FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1939 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO son of Oregon City, Vern Ellis of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Frank t enjoyed Thanksgiving with Mrs. EUia. Bateman’s mother in Hillsboro. In Portland— Here from Portland— Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKenzie duce evidence of good moral char­ Portland Visitors— Miss Marjorie Holtham was a and daughter, Christine, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hughes mo­ acter and who have completed cer­ guest at tre Messing home for Al Crist spent Saturday in Portland. tain studies in accredited schools, Thanksgiving vacation. tored to Portland Saturday. Thankxgivinc at Jewell— will be eligible to compete in the examination. Rigid physical require­ Cadet Examination Announced— Civil Service Exams Announced---- Iva Jane Woo# spent Thänks- The United States Civil Service ments must be met. The United States Maritime Com- giving with her aunt, Mrs. Curtis Foster, at Jewell. mission has announced an open Commission has announced open Here from Prineville— competitive examination fur deck Moving to Eugene— competitive examinations for the Elbert Brock, wro is teaching and engineer cadets in the mer- positions listed below. Applications Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Ranes must be on file in tre Commission’s near Prineville, spent Thanksgiving chant marine of the United States. vacation with his family, the C. L. Applications must be mailed t > the moving to Eugene the latter office at Washington, D. C. not Brocks. Supervisor of Cadet Training, U. S. of the week. later tha December 14, 1939. The open positions are listed as follows: Spend Thanksgiving in Portland— Maritime Commission, Washington In Rainier— D. C., and postmarked not later Assistant inspector of ship construc­ Lyman Hawken, Jr., spent tion; Inspector, Air Corps Techni­ i Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hawken than midnight, December 21, 1939. spent Thanksgiving in Portland at Unmarried men between the ages weekend in Rainier at the Alvin cal School, Associate Instructor, the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. of 18 and 25 who can produce chine home. Assistant, Junior and various op­ Coryell, Mrs. Hawken’s parents. evidence of good moral character, Thanksgiving at Gervais— Move to Portland — tional branches; Principal editor­ and who have completed certain Reverend and Mrs. H. R. Scheu- ial clerk and editorial clerk. Full, Mrs. Robert Rushing and baby studies in accredited schools, will information may be obtained from moved to Portland Saturday where be eligible to compete for the ex­ erman and family spent Thanksgiv­ the Secretary of the United States they will make their home. Mr. amination. Rigid physical require­ ing at the George Brown home, Civil Service Board of Examiners I Rushing is employed as lumber in­ ments must be met. Mrs. Scheuerman’s father, near Gervais. at the post office or from the Uni­ spector for the Southern Pacific Vacation in Salem— ted States Civil Service Commis­ in Portland. Here from Dallas— sion, Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacDonald George Laird, who is working in College People Home— the and son were in Salem over Dallas for the Shell Oil company Thanksgiving Dinner at Wilark— Seen here during Thanksgiving Thanksgiving weekend. was home for two days this week. The Harry King family and Mr. vacation were: Geraldine Cason In Salem and St. Helens— and Mrs. Harold Howard had from Multnomah College, Sonny and Exams Announced— Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Skuzie Thanksgiving dinner at the Harry Shalock from Pacific University, daughter, Arlene, spent the Thanks­ Open competitive examinations Clifton Hiatt from Linfield, Ever­ giving holidays in Salem and in St. Howard home in Wilark. for the positions listed below have ett Meeker from Oregon College of Helens. been announced by the United Thanksgiving Visitors— Education, Leon Brock and Truman Have Thanksgivivng Guests---- States Civil Service Commission: Bob Connant spent Thanksgiv-( Knight from the University of and Mrs. H. M. Condit had as Inspector, senior inspector, assoc­ ing vacation at the home of his I | Oregon, Jack Anderson from the I Mr. guests Thanksgiving day Mr. iate inspector,, assistant inspector treir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Caul­ ■ University of Portland. Mrs. Earl Condit of Portland and junior inspector; Ordnance De­ and field. Attend Portland University Game— and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Condit partment, War Department; Proto­ zoologist, assistant protozoologist, Home from Business School— Mr. and Mrs. Harry King, Mr. and daughter, Delilah. Bureau of Animal Industry, Depart- , Miss Jean Vaughan, attending and Mrs. Harold Howard, Mr. and Trip to Nebraska— ment of Agriculture; Technical as­ business school in Portland, spent Mrs. Frank Hartwick, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Broderick sistant to the chief of probation I ! the holiday with her family, the Edward Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walter Vaughans. Brickie, Bob King and Howard Run- left this week for a several weeks and parole, assistant supervisor of del! attended the University of i automobile trip to Harrison, Ne- classification; Bureau of Prisons, Cadet Examination Announced— Portland-Gonzaga game in Portland I braska, Mr. Broderick’s former Department of Justice. Full infor­ mation may be obtained from the home. The United States Maritime Com- Sunday. Secretary of the U. S. Civil Ser­ mission has announced an open In Portland — vice Board of Examiners or from competitive examination for deck Entertains at Thanksgiving— and engineer cadets in the mer- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick had I Mr. and Mrs. Russell Whitsell the post office. chant marine of the, United States. as their guests for Thanksgiving were visitors in Portland Friday of In Vancouver— Applications must be mailed to the dinner Mr. Hartwick’s mother, Mrs. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts and son, Supervisor of Cadets Training, U. Bill Hartwick and his brother, Mr. 1 III with Flu— Robert, spent Thanksgiving day in | S. Maritime Commission, Washing­ Ferd Hartwick, wife and son of Misis Alvina Connell, physical ed­ Vancouver with Mr. Pott’s parents, i ton, D. C., and postmarked not Banks, and Mrs. A. E. Jennings. later than midnight, December 21, After the dinner, the family went ucation and music instructor at In Goble— 19391. Unmarried men between the to Hillsboro to attend a wedding the high school, was unable to teach Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dübendorf ,the forepart of the week because ages of 18 and 25 who can pro- of Mrs. Hartwick’s cousin. and daughter, Deanna, enjoyed I of intestinal flu. Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. In Monmouth— Wasser at Goble. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McCrae Ill with Scarlet Fever— •pent Thanksgiving day with Mr. Bobbie Herrin, son of Homer i MdCrae’s family in Monmouth, the that when you see the sign emainder of the vacation in Eugene Herrin, became in with scarlet lever I « iktunaay. I with Mrs. McCrae’s family. In Hillsboro for Thanksgiving--- yCUK TOWN’S TOPICS binging. Sunday services: Sunday school 0:15 A. M.: morning worship, 11:00 A. M.; Evangelistic service 7:30 P. M. The sermon topic will be “Signs of Christ’s Coming.” Tuesday,, 7:30: Shut-in meeting by the young people. Assembly of God Church Wednesday, 7:30 P. M.: Bible —Miss Rilla M. Sanders, Pastor discussion. Questions will be an­ Friday, 7:30 P. M., December 1: swered. Thursday, 2:00 P. M.: Ladies Young people’s service, Reverend K. C. Prinzing of Westport speak­ missionary and prayer band. You ing. Special numbers in 1 • .'.lie and are invited to all these services. The prayer hcur and Bible study on Wednesday evening at 7:30. This Friday evening, December 1st, the Young People’s Q. E. will hold their monthly business meet­ ing and enjoy a social hour to­ gether. annna. UMMtrr— YOUR WEEK’S PROGRAM AT THE rimrsday and Friday November 30 December 1 ¡¡•BOAT H CONRAD VIIDt VALERIE MORSON SERASTIAN SHAW a COLUMBIA riCTUBl Saturday, December 2 Feature Double A WARNER BROS YOU MAY BE SURE “GRADE A MILK and CREAM” Spend You get this assurance at the guarded. I Vacation in Mollala— NEHALEM VALLEY DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. The Forest Grove National Bank Invites You To Bank By Mail if Inconvenient To Come In Person J. A. Thornburg, President. "THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK” WILL YOUR LIVING ROOM PASS THIS TEST FOR Here 1 ■ • 4 ”TÍ” I V Wl E« I tt A 1 •I zr4- « À - II I i V 1 w When a person frowns or squints while doing close-seeing work, it is nature’s warning that something may be wrong with the lighting. Contin­ ued reading, studying or sewing may cause eyestrain. Many headaches are caused in this way. It is very important that you do not take chances with your eyes. You will have only one pair. REMEMBER: Sight Is Priceless and Light Is Cheap Oregon Gas & Electric Co from St. w BAB* EDNA BEST • BARRY BARNES JAMES Sunday and Two-fisted dynamite I PRISCILLA Monday Sweet and December Helen.— 3 and 4 Mrs. Tony Valpiani Helens is visiting with Mrs. Ralph Valpiani at 1 Pittsburg. EASY SEEING? I— ALEXANDER KORDA presents Here fom Canby— Mr. and Mrs. Harold McEntire Keverend ana Mrs. Livingst ne were in Mollala for Thanksgiving. nau as cneir guests Sunuay, Mr. ana jirs. nay risn ana Mr. and Moved in from Riverview— Mrs. rnoren Anaerson of Barlow I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eversaul near Livingstone I Camay. mrs. moved into the former W. J. Mel- preached at Barlow tor tour years. I linger home recently. The Ever- sauls did live in Riverview in the At Hood River— DeLoss Powell house. Reverend and Mrs. Livingstone spent thanksgiving day at nooü Mother Ill— Mrs. Ed Frazee’s mother, Mrs. River. Mary Roediger, has been ill but is in Portland— reported to be much improved. Mrs. Eva West and Mr. O. D. Maimsten were in Portland Wed- McKenzies Entertain — I week. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Erven and nesday and Thursday of this I Fred Erven and Mr. and Mrs. Al 90 and 9 Hold Rally— Crist were Thanksgiving guests at The 90 and 9 men’s organization W. McKenzie home. the J. “----- of the Christian church held a From Nehalem for Thankigiving— district rally at Forest Grove Mon­ Mr. and " - - Mrs. - Louis Johns and day. Those from the local group son, Robert, of Nehalem, were here attending the session were: Rever­ for Thanksgiving day at the George end Livingstone, J. W. Skinner, L. L. Wells, J. T. Brady, Clifford i Johns’ home. Fowler and J. P. Millis. The prin­ Thanksgiving Guests— cipal speaker of the meeting was Thanksgiving guests at the John Bob King, National Prison Evan­ I Ellis home Thursday were Mr. and gelist. I Mrs. O. H. Kaphammer and sons. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emmons and Young People Meet---- The young people of the Chris­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ellis and tian church will hold their monthly consecration luncheon next Thurs­ day. This will »e followed by round table discussion and 1 stereopticon pictures entitled “East of the An-¡ des.” that you and your family’s health is being safe­ At The Churches Tuesday, Wednesday Christian Church December 5 and 6 —The Livingstones. Ministers Our church school opens at 9:45 ind closes at 10:50, teaching the Bible only. Communion service at 11:00, followed by the preaching ervice, closing at noon. Christian Endeavor service at 6:30 p. m. and he evening preaching service at . :30; subject of the morning ser­ mon. “The Illuminated Highway,” and of the evening service, “Were There More Than One Adam?” Tri-County rally of the Christian churches on Tuesday next; an all- ,i. y cession with pot-hick luncheon at noon. Prayer meeting every Wed- nesday evening at 7 .30 o clock. Welcome to all of the church ser- vices. PAL NIGHT mon '°.RN Ü P atrick 0WAR0 ga ' l Evangelical Church— __Harvey R. Scheuerman, Minister 9:45 Church school with a wel­ come for all. 11:00 The worship hour will be profitably used by the Woman’s Mis­ sionary Society in presenting the Annual Thank Offering program. “Thank Offering” boxes will be ' laid on the altar of God for the I promotion of the work. 6:30 The Evangelical League of C. E. is profiting by the good at­ tendance and profitable discussions. 7:30 In this service the pastor will present “Three ‘I Am's’ of a Christian.” There will be special music. The Woman’s Missionary Society will meet Wednesday afternoon. Along with the regular business and mission study there will be the an­ nual election of officers. Thursday and Friday, December 7 and 8 DOUBLE FEATURE UGH HERBERT •r I a » I s » BABY SANDY »