k « Ì • FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1939 VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON VOLUME 16, NUMBER 39 26 Graduates from O-A PLANT CLOSED MONDAY Vernonia High School Two Poems Meeting of Wed IWA Desires To Attend College To Be Choice of Institutions of Higher Education Vary Widely IWA LOCAL NO. 37 MAKES STATEMENT TO CITIZENS Published Evening Proposes Public Health Unit Membership Of All Men A survey Tuesday of this week “The Sea,” and “Oregon I Appearing this week for revealed that 26 students who have Recent Vote of Union Thunderstorm” to Ap-j readers of The Eagle will be graduated from Vernonia high Gives Rise to First of 5 Meetings found an advertisement cover­ Due in Coun- pear in Poetry Digest A F OF L STATEMENT school' plan to attend various ing the back page, page 8. Week Action ty to Hear of Benefit to TO READERS Two poems written by Vernonia stating the position of the In- schools of higher education in the Derive The Oregon-American Lumber GIVEN THIS WEEK poetsp are to be published in The ternational Woodworkers of state with the opening of the fall Corporation- mill here was closed At a meeting America, Local No. 37, as to Poetry Digest, Annual Anthology sponsored by the For readers of The Eagle term. Choice of schools varied their position in the present Columbia County Public Health to work Monday morning due to a of Verse, the 1939 edition of this week will be found on among nine in the state. altercation among employe ^3 em- ­ Association and consisting of rep- dispute arising among the men em page 2 a statement as re­ which is to be released within a At the University of Oregon were of the Oregon-American Lum­ ployed by the company. No dis­ leased 'by the Lumber and lesentatives of various organiza­ short time, it was stated this week. ber Corporation. Read the agreement With _ _ .«...^cuicni listed Alice Hoffman, Elizabeth the management Sawmill Workers Union, Local tions in Columbia county, was held of the mill gave rise to the closing. One of the poems, “The Sea" statement regarding the situai- Schalock, Leon Brock and Truman No. 2557, A F of L, concernj- written by Edna Paula Engen will at Clatskanie Wednesday, Septem­ tion for the information that A vote of the membership of the Knight. At Oregon State College ing the present difficulty be reprinted for the fifth time it contains. ber 20. The puipose of the meeting IWA a week ago last Thursday were Larry Marshall, Harold Cason, has arisen among the which when it appears in that publication. Bill Thompson, Dick Lewis and being to discuss a public health de­ brought first word of the action men employed in the Oregon- Former publications will be The Doris Rae Estey. American Lumber Corporation partment for Columbia county. Dr, when it was decided to make a Melting Pot, a magazine of verse, drive for 100 per cent membership Three choices were placed with plant. Read the statement E. E. Berg, the present health of- The Poet’s Corner in the Journal, of the mill employees. The drive Portland University: LaVon George, for the information contained licer for Clatsop county, was the was to last for. 10 days at which American Women Poets, a 'book, Jack Anderson and Robert Conant. therein. ..nd The Eagle. principal speaker and outlined the time unless all those working at Six former high school students The other composition, “Oregon the mill were members of the union duties of such a unit. will attend classes at Pacific Uni­ Thunderstorm” written by Viola they would be detained from fur­ versity at Forest Grove. They will Dr. Berg stated that the duties of Hokenson Dial has been printed in ther work. That action became ef­ be Harry Culbertson, George Stan- a public health department was di ­ the Poet’s Corner of the Oregon key, Aunbey Fitzgerald, Charles Mc­ Funeral Held for Ver- Joi vided into about 10 sections, some fective on Monday of this week. rnal and with its publication Those men who were not already Graw, Albert Schalock and Clare of the more important being sani­ nonia Resident at St. in The Poetry Digest will have ap­ members of the IWA at the Mon­ Jarvis. tation, guarding the health of the Helens peared in print for the third time. day morning time were prevented Clifton Hiatt will be a student individual, running down sources of The Poetry Digest is published at Linfield college and Geraldine Mrs. Edna May Mellinger, 62, a infection such as tuberculosis and from entering the mill by those who Cason at Multnomah college in firmer resident of St. Helens, died at Times Square, New York, New many others. He also pointed out were already members. The block­ York. Opening Game Will Be Portland. the results that had been accom­ ade continued during the week and at Emanuel hospital in Portland The compositions follow: Staged at County Seat plished in Clatsop Four students will attend Ore­ county in the two would continue, it was stated by THE SEA Town gon Normal at Monmouth. They are Thursday morning at 4:55. Mrs. years that the health department IWA leaders, until the 100 per Margaret Salomonsen, Everett Mee­ Mellinger had been ill for several Woe! be unto those who love the The Logger football eleven will has been in existance in the matter •ent goal was accomplished. sea. It was not known as to the ex- ker, Bill Byers and Fred Hender­ months and when her condition be­ go to St. Helens to play the first of improving the health of the came worse a few days ago she For the sea, like a greedy and act number of those yet remain-« son. school children. game of the regularly scheduled clutching mistress, Toshi Kuke will attend the Uni­ .vas taken to the Portland hospital. Following Dr. Berg’s very in­ ing unaffiliated with the union at versity of Oregon Medical School l*ne Mellinger family lived in St. Never gives back the hearts of season Friday afternoijp. The, game structive talk, Dr. R. W. Kullburg,. publication time but the ny•'■er is to be played at the John Gumm those who lose them in her vast nas thought to be small. A mass in Portland and Zonweiss Douglass Helens for nearly 39 years before field at 8 o'clock that evening un­ also of Astoria, talked of the public | meeting held last Wednesday even­ and expansive waste. the Cascade college, formerly the changing their residence to Verno­ health department as applied to the der lights. This game will also be And they, held in thrall, must for­ Portland Bi.’e Institute, also of nia in 1936. private physician. He stated that ing at the Washington grade school Mrs. Mellinger was born in New ever answer when she calls . . . the first for the Saints. failed in its intended purpose of Portland. Coach Mason McCoy of the Log­ tbe medical association of Clatsop arriving at some solution whereby Hampton, Iowa, October 50, 1876. Edna Paula Engen county was more than pleased with gers stated Tuesday that he could OREGON THUNDERSTORM She was married at Houlton on work at the mill could be con­ not be sure of the starting line up the present set up and that such a tinued until the dispute could be Last night June 7, 1897. so early in the week but that it department rendered assistance to wttled to satisfaction of all parties She is survived by her husband, Earth was just another man would be different from that used the private physician. William J. Mellinger; one daughter, Who mumbled and grumbled concerned. Dr. E. Bostron, assistant state With last Friday at Forest Grove when flashes of Mrs. Willard Howell of Vernonia; temper and the Loggers competed in the Wash­ health officer, talked relative to four brothers, Emery Mills of North | triumph ington county opener playing Bea­ the cost of such a department for Carolina, Guy Mills of Garibaldi, T1 'hat he was ill . . and T. B. and C. A. Mills of Ver- Viola Hokenson Dial verton. He did say, however, that Columbia county, following which he would have the boys in fighting an open discussion was entered into nonia. McCrae Named President Services were held at the Rogers’ by all present. It was decided that trim for the first fray. of County Division of Funeral Home in St. Helens and Trial Set for The St. Helens’ Lions, coached such a unit was badly needed in September 29— by Hal Smith, last Friday defeated Columbia county and that an organ­ O. S. T. A. for Year burial was held at Yankton ceme­ the Roosevelt Ramblers of Port­ ization be formed to hold a number tery. ’ The trial of Irvin Wood, ap- An election of officers held last land by a score o’f 6 to 0 in a of meetings over the county with prehended Monday, September 18, Definition of Fossils, Des­ Monday during part of the Colum­ the hope of eniighting the people practice game. by City Marshall A. D. Lolley, has __ bia county school institute named Membership Drive cription of Nature, Value, | of Columbia county as to the details been set for Friday of this week Wallace McCrae, Vernonia high Started by Eagles— and the good that might derive Use Given at the City Hall; Wood was arf- Vernonia Teachers school principal, to head the Co­ A contest to increase member­ from such an organization. Jewett The State Department of Geo­ lumbia county division of the Ore­ ship was started last week by the rested on a disorderly conduct Give Demonstrations— A. Bu.->h of Vernonia, was elected charge. A plea of not guilty was logy and Mineral Industries, Earl gon State Teachers' Association for Fraternal Order of Eagles by the Four Vernonia school instructors chairman and Chas. N. Rogers of K. Nixon, Director, announces the the coming year. McCrae, last year, naming of team captains whose * made at the first hearing of the St. Helens, secretary. participated in demonstrations made served as vice president of the or­ teams will compete in the venture. case necessitating the Friday trial Five meetings were decided upon, issue of Bulletin No. 18, entitled during sectional meetings re­ ganization which deals with the Arthur Kirk was named captain of which will be heard in the Recor­ at which will be speakers from “First Aid to Fossils, or What to der's Court. lative to special subjects at the Before the Paleontologist administration of school affairs in one team and Albert Pierce of the neighboring counties who now have Do county institute held at St. Helens Comes,” by John Eliot Allen, field the county. other. The contest closes the first such a department, one at Scap ­ Monday. The special subjects and geologist of the department. Two other officers chosen during of November. Loggers Compete in those who participated were. Miss poose, Wednesday, September 27; Oregon fossil localities and the the meeting named Vernonia resi­ Opener Friday— Thelma Ramsey, primary reading; St. Helens, Wednesday, October 4; names and kind of fossils they con­ dents to serve for the association. Rainier, Wednesday, October 11; The Vernonia Loggers drew Bea Miss Grace Condit, intermediate tain are given in a special appen­ The vice president position this Large Order of Tie verton as competitor in the Wash- and upper grade reading; Edward Vernonia. Thursday, October 12; dix to the bulletin, and a map show­ year will be filled by Robert Heni- Plates Delivered— ir.gton county opener __ at Sihorn, art; and Leslie Skuzie, and Clatskanie, Tuesday, October ing the approximate locations of gan of Rainier; secretary’s posi­ An order of railroad track tie Forest Grove last Friday staged ecmmercial. I 17. These meetings will be open to fossils beds in the state is included. evening. tion by Miss Thelma Ramsey; treas­ plates weighing 48,000 pounds was __ The Loggers lost their encounter all citizens of Columbia county and urer, Mrs. Addalin Gray of St. oelivered this week to the Sunset they are invited to be present and The bulletin has type plates and 28 by a score of 13 to 6. Eight teams pugts of text and is priced at 20 Plea Changed to Helens and trustee for this district, Logging company. The order com­ voice opinions. cents. E. H. Condit, superintendent of the pletes material sufficient for the competed in the game, two different Guilty Tuesday— teams during each quarter. Twenty- This bulletin is non-technical and Vernonia grade schools. company logging roads, it was stat­ two players from Vernonia saw ac­ John Lee, recently apprehended Grange Council to Meet is of special interest to students, ed. The delivery was made via the tion during the evening. Over 100 on a charge of disorderly conduct. At Beaver Valley amateur fossil collectors, and lay­ rr 1— -1- . . • - J Nehalem Valley Motor Freight. Arrest Brings Return students and townspeople from Ver-, Tuesday changed his former plea men interested in the gathering, The Columbia County Grange ci re, and preparation of fossil of not guilty to guilty and was Of Stolen Car— nonia attended, it was stated. sentenced to 20 days in jail. The Council will meet on Sunday, Oc­ speciments. It answers such ques­ Scappoose to Get Albert Tichenor was arrested sentence will be suspended for tober 1, at Beaver Valley, it was tions as where in Oregon to took Examinations— Thursday in Portland by Portland Chamber of Commerce— announced this week. All Pomona for fossils of various kinds and how A move to organize a Chamber I The U. S. Civil Service Commis­ good behavior. The case was heard police for the possession of a stolen officers, especially, are urged to I to select, label and take care of in the City Recorder ’ s Court. car. The automobile was owned by of Commerce will be undertaken at sion announced open competitive be present to practice degree work. specimens so that they will be of Nat Perdew. Marshal A. D. Lolley Scappoose Thursday evening, ac- examinations for the following The meeting will begin at 10:30 value. Fossils are defined and des­ South Dakota Visitor» Here — carding to Mayor J. J. Butler of ¡positions: Power Line Foreman returned the arrested man here Fri­ a. m. with a potaluck lunch at noom cribed and much interesting Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Boyles and forma­ day on warrant where preliminary that city. David Eccles, secretary (Wh-tension transmission lines), tion is given about their nature, hearing in the Justice of Peach in the governor’s office, will be'Ppwer Lineman (high-tension trans­ caughter, Dianne, of Huron, South value and use. Court was waived. Tichenor was present to assist with the organiza- m*Si'on lines), and Helper lineman, j Dakota, were guests at the home of Bank of Vernonia ♦U- ----------------------------- tion details. The bulletin is obtainable at the Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Preston last Applications must be on file with Assets Sold — bound over to the gra;.d jury. hi ad office of the department, 329 the manager, U. S. Civil Service week. Mr. Boyles is a brother of Assets which have not yet been S. W. Oak Street, Portland, or at district, Federal Office Building, Mrs. Preston. Annual Rally Day— disposed of for the Bank of Ver- either of the State Assey Labora­ Large Deer Seattle, Washington, not later than Sunday is Annual Rally Day at r.onia in liquidation were sold a tories at Baker or Grants, Pass, At Nelson Home—- Reported Wednesday— the First Christian church. A spec­ October 2. These examinations are Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Peterson short time ago on bid to S. E. Key Oregon. for the purpose of filling existing ial program is being prepared for A report made late Wednesday ; . D... _ _ . .----- — of Canada, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben of Seattle, Washington. His bid 1 '■■■ 1 " afternoon stated that Robert Key I *7® Sch°o1 hour *nd the and future vacancies on the power Peterson of Hillsboro, spent Satur­ was the highest of several submit­ bagged what was thought to be™'hJJ ^‘¡"8 • large atten- network of the Bonneville Project. Fine of $5 Made in ted. day here at the Adolph Nelson the largest deer taken by any dance. The hour is 9:45 o’clock. Recorder Court— home. Gel Deer — hunter of recent years in this terri­ Teaching at Kist— ■ ■ i ......... - ! ! I Gets Deer— City Marshall A. D. Lolley Wed- Tom Bateman, Loel Roberts and tory. The animal weighed 206 | Earl King returned this week 1 nesday arrested George Gettman Miss Marjorie Meeker, former Lowell Hieber returned Monday Here for Weekend— founds dressed and was of the Vernonia resident, has been engaged Mr. and Mrs. J. Erwin Williams ' with a deer shot near John Day. A I ( on a charge of disorderly conduct. blacktail species. It was shot near as instructor at the Kist school this morning from John Day where they of Hollywood, California, visited Mr.'number of people from this vicinity A fine of 15.00 was made in the spent the past week hunting. All re-, ar.d — -. ..-r» Bacona. Mrs. Jewett A. Bush during have hunted in that district and re-. City Recorder’s Court Wednesday year. _ 1 - turned with deer, it was reported, the ___ past _______ weekend. _ I port good results. 'afternoon by Loel Roberta. Services ft?r Mrs. Mellinger Held Saturday Election of Officers Held At Institute j Loggers to Meet St. Helens Friday New Bulletin Available for ! Geologists