FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1939 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON LET’S BE SOCIABLE Deborah Circle Holds First Meet— O. E. S. Meets Wednesday Evening— Members of the Deborah Circle met at the home of Mrs. East Tues­ day afternoon for the first fall meeting. Mrs. E. J. Preston assist­ ed Mrs. East as hostess for the afternoon. During the business meeting of the afternoon, officers to serve for the coming year were elected. Mrs. J. H. Burnside presided during the meeting. Officers elected were Mrs. Phii Taylor, president; Mrs. F. R. Olin, vice-president; and Mrs. E. J. Pres­ ton, secretary-treasurer. Refreshments were served at the close of the afternoon. Members of the Order of Eastern Star held the first meeting of the fall Wednesday evening at the Masonic Temple, giving degree work to the Worthy Matron, Mrs. Jean Crawford, and Worthy Patron, Glen Hawkins. Officers of the der participated in the work the Matron and Patron were sorted with flowers and gifts, neshments were served by the < com­ mittee in charge following the eve- nmg’s activities. Mrs. Dickson to Entertain Club— Mrs. Herman Dickson will act as hostess next Wednesday after- noon, September 13, at her home on the Oregon American hili' to the Nehalem Social Club. Tha meet- ing will be the first one of the fall, it was announced. Deborah Circle Host To Missionary Society— lLSPETH ERIC, star of “Joyce i J Jordan -Girl Interne," pictured h»re never stumbles over any medl- Mrs. Marston Entertains— Mrs. Charles Marston is enter­ tabling with a dessert luncheon on Thursday (September 1 7th) com- plimenting Mrs. Charles Burrow, Mrs. Hale Greenman and Mrs. Mar­ vin Kamholz. Other guests invited are Mrs. Connie Anderson, Mrs. Alice Estey, Mrs. Lyman Hawken, Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Miss Alice Hoffman, Mrs. Fred Olin and Mrs. Walter, Vaughan. Contract bridge and Chinese checkers will be the diversion. The Deborah Circle of the Wo­ men’s Missionary Society of the Evangelical' church acted as hostess to the society Wednesday afternoon Study Club to Hold at the church social hall for the First Fall Meeting— first fall meeting. Mrs. L. H. Dewey The Vernonia Study Club will was in charge of devotionals for meet Thursday, September 14, was the afternoon. Reports were heard from Mrs. the announcement this week, at G. C. Kirkbride and Mrs. C. A. home of Mrs. E. J. Preston on Malmsten, both representatives of Oregon-American hill. Tne meeting the society to the convention, held will mark the first of the fall and at Jennings Lodge July 26, 27 and winter series. Mrs. Ross Duncan will review the 28. The theme of the convention was “Follow Thou Me.” as reported book “The Tree of Liberty” writ­ ten by Elizabeth Page. The book by the delegates. The society will meet again on is a historical novel of early Amer- the first Wednesday in October at ica. Mrs. J. W. Nichols will be cri- which time the annual guest day tic for the study hour. luncheon will be held. Each mem- A change in procedure will mark bei is to bring one guest for pot the firsj and subsequent meetings, luck luncheon which will be served it was stated, in that meetings will at 1 o’clock. J be called for 1:30 p. m. with a Refreshments were served to dessert luncheon. Former procedure close the afternoon, by the De- , has been to terminate the afternoon borahs. I with a tea. We Wish to Announce The change in location of the Home Grocery, Now open for business at the GRAVES COLD STORAGE LOCKER BUILDING. A Modern, Convenient Location Free Sandwiches and Coffee served all day Saturday. Free balloons for the children. Drawing for Prizes at 7:30 Saturday Evening The Home Grocery Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zeiner NEW AND USED PARTS NEW AND USED TIRES GAS AND OIL EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING I WE REBUILD CAR TOPS LYNCH AUTO PARTS Phone 773 RIGHT OUT OF THE AI r ] RIVERVIEW There’s an actor In “The Life and Love of Dr. Susan" who stands on his head before each performance of the CBS serlaL He's Robert Regent, who plays the part of Peter Bradford. The headstand Is part of the yogi exercises to which he adheres. PAGE THREE some stock to the stockyard. Tues­ day Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride made the same trip, taking in more stcck. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Mellinger and son, Oliver, drove to LaGrande to visit Mr. Mellinger’s brother, who is quite ill at his home there. Mrs. Claude Hillsberry had the misfortune to step on the edge of a loose board, throwing her down ' and severely spraining her ankle. She will require the use of crutches fcr the next two or three weeks. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chet Ander­ son in Taft. SCHOOL OPENS FOR MIST STUDENTS TUESDAY MORNING MIST—(Special to The Eagle)--. Mrs. Edith Lanyer is back among old friends again, having been in Clatskanie where she has been em- plcyed for the past few weeks. High in the competition to be Bernard Dowling and Donald known as the best loved stooge in radio” is the character of Ferdinand, Sundland spent the weekend and the man-in-the-audience. created by Day at Astoria and Seaside. VISITORS ENJOY .u:ny Wikstrom, Bud Keaton and LABOR DAY WEEKEND some of the other young people took in the dance at St. Helens WITH FRIENDS Saturday night. RIVERVIEW — (Special to The Mrs. I. E. Knowles was a Port­ Eagle)—'Cline Cook and daughter. land visitor over the weekend. Sarah, and Zonabol from St. An­ sal phrases in the serial’s script. Mr. and Mrs. George Jones were Elspeth’s father Is a doctor and saw thony, Idaho, came last Friday and business visitors in Clatskanie for that she was well versed in medical i arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lynch. terms at an early age. a day last week. They plan to leave Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dowling and Most authors find difficulty In Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Willard and Florence were visitors of Jake writing a novel a year which will Mr. and Mrs. Willard from Dayton, hold reader interest from beginning Dowling and family at Mayger Sun- end Mr. and Mrs. Otto Cameron to end. Yet Elaine Sterne Carring­ day. ton’s “Pepper Young’s Family" has Ward Wilson, pictured here, on the were at the State Fair in Salem Melvin DeRock and Austin Mel- been heard dally for six years and Phil Baker programs over CBS on Sunday. the program continues to show a Wednesday nights. Feroie’s mopey vin left Sunday morning for a Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ranchered were short hunting trip. steady Increase in listener interest. questions have won him almost uni­ • • • versal affection from the listeners. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magoff Joe Rossier returned from Port Cecil B. DeMille calls his Monday last weekend. Orford last week where he has been night Radio Theatre “the largest “What A Life,” Clifford Goldsmith’s Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gwin spent working. theatre on earth.” This statement smash comedy hit which suggested is based on a survey which showed his radio series, "The Aldrich Fam­ ithe weekend in Goble visiting he? Tha old familiar school bell called ily," now starring Ezra Stone on sister. the youngsters back to their school NBC. was not his first attempt at I Mr. . and Mrs. Claude E. Gibson duties Tuesday morning. • drama. Goldsmith confesses to a spent Saturday in Portland. theatrical mistake entitled "Charlie.” Austin Dowling and family spent I Mr. and Mrs.. Sieet have moved The audience didn’t even wait for Monday evening at Elsie with their J the first curtain, Goldsmith reports. [their 1 trailer house on Ed Roediger’3 daughter, Mrs. Trotter, and family. • • • property in Rivervit-w. Mr. Sheet is Their granddaughter, Alyce Trotter, Bess Johnson, pictured here, first lady of radio, and Katherine Cornell, ¡hauling gavel for the Wolf Creek returned home with them for a first lady of the stage, have this in highway. visit. common. Important in their sup­ ' Mr. and Mrs. Lynch, Bessie Bell Floyd Libel went to the State porting casts is Gee-Gee James, ex­ and Cleve Cook and family were Fail at Salem Sunday and returned at Sea3ide Sunday. the sam? day. Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers Emigh L. P. Matthews has returned home and E. E. Emigh and daughter of ¡'rem Delena where he has been I Portland spent Saturday with Mr. building a new house for Vane that 30,000.000 ears were tuned to i the program on a single Monday. and Mrs. Charles Eversaul. | Burt. DeMille is reading the first presen­ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lindsay, ; Mrs. Raj’ Garlock and Mrs. Galen- tation of the new season which will before returning to their home in jt’ji were calling on Mrs. Dowling be heard over CBS Sept. 11. • • • Lakeview, stopped and visited Mrs. ; Wednesday. George Jessel’s NBC "Celebrity M. Dunlap in Riverview. Program” is properly named. With Mrs. Mabie Grives started her H< re from Portland— the program of Wednesday, Sept. 13, school in the Natal district Sep­ j Mr. and Mrs Bert Hall of Port- Jessel will have presented his 100th tember 5th. The pupils should be famous guest. These guests have , land spent the past weekend in been noted people of various pro­ happy with the complete outfit of j | Vernonia visiting friends. fessions and although many of them pert Negro comedienne. , Gee-Gee’s attractive new books, The school were making their first microphone In Miss Cornell’s “No Time For and ' At Coa.t— room has been made brighter appearances, they provided enter­ Comedy” and plays “ 'Tulip,' Tulip,” the tainment which makes the program maid, in Miss Johnson’s “Hilltop more pleasant by new interior lin-1 Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Grant and one of the most popular on the air. House” series. ir.g of beaver board. .Mrs. Emma Weed left Thursday for Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Mr. ¡Newport where they will spend the should be in some Sunday School. and Mrs. Sam Anderson have been, weekend. Morning worship at 11 o’clock.1 Evangelistic service at 7:45 p. m.' Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock the Ladies Missionary and Prayer Bend meets at the church. Churches Christian Church —The Livingstones, Ministers Church School at 9:45. Splendid teachers, fine classes, welcome, Morning worship at 11:00, with communion service and sermon. The sermon subject is “Choice—Christ or Barabbas.” Christian Endeavor society meet­ ing at 7:30, and evening service at 8 o’clock. The sermon subject is “My Life; What Am I Doing with It”? Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30. Welcome to all the services. SEVERE LEG INJURY SUFFERED BY FIRE FIGHTER LAST WEEK (Omitted Last Week) STONEY POINT — Special! The Eagle)—Otto Michener had the misfortune to fall on a sharp knot while fighting fire last week and severely injured his leg, causing blood poisoning. He is under a phy­ sician’s care and is alble to be up and around now. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Driscoll are both on the sick list this week and are under the care of a physician. Evangelical Church Bert DePue and Fred Lindberg —Harvey R. Scheuerman, Minister came from northern California Sat­ 9:45 Church School under the urday and will spend a few days supervision of O. G. Weed. Classes with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd for all ages with spiritual instruc­ Lindberg and children of Swenson came Monday to spend a few days tion. also. 11:00 The sermon subject for Mr. and Mr3. Bert DePue, Mar- the worship hour will be “Forward and Bob, accompanied Mr. garet with God.” There will be special | and Mrs. Ray McGee and daughter, music. | Bonnie, to Warrvnton, Sunday, 6:30 “Studies in the Sermon on where they spent the day with Mr. the Mount” will be the general sub- and Mrs. Don DePue. ject for more specific studies to Mrs. Clyde 'Carrick and children follow. The sub-topic for this week is, “What Jesus Said about Tight of Treharne spent Saturday after- ¡nocn with the Paul Driscoll family, Living.” 7:30 This service is for every' ‘^r' an^ Mrs. Carl Davis and son, ore. The theme of the evening is, ! | Francis, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. “What the Lord Has Done for Me.” » Turner spent Friday night and Sat- There will be congregational' sing­ ! urday at Arch Cove, below Cannon I Beach, fishing and clam digging. ing. Frank Brown and sons, Wilmer Wednesday at 8 o’clock the pray­ er meeting group meets for prayer ari(l Dean, of Grand Island, Nebras- and Bible study. The Official Board ka. who have spent the past two will meet in regular session after i weeks at the Thos. Turner home, | left Monday for Independence to the prayer meeting. The public is invited to all our Pick hops. George Turner and Fran­ cis Davis accompanied them and services. will also pick hops. Harold Davis, accompanied by Mr Church of Jesus Christ ar.d Mrs. Al Webb and daughters, of Latter Day Saints— Dorothy and Myrtle to Portland (Commonly called “The Mormon Sunday, where they visited with church) relatives of the Webbs. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Worth of Sunday school each Sunday morn­ ing at 10 o’clock at the Grangi Fcrest Grove spent the weekend at hall, Vernonia. Members and friends the Otto Michener home. They re­ turned home Monday. Mrs. Miche­ are invited to attend. ner accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hall and daugh­ Assembly of God Church ter, Ruth, spent Sunday afternoon —Rev. L. W. Suter, pastor with the Glen Bodell family. Sunday Sevices: Sunday School Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bodell and at 9:45 a. m. If you have children sons motored to Forest Grove Sat- not in Sunday School, come and'urday. bring them. Children need early Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Kirkbride Christian training Every child drove to Portland Monday taking PARENTS Protect Your Child’s Vision! School days impose a great strain on chil­ dren’s eyes. Slight optical defects, unless corrected, may become serious. Have your child’s eyes examined now. Examination Without Charge Glasses will not be prescribed unless absolutely necessary. Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted - Credit Terms DR. GEO. BUTTERFIELD OPTOMETRIST EYE SPECIALIST Will be at KULLANDER’S Jewelry Store MOXIIAY. September 11 Make Appointments with Mr. Kullander Latest Draft Beer Equipment Chicken Dinner Every Sunday Lunches — Short Orders — Cooked to your taste Light Selected Beverages of All Kinds! THE TOWN PUMP (Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Greenia) i LUMBER — SHINGLES — VENEER Wholesale and Retail See my bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $8.75 >er M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to noon. c