SPORTS—Through 'The Eagle’s Eyes FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1939_____________________________ VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Game Scheduled Sun. For Juniors; St Helens Team to Play ------- I Game Set for 1:30 P. M., Says Ed Horn, Business PAGE SEVEN or play-offs and the Walter Batson and family were were enjoying the sea breez« Sun­ PUBICATION tournaments State Tournament shall fill out in Portland visitors Saturday. day at Seaside. duplicate an official players’ eligi­ Goldie Keaton spent the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brunham bility blank and the publicity blank, GIVES RULES one copy of which shall remain in at the beach. and two boys have been paying a office of the State Scftball Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bridgers and visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. OF PLAY-OFFS the Director, and the other with the . Miss Elaine Lowden spent Sunday J. O. Libel. The Burnhoms live at AUGUST 16 LATEST TIME FOR DISTRICT COMPETITION The secretary of the Vernonia Softball League Tuesday received a copy of the Softball News, offi­ Manager cial publication of the Oregon State July 31 Softball Association which gives Announcement this week by Ed­ Ford V8’s vs. Eagles regulations governing district Play- ward Horn, business manager of ! offs for this seasdn. They are given August 1 the Vernonia junior baseibali team, | below : Wilark vs. A. F. of L. makes known the scheduling of a “Upon application from the cities game for tjie nine this coming Sun­ August s wishing to sponsor district tourna- day afternoon at the playing field Eagles vs. Wilark ments or play-offs, the place shall atop the O-A hill. The game is August 3 called for 2:30 p. m. be set by the State Softball Direc- O-A Mill vs. Ford V8’s tor with the approval' of the Ex­ The team to play here on that ecutive Committee of the State As date is the St. Helens Junior Legion ice has been car-1 nine. Correspondence car-1 _ _ sociation. However, it is the policy ried on for some 1 tlm. by th. l«.l of the State Association to permit manager seeking games with out- each district to decide for itself side teams and the arrangements through the medium of its district were completed the forepart of commissioner the time and place the week making possible the an­ and all other details incident to nouncement at this time. The local the actual conduct of said tourna­ team will play a return encounter ment or play-off. at some future date in St. Helens, JUNIORS LOSE BY 16 “All district tournament play- it was stated by Mr. Horn, but the TO 15 SCORE IN HARD­ cffs must be held on or before Au Sunday game is not being contested gust 16th unless otherwise approv­ on a home-and-home basis. BALL GAME ed by the State Director. The Vernonia Old-Timers team “Article 11, Section 2 of the by-laws finished winner Last Sunday after-1 of the Oregon State Softball As- Vernonia Grange No. 305 noon in the encounter between- ;(><;iation Constitution and By-laws M<^ts Second Saturday of that baseball nine and the Junior | tates: ‘Section 2—The sponsors of Every Month team, recently organized undler thejan(j state, sectional or district 8 P. M. management of Glen Hawkins and tOurnam?nt shall be solely respon- BUY NEHALEM VALLEY Ed Horn. Errors by both * teams j sjble for an expenses of balls, FARM PRODUCTS fe.tured the game which was play-j lroundSi advertising, officials, suit ed primarily to give the juniors if’b]e trophies, and other expenses practice and at tihe same time show ’ ncidental to the actual conduct ithem how the older experienced' of the tournament.’ -heads could perform. | “AH' money received from dis- The Old-Timers were organized trict tournaments or play-offs shall | by Bill Byers, Batteries for the '¡-oe used as designated by the spon- j oldsters were Bob Cline and Ted sor or sponsors of said tournaments ■Coons and Bert Tisdale and Ed CJ <>r play-offs with the exception that i Horn. The Junior nine hwrl'ers were .the sponsor or sponsors of each dis­ ¡Jim Byers, Jack Baker and Ed trict tournament or play-off desig- Hammond pitching and Ed Cul- i nated by the State Association shall 'ebrtson, Aubrey Fitzgeirald _ and pay a fee of $10.00 to the Direc­ jLyle Galloway catching. tor of the State Association. In those districts where it is not neces­ ¡FLYERS LEAVE MONDAY sary to hold a district tournament or play-off, the league sending a I FOR KANSAS CITY— team to tre State Tournament shall Del Bush and Bud Tholen, plane pay the’’$10.00 fee required of all pilots who have been visiting here districts. for the past two weeks with Mr. “In the event that one sectional end Mrs. Jewett A. Bush left Mon­ tournament sends two teams to the i day for Kansas City, Missouri*, .State Tournament representing two ¡They plan to return here ’ometime districts, the sponsors of said tour­ I in September. nament shall pay a fee of $20.00 covering the entrance fee of two districts. “Expense money to teams enter­ ed in the State Tournament will be I held up until all d strict fees are paid. were the Pilgrims, who knew a bargain when “All teams must adhere to the rules of eligibility under Article I, they »aw one. They’d »ee more than one Section 6 of the By-laws of the were they to come to our store today. Oregon State Softball Association Constitution and By-Laws. “All teams entered in the dis­ trict tournament must be members DELIVERY SCHEDULE of the State Association. Corey Hill—10 A. M. and 3 P. M. “The term which is to represent a franchised league in the district O-A Hill and East Side—10:30 A. M. and tournament of the State Tourna- 3:30 P. M. ment may be the winner of the league’s regular season or an all ¡star team picked from those teams 'registered in the league. “The amount of expense money ¡allowed entering district tourna- ments or play-offs shall be set bj ■ the sponsor or sponsors of said Phone 761 Quantity Orders Gladly Delivered: tournament. I “All teams entering said district NEXT WEEK’S GAMES— • QU). J IMERS WIN SUNDAY ENCOUNTER THRIFTY-WISE SAM and BOB Grocery & Market tournament or play-off director | at Seaside. Fairview. Each team shall be allowed a play­ Jackie Nelson came down from Mrs. Edith Lawyer is a guest of ers’ list of fifteen.’’ Salem Saturday with his mother, I the Ain Wallace family at this Mrs. Agatha Wills, for a visit at time. MRS. I. E. KNOWLES the home of his grandparents, Mr. Jack Russell has been staying at and Mrs. Knowles. Mrs. Wills re­ RETURNS TO HOME the Wallace home this summer. turned again to Salem but Jackie FROM HOSPITAL TUES. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McGee remained for a visit. MIST—(Special to The Eagle) — Mrs. Chas. Sundland went to Forest Grove Tuesday and brought Your Money Buys a Better Value When You Trade at the Mrs. I. E. Knowles home from the hospital where she has been for VERNONIA BARGAIN STORE past two weeks. NEW and USED GOODS 810 BRIDGE STREET Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and small daughter spent Sunday at Seaside. I YOU MAY BE SURE Mrs. Wm. Bridgers and Mrs. Wm. Keaton were in Portland Friday. Oscar Jones is helping Reed Hold­ ing do his haying this week. C. O. Hayden was on the sick list a day or two this week. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dowling, Bernard and Florence, drove over I he new Wolf Creek highway Sun­ day, and spent the day at Seaside, Cannon Beach and the Arch Tun­ nel. that when you see the sign “GRADE A MILK and CREAM” that you and your family’s health is being safe­ guarded. You get this assurance at the NEHALEM VALLEY DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. 1939 Motor Cruise: Up Larch Mountain From the winding road that climbs Larch mountain. Mount Hood can be seen. The n ew road makes possible for the motorist views that once were obtained only by the sturdier hikers. This newspaper is co-operat­ ing with the Oregon State Motor association and The Oregonian in presenting a series of motor­ logs designed to stimulate travel in Oregon and the Pacific north­ west. This article was condensed from a full-page article appear­ ing in The Oregonian July 30. spent most of one night climb­ ing the steep mountain trail from Multnomah falls to the summit and a good part of the day returning to the highway. The other day he revisited the view point without taking a single step, rolling all the way to the top in an automo­ bile. Since 1933 a road has been under construction from the Columbia River highway to Larch mountain summit and it is now completed. Within the next few days it will be opened to the public, with a caravan of civic leaders making the first public trip to the peak’s top. Multnomah county, the WPA and the United States forest service co-operated in building the road which has easy grades, is hard-surfaced, oiled and al­ BY JALMAR JOHNSON Aiautant City Editor, The Oregonian NEARLY EVERYONE in the least interested in hiking has climbed Larch mountain, 4045- foot-high peak back of Mult­ nomah falls on the upper Co­ lumbia River highway. For years the peak’s summit, from which five snow-capped peaks may be seen, has been a favor­ ite spot with those who like to view the sunrise on the moun­ tains. Twenty years ago this writer together an inviting scenic drive, one of the finest in the vicinity. The grade, except for the last few yards, is not over 6 per cent and the last short stretch is only 8 per cent. Distance from the Multnomah county courthouse in Portland to the summit is only 36.5 miles, an easy hour's drive. The last 10V4 miles is new construction, which was being oiled for pub­ lic use when the visit was made to the peak recently. At the end of the road a wide parking space, large enough for 175 cars, has been built. In the cen­ ter of it is a strip that will be planted with rhododendrons. The forest service plans to build a public contact and guard station and provide a picnic ground with tables and stoves next year. i'&MT.RAIMER MTJT.HUWS ¿ ----- 'Sr. ; Treasurer’s Sale of Real Property for Special Assessment Liens w •'•'J S A II NOTICE IS HEREBY .GIVEN that on the 26th day of August, 1939, A. D., beginning at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the City Hail of the City of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon, I will sell at public auction for cash in hand all of the following described real property, to-wit: Block Lot To Whom Assessed D«te ORIGINAL TOWN OF VERNONIA: c. R. Coyle 7 W.27 ft. of E.H of 10 8 th. 1926 Purpose of Assessment Amount Street $89.46 Street Street $20.82 $39.44 / CENTRAL ADDITION: 10 • February Levied 11 J. W. Whitsell J. W. Whitsell May 1st, 1925 May 1st, 1925 MT. HOOD This sale is made under and by virtue of a warrant or list in tabular form for the collection of special assessment liens which have been delinquent for more than one year prior to the 1st day of July, 1939, on real estate within the corporate limits of the City of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon, which warrant or list is in my hands. Each of said lots, parcels or tracts above Ascribed is located within the City of Verno­ nia. Columbia County, Oregon, and is being sold under Sections 56-2201 to 56-2210, inclusive, Oregon Code, method of foreclosing special assessment liens. Each of said lots, parcels and tracts wilt be sold separately and will be -struck off to the first bidder offering to pay the City of Vernonia the futt amount of its assessment liens ph» interest and the costs of and upon this sale. Dated this 25th day of July, 1939, A. D. Date of First Publication: July 28th, 1939. Date of Final Publication: August 25th, 1939. / C. F. Hieber Treasurer of the City of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon. O R leale m Miles Net« Duioni» ts majsr partir» •• stele. * The roule of the new road - MT JifftMONC loç parly is mapped above. I