FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1939 VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON Street, City Officials Vote To Foreclose on Two Road Gets Repairs Parcels of Property Agreement on City Light­ ing Reached at Monday Evening Meeting Equipment Available For Burning New Surface Given Cor­ ner at Johnson Service Station by Crew VOLUME 16, NUMBER 38 New Short Route Apiary Road Traveled by Caravan of Cars Tues. Institute Set for Sept. 25 LEGION POST TO STAGE CORN FEED SEPTEMBER 30 Members of the American Legion Post 119 Wednesday evening decided to revive the corn feed which has been stag­ ed for a number of years but which was not held last year. The feed will probably be held at Arcadia Park although defi- nite announcement will be made later. All ex-service men are to be invited to the affair and a special invitation is to Ibe extended business men of the community, it was an- nounced. Commercial Club« Seek Naming of Road as New Hjghway An automobile caravan number­ ing many cars was in Vernonia Tuesday noon enroute over the new Apiary road connecting Rainier and business oc- Two main items of Vernonia to Forest Grove. The cupied city councilmen Monday eve- Teachers to Meet at St. caravan instigated by commercial ning of this week at the regular Helens for First Gather clubs of Vernonia, Rainier, Kelso second meeting of the month. The ing and Longview was a means of pro­ first was that of instigating fore­ moting the new route as a shorter Instructors of the Vernonia closure proceedings against two par­ connecting, link for Highway 99 school system will go to St. Helens between Kelso and McMinnville. The cels of property and the other was on the coming Monday for the all­ road, should it be declared a high­ the order to write into minute pro­ day session of Columbia County way by the state, would cut con­ ceedings of agreement which had siderable distance from the present Institute scheduled to start at 9:30 been reached with the Oregon Gas route of the highway which swings a. m., of that day. and Electric company regarding the to the east from either the Kelso The institute, the first of the amount of lighting service to be or McMinnville points to Portland year, will be held at the John Gumm furnished and the cost of the and then back. school and the attendance of all vice. The Vernonia-Rainier road would instructors is required. Foreclosure action was taken prove considerably shorter and fas- Later in the year, October 23, against first: lot 13, block one, ter for through traffic by eliminat- the Tri-County institute is scheduled Wildrose addition to Vernonia, ing a number of miles of travel. at Hillsboro for the counties of which is assessed to L. A. Rogers The caravan left Rainier at about Washington, Columbia and Yamhill. for an amount of $12.48 which in­ Reclamation is no longer of mere­ 10:30 a. m.. to arrive in Vernonia Still later in the year a special cludes principal and interest. The visiting day will be held when ly sectional interest in Oregon, at lunch time. Luncheon was served other action was against lot 8, teachers will contact other schools. judging by the large attendance at the Masonic Temple by the Neha­ block 16, East Side addition to from all parts of the state at the lem Social club and the caravan Vernonia on property assessed + > annual convention of the Oregon left here to complete the journey. William Pringle, Sr., for an amount In 'Forest Grove members of the of $327.64. Reclamation congress held at Clats­ caravan heard short talks by Fred The street lighting agreement was kanie early in September. Herman, Columbia-Clatsop state rep­ reached only recently but no con­ Instead of being considered mere­ resentative and Wesley Vandercook, tract has been written. The agree­ ly in connection with large irriga­ official of the Longview Bridge ment, as it has been made is te be tion projects reclamation now in­ company. Herman stated that the written into the Recorder’s minutes cludes such matters as summer ir- Apiary road was 500 feet lower of the meeting. Street lighting -elec­ any other road in the county 13 Vernonia Children on -igation on a farm basis in west­ than tricity is to be furnished the city passing from the river inland to at a cost of $80 per month. The List for Assistance by irn Oregon dr elsewhere, drainage Vernonia. Vandercook said that the city may have an additional two Welfare Commission it irrigated valleys in eastern Orc­ road’s completion would mean much lights at some future time when Thirty-one Columbia County chil­ gon as well as the wet lands of the in a business way to those cities they deem necessary at no greater dren were examined by Dr. Rich­ Willamette valley, and in addition, located on the route. His company cost. Also the city may have any ard Diellehunt, Dean of the Oregon it means the reclamation of logged- will do much to advertise the more of the present lights moved when convenient and shorter route when Medical School, and Dr. J. F. off lands. it is deemed necessary and when the road is sufficiently completed Abele. Assistant Medical Direc- more benefit can be obtained from Approximately 1500 people heard to support a volume of traffic. the change. Light bulbs to be used tor of the Oregon State Public Governor Charles A. Sprague dis- WPA construction work on the are those of 100 watt size. The Welfare Commission on Tuesday, cuss these questions at a community. road is nearing completion and will present number of lights used is 61. , ... I wide barbecue sponsored by Clats- leave a road with a good grade September 12th, in the offices of', kame. . - Both „ „ Other business of the meeting Governor ,, Sprague and which will need only widening in the Columbia County Public Wei-1 -yean William A. Schoenfeld of Ore- was discussion of supplies needed by the future to handle a considerably and the water superintendent fare Commission. gon State college emphasized the greater volume of traffic. Members | authorization of the necessary pur­ The examinations were made to growing importahce of logged-off of the caravan explained that they chases by the officials. determine exact ; crippling defects >and reclamationfor grazing, , re­ believed the route would prove the City Recorder Loel Roberts was forestation, and fish and game pro­ natural connecting link between or deformities and to determine not present at the meeting and his duction. Canada and Mexico for the con- what might be i applicable for care place was occupied temporarily by John C. Page, U. S. commissioner tinental highway. and treatment, Def inate plans will of reclamation, said that western Lester Sheeley. The heavy toll charge of the be undertaken or prescribed for developments add to the wealth and Longview bridge it is believed will each child. Families who are un- ¡provide for replacement of con- be reduced considerably when the able to provide the care recom­ Isumable national resources. Most volume of traffic is increased, At St. Helens— projects now have a multiple pur­ Several carloads of Vernonia Examinations to Be Wallace McCrae and R. L. Spen­ mended will receive care from the pose, with greater interest in flood Chamber of Commerce members Given September 28— cer were in St. Helens last Saturday Division of the State Public Wel­ control and fish and game conserva­ joined the caravan here to complete Examiners of operators and to attend the Columbia County fare Commission. Children whose tion, he said. the remainder of the trip. chauffeurs will be in Vernonia, ■Janitor’s Conference, made possible families are able to provide care Resolutions adopted by the con­ Thursday, September 28 at the city by the Oregon State Board of Voca­ gress urged a larger acreage allot­ may receive treatment from private Organization, Election of hall between the hours of 11 a. tional Education. Problems of main­ physicians. Those formerly exam­ ment of sugar beets for irrigation Classes Heid Friday Af­ m. and 5 p. m., respectively, ac tenance and other matters relative ined at the Shrine hospital clinic projects, endorsed the work of the cording to an announcement re­ to school buildings were discussed. United States engineers on the low­ ternoon leased this week by Earl Snell, The conference last year was under in Portland may be scheduled for er Columbia and Willamette basins, endorsed the work of the bureau Students of the four high school secretary of state. All those wish­ a district set up at Astoria. The return and treatment. classes named officers of each ing permits or licenses to drive cars territory included was narrowed to Others participating in the clinic of reclamation on the Deschutes project, urged continuation of feas­ group to serve during the coming are asked to get in touch with the counties this year. were Miss Aileen Dyer. Mill Eliza­ ibility studies and use of snow sur­ year. JThe election and organization examiners during those hours. Time Length of Contract beth McKinley, staff members of veys, and endorsed the use of CCC procedure was held last Friday af Delegation Attends to Be 5 Year« from April the State Public Welfare Commis­ camps on federal irrigation and fed ternoon. The classes also chose their Unit Meetings to Be Clatskanie Meeting— 1, 1940 eral aid drainage prpojects. advisors. sion. Miss Lucille Perossi of the Started at Treharm A number of people interested State Board of Health, Miss Nettie I____________________________ Senior class officers are Melvin Notice was posted last week Powell, president; Wilton Rogers, Miss Lucy Case, State Nutrition in the formation of a health unit Alley, Columbia County nurse, and Disorderly Conduct seeking bids for the cost of hous­ vice president; Elsie Duncan, sec­ Specialist of Oregon State College for Columbia county were in Clats­ ing the Vernonia post office for Get. $25 Fine— retary; Myrtle Stacey, treasurer, will conduct demonstration of a kanie Wednesday evening to hear the staff of the Columbia County a term of five years. The notice, Public Welfare Commission, was named advisor the buffet luncheon Tuesday, Septem ­ a discussion by the doctor of Loel Roberts presiding in the Re ­ Wallace McCrae issued by J. E. Fitzgerald, states ber 26,. at the home of Mrs. H. E. health unit of Clatsop county on ' Nine of the children were from corder’s Court Monday morning as­ that quarters must be furnished of the group. The juniors named Barbara Nicb 1 Condit of Treharne. A complete the work of that unit which was St. Helens and vicinity, three from sessed a fine of $25 to Wesley suitable for post office purposes ols, president; Gladys Enneberg, meal will be prepared and served organized a year ago. Some de- ! Rainier,, two from Scappose, two Biasing on a charge of disorderly which include heat, light, power, vice president; Betty Thacker, sec-. showing many new inexpensive finite action was to be sought Wed­ conduct. Arrest wag made by Mar- / water, rest room facilities, plumb­ retary; Barbara Dusten, treasurer, dishes. The meeting starts at 10 nesday evening towards the forma­ from Goble, two from Clatskanie shal A. D. Lolley. The fine was J ing, heating facilities and light­ and Mason McCoy as advisor. a. m., it was announced. tion of a unit for this county. | and thirteen from Vernonia. paid and release given. ing facilities. Sophomore officers are Middle-; — The bid must be submitted for ton Crawford, president; Ck>ice' a term of five years from the date Hall, vice president; Martha Tapp, | of April 1, 1940. A floor space secretary Vivian Laird, treasurer of 1,500 square feet is required I and Fred MacDonald, advisor. is a very j for burning to obtain a proper seed grass, 2 pounds. These grasses may of the best grasses for summer for the local office. Bids are to be The fall of the year Miss Alvenia Connell was named to seed grasses on j bed. u-J to substituted for the tall feecue feed on hill lands. If it is desired submitted to J. E. Fiztgerald, advisor for the freshmen and offi­ desirable time the Cut-over lands where a good. A desirable mixture of grasses and Astoria bent. to seed this grass unmixed, about Seattle, Washington. cers are Lucille Bond, president; _ ____ _ follows: _____ : western rye seed bed is obtained by burning, ¡to seed __ is as A safe way to seed the above 12 pounds per acre should be seed­ ----- --------------------------------- Ethel Parcells, vice president; Erma A.1 grass, 4 , pounds; English rye grass. mixture would be to omit the clo­ I ed. As many farmers as possible Auditor« Make ____________ Kaberstein, secretary; and Betty stated County Agent George j _ ____ Nelson this week. The ashes from 4 pounds; timothy, 2 pounds; or- vers at the present time and seed should make trial seedings of this Olson, treasurer. Preliminary Check— a good burn furnish not only the chard grass, 2 pounds; tall fescue, them about next February when grass to test it out under their par- fertilizer necessary for a desirable|3 pounds; Astoria bent, % pound; there will not be as much danger titular conditions, In the Agricul- Two auditors representing the Reeher CCC Camp seed growth but also a good seed white clover, 1 pound; and alsike, of the clovers freezing out. tural Conservation Department the ' I. D. Wood company spent Wednes­ bed for covering the seed. Some ex­ 2 pounds. This mixture should be One of the very desirable new seeding of 10 pounds of seed is day, Thursday, Friday and Satur­ Discharges Boys— The Westimber CCC camp, Camp cellent stands of grasses and clo­ seeded at the rate of about 10 to grasses that is proving quite satis- equal to one unit or 21.50 that can day here making a preliminary au- Reehers. discharged 65 boys Mon­ vers have been obtained from this 12 pounds per acre. factory on the hill lands especially be obtained in the way of reim- , dit for the Oregon American Lum­ day and sent them to their homes method of seeding providing th* I Other grasses that may be user! is tall fescue which in the trial bursement for carrying out this ber Corporation. The auditors were If | in the above mixture are Chewing’s plots in the county and seeded 'on practice up to the extent of the | Donald W. Emery and William H. in Mississippi, Alabama, North and ground hss been burned over. T*[ I Holm. South Carolina, Georg» and Florida not, arrangements should 6e made fescue, 2 pounds; or Kentucky blue an acre basis has proven to be one earnings of the farm. A repair crew of the State High­ way Department worked through Vernonia the forepart of the week repairing Bridge street. Th crew applied a new surface to the corner 1 at the Johnson Service Station 1 where the highway turns from Bridge street to Rose avenue en­ Letter Makes Announce­ route away from the city. ment of Possible Demon­ i A number of broken places in | the highway were repaired by the stration Here | crew which has been working for The following letter is one re- some time between Vernonia and ceived this week by Lester Sheeley Buxton on the Beaver Creek road. from George A. Nelson, County The cement pavement in the city Agent, relative to the obtaining was also repaired, expansion cracks for this district a demonstration being given an application of tar of a stump burning machine which and gravel. Grading work was in in many instances has proved prac- [ force on the street from the bridge tical. If arrangements can be made | crossing Rock creek east to the properly a demonstration [city boundary line. Last week the staged. The letter follows: crew engaged in painting the yel- “I have your letter of Septem- low center division line applied an- ber 8. I talked to Mr. Everett other coat of paint to the highway Davis the other day when he was in leading through the city. the county about getting the equip­ ment for the burning demonstra tion in addition to the regular char pitting. He said that the equipment is available and it is equipped with a motor for operating so they could use their own power for operating if they Could connect it with an electric line. They could run the motor off an ordinary line socket, Sept. 29 Named as Date so if we could get near a house or for Hearing on Case of barn it could be operated. “If this is not possible, it would City Versus John Lee be necessary to look for someone September 29 was Set Monday by who has a small gasoline engine for operating it as they do not Loel Roberts as the date for a trial have a gasoline engine for this pur- to be held in the City Recorder’s Court to hear the case of the city pose at the college, versus John Lee. if you know would like to ask “I Lee was apprehended Saturday of anyone at this time who is clear ing land in your district who might afternoon by Marshal A. D. Lolley be interested in having this demon­ on a charge of disorderly conduct stration on his place of char pit­ and lodged in the city jail until ting stumps and also burning them hearing in the Recorder Court Mon­ out with a burner. We would like day morning. At that time a plea to have someone who expects to of not guilty was entered by Lee. The selection of a jury must be go right ahead witn his clearing and in this way would make a show­ made for the September 29th af- fair. It is the first case to aypear ing after it was started. “If you can find someone soon, in that court whereirt a jury is I would like to ask if you will let necessary due to the plea of not me know. I will be over there be­ guilty. fore long and will look around myself.” Attend Conference Trial Date Set in Court Of Recorder High School Classes Name Officers Reclamation Of Interest On Wide Basis 31 Children Examined at Welfare Office Bids Sought For Housing Post Office Fall of Year Desirable Season for Seeding