Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 11, 1939, Page 6, Image 6

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1939 Motor Cruise: Lake o’ the Woods
News of th
Charlie McCarthy emerged from
his first technicolor movie test un-
der orders to have his complexion
slightly altered.
Edgar Bergen, the famous dum­
my’s boss, pal and co-worker, ap­
proved those orders, but stipulated
that Charlie’s original complexion
must not be impaired. Consequent­
ly Samuel Goldwyn’s technicians
f-t busy and created a new paint
that could be applied to and re­
moved from Charlie’s features like
Charlie is making his color de­
but in “The Goldwyn Follies” at
the Joy Theatre on Sunday with
Bergen, the ventriloquist who cre-
: ted him and made him famous.
Joan Blondell has danced on the
vaudeville stage, on Broadway and
in motion pictures. She thought
she knew the routine of every
terpsichorean invention, and than
she was assigned a co-starring role
with Melvyn Douglas in Columbia’s
“Good Girls Go to Paris,” coming
to the Joy Theatre Tuesday.
For her characterization in the
picture, Miss Blondell was required
to dance the old-fashioned “square I
dance.” It was one routine she had
to master under the guidance of a
special instructor.
“Stronger Than Desire” is the
second major feature directed by
Leslie Fenton, former actor, who
directed “Tell No Tales.” Fenton
forsook acting to direct, and after
a series of highly successfull short
subjects was assigned to major fea-
tures. He returned to acting only
once, to play the convicted mur-
derer in “Boys Town.” John W.
Considine, Jr., producer of such
hits as Boys Town, Dancing Lady,
and Broadway Melody of 1936, is
the producer.
Lake o' the Woods nestles in the Cascades of souihern Oregon, one of the beauty and vacation
spots for southern Oregonians.
This newspaper is co-oper­
Youth, too, liked Lake o’ the I
ating with the Oregon State Woods, we found. Camp Mc­
Motor association and The Loughlin is maintained there
Oregonian in presenting a by Crater lake area council of
series of motorlogs designed the Boy Scouts embracing Jack-
to stimulate travel in Oregon son and Josephine counties in I
and the Pacific northwest, Oregon and Siskiyou in Cali- J
This article was condensed fornia. It was to be busy with |
from a full-page article ap- scouts for five weeks.
pearing in The Oregonian
Medford Girl Scouts and
August 13.
southern Oregon Camp Fire
Girls use it, too. Some 400 4-H
Lake o’ the Woods, wl learned club youngsters from Jackson
on the second lap of our A. A. and Klamath counties were to
A.-Oregonian motorlog tour of hold their camp at one of the
lakes in the southern Cascades, forest camps. And 25 members j
is a playland particularly popu­ of Klamath Falls junior police
lar with residents in the Ash­ organizations also were to have
land, Medford and Klamath their vacations at the lake.
Falls area.
Many road improvements
The resort, however, is well were being made in the area
known to Californians and they and others contemplated, John
flock to it as the place for a Sarginson, district ranger at
well-rounded vacation.
Lake o’ the Woods ranger sta­
Fishing, swimming (tempera­ tion, told us. Men from regular
tures of the water runs from forest road development crews
60 to 70 degrees) and boating and CCC troopers are now at
are easily the lake’s most popu­ work on roads which many be­
lar recreations.
lieve may ultimately provide a
Attesting to its popularity, short route between Klamath
there are some 150 summer Falls and Medford and Ashland.
homes on the lake, ranging Last year the forest service be­ The moiorlogger's trip back to
from modest cottages to luxuri­ gan work on the roads here in Portland after looping into the
ous residences, valued, we were earnest and spent about $30,- Lake o' the Woods is mapped
told, at upwards of $10.000.
000, he said.
"Hell’s Kitchen,” the Warner
Bros, drama opening soon at the
Joy Theatre presents the ‘Dead
End’ Kids in a brand new type of
role, The “Angels with dirty faees”
have all the sympathy on their sides
in this one, for they are shown as
the brutally treated inmates of a
so-called shelter for boys. <Iow they
reform the reform school and, in­
cidentally, an ex-gangster as well,
forms the novel plot of “Hell’s
Barbara O’Neil' has crossed the
Atlantic ten times since she made
her first trip at the age of eight.
But the only time she has ever
been seasick was in the middle of
the Sahara Desert, she revealed
while working in Universal’s “The
Sun Never Sets,” at the Joy Thea­
tre next Thursday and Friday.
“My father and I were crossing
the desert on camels,” the actress
related, "and that camel ride made
me more seasick than any boat
ever could.”
Deep Sea Fi.hermen—
Al Denny, Alton Roberson, Winks
Walker and Archie Green spent Sat­
urday and Sunday at Garibaldi deep
sea fishing. They were very success-
RIVERVIEW — (Special to The
Eagle)-—Mr. and Mrs. Claude E.
Gibson, Patsy Jean, Claudine and
Claude returned from a month va­
cation. They toured through Oregon
Idaho, Utah, Arizona and Califor­
nia. In Arizona they visited Mr
Gibson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J
W. Gibson, and brother, Mr. Carl
Gibson, also a sister and brother-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Savage
all former residents of Vernonia
This is Mr. Gibson’s first return
to Arrizona in 16 years and they
visited two brothers whom he hadn’t
seen in those years.. Mr. and Mrs.
Gibson and family also visited the
Grand Canyon, Painted Desert, San
Francisco fair and the petrified
forest, They traveled
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Huntley and
family spent Saturday in Hillsboro,
Mr. Huntley and Mr. and Mrs.
Andy Raymer and family and Mr.
Kelly and David were in Garibaldi
fishing and clam digging.
Lewis Huntley’s sister from Hills­
boro and his brother, Nate Hunt-
ley, from Sheridan were here visit­
ing Sunday.
Your Money Buy» a Better Value
at the
Trip» by way of Banka and Forest Grove
Leave Vernonia:
Leave Portland:
8:05 a. m.
8:45 a. m.
1:35 p. m.
2:45 p. m.
6:35 p. m.
4:45 p. m.
Call Service between Vernonia and Keaaey and Pittaburg for
Paaaengera to or from Foreat Grove or Pointa Beyond.
TERMINAL: The Coxy Fountain
AGENT: Mra. Earl L. Smith
PHONE: 582 for information
Mr. and Mrs. Kdberstein and
laughter, Erma, were in Portland
Sunday where they attended the
Air Races.
Mrs. Pearl Biggs and children
returned to Wauna after visiting
relatives here.
Mr. and Mr Bill Bond and fam-
ily spent Sunday at Mt. Hood.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zeiner and
Mrs. O. Beavais and Bonita Kirk-
land of Portland spent Sunday
Seaside and Cannon Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Holmes at-
tendei the Air Races in Portland
Mr. ai d Mrs. Ed Roediger, Jr. at-
tended the Red Head Roundup at
Taft last weekend. They also visited
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Anderson who
ccently moved to Taft.
Shoals without disturbing the bus­ for their products and are making
iness of the rest of the Country. a special to women and youth.
And in doing this it increases
Resolve, that wc re-double our ef­
it’s income without adding a pen­ forts for the prssage of Bill 517,
ny to it’s debt. It is absurb to say prohibiting advertising by radio, and
our country can issue $30,000,000 Bill 575, prohibiting advertising
in bonds and cannot issue $30,000,- through the newspapers.
in currency. Both are promises I Whereas, as the state of Oregon
pay but one promise fattens1 depends upon the revenue from
user and the other helps liquor for relief and old age pen­
people. If currency issued! sions and supports its 4-H club work
the Government was no good by revenue from horde and
the bonds issued would be not acing,
good either. It is a terrible situa-
Resolved, we protest against the
when the Government, to in-
the national wealth, must go system and urge legislation pro-
debt and submit to ruionous hibiting the practice.
Whereas, we believe that war and
interest charges at the hands of
men who control the fictitious violence can bring neither peace
value of gold. “Interest is the in­ nor happiness,
vention of Satcn,” The only reason
Res: lived, that wc petition the
people do not rebel at peying hid­ ati n for a Weld Conference of
den taxes is because they are to­ he peoples of the world where
tally ignorant of how much they nd discontent, injustices or mis-
are paying. When the public wakes understandings
up : nd realizes the amount that is from whatsoever cause .arising, may
xacted from it in interest yea- e examined and se*tl$d by reason
after year due to Govemeilt bor­ ind methods of justice in the spir.T
rowing, it will insist upon the Gov­ if good will and of any necessary
ernment being placed on a pay as ■elf-s crifice on the part of some
you go basis. Business men alone, eations, so that universal disarma-
vou cannot be heard. Join the nent and a lasting world peace
Townsend Legion and give your nay be sicrued.
supert to the organization which
Commitee:—Mrs. Ada Shoemaker,
is striving to put the country on Mrs. Anna Burcham and Mrs. Julia
a pay as you go basis.
V. Anderson.
Submitted by Mrs. A. E. Jen­
The meeting was reported as
nings, Vernonia, Oregon.
■uccessfu! and reports showed a
mod increase in membership in all
he unions during the past year.
'■Jis. Necia Buck, state president,
nve an interesting rddress in the
fternoon and evening, as did Rev.
'fugford, jiastor of the church.
Women’s Union
Holds Annual
■ reenman G’iest—
Fcur Resolutions Are Mrs. Gen Woodcox of Kansas
City. Kan sas, arrived here Tucs-
Passed by Group; Mem­ day to visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Judd Greenmrn. Mrs. Woodcox was
bership Increases
a former school mate of Mrs.
The Columbia County Women’s Greenman.
Mrs. Greenman gave a
Christian Temperance Union, held ea honoring her guest Wednesday
their annual county convention at afternoon.
the W:rren Baptist church last Fri­
day, August 4, with an all day and icveral Day Visit—
evening meeting.
Mrs. Dave Marshall spent several
The committee on resolutions pre­ lays visiting the E. M. Bleile fam-
sented the following resolutions ly in Westfir, a dry in Eugene with
which were accepted:
ler son, Larry, and several days at
We, as members of Columbia 'oledo with the M. F. Wall family.
County WJC.T.U., resolve to faith­
fully continue our warfare against
Lex Taylor has
alcohol as a beverage and the traf­
the flu the past week but is much fic of alcohol as a business.
Your home for as little as
$1.00. Fumigant approved by
improved at this time.
Whereas, the liquor interests are
Good Housekeeping and U. S.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Kirkbric’Z concentrating on a campaign adver­
Dept, of Agr. Simple to use.
and Mr. and Mrs.
tising to promote the idea of moder­
and children olf Trenton, Nebraska, ation,
attended the Nebraska picnic at
Resolve, that we continue to edu-
Oaks Park Sunday.
cate through the public schools,
Vernonia Grange No. 305
Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and Mrs. church schools and youth organiza-
Mqpts Second Saturday of
G. C. Kirkbride entertained a num­ tions the principal of total abstin-
Every Month
ber of friends at their home Fri­ ence from all alcohol beverages in­
8 P. M.
day afternoon in honor of Mrs. cluding wine and beer.
Carl Nealeigh, who is visiting here
Whereas, the liquor interests
from Trenton, Nebraska. The after- through the medium of advertising
noon was spent in social conversa- ■ axe seeking to increase the market
tion. Those present were Mrs.
Georgia Mellinger, Mrs. Mae Mel-
linger, Mrs. Frank L; .by, Mrs.
Earl Brady, Mrs. Grace Pierce,
Mi's. Alice Pierce, Mrs. Ann Rig-
gos, Mrs. Chas. Bergerson, Mrs.
Wallace Bergerson, Mrs. Cass Ber­
The energy and health that parents want for
gerson, Mrs. Mary Christiansen,
their children may be obtained in a large
Mrs. Eda Parker, Mrs. Dorothy Bo-
dell, Mrs. Claude Hillsberry, Mrs.
measure through choice foods.
Caril Carlson and the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Woods spent
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen
STONEY POINT — (Special to
The Eagle)—Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Lindberg and children of Swensen
pent Saturday with Mrs. Bert De-
1’ue and family. Sunday they at­
tended the Loggers' Carnival al
Seaside. When they returned home SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT;
peapie j
found that the house had been
thoroughly ransacked but nothing who will not turn a shovel full of i
of value was taken. However, a the people who supply all ths ma-|
number of nice dishes were found terial, will collect more money!
broken on the floor of the pantry. from the United States, than will'
Calvin Davis, whose right eye was the peapie who supply all the ma-i
injured two weeks ago when the terial and do all the work. That is i
gun he was shooting back fired, the terrible thing about interest. |
In all our great bond issues, the I
the injured part removed at
. 4
hospital last Friday morning, interest is always greater than the 7
was brought home Sunday principal. All of the great public
morning and is reported as getting works cost more than the actual
cost on that account. Under the
tlong very nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Turner drove present system of doing business
to Chehalis. Washington, Friday we simply add from 120 per cent !
after their children who have spent to 150 per edht to the stated !
tl-e past two weeks at the Orville cost. But here is the point: if our I
Peer home Saturday both families nation can issue a dollar bond, it I I
drove to Centralia to the Pioneers’ can issue a dollar bill, The element I
celebration. While playing in a that makes the bond good makes I I
tree Marvin Turner had the mis­ the bill good also, The dif- I I
fortune to fall, severely spraining ference between the bond I and I
bond ! I
ankle and which will Tequire the
use of crutches for the next lets the. money broker collect
twice the amount of the bond, and
Word received by her mother an additional 20 per cent whereas
states that Miss June Michener is the currancy (the honest sort pro­
in Seattle and has steady employ­ vided for in the Constitution) pays
ment in that city.
> nobody but those who directly con-
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blackwell and tribute in some useful way. If the
family and Miss Gwen Blackwell, Goverment issues bonds, it simply
of Sheridan spent Sunday after- draws $30,000,000 out of the other
¡channels of trade and turns it in to
noon at the Carl Davis home.
W. L. VanDoren. Mrs Esther other channels of trade and turn
Fletcher and Miss Louise Fletcher it in to Muscle Shoals. If the Gov-
were weekend guests at the Oliver ernment issues currancy. it provid­
Mellinger home. Miss Louise re­ es itself with enough money to in­
crease National wealth at Muscle
mained here for a longer visit.
The Forum
Corey Hill—10 A. M. and 3 P. M.
O-A Hill and East Side—10:30 A. M. and
3:30 P. M.
Grocery & Market
Phone 761
Quantity Orders Gladly Delivered
that when you see the sign
that you and your family’s health is being safe
You get this assurance at the
I f
Wholeitalv and llvtail
See my bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $8.75
>er M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m.
to noon.
<- Ititi < E