District Tourney Set for Saturday Seven Teams Will Compete in Play- Off Competition VOLUME 16, NUMBER 32 VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON Council Decision to Aid Fireman Event For September Carnival License Fee to Be Donated for Vernonia Host Days Vernonia city councilmen came to the aid of the Vernonia Fire­ men Monday evening with the de­ cision to donate to the Vernonia Host Days celebration the amount of the city occupation license charged for a carnival to operate. According to city ordinance a fee of $50 per day is levied for carni- vals. The Monday evening action will make available funds to be used as prize money for various events to be staged. Councilmen also considered and gave their okeh to an application for beverage distributor’s license to H. C. McDonald. The intention of McDonald is to reopen The Clulb, closed a short time ago by action of the State Liquor Control Com­ mission. The Club is owned by Valera Dickinson. The liquor com­ mission must grant the license be­ fore The Club can be opened for business. A request from The Vernonia Laundry was also received for a reduction in the water rate of that oSntfem. ihe average use of the laundry per month ranges at 500,000 gallons. Due to the large consumption it was requested that the rate be reduced. The matter was referred to the water commit- tee for the consideration of that group. Further Monday evening business was the discussion of Ordinance 225 prohibiting solicitation from house to house. Considerable ob­ jection has been heard recently re­ garding the regulation. Before any definite action will be taken a decision is to be sought from the The League of Oregon Cities. awarding of a contract to supply the city with 30 cords of 4-foot wood was granted J. E. Tapp' and bills against the city were allowed. STATE LEGION MEN TO CONVENE AUGUST 10-12— Three representatives of the Ver­ nonia Post of the American Legion have been named to attend the State Legion Convention to be held this weekend, August 10, 11 and 12 at Salem. Those delegates named from here are Harry Kerns, Ed Tapp and J. W. Nichols. Alternate^ are Harry Culbertson. C. L. Ander­ son and George Baker. The con­ vention is held for Legionairres, Legion Auxiliaries, the 40 & 8 and 8 and 40. A parade will be held Friday at 7 p. m., it was announced. POMONA GRANGE TO MEET HERE IN NOVEMBER— The last Saturday meeting of the Columbia County Pomona Grange at the Natal Grange hall brought the decision to hold the next meet­ ing of Pomona Grange here in November. The next meeting of the Grange Council will be held at Beaver Valley on the first Sunday of October, it was also decided. Exams Announced— The U. S.e Civil Service Commis- sion has announced open Competi- tive examinations for the positions named T>elow. Applications must be on file in the Commission’s office, Washington, D. C., not later than September 8. Positions are market­ ing specialist in livestock market supervision, also senior grade, as­ sociate grade and assistant grade; chief dietitian, head dietitian, staff dietitian to be employed in the Veterans' Administration, Public Health Service and ether govern­ ment departments; lithographic transferrer. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Teasury Department. Information may be obtained from O. T. Bateman at the post office. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1939 Election Slated for Friday Eve * Veterans to Be Hosts to District Voters Must Have Pro­ perty Qualifications to Participate Conference Slated Here August 18; 14 Posts to Be Represented An election has been set for this Friday, August 11, at 8 p. m. at Friday evening of this week the Washington grade school. At is the time set for a meeting that time legally qualified voters of of committeemen in charge of Grade School District No. 47, Jt., staging the Vernonia Host will have the opportunity of decid­ Days celebration. The meeting ing for themselves the question re­ was called by Earl Slmith, cently arisen regarding the estab­ Fire Chief, and will be held at lishing of a kindergarten in con- the Oregon Gas and Electric nection with the -chool. company office at 7:30 p. m. The kindergarten question was of that evening. Contact with given public mention some time a carnival company was to be ago at the election held to pass made Wednesday evening to the budget and to name directors determine the basis of a con- to fill vacant positions on the tract for the company during board. No definite action was taken its future showing here during at that time, however. the time of the celebration. As has been explained by the school board the kindergarten will be primarily for the children of parents who will be aible to provide their own transportation. At the present time it is impossible for the district to care for the added expense of transportation as the necessary funds are not available. Pomona Grange Names , School busses now in operation Committee to Meet are crowded to capacity to provide Assessor of County I for those children attending grades. Through an announcement made this week it was learned that over 100 members of th-' Veterans of Foreign Wars are expected to at­ tend the district conference of the VFW which is slafed for Vernonia Friday, August 18. Definite information as to the number of posts to be represented by delegates was not available at publication time but it was believed by those to be in charge of the conference locally that approximate­ ly 14 would be represented. Dele­ gates and post officials as well as state officers will be in attendance. Smith-Christensen pent as host will serve lunch following the regu­ lar business session. During the eve­ ning part of the meeting, district officials will be elected. CELEBRATION COMMITTEE TO MEET FRI. EVENING Resolution on Deposits Adopted Sat. Natal Grange entertained Pomo- na at their hall on Saturday, Au­ gust 5th, every Grange in the coun­ ty being well represented in at­ tendance. Agricultural committee reports told of maps being made of the land of our county with classifica- tion as to suitability for various purposes. The committee will meet again in September to Continue this work. Yankton A resolution from Grange on the matter of assessing mineral deposits of the county was adopted with the provision that when the taxes are not paid by the holder, the mineral rights will re­ vert back to the owner of the land, providing he or they redeem the same. This provision is to clear the title on lands involved. A com­ mittee was also appointed to meet with the county assessor and dis­ cuss this resolution, and bring their finding to the next Pomona meet­ ing. This committee consists of Henry Olsen, C. M. Watson and A. L. Morris. Plans are being made for the initiation of a large class before the end of this year. A meeting is scheduled for late November when the first and second degrees will be given, and a second meeting on December 6 will take care of the third and fourth degrees. The state officers will put on the fourth, but the others will be put on by dif­ ferent subordinate granges. All granges in the county will take part in the program in some way. R. Ginder of Beaver Homes was the only member reported to have passed away during the quarter, A resolution on his death appears elsewhere in this issue. Voters are urged to keed in mind that fact in stating their decision. Little if any added expense will be encountered, it has been ex­ plained, as an amount sufficient for maintaining the added feature, if favorably voted upon, has been provided in the budget recently passed. Only taxpayers are quali­ fied to cast ballots in the election. Members of Band to Leave Friday Robber Bees Attack Load Of Honey Broken Arms, Nose Suf- fered in Attempt at Pro­ tection Albert Downs and Fred Yeager of Portland, while enroute to the Clark and Wilson legging area Sun­ day morning with a trailer loaded with bee hives containing only honey, were attacked by a swarm olf rubber bees, it was reported Monday by State Police, One of the boys attempted to hold down a canvas covering the hives while the other drove in an effort to save the honey. The driver was stung by one of the bees and swerved the automobile causing the other boy to fall from the trailer breaking both arms and his nose, The injured boy was given treat- ment by Dr. R. D. Eby. • Due to lack of knowledge Saturday, August 12, of this of the hours of duty of the I week will see the opening game of newly-engaged lift guard for a six-game softball series of play the Vernonia swimming pool to decide the championship team the statement of hours is for District 4 of the State Soft- given again this week for the ball Association. The first game of benefit of users of the pool. the series is scheduled to begin at The guard, Roland Kelly, 2 p. m. on the afternoon of that is at the pool from 1:30 p. m. day. to 5:30 p. m. and from 7:00 Data communicated to the secre­ p. m. to 9:00 p. m. in the tary of the Vernonia league Mon­ evening. The hours are those day named the towns from which given an okeh by the govern­ teams were to be entered in com­ ment under the WPA set up petition. The information was re­ under which he is engaged. leased by Dwight Adams, State He is required to be on duty Softball Director. Seven teams will 135 hours each month but has compete in play; Vernonia, St. generously donated additional Helens (two teams), Scappoose, time, it was stated. Rainier, Astoria and Seaside. At a meeting of the Vernonia league Monday evening plans were made for the staging of the tour­ ney. Play will take place at the city park field which wilt undergo some improvement and repair be­ fore opening time of district play. The outfield will be smoothed and netting installed and netting wilt also be used to repair the Drowning Takes Life of backstop. Additional benches will Alice Weed, Eloise Gar­ be provided for a larger crowd of spectators than is ordinarily pres­ ner in Nehalem ent as it was thought by those Drowning claimed the lives of present Monday evening that the two girls here Wednesday after­ increase of seating capacity would noon while swimming in the Neha­ be necessary in anticipation of larger attendance. Admission char­ lem river at the Weed farm about ge« are to be made to provide three miles from Vernonia on the funds for umpire and scorekeeper compensation arid for balls used in Timber road. The two girls, Alice Weed, 16, play. The Monday evening meeting also and Eloise Garner, 12, were spend­ saw the, naming of an all-star team ing part of the afternoon swimming to represent Vernonia in play as the when it is thought that the former Vernonia league play will not be suffered cramps and the latter at­ col l.umated until! Thursday and tempted to rescue with the result will then necessitate another game that both lost their lives. Aid was to name the representative team. summoned immediately and the use The additional game would be of a pulmotor engaged in an at­ necessary to decide between the tempt at revival but without re­ winner of the first half of play and the second half. By picking an sults in either case. Alice Weed is the daughter of all-star team the necessity of the Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Weed and was playoff was eliminated. The all-star team is named on a student in the Vernonia high school. Eloise Garner is the daugh­ the sport page of this edition as is ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Garner that team’s manager. Further de­ and a.tended grade school at Pleas­ tails of the play off are also given there. ant Hill. Lives of Two Claimed Wednesday Annual VFW Picnic Slated At Big Eddy BUSH SPEED PLANE CRASHES IN TEST FLIGHT— Del Bush, 26-year-old flier and son of Jewett A. Bush, escaped with a bruise on the head and a Cut on the right arm recently when his 350-mile-an-hour racing plane to be entered in the Cleveland air races next month cracked up in a landing Officers to Be Installed at Kansas City Municipal airport. 45 to Represent Verno­ on August 27; Program The 17-foot winged Folkerts Spec­ nia at Longview Rolleo to Be Arranged ial was badly damaged but is to be Celebration ' From Astoria, Tillamook, Clats­ rebuilt in time to enter the raCes, The Vernonia Junior Band will FIRE ON PEBBLE CREEK kanie and other towns in this dis­ it was learned by communication to leave Friday morning to play dur­ ROAD QUICKLY STOPPED— trict, members of the Veterans of his father here Monday. A fire starting early this week Foreign Wars will gather Sunday, ing that day at the Longview Rolleo as representative of Vernonia, it rib out two and one-half miles from August 27 at Big Eddy park for MISSIONARY BREAKFAST was stated this week by C. R. Vernonia on the Pebble Creek road their annual picnic and installa­ DUE FRIDAY MORNING— Watts, director and manager of the was stopped before any great head­ tion of district officers. The Womans Missionary Society way had been made. The blaze was organization. of the First Christian church will All members of the Smith-Chris­ The journey will be made via on land owned by Koster Products tensen post and their families are hold their Annual Missionary Break­ the Johnson school bus from Mist company which was logged last invited to attend and bring their fast in the dihing rooms of the and two passanger cars of equip- year by A. E. Jones. It was re­ church on Friday morning of this ported that nearly 100 men were lunch which will be served pot­ week at 9:30 o’clock. The entire ment. luck. The committee in charge of The band will leave at 7 a. m. quickly dispatched to the scene of the affair has arranged a pro­ program will be supplied by the from the Washington grade school the blaze in bringing it to a hault. gram consisting of games and water district officers of the organiza­ and will comprise a party of 45. sports for youngsters and older tion led by Mrs. Helen Fishburn LOCAL TALENT ORCHESTRA of Portland who is district secre­ persons alike. TO PLAY SATURDAY EVE.— ENGLISH INSTRUCTOR Transportation wilt be arranged tary. All ladies are welcome, how­ TENDERS RESIGNATION— Harry George and his eight-piece for those attending from Vernonia ever, reservations will be necessary. Miss Mary Louise Miller, high ' orchestra composed of musicians of Who have no cars. SIX INITIATED INTO school English instructor, tendered local residence will play again for her resignation last week to re­ dancers of the community this Sat- TWO NEW CASES OF DEGREE OF POMONA— turn here for the coming school urday evening at the I.O.O.F. hall, DISEASE REPORTED— A class of six were initiated into term. Her position on the teaching The band has played several times Only two cases of communicable the Degree of Pomona at the Coun­ staff is the only one remaining to recently and has been well received ty Pomona Grange meeting held diseases were reported this week be filled, it was stated this week by those who have heard the per­ last Saturcuy at the Natal Grange via bulletin from the Oregon State by Wallace McCrae, high school formances. Board of Health. One of the cases Hall. Those in the class included was that of measles and the other Edna Mowe of Vernonia; Mrs. -if tuberculosis. The per cent of Nordstrom of Winema Grange; physicians reporting to the Board Merlon Holsheimer of Scappoose; from this county was named at 82. Mrs. Arthur Rohl of Beaver Valley; Lucille Ingram of Yankton and Mr. and Mrs. Joy Carver of Clatskanie. MIST HELPING CIRCLE be favorably represented by Hi obtained. SIGNAL OIL DRIVER In order that residents of the POSTPONES DINNER- 'aw enforcement officers. MIST—(Special to The Eagle) — IS ARRESTED— The arise of sentiment comes at city may make known their opinion Don A. Smith, truck driver for of the matter, several people re- Announcement was made from Mist this time is due to the approach of quested that The Eagle office be this week of the postponement of the Signal Oil Company was ar­ the second Vernonia Host Days named as headquarters for those the dinner planned by the Mist rested last week by State Patrol­ celebration on September 2, 3 and wishing to make an expression re- Helping Circle until a later date men for speeding with a truck on 4. At that time it is thought that garding the need of uniforms, due to warm weather. Refunds Highway 47. He is scheduled to a far more favorable impression Written or oral opinions will be have been made for tickets already! appear in the justice of peace court here August 11. will be made could uniforms be tabulated. sold. Opinion Favors Uniformed Officers Comment was prevalent in Ver­ nonia this week among a number of people regarding the possibility of obtaining uniforms for the two city marshals. The comment as it was most frequently heard was that such a move should have been made some time ago so that it would be possible for the city to Hours Stated Schedule Calls for 3 Games August 12 and 3 August 13