second half, the Loggers ing precincts in this area, as con­ for social improvement, especially day at the Legion Hall. Witchen saidi, “all countries record­ ons, Sauvies Island; High herds 12 went ahi ad in the third quarter. But tained in the 1930 census, gives a to 20 cows: 1. W. R. Wolff, Ver ­ on the part of boys, study projects ed a definite increase of deaths nonia. 2. C. L. Biggs, Vernonia; i.t the opening of the fourth quar­ population of 5,282 for that part for the group, and on raising money from tuberculosis. The anxiety, Examiners Due ter, Beaverton pulled away and at of the district in Columbia county. were the chief topics of interest restlessness, and privation of these High herds under 12 cows: 1. C. E. the end of the last quarter widened The fimber precinct in Washington Here Thursday — Gregory, Goble. 2. Theo. Flink, mentioned by the members attend­ years were causes of the higher the gap to result in the final score. county had a population of 624 in Rainier. death toll. ” ing the conference. A traveling examiner of operators Vernonia showed better defensive 1930 which added to the Columbia Seven cows were culled or re­ The next meeting of the Lower and chauffeurs is scheduled to ar­ “Miss Witchen said that the tub­ and general Offensive floor play,' county total’ would make a total for Columbia Girls’ League wil be held rive in Vernonia, Thursday, Decem­ erculosis association planned ir. moved from the herds because of the district of 4,906. Vernonia, the the following reasons: 4, Bang’s but the shooting was erratic. at Rainier next fall. ber 21, to be on duty at the city 1940 to press its campaign against Starting lineup for Vernonia: only incorporated city, had a pop­ disease* reactors; 1, sterility; 2, hall between the hours of 10 a. m. the white plague more vigorously Forwards, Baker and Walker; Cen­ ulation of 1,625 in 1930. It is in­ and 4 p. m. according to a recent than ever before. The year-round garget. Final Christmas Activity ter, Roeser; Guards, Killian and teresting to note that the population Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sherman, announcement released from the program is financed entirely by Dance Due Saturday— owners of the Sherman Jersey Farm Parcells. Substitutes: Crawford, Mul­ of Vernonia was only 142 in 1920 Secretary of State’s of.ice. All the sale of Christmas seals. at Scappoose, Oregon, have recent­ lins, Soejima, Turner and Michener. and it is apparent that most of its Saturday night, December 16, is those wishing permits or license to growth took place between 1920 ly purchased from H. B. Bull and the final dance to be given under j drive cars are asked to get in touch Christian Church to Have and 1930. It is difficult to estimate Son of Brampton, Ontario, Canada, Turkey Shoot the auspices of this year’s Christ­ with the examiner during the homs Christmas Program— what may have occured by way of a grandson of Brampton Basilua, mas Activity Committee. Jimmie mentioned. growth or decline in population The Christian Church will have the world '«mom cow which holds Said Succescful— Whetmore’s band will play again. its Christmas program on Sunday, the all-time world’s long distance The Turkey Shoot held Sunday since 1930. Everyone is urged to attend be­ Local Man to Manage The State Planning Board estim­ December 24th, at 6 p. m. The ves­ record for butterfat production at the Andy Parker farm in River­ cause everyone wilt have a good [ per hour is chosen so that those over all breeds, having in six con­ view was very success'ui according ated the growth of population in HyVan Hotel- time and every one wants to do his i wishing to attend my spend Christ­ to the report of the Legion, the Columbia county as a whole as 7.3 part to swell the purse that pro-! Fred Romtvedt began work as mas Eve at home. The program secutive lactations poduced over 6,000 pounds of butterfat witr 1,- sponsors. 29 turkeys, 8 capons, 5 POT cent between 1930 and 1937. vfdes fruit, nuts and candy for the . manager of the Hotel HyVan last promises to be interesting and at­ 313 pounds being the highest in geese, 5 ducks, 3 guineas and 1 hen If we apply this same percentage Christmas sacks. Monday. tractive. (Continued on page 8.) (Continued on page 8.) were tbe fowls won. IWA Team Opens Practice Beaverton Banquet to Be Wins from Given Football Loggers Friday Rifle Team Wins Men Thurs. Eve Over Portland Club Friday Library Board Name Officers Monday Eve 1 Windows to Remain Up In Order to Care for Rush of-Christmas Baucom Named Scoutmaster By Legion Conference Held at Scappoose r Information Given Fol­ lowing Hearing Held Sat­ urday Afternoon Seals Prove Factor in Reduction Nov. Report Of Tests Name Loggers Lose High Herds Game on Tues. To Beaverton