FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1939 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE THREE 3 LET’S BE SOCIABLE Peachey-Englesey Wed Sunday— [ right OUT OF THE AI r J ¡DeHarts Celebrate 21st Anniversary— I—»—, — -By EARLS FERRIS L Kathleen Wilson, above, who Is Claudia in "One Man’s Family." re­ cently played a realistic role on the program. In the drama she was to be sick In bed. Driving her car to rehearsal, she was in an accident and injured her knee. She did the broadcast from a wheel chair and actually had to go to bed for four days after the program. • • • As a result of his dally broadcasts ou "Getting the Most Out of Life," pr. William L. Stldger has discovered what happened to ten former class­ mates of his. They have all written letters recalling the old days. They were classmates In the first grade, incidentally. Raymond Paige, above, is bringing radio's largest musical series to the microphone on Wednesday nights over the CBS network with the broadcasts starting Feb. 22. Paige is presenting one hundred male musicians and a girl vocalist. Edgar A. Guest's "It Can Be Done* program over CBS Wednesday nighta Is now being heard at 10:30 p. m., E. S. T. Musical figures who have appeared with Eddie recently include Maestro Andre Ko6telanetz and Carrie Jacobs Bond, the composer. WRC Holds Picnic— IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA Your week’s Program al the JOY THEATRE f Members of the Women’s Relief Corp participated in a contest from January until July, the winners of ,he event enjoying a picnic dinner given by the losers at Arcadia park Thursday, August 3. Those present were May Mellinger, Florence Mc­ Donald and daughters, Gertrude Kirk and family, Eva Jacobs and children, Gertrude Rusow and son, ! Isola Fowler, Ruth Kelmer and chil­ dren, Emma Weed, Mabel Mitchell, Estella Monger, Mary Miller, Selma Webb and daughter, Elizabeth Watts, Margaret Lines, Jennie, Oswald, Ethel Hall, Minnie Johns, ] Ada Jacobs and children, Dorcas, Bays, Ione Justice and children,1 Maude Ramsey and Jeanette ’ Chance and daughter. CITATION IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ TATE OF: Charles S. Rich, De­ ceased, To Nellie McCoy, Jessie Morey, Fred Morey, Martha Bauer, Fred Bessie Bauer, Florence I Baugr, Church of Jesus Christ Bauer, Katie Swett, Louis Swett, of Latter Day Saints— Carl Prentice, Mary Freeborg, Can Freeborg and Harry Steece, and all (Commonly called “The Mormua other persons unknown, Greeting IX i IE OF THE 8TATB church) OF OREGON: You and each of you Sunday school each Sunday morn­ are hereby cited and required t4 ing at 10 o'clock at the Grange appear in tl.e County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of hall, Vernonia. Members and friend, Ocluni: ia not less than ten days are invited to atteno. from the service off this citation i pon you, namely: within tin days alter the date of the last publica- to-wit: Sep- Camp Meeting Notice— tion of this n and there :. emb ’V Sth, The annual Camp Meeting of the to show ca e, :.ny exist, why an be m de authoriz­ Seventh Day Church of God con­ order should n ing th< adminis- Ing and empc venes this year in the big shady trator of saic ate to sell the grove at Junction City, Oregon, :d lea; property, .ifty miles south of Salem, from o-w it two (2) Sun- Lot fi August 18 to 28. For reservations ity of Verno- n write us in care of Camp Meeting nia. 0 Committee, or come and you will be provided for. A cordial welcome is extended to all. By order of Camp Meeting Mgr. said Verno- citat on to general ' nia Eagle, I Aspinall Guest— County 1 circulación Benny Joe Doyle was a guest Oregon. Date of f it publication, August Mrs. Aspinall for two days. llth. 1939. Date of I st publication, Septem Visits at Camp- ber 8th, 1939. */,.>, Mrs. A. C. Alexander went to (SEAL!—J. W. Hunt. County Clerk Camp McGregor Saturday to visit. of Columbia County, Oregon. Looking up famous marionette and UCILLE MANNERS, soprano star of the Friday night NBC concert puppet shows around New York, Mary Margaret McBride got a big hour, is achieving honors in other .fields. Lucille was selected Queen of surprise when she found herself in Winter by Lake Placid, and won a miniature— a namesake puppet, even New York City contest for pie baking. dressed in her famous studio outfit of dark tailored dress with white cuffs and collar. • • • Head of Dave "Hobby Lobby* Elman’s research division is Roberta Semple, daughter of the evangelist, Aimee Semple McPherson. Roberta was a guest on the program recently, brought from California to lobby fo» her hobby of collecting rare and ancient perfumes. She Is the one "Hobby Lobby" guest who never went home. The 21st wedding anniversary of A very beautiful wedding occur- ed on Sunday afternoon at the Mr. and Mrs. A. L. DeHart was l celebrated recently at their home Christian parsonage, the contracting by a surprise party by a few rela- parties were Mr. Elmer Englesey . tives and friends. Refreshments of : ::J Miss Lorraine Peachey. The ice cream and cake were served by ir lc ¡3 the only daughter of the guests and a 12-piece silver set Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peachey of vas given to Mr. and Mrs. DeHart. Thcs? present were Mr. and Mrs. this city. T. L DeHart, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. The bride was beautifully gown- L __ ange Mr. and Mrs. ed in a dusty pink crepe silk dress, Kenzie, Mr. and Mrs. and the ceremony was performed Ilnrt and two children, and Elders before an altar draped in white Nelson : nd Childs. Mrs. Georpe : Bell, Mrs. Dick Lynch and Mrs. aaun, decorated with sweet peas | George Wood were invited but un- and summer chrysanthemums. I able to attend. The only guests were the im­ mediate families of the contract­ Shower Given ing parties. 1 Miss McKenzie— The service was read by Rev. W. A bridal shower was given Miss O. Livingstone, pastor of the First I Katherine McKenzie recently by Christian church. Mr. and Mrs. Englesey will re­ I Mrs. Frank Lange and Mrs. T. L. side on First Avenue of this city. 1 DeHart acting as hostesses at the Lange home. A friendship quilt was I started for the honor guest, a pat­ tern being given each one present I for the day. Refreshments were j served the guests. Thore present were Mrs. Mike Stolen, Mrs. Fritz Hausler, Mrs. Walter Erven, Mrs. M. B. Willard, Mrs. J. W. McKenzie, I Christina McKenze, ths honor guest and hos- tesses. Those sendng gifts but not alble to attend were Mrs. Gecge Baker, Mrs. William Nisson, Mrs. Themas Turner, Mrs. Carl Davis, Mrs. Bob Barnes of Glenwood and John McKenzie. Visits Parents--- vice will be held at the regular time. There will be no evening preach-1 ing service. The regular prayer meeting and Bible study will be held Wednesday evening at 8:00 o’clock. I Thursday and Friday, August 10 and 11 HERE'S A NEW AND BEì I I i! PIC G Hi F WITH THAT COULDN’T-BE-BETl >■.R CAST! JOHN GARFIELD ct.wci n.'.iNi irfFKEV LYHN-FAV B-.1NTE» DONALD CRUP» MAY ROBSON Flank LIcHvgh • Dick Foran as J 74/ "Fear Da»j4’/»i" Before George Murphy, master-of- ceremonles of the new Screen GuBd Show on CBS, turned to stage work and stardom on Broadway, he worked as tool maker In an automobile plant, in real estate, as a miner and a night club dancer. ... Kate Smith, on her Thursday night shows, often finds opportunity to prove her versatility. If Ted Collins, who usually gives stage cues, is otherwise occupied, Kate steps In and gives the necessary directions. I Anderson Visitors— Louis Roberson of Louisiana, ar- I Visitors at the C. L. Anderson rived here recently for an indefi-,home over the weekend were Mr. nite visit with her parents, Mr. and ' and Mrs. Carl Davidson and daugh- Mrs. Hamp Roberson. 'ter, Doris, from Portland. FR1SCILLA LANE ROSEMARY LANE LOLA LANE GALE PAGE Presented by WARNER BI.OB. D./ru/d h MICH.UL CURTIZ Martha Raye, pictured here. Is heard every Tuesday night on the A! Jolson show over the CBS network. Martha’s vocalizing and comedy lines have resulted In stardom in the movies as well as on the air. At The Churches Saturday, August 12 Sú*U^ Gi. becomes an even greater film, starring SYLVIA SIDNEY and JOEL McCREA, with Humphrey Bogart. ... Released through United Artists •. . Sunday and Monday, August 13 and 14 Christian Church Study These Two Lamps and —The Livingstories. Ministers Church School meets at 9:45 with M. L. Herrin as superinten- dent. This is a splendid school of religious instruction. Morning worship hour at 11:00 o’clock, communion and sermon, subject is “The Spirit Church.” Services close at Christian Endeavor at 7:30, and the evening song and preaching service at 8 o’clock. The subject of the evening sermon is “Jesus,— Judge or Saviour.” Prayer meeting every Wednes­ day evening. Welcome to all the services. IN TECHNICOLOR L GERSHWIN SONGS ADOLPHE MENJOU THE RITZ BROTHERS ZORINA « KENNY BAKER charlie M c C arthy PAL NIGHT Tuesday, August 15 DQUBLE FEATURE Assembly of God Church —Rev. L. W. Suter, pastor Notice The Light Meter The Lamp on The Right Is too low and has too small a spread of light. Besides, it is raw direct light. The one on the left gives off a glareless, soft, indirect light that is kind to your eyes. Why not PLAY SAFE and measure your light. Oregon Gas & Electric Co. VERNONIA, OREGON Sundry Services: Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. If you have children not in Sunday School, come and bring them. Children need early Christian training. Every child hould be in some unday School. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Evangelistic service at 7:45 p.m. Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock the Ladies Missionary and Prayer Band meets at the church. The revive 1 meeting at the As- ,-en bly of God church is growing in interest and attendance. Services are being held nightly, except Mon­ day, at 7:45 p. m. The evangelist will be speaking Satuiday evening on the subject, “Divine Healing"; Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. “Twelve Kinds of Christians”; Sun- A flrani non ’* d, y evening, ** “A Great FlnliTForn Deliverance. You ¿ire invited to come and hear Evangelist Henriksen and the boy evangelist. Jay Gorham. 1FIVYM D0»CLAS^rmJND€L me uevu is ineir riayiaaia „.Sudden Death Is The Game Wednesday, August 16 SONG NIGHT Directed by lewis Seller end I. A. Dupont Screen Ploy by Crane Wilbur and Fred Niblo. Jt. ’too an Original Story by €*■«• Wilbur Thursday and Friday, August 17 and 18 Evangelical Church —Harvey R. Scheuerman. Minister 9:43 Church School for all ages with spiritual instruction. 11:00 In the worship hour we shall be favored with a sermon from the subject, "Unseasonable Riches,” by our guest speaker, Mr. W’iHiam Elmer of Portland. 6:30 The Christian Endeavor ser- THE“DEAD END” KIDS MARGARET IINOSAY-ROI'ALD REAGAN •TANIIV FlllOt • A WAHNE» »«OS RatM RATHBONE VIRGINIA FIELD LIONEL ATWILL BARBARA O’NEIL