Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, September 15, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1939
Rainbow Girls
Elect Officers—
Auxiliary to
Meet on Wednesday—
The Order of Rainbow Monday
The Ladies Auxiliary of the IWA,
evening at the second fall meeting Local No. 21, will have its weekly
held initiation ceremonies and! meeting on Wednesday evening in­
election of officers for the ensuing stead of Monday as has been the
meeting formerly. The coming regu­
Joyce Knight and Martha Tapp lar meeting will be held Wednesday,
were the two girls given the initia­ September 20 at 7:30 p. m.
tory work.
Officers to fill the chairs re Reception Due
Jean Vaughan, Worthy Advisor; Freshmen—
Myrtle Stacey, Worthy Associate
The young people of the Chris­
Advisor; Heidi .Reich, Charity; El­ tian church are giving a reception
sie Duncan, Hope; Joanne Nichols, and social to the freshman class
Faith. Frances Childs was appointed of the high school on Friday even­
reporter for the ensuing term. ing of this week. Games and re­
Hazel Ann Parker resigned the of­ freshments wilt be the order of the
fice of reporter.
The office of Worthy Associate
Advisor was vacated by Betty Scha- Business, Professional
lock, who resigned because she will Women Hold Meeting—
attend school at Eugene.
The first fall meeting of the
Installation of officers will be
Business and Professional Women’s
held on Monday, September 25.
Club was held Tuesday evening at
the Apparel Shop. The meeting was
Dinner Honors
conducted by Miss Grace Condit.
Mrs. L. A. Rogers—
president of the group.
The Vernonia Grange members
A discussion of plans for the
gave a dinner to honor Mrs. L. A. fall and winter series of meetings
Rogers on her 75th bithday, Sep­ was held. The club will meet on
tember 5.
the fourth Tuesday of each month
A beautiful solo sang by Mrs. it was announced. September 26th
Sehorn was dedicated to Mrs. Rog will be the next meeting time.
ers and the Grange Master, O. G.
Weed, presented a lovely set of Mrs. Ruhl
dishes. She received many other Entertains—
gifts from friends.
Mrs. Merle Ruhl was hostess
A few intimate friends were in­
Tuesday afternoon honoring Mrs
vited guests.
Grady, mother of Mrs. C. L. /Ander­
son, and Mrs. Charles Burrow. The
Missionary Society
afternoon started with a dessert
to Meet Friday—
luncheon and was followed by two
The Women’s Missionary society tables of bridge.
Mrs. F. R. Olin was winner of
meets at the Christian church par­
sonage with Mrs. Livingstone on first prize for the afternoon's play.
Friday evening of this week. Any
interested woman is invited. Time, Veterans Hold
7:30. An interesting program is Picnic Sunday—
being prepared.
Members and families of the
Smith-iChristensen Post of the Vet­
Special Meet
erans of Foreign Wars staged a
picnic last Sunday at Big Eddy
There will be a special meeting park. The affair was well attended
of the Betty Brite Circle at the by people from Vernonia.
home of Mrs. W. F. MacDonald at present for the day were represen­
2 o’clock, Friday afternoon, Sep­ tatives from other posts at Clats­
kanie, Astoria and Seaside.
tember 22.
Legion Auxiliary
to Install—
Members of the American Legion WELL WATER USED
Auxiliary held their firat meeting
for the fall months Monday even­
ing at the Legion hall. During the
evening, a report of the recent
state convention was heard by Mrs.
A. Shultz who was a delegate to
that affair. Mrs. Louis Boeck was
aho a delegate at that time.
It was also decided at the meet­
ing to hold joint installation with
the Legion Post on September 26.
Luncheon Honors
Miss Brown—
Mrs. Charles Burrow entertained
Wednesday afternooh at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman in
honor of Miss Coralyn Brown of
Beaverton who is to wed Joseph
Campbell in Portland Friday of this
week. Other guests present were
Mrs. Hale Greenman and Mrs.
Marvin Kamfiolz. A luncheon was
served by Mrs. Burrow at one
Plans Made for
The Mountain Heart Rebekah
club met in the I.O.O.F. hall Sep­
tember 5, to make plans for their
annual Smorgasbord dinner and to
buy additional dishes and silver­
The dinner will be held the even­
ing of October 27th and the club
is hoping it will be even bigger
and better than the very successful
one held last year.
The next club meeting will be
held after lodge Thursday evening.
TREHARNE — (Special to The
Eagle)—Mrs. Mae Wienecke enter­
tained the quilting club at her home
last Thursday. A larf.e crowd at­
tended. New names were drawn for
unknown friends. The children also
exchanged names. Potluck dinner
was served at noon.
Jimmie Davidson visited his bro-
thcr-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Schram, over the weekend.
Mrs. Jim Bond is on the sick list
this week.
Raymond Thacker went to Port­
land Saturday to have an X-ray
taken of his arm and it is improving
as much as can be expected.
Ann Lindsley, Ruby Smith, Ron­
ald McDonald and Sam Smith went
to Glenwood Sunday to attend the
birthday dinner of Mrs. Oscar
Mrs. Cleve Tisdale of Kelso spent
the weekend with relatives in Ver­
Miss Ruth Salsbury of Forest
Grove spent from Wednesday until
Friday of last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Chance, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Sehorn and Mil-
dred Weed were in Portland Sa t-
urday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale and
Mr. and Mrs. John Tisdale spent
Sunday in Portland attending the
ball games.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grant and
Mrs. Emma Weed spent the week­
end at Newport. Mrs. Catherine
Van Blaricom accompanied them
as far as Corvallis where she spent
the weekend visiting at the home
of her son.
Ruby Smith helped hir sister,
Maxine Smejkal, shingle her house
Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carrick are
having an extension built on their
at- 7:30. The subject is “The Church from Portland,
and the Nation’s Children.”
6:30 The Christian Endeavol
You are cordially invited to at-’ topic is “What Jesus Said about
tend all the services.
7:30 Come for this evening in.
Asserhbly of God Church i spirational hour. All are invited.
—llev. L. W. Suter, pastor I The mid-week prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening.
Sunday Sevices: Sunday School I
at 9:45 a. m. If you have children
not in Sunday y Gciiuui,
School, cuHie
come <iuu
and ■ Church of Jesus Christ
bring them. Children
need early J of Latter Day Saints—
training Every child (Commonly called "The Mormon
should be in some Sunday School.!
Morning worship at 11 o’clock. I Sunday school each Sunday morn-
Evangelistic service at 7:45 p. m. \ j
, , , inr et 10 o’clock at the Grange
Thursday afternoon at 2 o clock
’“"* Vernonia. Members and friends
the Ladies Missionary and
I are invited to attend.
Band meets at the church.
Evangelical Church
—Harvey R. Scheuerman, Minister
9:45 Church School with provis­
ions for all who wish to study the
word of God.
11100 Morning worship with spec-,
ial music and a sermon by our
guest speaker, Dr. J. A. Goode,
With An Ad
Latest Draft Beer Equipment
Chicken Dinner Every Sunday
Lunches — Short Orders — Cooked to your taste
Light Selected Beverages of All Kinds!
(Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Greenia)
At The
Churches . .
Christian Church
—The Livingstones, Ministers
Church School at 9:45 with M.
L. Herrin as superintendent. “Home
Coming Day” in the school. Come
and visit us.
Public worship at 11:00 with the
“Home Coming” thought continued.
Communion service and sermon sub­
ject “Looking Ahead.”
Christian Endeavor at 6:30, led
by Mrs. Elmer Anglesey. Evening
worship at 7:30. Seng service and
sermon from the subject “Blank
Pages or Living Epistles.”
Prayer meeting Wednesday even-
The forces of market disturbance, fear and speculation are at
work. Prices for some basic commodities have already gone up. Increases
in Safeway’s retail prices on these items reflect the rise in wholesale
cost, over which Safeway has no control.
It is a fundamental Safeway policy to earn only a small profit on
each sale. Safeway pledges that during the period of war emergency it
will not) change this policy; and that in the future, as heretofore, it will
make every effort through improved methods to reduce distribution
cost—the difference between what the farmer gets and the consumer
pays. You will always be able to buy from Safeway at the lowest
prices available anywhere.
Consumers may assist materially in preventing unwarranted price
increases by continuing their purchases on a normal scale. There are
adequate supplies of food stuffs for every American. Hysterical buying
which strips retail and wholesale stocks creates artificial scarcity, which
pushes prices to abnormal levels.
Machinery exists within the government to control production,
storage and release of commodities, imports, exports, quotas and prices
—if it should become necessary to employ these meiihods to protect
the economic welfare of the country.
Young eyes especially need good light for easy
seeing. That’s one reason why it is so important
to use the right size light bulbs in your lamps
and fixtures. Yet surveys show that 2 out of 3
bulbs used are the wrong size for safe seeing.
Oregon Gas &
Electric Co.
RIVERVIEW — (Special to The
Eagle)—«Riverview is suffering from
lack of water. Something has gone
wrong with the Parker water sys­
tem. They are getting along as well
as they can by using water from
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lynch’s well.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lynch wore
in Forest Grove Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marston
spent Saturday and Sunday at Sea­
Jim Bond is suffering with a sore
’finger. He intended to hit a nail
but missed. It is getting better
Margaret Haiman attended the
Model T races in St. Helens Sun­
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parker and
family spent Sunday in Portland.
Beulah, Howard and Clyde Rose
left for New Mexico where they
will make their home.
The W. T. Graves family at­
tended the State Fair Saturday.
Mrs. Ruby Biggs spent Saturday
with Mrs. Crawford.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson cele­
brated their 13th wedding anni­
versary on September 11th.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lynch were
dinner guests at the Claude Gibson
home Sunday, September 10. The
occasion was Mrs. Lynch’s birth­
Safeway further pledges complete cooperation with the governmen­
tal agencies and with farmer producers in all efforts to stabilize prices;
discourage profiteering; and maintain orderly facilities for food distribu­
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