FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1939 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FIVE For a Vacation Expense Check, Check the Attic for Things to Sell Classified Ads • RIGHT OUT OF THE AIR¡ —EARLE FERRIS . • ETURNED to "The Circle” after taking several weeks’ leave of absence to make a movie Is Cary Grant, known on the hour as the "beadle.“ R Cary rejoins the regular company of Basil Rathbone, the Marx Brother^ FOR SALE — Saven-month old Greyhound pup; Golden Sahara strain; right age to run next year. A bargain at $15. Inquire evenings Saturday or Sunday at Webster Wilkins, third house north of Home Grocery. the Foursome,^, and Robert Emmet Dolan's Kate Smith will have her recreation orchestra on the house on her island at Lake Placid Sunday night completed next month in time for NBC program. the summer influx of guests. A While away, great part of the winter was spent Cary covered trucking lumber across the tee on radio show re­ the lake with Kate frequently super­ hearsals to pick vising operations on skates. up pointers. FOR SALE—Ceder shakes fence posts. 1076 Second Avenue, Vernonia. George Jessel, noted star of stage and screen, Is lending his talent exclu­ Grant sively to radio these days. In addition to his own program, “Jamboree,” Jessel Is emcee of the “For Men Only” show and making guest appearances on the air. The senior class at New York Uni­ versity voted Cecil B. DeMille, pro­ ducer of Radio Theatre, its favorite radio personality. In return, DeMille Is to choose the most beautiful girl in the class for their year book Wanted—To rent for cash or on shares, an equipped farm by re­ liable family. Inquire st The Ver- 31t3— nonia Eagle office. FOR SALE—1929 Chevrolet truck. Call at John Robbins home, Riverview. 29t3 FOR SALE—Fryers, Mrs. Herbert Counts, Keasey Rt., Vernonia, Oregon. 30t3— FOUND—'Maroon cloth jacket and flour sack containing pillow, on | road between Treharne and Ver- > nonia. Owner call at Eagle office and pay for this ad. 30t3—! __________________________________I FOR SALE—127-acre ranch, 40 acres clear; all new buildings; 6-room house! large orchard, ap­ ples, pears, prunes; large garden; good supply of water. Located atop Green Mountain. For information write O. W. Boeck, Keasey Rt., Vernonia, Oregon. 29t3— FLOWERS — Cut Flowers Potted Plants Sprays for Funerals Bush Funeral Home 592 6tf— Corsages Phone NO COMPLICATIONS REPORTED ON CALVIN DAVIS EYE INJURY AN UNLIMITED supply of scratch pads offered at 2 pounds 25c. Call at The Eagle office, Phone your needs and we’ll save some i for you. Special scratch pad orders tf i made up on order. Adele Ronson, who will again be heard In the role of Wilma when the "Buck Rogers" series returns to the air In the near future. Miss Ronson will be remembered for her portrayal of “Wilma" in the previous series. Mary Margaret McBride, heard over CBS at 12 noon, Mondays through Fridays, is already on the receiving end of her yearly deluge of letters from sweet girl graduates asking the commentator for advice concerning careers In New York. She answers each of them personally. Lucille Manners, soprano of the Friday night Concert Hour, shows promise of becoming one of Amer­ ica’s foremost stars of the concert stage, according to the critics, fol­ lowing her recent appearance at Town Hall. One of the numbers Miss Manners featured was Dr. Frank Black’s composition, “Lullaby For a Doll.” Dave Elman will be one of the few individuals to have an exhibit at the New York World’s Fair. His display, comprising examples of hobbies featured at one time or another on “Hobby Lobby,” will illustrate the ingenuity of the American people in craftsmanship. school house, wood shed and one R.UBBER STAMPS are available in acre of ground. The bids should be 2H days if ordered through The ¡n the hands of Mr. Lee Scnwab, Eagle. No order too large, too(Cicrk of School District No. 47, Jt., small. Stamp pads and other office on or before August 11, 1939. The supplies furnished on order. Let board reserves the right to reject your local newspaper office supply any or an bids. 21-3-10— these needs. tf. signed: LEE SCHWAB, Clerk GLEN F. HAWKINS, Chairman i of the Board. LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE NOTICE I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters (must have proper­ the legal voters of School District ty qualifications) of School Dist­ No. 47, Jt., Vernonia, Oregon, that rict No. 47, Jt., that an election an election will be held in the will be held in the Washington Washington grade school on August grade school on August 11, 1939, 11, 1939 at 8 p. m., for the pur- at 8 P. M., for the purpose of vot­ pose of granting the grade school ing to establish and maintain a board, District 47, Jt., the authority kindergarten in connection with the to sell the school building and common school in Distriict 47, Jt., grounds of the original school dis- the school district not assuming trict 49* Jt., Beaver Creek, Oregon, Signed: LEE SCHWAB, Clerk any responsibility for transporting GLEN F. HAWKINS, Chairman any kindergarten children to or 28-4-11— from school. 21-3-10— of the Board. Signed: LEE SCHWAB, Clerk | GLEN F. HAWKINS, Chairman 1 of the Board. FA NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ■ that School District No. 47, Jt., will | accept bids for purchasing the build-; ing and grounds of the original i School District No. 49, Jt., Beaver PORTLAND SUMMER SESSION— creek, Oregon. This consists of the | There will be two classes, one STONEY POINT — (Special to The Eagle)—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis have made several trips to Portland to see their son, Calvin, who is in the hospital with an in­ jured eye. At the last report no complications arisen, therefore, no further attempt has been made to remove the piece of metal, How- ever, developments are being care- • fully patched. Word received by his parent^ stated thut Robert Turner is in Bruce, Wisconsin, having gone there with his uncle, George Tur­ ner end family of Lincoln, braska. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Babb and children of Palouse, Washington, spent several days visiting with Mrs. Babb’s sister, Mrs. Thos. Tur­ ner and family. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elgies Franks on Rose Avenue. They departed for their home Monday morning. Mrs. Bert DePue and daughter, Margaret, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wilkerson left Thursday evening for Medford where Mrs. Wilkerson and the children will spend two weekb visiting relatives. The rest returned home Sunday. Mrs. Otto Michener entertained a few friends Friday evening at cards in honor of her husband’s 58th birthday anniversary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mellinger, Mrs. Carl Jensen and rl, Jr., and the host and hostessj Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Mellinger | In all of his years as an orchestra director. Oscar Bradley has never been called on to display the versatility de­ manded now in his “Screen Guild Show” as­ signment. With shows each Sun- d ay varying from classic drama to broad Bradley burlesque, he is busy day in and out concocting suitable background music for each. featuring actual car operation over a specially prepared testlhg field in the city of Portland and including demonstrations in the theory and practice of safe driving, observance of traffic laws and conducting driv­ ing schools while the other stresses the methids of classroom presen­ tation, knowledge of the accident situation in America, the philosophy of accident prevention and the in- dividule’s development of safety habits. In connection with the work there will be field trips to the city en­ gineer’s office, city police depart­ ment, municipal court and the mo­ tor vehicle inspection station. “The matter of safety education is now recognized as a major so­ cial problem, one which shouid have an important place in the cur- riculm of the modern school,” Snell declared. “To reduce the number of accidents occurring each year, > we must develop proper attitudes ar.d concepts on safety problems in the minds of the younger genera- tion and this can best be done in our schools, under the direction of qualified teachers.” Classes will be held in room 105 at the Lincoln High school building and will offer one or two term hours credit. Treasurer’s Sale of Real Property for Special Assessment Liens NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 26th day of August, 1939, A. D., beginning at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the City Hall of the City of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon, I will sell’ at public auction for cash,in hand all of the following described real property, to-wit: Block Lot To Whom A ORIGINAL TOWN OF VERNONIA: C. R. Coyle 7 W.27 ft. of E.»4 of 10 Purpose of Assessment Date Levied February 8th, 1926 Street C. F. Hieber Treasurer of the City of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon. picnic. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Woods were Seaside visitors Sunday. The Kirkbpde and Carlson fam­ ¡lies motored to Washington park Sunday and picnicked and visited the zoo. Mrs. G. C. Kirkbride, whe has been attending a missionary convention at Jennings Lodge, ro turned home with them. Fn joy the Summer Relieving Yourself of the Tiresome Drudgery of Cleaning! Our call and delivery service and expert work­ manship will return your clothing and laundry articles to you with the appearance of newly- purchased materials. PREPARE NOW FOR THAT SUMMER VACATION! Vernonia Laundry & Cleaners Co. VERNONIA, OREGON 4 Big Magazines AND The Vernonia Eagle 1 Year ALL FOR ONLY $3.00 = Check the four magazines you like best from the list below, and mail or bring coupon below to our office right now. Your present subscription to this newspaper will be extended one full year. And you will receive the four magazines you select for the full term mentioned below. Select TWO Magazines from Group ffA” and TWO from > "B.” GROUP “A”—Select 2 Magazines Home Arts—Needlecraft .... .... 2 yrs. Household Magazine ... 2 yrs. Woman’s World .... 2 yrs. Good Stories .......................... ... 2 yrs. Screenland i yr. Pathfinder (Weekly) ............ 1 yr. Motion Picture Magazine 1 yr. McCall’s Magazine ....... ....... 1 yr. Romantic Story Magazine 1 yr. Open Road for Bovs 1 yr. Screen Book ............. ........ 1 yr. True Confessions I yr. Better Homes & Gardens . 1 yr. Silver Screen ......... 1 yr. Modern Romances ......... ...... 1 yr. American Boy ....... ....... .8 mos. American Girl ........ .... 8 mos. 6 mos. Parents’ Magazine 6 mos. Christian Herald GROUP “B”—Select 2 Magazines .... American Fruit Grower ...... .1 yr. American Poultry Journal ... .1 yr. .... Breeder’s Gazette ................. 1 yr. .... Good Stories .......................... .1 yr. .... The Country Home ............. .1 yr. .... Cloverleaf American Review 1 yr. Farm Journal & Farmer’s Wife 1 yr. .... Home Arts—Needlecraft ............ 1 yr. .... Home Friend ................................. 1 yr. .... Leghorn World .............. 1 yr. .... Mother's Home Life ..... .1 yr. .... Pathfinder (Weekly) 26 issues .... Plymouth Rock Monthly ....... 1 yr. ... Successful Farming ....... ....... 1 yr. .... Poultry Tribune ........... ..... 1 yr. .. Woman's World ................ ....... 1 yr. .... National Live Stock Producer 1 yr. Amount $89.46 CENTRAL ADDITION: $20.82 May 1st, 1925 Street 10 J. w Whitsell 9 $39.44 May 1st, 1925 Street J. w. Whitsell 11 9 of special virtue of a warrant or list in tabular form for the collection and by This sale is made under assvsHiitri.. ____ _____ ___ delinquent for more than one year prior to the 1st day of July, 1939, on assessment liens which have been real estate within the corporate limits of the City of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon, which warrant or list is in my hands. Each of said lots, parcels or tracts above described is located within the City of Verno­ nia. Columbia County, Oregon, and is being sold under Sections 56-2201 to 56-2210, inclusive, Oregon Code, method of foreclosing special assessment liens. Each of said lots, parcels and tracts wilt be sold separately and will be struck off to the first bidder offering to pay the City of Vernonia the full amount of its assessment liens plus interest and the costs of and upon this sale. Dated this 25th day of July. 1939, A. D. Date of First Publication: July 28th, 1939. Date of Final Publication: August 25th, 1939. and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mellinger and children attended the I.O.O.F. picnic at Ecola Park near Cannon Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lindberg and children of Svenson were week­ end visitors at the Bert DePue home. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Woods spent Sunday at Ecola Park as guests of Harvey Crume at the Odd Fellows’ Mail This Coupon THE VERNONIA EAGLE (Date) VERNONIA, OREGON I accept your generous offer. Enclosed is $.3.00 IN FULL PAYMENT for a full one year subscription to your newspaper, and also for the FOUR Magazines checked in the list above. Signed Address P. O State