Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, July 14, 1939, Image 1

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    VOLUME 16, NUMBER 28
FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1939
As Queen at Close
Chamber to Demonstration Slated Director
OJ Miller Contest
¡Work on
For M. King Farm;
Purchase of Pamphlet
Mower Made
Prizes to Be Given Ten
Highest Contestants in
Race, Stated
Aimee Turner was named as the
winner Monday in the Miller Mer­
cantile queen contest at the final
tabulation of votes on that evening
at The Eagle office. Vote stand­
ings at the closing time were as
follows :
Aimee Turner .......
Pauline Dial ..........
Myrtle Strcey .......
By Council
Tuesday Decision It to
Advertise Upper Neha­
lem Valley Agriculture
Business Sale
¡This Week
Arthur King, OSC Expert
Dwight Adams Sets Lo­
cation of Play Following
Short Visit
A larger-than-average group gath­
to Provide Information A visit here Wernesday afternoon
of this week by Dwight Adams,
Machine to Be Used on luncheon of the Chamber of Com­
merce and for the transaction of
State Softball Director, makes pos­
Memorial Cemetery ; Or­ matters of business for the month,
this week by George A. Nelson, sible the announcement of his de­
dinance Passed
The decision made during the
County Agricultural Agent, the date cision of the scene for the staging
City councilmen at their meeting meeting that brought
Raymond Brown Barber of an irrigation demonstration for of the 1939 district softball tour­
publishing a
Billie Bergerson ...
farmers of the Upper Nehalem Val­
32,9501 held last Wednesday evening do- comment was that of
Establishment Now Own­ ley has been revealed. The demon­ nament. Through his decision an­
Ei-ma Kent ............
22,650 , cided upon the purchase of a power pmphlet intended to advertise the
ed by J. L. Howard
Lois McDonald ......
stration is slated for the afternoon nounced during the Wednesday
12,500 (¡awn mower for use on the Verno- Upper Nehalem Valley. As was ex-1
Irene Bergerson ...
of Wednesday, July 19, at the visit Vernonia has been named as
11,950 nia Memorial Cemetery. Demonstra-
great deal of benefit could be de-' Announcement was made the Matthew King farm a short distance guest city for those teams planning
Floreida Graves ....
9.300 tion of the mower had been made a
rived from the issuance of such a' early part of this week of the aa'ejfron Vernonia on the Vernonia- to enter the playoff.
Jean Ryves ....
8,800 short time before by a representa-
Dorothy Ovesen
An examination was made by the
8.300 tive of the company acting as dis- bulletin and by its distribution' of the Raymond Brown Barber shopjMist highway.
The winner of the contest, Miss1 tributor for the product. The mach- i throughout the country. A com­ on Bridge street, to J. L. Howard | At the same time another system director of the field and facilities
— is of ______
Negotiators for thé I of providing
Turner, will leave from Portland
' ine
a new _ x type
capable of mittee will be appointed at a later of Astoria.
J moisture for crop available for making possible the
Saturday for San Francisco in the ¡cutting grass of considerable height time by Jewett Bush, Chamber
growth will be shown visitors at play. He expressed himself as well
formulate further
company of nine other girls, each ' and toughness as well as grass of President, to
the William Chalmer’s farm dirertly pleased with the present set up and
derway for some time but formal
a winner from one other Miller (shorter length as will be experien- plans for the pamphlet,
across the highway from the King stated further that with very little
(Considerable discussion also re- notice of the change was withheld farm. The method to be demonstra­ effort the city park field would be
Mercantlle store, to attend the Gol-,ced on an ordinary lawn. Cost of
den Gate Exposition. Transiporta-: the m: chine was given at $343.00. volved around the staging of a until a few days ago.
ted on the Chalmer’s property will very suitable for play.
tion to and from the California city , The width of the mower swath is ci lebration in Vernonia again this
Mr. Howard, due to illness, is be different than that purchased,
An attempt is being made to
and expenses of viewing the Ex- 24 inches and is powered by a year. Contact is to be made with unable at the present time to as­ installed and in operation by King, stage the district play off with a
groups who have
position will be cared for by the threeJhorsepower gasoline motor. I several other
stated the county agent.
, differant city of the district each
sume active ownership but has stat­
Miller concern, stated Leslie H.l Another item of business for the mentioned the possibility to deter­
To provide farmers of the valley year. Astoria, last year, was the
Dewey, Vernonia manager of the 1 evening in addition to routine mat­ mine if one large celebration can ed that he hopes to be able to do with information as to the advan­ scene of the playoff and St. Helens
ters relative to placing official be staged by the city. A committee so by the fore part of the coming tages to be derived from irrigation was guest city the year previous to
Prizes are being offered the girls okeh on bills was the consideration appointment will probably be made week.
Arthur King, Engineer from Ore­ that. The date of the tourney has
rating mention as the ten highest of an application for beer license at a later date to further care for I Brown, when questioned, stated gon State College, will be present not been definitely settled but must
according to the vote standing. For by Ann Parker. The council was the matter.
I that he had no definite plans for to offer explanations of both sys­ not be held later than the weekend
Additional action at the meet­
of Saturday, August 12. The reason
second position $5.00 in merchan­ asked to recommend to the State
th« future.' Mr. and Mrs. Brown tems and to answer queries that
■for not being able to hold the play
dise has been announced as the Liquor Control Commission that ing was the passing, of a motion
may be made.
will probably not continue to make
prize. Third place winner will re- th« license be issued, Official ac- authorizing the chamber secretary,
Nelson, in Ida announcement of
later date is that the win­
ceive $2.50, and the remaining, tion was to table the matter until J. W. Nichols, to donate $5.00 to their home here.
the demonstration, stated that every ing team of the district must be
ithe Vernonia Junior Band as the
seven contestants of the ten high­ a future date.
farmer in the valley will be wcl- i announcement a very short time
est are to receive a $1.00 pair of! Ordinance No. 240 was passed ■’chamber’s portion of the band do­
corned at that time and will be able afterwards for entry into the state
¡authorizing City Recorder Loe! Ro­ nation fund and a motion to ap­
co gather considerable valuable in­ tournament.
During his visit here Adams com-
The final tabulation of votes was berts to enter in the lien docket point a committee to work with
formation from explanations to be
made Monday evening to determine ' the cost of construction of several the Natal Grange towards the se-
mented on the advisability of the
made by the visiting engineer.
the winner at an early date before sidewalks. Several property holders curing of a stale park which has
installation of lights making
the trip was slated to begin so that have been ordered by the council been considered for some time by
sible the playing of night ball. He
ample time would be available for to construct walks but have failed the grange group.
stated that in other cities where
'to do so thus bringing the action.
preparation, it was stated.
night ball had become a regular
Clark and Wilson Em-
T'he city will have them construct­
practice the interest in sport acti­
ed and place a lien against the
vities had increased a great deal.
Wednesday; Funeral Sat.
property upon which they are locat­
Nearly ail tournaments this year
will be played under lights thereby
Ernie Olen Rabbins, an employe
facilitating to a considerable extent
of the Clark and Wilson Lumber
Ethel Richie and James Rusow for
Assembly of God Congre­ the schedule arrangements for
Company, was instantly killed Tues­
property purchased on contract
gation to Begin Con­ teams playing.
day afternoon at 2 p. m. while
from the city, payment on the
Announcement will be made at a
struction Soon
Examination of the daily record
contracts having been completed.
later date of schedule arrangements
working as second loader at the
sheet maintained by Harry Cul­
Work will begin on the coming when the exact number of teams
8-Piece Band Will Pro------------------------- - -----
scene of operation of the company.
bertson, Cooperative Weather Ob­
A falling log crushed Robbins as week towards the preparation of to enter play is known it was
server for Vernonia, this week re­
he attempted to make an adjust­ a lot purchased recently by the stated by Connie Anderson, presi-
vealed the maximum and minimum
ment while the log was being low- Assembly of God church for the dent of the local league. A revised
temperatured for Vernonia for the
An orchestra composed of play-
ered onto a truck of the train construction of a tabernacle, it was softball schedule for the second half
month of June.
ers residing in Vernoniq will play,
which was to haul it to the Clark stated by Reverend L. W. Suter, of the softball season appears on
The high point of the month was
this Saturday evening at the I. O.
pastor of the local congregation.
and Wilson mill.
the sport page of this week’s edi­
87 degrees on the date of June
O. F. hall for a dance scheduled
The purchase of the lot was made tion.
28th. Low temperature reached two
there on that evening. The band,
some time ago from the city and is
degrees below freezing, 30 degrees Springs, Arkansaw, on September
eight pieces, is under the manage­
Chicken Theft Is Basis on June 1. As compared with the 24, 1899, and passed away July 11 located at the corner of Maple and
ment of Harry George.
of Warrant Issued; Fine record of the same month one year at the age of 39 years. He had Second building,
Players in the orchestra are all
when completed,
ago the maximum was considerably
Given in Justice Court
experienced in the rendition of
will be 36 feet by 50 feet in size
less. On both June 5 and 6 of 1938 16 years and during that time was
music suitable for the occasion, it
affiliated with the International and will be divided into several
The arrest was made here Satur­ the maximum figure was 95.
was stated, all having played in day of last week by a State Pa­
rooms. Included in the structure
Precipitation for the past month J Woodworkers of America.
other bands.
trolman of Roy Raymond, Vernonia was 1.53 inches with the greatest:
He leaves ■ to survive him, his will the the auditorium, prayer
The appearance this Saturday eve
city councilman, through a warrant fall in a 24-hour period being ‘ wife, Olive Robbins; a daughter, room, pastor’s study, and three
ning will mark the first public per-
City Ordinance Regulates
issued on the basis of the theft of thrqj-tenths of an inch on the 18th. , Evelyn and a son, Richard; his rooms for Sundy School classes
formance of the group under the
above the prayer room. The ceil­
a chicken.
Precipitation for June, 1938 amount-1 mother and father, Mr. and Mr$.
Growth of Grata, Accu­
management of George and will
ings will be . 14 feet in heighth with
The case was brought to trial ed to only two-tenths of an inch, J. I. Robbins; two sisters, Mrs..
provide dancers with an evening of
mulation of Rubbish
; Elsie L. Westland and Mrs. Lil. M.l“?. ”Cep‘io" of the p,rayer room
Saturday afternoon at which time J
' which will be seven, leaving the
and a
City Marshal A. D. Lolley Tues­
a plea of not guilty was made in
remaining heighth for the construc-
niece. Miss Juanita Parker.
the Justice of Peace court before
I 1 tion of the three rooms aibove, it day of this week issued an order
Oscar G. Weed. Release was made
The funeral is to be held Satur- ’ was stated by the pastor in des­ for publication by The Eagle to
Announcement by Bill Byers this
notify property holders of the word­
on recognizance on that day. Ap­ week made known the engagement day afternoon at 2 p. m. at the I cribing the structure.
The health bulletin of the Oregon pearance was again made in the of Bob Mitchell’s eight-piece orch-'Bush Funeral Home with Reverend • Purchase was made a short time ing of a city ordinance regulating
the growth of grass and accumula-
8tate Board of Health this week court on Monday morning of this extra to play here for the evening H. R. Scheuerman officiating. Bur- ago of the Harris building on
revealed the presence of three cases week and the plea was changed to of August 5. The orchestra fea- ial will take place at the Vernonia Avenue. Much of the lumber ob­ tion of rubbish on land within city
of communicable diseases in the guilty. The fine as assessed by Jus­ tures as vocalists Marian Patton ' Memorial Cemetery,
tained from that building, which
county. Two of those reported were tice of the Peace Weed was $25.00 and Bob Hunt. The latter also plays
Ths ordinance in part reads as
has been demolished, will be used
whooping cough and one was listed and costs of $3.00.
guitar with the groap in addition FLYING SERVICE HERE FOR
in the construction of the taber­ follows: “To the owner, persons in
as measles.
possession, or the agents of owners
The chicken theft was made on tc the vocal work, it was stated.
of any lot or tract of land, you are
or about the date of June 8th from
Del Bush, son of J. A. Bush, and
hereby notified to remove rubbish
Mrs. Minnie Killian, it was stated OCCUPATION TAX PAYABLE
Bud Tholen will be here for two
and to cut grass or weeds from
by the court record.
oi three
weeks with their flying
said property and half of the street
H. F. Martens, divisional mana
released by LoeJ service from Kansas City, Missouri.
Russell Neffew, lineman for the or streets abutting the property as
ger of Safeway Stores, was a viai-
Roberts, City Recorder, made known Del Bush, pilot and instructor will Oregon Gas and Electric company, provided for in city ordinance No.
tor here Tuesday afternoon of this
'thia week that the City Occupation give i instructions, carry passangers | is making a satisfactory recovery, 162 of the City of Vernonia.”
week. While here he conferred with
Appearing in the Poet’s Corner | License for the second half of the and take charter trips during the was the information released this
Should it be desired by the pro­
Gerald Horn, store manager. and of the Oregon Journal of last Sun- year 1939 became due on the first stay. Bush will fly in the National week by J. W. Nichols, local mana­
perty owner or persoa in posses­
Edward Clark, market manager, of day’s issue wrs a poem written by of July. The year’s license is pay- Air Races at Cleveland, this Septem- ger of the company. Neffew is now
sion the grass msy be burned but
the local Safeway store. Martens ”
_ “
Mrs. T*;
Engen entitled ‘ """
“Daddy.” able
in two 1 installments
which ember 2, 3 and 4 in a ship acelam- able to move about with the use only after a fire permit has been
is manager for all stores in Oregon Several other poems have also been brings announcement that the bal- ed to be the fastest entrant for of a wheel chair. He was injured
issued. Permits may be obtained
and for the Longview district in published in the corner, some of(ance is due now for the remainder the races. While at Vernonia he is some time ago due to accidental
from Fire Chief Earl Smith or as­
them written by Mrs. Robert Dial, .of the year.
flying a Waco F3 open bi-f»lane. contart with high voltage wires.
sistant chief Harry Culberto«.
Ernie Robbins
Killed by
Falling Log
Figures Given
By Observer
Local Talent
Orchestra to
Play Saturday ¡
New Church
Building to
Be Erected
SoSu! D*nce" Councilman
Here Saturday
City Marshal
Issues Order
To I ut Grass