instructors at High School Are Engaged For 1939-40 Term Oerno ipITF E aqle FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1939 VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON VOLUME 16, NUMBER 34 6 New Teachers Are Eagle Day Program Engaged for Opening For Celebration Is Of Grade Schools Ready for Staging ------- 1 Repair Work on Building! Completed for Open­ ing Day Board Names Instructor At Wed. Meet Events of Entertainment to Prove Interesting, Is Word of Committee Students May Register Early, Said Discussion Given City Ordinance Watchman Placed at Gar­ bage Disposal to Stop Fire Danger 'City Councilmen Monday evening again considered the much discussed city ordinance No. 225 dealing with the prohibiting of house-to-house peddling. The matter of the regula- tion was referred to a committee for further discussion Wednesday evening with information from the League of Oregon Cities on hand to form some basis of determining legality of the act. A special meet­ ing of councilmen has been called for Thursday evening for a final decision. Representatives of the Fuller Brush company have brought the matter into public attention within the past few weeks. At the same Monday evening meeting it was decided to place a representative at the city garbage disposal to check and prevent fires during the dangerous part of the season. Merle Davis began duty at the disposal Tuesday. Three New Faces to Ap­ pear in Teaching Staff for Students Contact with Wallace McCrae, high school principal, this week makes possible the announcing of the teaching staff to serve at the Vernonia high school for the com­ ing school term which begins Sep­ tember 5. Three new faces will appear in the staff, it was stated, one of them being the coach, Mason McCoy, Doris Ekstrand who will instruct freshman and sophomore English and Language and Alvenia Connell who will serve in the capa- city of music and physical educa- tion instructor. Harold McEntire will act as iir- structor for mathematics, Ray Mills, science; Freda Beck, commercial and home economics; Lester Skuzie. commercial ; Jane Wilkinson, junior and senior English and publie speaking; Fred McDonald, indu»- trial arts and boys’ physical educa- tion and Wallace McCrae, civiics. McfCoy, the new coach, will in­ struct in social science and coach. He is a graduate of the University of Oregon and spent last year coaching at Washougal, Washing­ ton. He participated in the Olympid try-out finals in the high hurdler in 1936, and has had experience coaching and playing professional football. Doris Ekstrand, teacher for freshmen and sophomore English and language, is a graduate of Stanford University and has ex­ perienced three years of teaching previous to this time at Albany. Alvenia Connell, music and girls’ physical education instructor, is a graduate of Linfield college and formerly taught at Creswell. E. H. Condit, grade school super­ The Fraternal Order of Eagles intendent, this week released the celebration committee in charge of names of those composing the arrangements for the staging of McCrae to Be in Office teaching staffs of the Washington the Eagles day portion of Vernonia During Afternoons for and Lincoln grade schools for the Host Days this week made an­ coming school term. Coming Week H. A. Raymer Bid Buys nouncement of that portion of the In the Washington school Marian Beaver Creek Property, program for the three-day event Students who intend to enter Schrieber will instruct first grade; of September 2, 3 and 4. Vernonia high school with the open­ Decided Mre. Ina Scott, second; Lenora The day which will feature a ing of the 1939-40 school term Kizer, second; Velva Ramsey, thirl; Members of the board of Grade program of interest to Eagles will September 5 may register before Mildred Weed, fourth; Ruby Mad- School District No. 47, Jt., at the also prove interesting to other the opening day of school it was dess, fifth and arithmetic’ and de­ spectators and will be open for announced this week by Wallace partmental; Jesse Hart, remedial! special meeting called for last Wed­ everyone with the exception of a McCrae, high school principal. Dur­ teaching; Noble Dutton, sixth and' nesday evening named Mrs. Lulah banquet which is being staged in ing all of the coming week McCrae history and civics departmental; I E. Fullerton as instructor in the the evening. will maintain office hours in the Jane Lovett, sixth and history and • newly-voted kindergarten to be es­ Prizes will be awarded for con­ high school building for those who language; Robert Slawson, historp tablished with the opening of school tests as is the set up for the Sat­ wish to establish their schedule of and arithmetic; Pauline Christian, I on September 5. Voters of the dis ­ urday and Monday portion of the studies previous to school opening. language; Rose DeMacon, geogra­ The hours will be from 1 to 5 p. program, it was announced. trict balloted in favor of establish ­ phy; E. H. Condit, library, superin­ The program in general is as m. each day. tendent; Barbara Sneath, music; ing the pre-school department at Especially was the invitation ex­ Mary Jean Fossatte, hpysical educo- an election held last Friday evening. follows although there may be some tended those students who will en­ minor changes before the actual tion and health; Shirley Weigel, At the same meeting the board ter this year as freshmen to visit rrt; Paul Gordon, industrial arts, decided upon age limits of those day arriek. Committeemen, how­ the school and present any prob­ ever, stated that there was little health, gym, principal. children attending. Some decision lems they may have. Parents are For the Linciln school Thelma on this matter was necessary in or­ liklihood of any change being neces­ also invited, should they wish to Standing Based on Per sary. Programs will be printed for Ramsey will serve as principal and der to prevent an attendance in ex­ come. Cent of Improvement of distribution a short time before the first grade instructor; Mrs. Madge cess of the facilities which will be First Six Months Rogers, second grade; Doris O’­ available this year. It was decided celebration begins and will give Conner, third and Nedra Young, that any child can attend if he or visitors the time and place of Columbia county stood in third she reaches the age of five on or events. fourth. place in its division in the traffic The program: Registration ai Of the new teachers engaged, before October 1 of this year, and accident improvement contest among Miss Rose DeMacom of Oregon City that children between the ages of 10 a. m.; parade, 10:30 a. m. to counties of the state for the first feature comic floats. replaces Charlotte Hilts, Miss De­ five and six were eligible. six months of 1939, Earl Snell, In the afternoon at 1 o’clock the It was also stated that those regu­ Macom taught before in Wasco secretary of state, revealed today. lations might possibly be changed “Ladies from Hell,” a Portland county. Leaders in the three divisions Vernonia- Group Com- were Miss i Barbara Sneath, replacing should the attendance even then Eagle auxiliary drill team will per­ Yamhill, group I; Jackson, Petes with 20 Other Units group II; Wasco, group III. Stand­ Miss J Amy Hughes as music in- prove too large or should it be less form to be followed by games and contests of various kinds, Prizes structor, attended school in Chicago than could be given proper atten­ at Oregon City ings are based on the percentage of will be awarded for these events, during the summer. Hhe has had tion. Columbia City to Get Vernonia’s Junior Band organiza­ improvement made each month in considerable experience in concert Further business of the Wednes one of which will be a water base­ number of traffic accidents, injur- tion this Saturday will attend the ball Municipal Waterworks game. Another will be a tug-o- work and is thoroughly qualified day evening meet was the naming ies and deaths. Counties were segre- of the successful bidder for the war between the St. Helens and Columbia County Fair at St. Hel- gated into the three groups on a System for the position. Vernonia Aeries. At 4 p. m. a ens, stated Clarence Watts, director basis of population density. Miss Shirley Weiger, whose home purchase of Beaver Creek School and manager of the group, to com- The Public Works Administration baseball game is schedued. District No. 49 as H. A. Raymer. Standings of the three groups in is Portland, replaces Elizabeth the fall ¡plete another portion of has approved the award of a gene­ The only event of the day open Piert as art instructor. She attendeS , His bid was given at $225. schedule of trips 'being taken by the were as follows: ‘ only to Eagles will be the banquet ral contract by the city council of the University of Oregon Extension Group I—Yamhill, first; Marion, slated for the Legion hall to start group. The band will participate in second; Portland Columbia City, Oregon, to the Sup­ (ARMY REPRESENTATIVES Service during the summer. and Columbia, the program of that day, it was at 6 p. m. third; Benton, fourth; Washington, erior Construction company of Se­ Miss Velma Ramsey of Madress, ' TO CHANGE LOCATION— stated, as was done last year. will replace Kay Joyce as thirl Major and Mr;. Bert Stack and The band last Saturday attended fifth; Clatsop, sixth; Polk, seventh; attle, low bidder at $22,738 for the grade instructor. Mrs. Hortense Slater, representa­ the Territorial Days celebration held Multnomah and Clackamas, eighth. Construction of a municipal water- Miss Mary Jean Fossatte of Port­ tives of the Salvation Army, from Group II—Jackson, first, Hood works system. at Oregon City and in a contest •/ land has been engaged to fill the headquarters at St. Johns, who have with 19 other bands and marching River, second; Coos, third ; Lin- The contract calls for the con- position of Francis Faber as phlsical iegularly contacted citizens of Ver­ coin, fourth; Tillamook, fifth; Linn, units rated third place mention. struction of a 100,000-gallon con- education and health instructor. sixth; Lane, seventh. nonia during the past two years crete reservoir, pump house and BRALEY & GRAHAM Miss Doris O’Conner of Portland announced this week that they Group III—Wasco, first, Uma- distribution mains, and installation TO SHOW CARS— will teach for Mrs. Del Long who is weuld be transferred to Vancouver, tills, Klamath, second; Union, Doug­ On Friday and Saturday of this las, third; Baker, fourth; Josephine, of a turbine pump. The work of away on a yea's leave of absence to Washington. They expressed thanks drilling a well, for which a contract Annual Meeting to Be week at the location next to the fifth; Deschutes, sixth. attend school in Washington. to the citizens of Vernonia for the j was awarded last December to the post office, L. D. Sperber and John Held in Clatskanie on consideration they have received in In the first group Benton county A. M. Jannsen Drilling Company of Bevill will have charge of the the past. No announcement was September 9 dropped to fourth place after hold­ Braley and Graham used car dis- ing third place in January and first Portland, has been completed. made of future representatives of Miss Mary A. Ewing, president The projeot, estimated to cost men have been with play. Both the army but it was urged that place in the months of February, credentials be checked when they of the Columbia County Pioneer the concern many years. Through March, April and May. Marion mov­ $27,272, will be financed with a Association, announced this week special arrangement, Braley and PWA loan of $15,272. arrived. | that what is reputed to be one of Graham, in addition to the stock ed from ninth place in January up the outstanding events of the fall on display will be able to bring to third place for the next five DELIVERY, MOTORCYCLE will be the staging of a picnic for any one of the 85 used cars here months and into second place in COLLIDE THURSDAY— association members on September for customer inspection, it was an­ June. Yamhill moved from sixth Motion Requests Appro­ A motorcycle driven by Robert 9. The annual meeting of the group place in April, through third place nounced. in May to first in June. priation of Funds for Glassner and the Red Dot cigar will be held at the same time. In the second group, Coos, Hood panel delivery truck SUNDAY ACCIDENT INVOLVES driven by The picnic and meeting will be Natal Grange Park Rivei and Jackson counties have Webb Campbell collided Thursday held in the Presbyterian church in HALL, GETTMAN CARS— Nearly 70 persons attended the evening of last week at the inter­ Clatskanie. Automobiles driven by George hovered about the first three places district conference of the Veterans section of Bridge street and Wash­ The meeting last year drew 350 ' Gettman and Dale Hall collided in the standings all year, Coo« be­ Permission for Transfer of Foreign Wars held here last Fri­ ington avenue. Both vehicles were adults and many children. Those about 9:30 p. m., Sunday evening ing in first place two months, in day evening. Commander John Gra­ damaged considerably but no ser­ planning to attend are requested to near the north end of the Treharne second two, and in third two. Hood Obtainable from FSA Of­ dy of Smith-Christensen post open­ ious injury was suffered by either 'bring a dessert for the lunch, the i Mile bridge and resulted In con­ River held first place three months, fice at Astoria ed the meeting and turned the occupant. The collision occured at remainder of the food to be fur- ' siderable damage to both machines. second place two and third one Persons selling, trading or re­ gavel over to District Commander approximately 5:30 of that after­ nished by those pioneers living in Both vehicles were directed to the while Jackson was in third place ceiving chatties mortgaged to the Dusenibury. three, second twice and first once. noon. Clatskanie. ditch beside the roadway. Farm Security Administration as During the meeting a motion was security for rehabilitation loans are passed requesting the State Depart­ liable to Court action by the govern­ ment of Parks to appropriate funds ment if legal releases have not to have the Natal Grange grounds been secured, according to a notice designated as a state park. In ad­ • received from the Regional Attor­ dition to the usual business trans­ A copy of an old law book, The a speed exceeding four miles per j ing pedestrians or others of the ed lamp or lamps in a conspicious ney, reports Lewis A. Nichols, acted, the district picnic date was Revised Municipal Code of Chicago, I hour when turning any street cor- approach of any such vehicle. Each position thereon, whenever in mo­ County FSA Supervisor, Astoria. changed to the first Sunday after 1905, was in the possession of Les- j ner and the operator of such vehi- i automobile, autocar or other simi­ tion on any street, alley, or public Restrictions are placed on sale or Labor Day, September 10. Enter­ ter Sheeley this week. The book in * cle, when such vehicle is in mo- tainment and refreshments occupied lar vehicle shall be equipped with way, and such lamps shall be kept transfer of chattels mortgaged to two of its sections revealed the.'hon shall observe the rules of the the remainder of the meeting time, at least two brakes or sets of lighted, during the period com­ FSA not only to provide partial extent of regulations imposed upon road. security for rehabilitation loans but it was reported. automobiles during the early days' “Section 155. Every automobile, 1 brakes, one of which brake or set mencing with April 1 and ending October 31, from eight p. m. to to insure maintenance of sufficient of their manufacture. ■ autocar or other similar vehicle ’ of brakes shall be indepdent of daybreak and during the period operating goods to keep the farm 4-H’ERS SWIM IN The regulations are reprinted, driven or propelled upon or along the driving gear of such vehicle commencing November 1 and end- on a productive basis and carry out DEWEY POOL SATURDAY— | when construction will permit. here to give an insight into early- any street or public way in the ing March 31 from six p. m. to farm plans, says the notice, I city shall be equipped and supplied Either of such brakes shall be About 35 members of 4-H clubs day regulations. daybreak. Where sale or trade of mortgaged of sufficient power, when applied, automobile, with an alarm bell or gong not No. “ Section 154. from Scappoose spent part of last No part of the machinery of any chattels is necessary because of to bring any such vehicle, when at Saturday afternoon swimming in autocar or other similar vehicle more than four inches in diameter automobile, autocar or other simi- changes in farm operation, author- a speed of ten miles per hour, to and the same shall be sounded at shall be propelled or driven upon Dewey pool. They came here cha­ lar vehicle shall be permitted te ization for transfer of such proper­ peroned by Mrs. Maude Purvine, or along any street, alley or public street crossings and whenever and a full stop within ten feet from run while suc$ vehicle Is standing ty should be secured through the County Home Demonstration Agent, way in the city at a speed exceed­ wherever else deemed advisable by the point where such vehicle waa in any street, alley or public way ¡county supervisor’s office, Nichols __ _______ operator of such vehicle to be when the brake waa applied; and and Miss Nettie Alley, Red Cross ing ten miles per hour when pro­ the pointed out. ceeding in a direct course, not at sounded for the purpose of notify- all such vehicles shall Carry a TTght- without an attendant. Nurae. Columbia Is Rated in Third Position Junior Band Places Third For Marching PWA Gives Approval to Contract County Pioneer Association To Picnic Many Attend Conference Here Friday Legal Release Necessary For Mortgages Old Chicago Law IBook * I * Regulations