! Visit Tom Exams YOLK TOWN’S TOPICS Here for | Registered Vi.it— Animal Purchased— Mrs. Ray Plymale’s parents of McMinnville, Ore.—A registered Mill City arrived here last Satur- Guernsey bull was recently sold by day for an extended visit with J. Cruickshank and Sons to Nor­ thern daughter and family. ¡m;n A. Riggins of Vernonia. The 'animal is Oakdale Corporal Bill, ac- Weekend Here— i cording to the American Guernsey Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Henderson Cattle Club, Peterborough, N. H. of St. Helens spent the weekend here at the James Brady home. i Marriage License I Through an article appearing in At Convention— the Oregon Journal of the issue Reverend and Mrs. L. W. Suter appearing Tuesday evening it was left the fore part of this week for learned of the issuing of a marriage Turner wjiere they will attend the license to Harold C. Dow and Zelma business convention and camp meet- M. Bush. The license was issued ing for the Oregon district of the at Reno, Nevada. Assembly of God. The session will' last for two weeks, it was stated. Visits Robbins— Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Roibbins of Here with Mr». Heenan— Trout Lake, Washington, were Betty Jegan, daughter of Mrs. visiting at the home of Mr. and Jack Heenan, is here for a four- Mrs. Olin Rabbins and children on week visit with her mother, Mrs. Wednesday and Thursday. Also Ja<-k Heenan. She has been attend­ visitors were Raymond Robbins and Mr. and Mrs. Alton McCray. ing school at San Francisco. Sven.on Announced— The U. S. Civil Service Commls- «ion has announced open eompeti- five exams for a number of posi- tions. Applications must be in the commission office in Washington, D. C„ not later than August 17. The exams are for positions as follows: inspector, ordinance mater­ ial; educational and technical con­ sultant in curriculum problems; fed­ eral agent for home economics edu­ cation; pKncipal extension agri­ culturist; forest ecologist, forest economist; assistant industrial coun­ sellor and engineer. Full informa­ tion may be obtained at the post office regrrding applicr.t'ons. Plays Orchestra— in Joy Boyington, relief driver for the Shell Oil Company here during a part of each week is playing re­ gularly each Saturday evening with a five-piece orchestra, the Rythm Revelers, at Svenson. The orches­ tra is managed by Florence Whee­ ler Smith and formerly played at Hammond near Fort Stevens, Boy­ ington plays the drums with the group. Injured Monday---- ANNOUNCEMENT DR. GEO. BUTTERFIELD OPTOMETRIST — EYE SPECIALIST Will be at KULLANDER’S Jewelry Store TUESDAY, JULY 25 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Make Appointments with Mr. Kullander Hours 9:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. fZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH H H H H H H H H TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE CLOSE-OUT H PRICES H H H Lawh Mowers Grass Catchers — Hose H H L awn MOWER — 14-inch 4 blade H Ball Bearing 8-inch wheels for only H H H LAWN MOWER — 14-inch 4 blade $6.75 Ball Beating 10-inch wheels for only H H LAWN MOWER — 16-inch 5 blade $6.75 H H Ball Bearing 8-inch Wheel H H GRASS CATCHERS 75c H H $3.50 H H GARDEN HOSE, 50-ft. coils 5/8 inch Coupled H H CLINCH HOSE COUPLINGS set 25c H H CLINCH HOSE MENDERS each 10c H H H HAND SPRAY PUMPS, with Glass Fount 20c Only A Limited Supply On Hand 4 H >/2-PINT TIN FOUNT 25c H 1-PINT TIN FOUNT 35c H H H H 1-PiNT TIN FOUNT ................ with Continuous Spray Nozzle 75c H Z H H Fcr HARDWARE that Will Give HARD WEAR H SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT! H H Hoffman Hardware Co. Vernonia, Oregon Phone 181 Friday Afternoon Visitor— Here from HZHZHZHZHZHZS4ZHZHZHZHZHZHZ» ST Oregon-American Idaho— Back to Oswego— CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon Edwards— Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ruhl were ¡In Portland Sunday to visit Tom Edwards who is in the St. Vincents hospital. He is much imnroved. Al Denny spent Mr. and Mrs. Ed Salomonsen and d-ugh ter, Margaret, visited Sunday visiting in Salem. in Svenaon with Mr. Salomonsen’s Weekend Visitors— mother, Mrs. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Patterson and daughter of St. Helens visited here Honored by Shower— Head Cut— Relatives and friends of Miss Fred Henderson, employed by the over the weekehd with Mr. and Kathryn McKenzie honored her Mrs. Nels Chambers. Sam Wilson logging concern, suf­ with a bridal shower last Friday fered a seriously cut head late last evening in Portland, Many useful week which necessitated consider­ Leave on Vacation— Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hawken gifts were received and a late able medical attention. The cut re­ left Saturday on a two-weeks vaca­ uper was served to 12 guests and sulted from a brer king cable. tion trip whch will take them to I vh j honer guest. the Golden Gate Exposition zt San Taken to Hospital---- — Hood River-^ River— Elsie Duncan, daughter of Mr. Fancisco and other points of in- 1 Go to llnnd and Mrs. Ross Duncan, was taken terest in California and Oregon. | Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Horn were tc St. Vincents hospital in Portland Roy Hickson will act as manager visitors at _ Hood River the past un day ______ ... op­ of the Standard Oil Company for,_____ , with Mr. Horn’s parents, k st Friday for _.. an ________ appendicitis stat? ¡this district during the obsence of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Horn. eration. 1 Most ___ recent ____ reports , __ __ that her condition was entirely sat­ Hawken. IP»- tland Visitors— is factory. Here from Vancouver— | Mrs. M. Gründen anl Mrs. Claude Picnic Enjoy d— Mis. Fred Veith of Vancouver, . -¡s spent Tuesday of this week Mrs. Long gave a picnic July Washington, is spending this week n Portland. 11th for her summer school' pupils in Vernonia visiting friends. I District Manag r Dies— at Black Waters. The class has just : was received here Monday completed a very successful six- ere rom Frisco Betty Jegen arrived Sunday of the (leath of A j slater> for. weeks term. rom San rancisco for a visit. j mer Safeway district manager of Quartet to Be Here— Shipley Visitors__ ' stores in the Longview district of Saturday evening the Northwest Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morley of which the Vernonia store is a mem- Christian College Quartet will give Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ber- The eause of the death was an evening of music at the Chris­ tian church. One member of the Smith of Banks visited Mrs. Laura 8*Vin as heart troulb>«- Slater was Shipley and family Sunday. well known here by Gerald Horn quartet will be Dean Stevens, a son and Edward Clark, store and mar- of Rev. Claude Stevens, former Here Saturday— ' k< t managers of this store. Mr. minister of the Christian church. Bob Smith of Banks visited Har­ Horn will attend the funeral cor- There 'Will be no admission charge, old Shipley Saturday. I tege today (Thursday) in Portland. DOZEN ......... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellis re­ turned Sunday to Mrs. Ellis’ par­ ents at Oswego, after visiting here with relatives and friends. Northern Life You 80% Complete Protection Insures Your Possession---- YOUR Most ABILITY Of the Cost of Any Collision Damage to Your Car. Priceless TO EARN Low Rates for— Complete Low Cost Fire - Theft - Glass Liability Retirement Income Natural Death Benefit Double and Triple Indemnity Loss of Limbs Monthly Accident and Sick- ne»i Indemnity Double Monthly Indemnity for Hospitalization Aviation Coverage PROTECTION STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO INSURANCE CO Everything in One Policy— Ross Warrensford In Vernonia Every Ross Warrensford Ph. 191 Thursday In Vernonia Ph. 191 Every Thursday 20c MARSHMALLOWS 1- lb. cello bag 12c 125-ft. roll Jgc KERR LIDS— WAX PAPER, Diamond Sunday Visitors---- 3 DOZ................. 25c Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ludwig and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Burke spent Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Nels Chambers. MUSI ARD, PARAFINE WAX— lg pkg .................. in FIG BARS, White or Whole Wheat, lb. ]QC 1UC In Portland---- Mrs. A. P. Bays and Mrs. Chas. Justice spent Saturday in Port- land. Mrs. Bays received medical attention. PINEAPPLE— Wadhams Crushed No. 2 tins 2 for 14-0. pkg. In Portland— Charles Ratkie, Mr. and Mrs. De- ! Hart, Elder Nelson and Elder Childs were present at a cottage meeting Friday evening at the Claude Tack-1 ett home. I Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rumble were in Portland Saturday transacting business. Mrs. Jessie McDermid and Mrs. W. J, Wilson of Ontario, Canada, ire visiting their brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Currie on A itreet. At Sfhrer Creek Fall.— Leo Ludwig, Barbara Dustin and Fritz Hausler spent Sunday at Sil- 'jer C«>ek Falls. Portland Visitor.— Mr. and Mrs. Everett Snyder vis- I ited in Portland over the weekend. 9-oz. tumbler 0^ 2 medium bars 3 cans 25r Except Chicken or Mushroom 4 pound cans PORK & BEANS, Brimful, No. 2i/2 cans, 2 for jgc 25c SYRUP — Hershey’s 1-Pound Tin IVORY SOAP, DOG FOOD, Kenwood CHOCOLATE­ Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bond and daughters spent Sunday in Port­ land. Wadhams, CAMPBELL’S SOUP, 9Qc MACARONI or SPAGHETTI— Three new cars were purchased Friday from the Vernonia Auto Co. by Vern Sykes, I. W. Bond and the Smejkel brothers. Visitors Here— LUMBER weekend the YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SERVE YOUR FAMILY BETTER MEALS FOR LESS EXPENSE BY PURCHASING YOUR GROCERY SUP­ PLIES HERE! CANNING KELLOGGS CEREALS SUPPLIES— RICE KR1SPIES or PEP Package ........ 11c BALL MASON CAPS KERR MASON CAPS PICNIC SUPPLIES Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mulberry and children of Idaho Falls, Idaho, are here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Kaphammer. Mrs. Mulberry is Mr. Kaphammer’s sister. They rpent Sunday at Cannon Beach. In Portland— * Salem— HOUSEWIVES Miss Joan Lindberg spent Fri­ day afternoon visiting at the home of her sisiter Mrs. Olin Robbins on the O- A hill. Cottage Meeting— H In Visitor.— Frank Johnson, an employee of the Clark and Wilson Lumber Com- | pany, was injured Monday at the i scene of logging operations when a cable parted and while recoiling, be- came wiapped around the injured | man’s neck. He was brought to Father Give. Degree— Harlow Freeland was instrumental , Vernonia for medical attention ana .hen taken to Portland for further in conferring the E. A. degree of Masonry upon hit two sons at St. I treatment. Helens Saturday evening. The con-i At Jantzen Beach— ’erring of a degree by a father up : Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ensworth >n two sons at the same time is and Jeff Ensworth were at Kalama, raid to be very unusual. A. J. j Vancouver and Jantzen Beach Sun- Hughes attended the ceremony lay. Jeff Ensworth remained in where the unusual situotion arose. Vancouver where he was dressed in I vith the army following enlistment Here from Nebrask< Mrs. Charles McBeth of Geneva, here a short time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Ensworth enjoyed a part of Vebraska, left Sundry following a the remainder of the dry at the /¡sit here since the 4th of July. She spent the time here with her moth» ’’jrtland beach resort. ?r, Mrs. A. 1 M. Acord and with At Plymale Home— brothers, not having seen them for The twin brother of Ray Ply- 22 years. nale, Walter Plymale, visited at he home of his brother here last Name» Omitted— Two names were omitted last reek. The visitor’s home is at week from a social item entitled 3 rand Round, Nebraska. ' Kitchen Shower Held Wednesday. »♦ Beach Weekend---- The names which should have ap- Mr. Olin Robbins and son, Laur­ I erred ;n the listing of those pres­ ence, and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cox ent weie Mrs. James McKenzie and and children spent the weekend Christ.-- McKenzie. it Sunset beach. Cars Sold— H -J H FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1939 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO Q U Fresh Meats ASSORTED LUNCHEON MEATS Fryers PEAS— Wadhams Sweet No. 2 cans 3 for OOC SHOE POLISH— Duncan*s Market 1EA, Wadhams Ivlemorie, 4-oz. pkg Shinola Paste — Whitmores Liquid O All Color. OC VEG-ALL, For Salads or Soups PEACHES— BEANS, Cut Stringless Pheasant 9Q». 2 For ........................ £uC BEETS, Full Sliced ............ Fine for Iced Tea 2 for 3 for in 1