Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, September 08, 1939, Page 7, Image 7

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News of the
Richard Dix believes that Holly­
wood, a city of showmen, could take 1
a lesson or two from Sam Houston.'
Dix portrays the great American
in Republic’s “Man of Conquest,” [
which comes Sunday to the Joy
Theatre. The screen star made a
leng and deep study of Houston’s
life in preparation for the role, and
became intimately acquainted with
Houston’s character.
“One of the greatest showmen
who ever lived, ’ ” Dix describes I
Houston. “He was colorful to the ■
tip of his toes. Take for instance
the time Houston came to see An- 1
drew Jackson as the Ambassador
of the Cherokee Indian nation. That
is an outstanding example.”
Dix refers to the Washington
ballroom requence in ‘^Man of Con­
“That was one of the most drama­
tic entrances Tn history,” Dix says.
“Houston had come cross-country
to see Jackson about Indian friends
in Tennessee, and the presidential
ball was as good a place as any.
What a shock for that elite gather­
AI r I
.—.—-—.....By EARLE FERRIS——————I
ZRA STONE—you've heard him
Virginia Payne, the “Ma Feuerns"
throughout the past season on the star, is meeting her full schedules
E Kate
Smith Hour—occupies Jack nowadays with the aid of a new
Sunday watch, given her by members, past
Benny's niche on the
and present, of her air company, at
Another dramatic episode adapt­
a recent observance of Virginias
ed from the exciting true-to-life J.
1500th performance as “Ma."
• • ♦
Edgar Hoover book, “Persons ir.
Vaughn De Leath, below, r.-lso Las
Hiding,” forms the basis of the
been in radio for eighteen ytara
will be heard over the Mutual net­
thrilling crime film, “Undercover
work at 1:45 D. m„ E. D S. T.. itaiv-
Doctor” which opens Saturday at
the Joy Theatre.
The Paramount picture traces the
career of a brilliant but weak-
willed surgeon who can’t make the
grade because of his fondness for
liquor. His nurse, instead of acknow-
ledging her love for him, leaves
airwaves with his 'Aldrich Family
him, hoping that he will be spurred
while the Waukegan comic is on
on to new efforts. Unfortunately,
vacation starting July 2. Although
the surgeon is called upon an emer-
only twenty years old. Ezra is a
Broadway star.
gency case which becomes a turn-
ing point in his life, for the man
George Jessel, master of cere­
he saves is a notorious gunman
monies of the Tuesday night “For
Men Only" program, has been an ing June 28. Miss De Leath, who is
hui.ted by the nation’s police. The
actor all his life, but It was only the composer of more than 200
gangsters convince the surgeon that
recently that he was asked to ap­ songs, will be heard for 13 weeks
they need a good undercover doctor
pear before a high school journal­ while the Voice of Experience
ism class as a lecturer. The class vacations.
to teke care of them after their
• • *
wanted Geòrgie, who Interviews
frequent sorties with the law.
Phil Baker's fans are Interested in
celebrities on his program, to give
the announcement that his program
them pointers In Interviewing.
Two new hit tunes, slated to rank
will run through the summer
well up in the list of the nation’s (
Now is the time when radio drama months, Instead of taking an annual
favorites are featured in “Some
stars double with summer stock vacation. The time, however, will
companies. The latest to receive shift from Saturday at 9 p. m.. E. D.
The escapades of one of the mad- ¡Like It Hot,” that grand new com-!
S. T.. ., to Wednesdays at 8 p. m..
dest and most colorful families to edy with a swingy slant which opens '
E. D. S. T.. starting July 5. Baker,
ci me out of Hollywood this season on Tuesday at the Joy Theatre. The j
in addition to his comedy routine,
will feature an accordion solo on
form the central interest in the songs are The Lady’s in Love with
each broadcast.
Bing Crosby-Fred MacMurray com- You, by Frank Losser and Burton
• • •
edy, “Sing You Sinners,” which Lane, and Some Like it Hot, by
Two members of "The Circle“
gave command performances before
Paramount will present next Thurs­ Gene Krupa, Remo Biondi
the King and Queen of England
Frank Loesser.
day at the Joy Theatre.
while the royal pair was in Wash­
With Bing playing the role of a
happy-go-lucky, irresponsible local Hope, Shirley Ross and Gene Kru-
boy who finally makes good in Los pa, the outstanding swing drum­
Angeles, the comedy gives a gay mer, in the story of a trigger-
picture of family life in a I small tongued promoter who wants to
put himself and an orchestra in
tewn in America.
the big money, and almost loses
Mattering offers from the barnyard
Things begin to happen to the
the affection of the girl he loves
Impresarios Is Alice Frost, pictured
“Beebes” when Bing gives up the
above. She’ll accept If her busy
while trying to do so. George Arch-
home town as top confined a field
microphone schedule permits.
aiirbaud is responsible for the dir­
• • •
f< r his talents and goes off to Los
Michael Raffetto, Paul In NBC’s
Angeles to seek his fortune. A ser­
“One Man's Family," receives ap­
ies of uproarious adventures fol­ SMUGGLING DEVICES
proximately one hundred marriage
proposals a month. When he men­
low, especially when the rest of the EXPOSED ON SCREEN—
tions marriage In the script the
Beebes arrive to rind Bing with
number of women desiring his hand lngton. They were Lawrence Tibbett,
everything he has in the world bet
Elalborate means by which smug
in real life doubles. Wealthy dow­ above, and Marian Anderson. Tibbett
on a racehorse he has bought. The glers a. tempt to bring contraband
agers have gone so far as to offer had to plane to and from Washing­
him half their fortune after mar­ ton to keep from missing his broad­
film winds up in a whirlwing cli- through the customs is graphically
max, due to the unexpected events' shown in Universal’s drama with
engineered by the horse, Miss Pat-1 Preston Foster and Irene Hervey,
terson and MacMurray.
¡“Society Smuggler,” coming Tues- day to the Joy Theatre.
Hiding behind the respectable i cpijpkpji AT
front of a luggage company the '
oCrikJUfL. Al
‘Society Smugglers” bring in con- ¡TIMBER TUESDAY
traband in secret compartments !n |
TIMBER—(Special to The Eagle)
trunks and suitcases. An expen­
sive, nationwide slogan contest is —School opened Tuesday morning
conducted to pave the way for a ¡with an enrollment of 40 pupils.
particular smugging coup.
Nine pupils in the upper grades
under Mr. Scrafford, seventeen in
the intermediate grades with Miss
Pa/icia Johnson of Reedsport, and
All the thrills of warfare, ro- Miss Register as primary teacher
. mance and international intrigue with 18 pupils. Nine of them being
Do you realize the vast amount of wear that
on the Eastern Front in the crucial beginners, A larger enrollment is
campaign of 1916 fill the plot of expected.
took place in the mechanical operation of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elliott and
“Hotel Imperial,” Paramount’s ex­
your car?
citing new war picture, at its local Richard of Hillsboro were dinner
opening Wednesday at the Joy guests Wednesday of
Start! Stop! Start! Change Gears!
goers Isa Miranda, the studio’s
new importation from aboard.
Holiday driving always demands just that.
Co-starring with handsome Ray
Milland, Miranda makes her bow fh
a grand scale romance set against
the dramatic background of a clash
between nations on a battlefield
of central Europe. Miranda will be
seen as a young beauty who sets
Drive into the Vernonia Auto Company and
out to murder the man who has
betrayed her sister and falls in
have their mechanics wash and grease your
love with the very man áhe has
made up her mind to hate. Milland
car so it will be ready for the next trip
plays a dashing young Austrian
cavalry officers.
“Hotel Imperial,” as the name
suggests, takes place almost en­
tirely in a central European hos­
* Standard Gasoline
telry, located in a small town on
the edge of the Russian-Austrian
* Standard Pennsylvania Motor Oil
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. David Elmo Tailman home.
Castle. The Elliotts were on their
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riggle of Bir­
way home from Union Gap, Wash­ kenfeld were here Sunday at the
ington, where they had been visit­ William Huffman and Ida Kilburg
ing Mrs. Elliott’s parents, Mr. and homes. They were enroute to Port­
Mrs. Arthur Braden. They also visit­ land where Mrs. Riggle will care
ed with Mrs. Elliott’s sister and for her mother, Mrs. John Robinson,
■brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Duke who has been ill for the past year.
Mrs. Phillip Castle has been visit­
Mrs. . Anthony Kilburg and Ron rid ing the past week with her parents,
spent last Wednesday at Sunset Mr and Mrs. Henry Busch, at
; C. nip at the Ed Peterson home, Watts.
Virgil Gill moved his family into
where a farewell party was given
I Mrs. 1 Kilburg’s grandmother, Mrs. the Ray Elliott house August 20.
Pieston, and her niece, Miss Alma Mr. Gill purchased the Elliott pro­
Arnold. Mrs. Preston and Miss Ar-
nold left for their home at San
Albe: t Karpstein of Beaverton is
Jose, California, Saturday morning. working in the service station at
and Mrs. Ira E. Sumpter the Timber garage for Mr. Barnes.
small daughter, Audey, of
Mrs. Myrtle Ramsey has been
Portland were Sunday visitors of chosen assistant postmistress and is
the B. Tallman family.
at the post office two days a week,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elliott mov-
Mr. and Mrs. George Ritthaler
ed into their new home Sunday and were looking over property interests
Monday. The Elliotts lost their here last weekend.
home and contents by fire about a
Mrs. Lester Brown was called to
year ago and have since been build- Giants Pass Saturday when she re­
ing a house of hewn logs,
ccived word that her son, Robert
I A logging accident last Wednes Travis, had been in a motorcycle
day morning at the spur at Wede accident, Details of the accident
burg brought death to Albert Motejl v.tre not known.
I of Boring. He was crushed under
Miss Lena and Otto Leapold of
a log when it rolled from a loaded Cooper Mountain, sister and brother
tuck. Mr. Motejl died enroute to of Mrs. Courtney Syverson spent
I the Forest Grove hospital.
Sunday at the Syverson home.
| Nick Vanderzanden of Wheeler
The dance Saturday night was
spent last Monday night here. On
“ not so well attended as the opening
| his way to Forest Grove he had the dance. $30.00 was taken as door
‘misfortune to have a flat tire. On
___ and lunch money.
' returning to Timber to have the
Mrs.' Ida Page of Portland spent
tire mended some unknown vandal from Friday night until Sunday
cut all the rest of his tires. Mr. morning at the Kilburg home.
Vanderzanden had to leave his car
.Mr. and Mrs. John Bino and sons.
and returned to Wheeler by stage. Bobbie and Lawercnce, spent last
One of John Makee’s milk cows Wednesday in Hillsboro at the
was. run over and killed by the homes Mr. John and Mr. Ernest
Menefee logging train last Wednes- ' Mordens and families.
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ramsey pur­
Miss Irene Fisher of Buxton chased one of the houses at Wes-
-pint Sunday and Monday at the i timber and moved there Saturday.
So You're Back from
Your Labor Day Trip
* Standard Grease
* Standard RPM Motor Oil
Vernonia Auto Co
“A Safe Place to Trade”
Chevrolet Motor Car» ------ Authorized Service
Trips by way of Banks and Forest Grove
Leave Vernonia:
Leave Portland:
8:05 a. m.
1:35 p. m.
2:45 P-
6:35 p. m.
4:45 p.
Call Service between Vernonia and Keasey and Pittsburg for
Passengers to or from Forest Grove or Points Beyond.
The Cozy Fountain
AGENT: Mrs. Earl L. Smith
PHONE: 582 for information
Bing Crosby, who is something
of a “Star Maker” in his own
right, what with the number of
players who have advanced to star­
dom after appearing in his pic­
tures, has a role which really fits
him in Paramount's glorious sing­
ing cavalcade of show business.
“The Star Maker.”
When the picture is presented
locally on Thursday at the Joy
Theatre, Bing will be seen in the
title role, as a song writer and
hoofer who dreams of getting to
the top in the entertainment world
by making stars out of talented
I kids.
As many readers may have gues­
sed already, the story of this pic­
ture was suggested by the career
of the renowned showman, Gox
Edwards. At the outset, Bing is
trying to persuade Louise Camp-1
bell to marry him. When she con-|
sents, Bing is exultant—he’ll get
to the top, he’ll show how good
he is.
Ii you are planning an award,
a presentation, or simply a per­
sonal gift, see the fine array of
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many with exclusive features.
Prices «tart at
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A. L. Kullander
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Official Watch Inspector
for S. P. and 3. Ry.
St. Helens Branch of the
United States National Bank