VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO Visit Relatives— Mr. and Mrs. John Laramore Mr. and Mrs. Rex Penvble and have returned home from San Fran- children and Zelma Shipley spent cisco after attending the Golden Sunday visiting in Molalla and Ore­ gon City with relatives. Gate Exposition. Get* Ill— Papers— Mr. and Mrs. Ted Aspinall and Mrs. Harry Strong has been ill daughter, Mrs. Walter Thompscn (or the past week. and Leonard Johnson spent Monday In Seaside— in St. Helens. Mr. Aspinall received Earl King, Pauline Dial, Bob his naturalization papers while there. Owen and Elizaibeth Wall went to 3ear Daisy Mae— Seaside Sunday. I will meet you at the band con­ Visits Mothei----- Doris Rae Estey was home for the weekend visiting her mother, Mrs. E. R. Estey. cert at the Washington grade school auditorium at 8:00 p. School Tuesday, m. L’il Abner. April 25. Informative---- Visits Parents---- A total of approximately 70 re­ Wallace East of Longview was serve officers of the state were a visitor of his parents, Mr. and present last weekend at a schoo: Mrs. Ernest East over the weekend. held Saturday and Sunday in the uditorium of the Veterans hospital Here Thursday— Mrs. Harry Tfhornbrue and Mrs. n Portland. Information was giver Ray Thornbrue of Tualatin valley ;s to the benefits and hospitaliza visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .ion to which veterans are entitled J. W. McKenzie Thursday evening. A. L. Kullander attended from Ver­ nonia. Attend Dance— Miss Jane Wilkinson and Dan Here from Svenson— Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lindberg and Olin attended the Alpha Chi Omega formal at the Portland Club last children of Svenson spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Saturday evening. Mrs. O. H. Robbins. Also here foi Here from Portland— the weekend with the Robbins fam Mrs. F. R. Olin’s sister, Mrs. F. ay were Miss Joanne Lindberg o. I. Dille of Portland, is visiting at Portland and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. the Olin residence. • 'ox and family. At Hill*bor< Visit* Sister-in-Law— Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. George Errand an, and family spent Sunday in Hills- family of Troutdale were visitor boro. here Sunday with Mrs. Eva Errant md family. Meet Your Favorite— Dogpatch comic strip characters at the band concert. XHXHXHXHXHXHX ¡LlC SERVICE -Hour PORCH Ä kOOR ENAMEL Awarded Child---- Mrs. Amy Turner was awarded the custody of her child Monday at a trial held in circuit court in St. Helens. Lester Sheeley acted as attorney for the plaintiff, Mrs. Turner, and D. D. Bump of Forest Grove for the defendant in the ease which sought the modification of the decree issued at an earlier time by the court. Mrs. Ollie Mc- Kinister had been awarded the child at the time of the final decree >n September 25, 1937. Dr. R. D. Eby, Mrs. Peggy Hatfield, W. J. Armitage, Mrs. Clara Kerns and Mrs. Mike Stolen acted as wit- nesses in the case. Attend Opening Game---- HOFFMAN Hardware Co. CHXMXHXHXHXHXI that you and your family’s health is being safe You get this assurance at the NEHALEM VALLEY DAIRY PRODUCTS CO < leaning Bob’s and Store Prepare your winter clothing for storage and give your spring and summer outfits that freshness of newly purchased garments. DRY CLEANING—Cash and Carry Prices! Dry Cleaning Men’s suits or overcoats, each Ladies’ coats, suits, dresses, each ............. 79c 79c We Guarantee 1-Day Service <-n All Work Taken Except Order* Received on Saturday. ------ Let Us Care for Your Laundry NEW FAMILY WASH, Pound .......... 7c Flat Work or Finished If Bundle is 15 pounds or over, Shirts finished for 8c each The U»e of Ivory Soap I* Guarant rd in All Our Laundry Work All We Ask Is a Fair Trial to Convince You of Our Efficient, Reasonable Service. Vernonia Laun der of her court. April Saturday, 16tl— 22. Mother Visit*— In Salem— Mr. and Mrs. Ed Garner and Mr. Attend Dance— Patricia Baker, Mildred Thorn, and Mrs. L. H. Dewey and children v ere visitors in Salem Sunday. While Barbara Dusten, Paul Adams, Harley there they visited the new State of Woodruff and Leo Ludwig attended the dance at Balm Grove Saturday Oregon capito! building. evening. Band Contest— Attend Joyce Knight, Martha Tapp, Fran­ Cive Shower---- Mrs. Bill Lindsay and Mrs. Chris ces Childs, Jane Watts and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Watts were visitors in Fowler acted as hostesses at a show- Oregon City last Saturday to attend er for Mrs. Hal Fowler last Friday the Portland District High School at the home of Mrs. Lindsay at Band Contest. Bands represented numbered 18 and comprised a total of 1,200 musicians. Of principal in- terest to those attending from here was the contest of band majors held in conjunction with the dis- trict showing but as a separate con- test from that of the bands. PARADE OF PROGRESS Celebrating Our Progress in Service, Quality and Economy 3 for to Home— Mrs. H. V. Holcomb who has l-een visiting at Bend for the past two weeks has returned home. She visited Holly Holcomb, Jr., at Klam- ath Falls for several days also. Leave for ASSORTED Pheasant - Broken slice It Large Tin (Except Chicken and Mushroom) Per tin ...................... TOMATO 1J U ......................... CHICKEN or MUSHROOM 5 Packages ...................... n | ¿1C CAMPBELL’S ASPARAGUS, S oap ­ crystal WHITE 4 Giant Bars 15c 3 for..... Large (233) 9c 8c 10c 25c 33c 16-oz. tin PORK & BEANS CAMPBELL’S Per tin 3 for .... PORK & BEANS JELL DESSERT— Wadham’s Tjin Wadham’s No. 1 tall tin PANCAKE FLOUR, Sperry’s 9c 15c Per tin .......... SOUPS, Campbell’s PINEAPPLE— per pair 125-foot roll WAX PAPER ......... -........................ East---- F. R. Olin, O.-A. Lumber Cor­ poration president, and Walter Thompson are leaving Friday for a six-month business trip to eastern states. Light Cotton, CANVAS GLOVES Pineapple Juice— 12-oz. tins Visitor*— 28-oz. pkg. 23c 17c Home— Harold Cason, Oregon State stu­ dent spent the weekend at his home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cason. He returned to Corvallis with them Sunday. Weekend Attend 4 COLORED FRYERS IQ- ROLLS COUNTRY DRESSED DOG FOOD— Tilt Tins Dance----- 4 Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jarvis of Portland attended the Club dance Saturday evening, They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Heath. Visits TOILET TISSUE­ CLINIC Guest— Erroll Damon of Portland was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lytle Greene. Through a communication receiv­ ed Tuesday by Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cason it was learned of the elec­ tion of Harold Cason to the position cf treasurer of his fraternity, Sigma F'hi Epsilon at Oregon State College. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Lester and Oliver Walker of Seattle were week- ... -..................... 19c Duncan's CREAM OF WHEAT WADHAMS Friends— Elected Treasurer— For COFFEE— 1-Pound Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rasmussen I and son Larry spent Sunday with I iriends in Astoria. Washburn Visitor*— OREGON They remained only the one day. Miss Kay Joyce, instructor at the Washington grade school, acted as Mrs. C. W. Bennett’s parents, hostess for her mother during the 4r. and Mrs. F. A. Parkhill of past weekend. Her mother reside? jalem, arrived here Wednesday and at Salem. >lan to stay at the C. W. Bennett To Buy Ring— tome for the summer. The Camp Fire Girls acted as o Attend Fair— salesladies Tuesday for the selling Mr. and Mrs. Russell Whitsell of candy. Funds derived from the aft last Saturday evening for San sale totaled $5.10 which will be us­ 'rancisco where they plan to at­ ed for the purchase of Camp File tend the Golden Gate Exposition rings. and visit relatives in the California city. Their vacation trip will last In Portland— Mr. and Mrs. George Shaiber were a week. visitors in Portland last Saturday. At VERNONIA. Auxiliary Return* “GRADE A MILK and CREAM’’ All Legion American will hold a cooked food sale in Sam Here from Salem—• Mr. and I Mrs. Glenn Hawkins visited the Pete Serafins residence Sunday at Wilark. that when you see the sign Moth-Proof Mr. and Mrs. Ed Salomonsen and Mrs. O. H. Kaphammer visited in Monmouth Sunday with Margaret alomonsen. Sunday YOU » OU SUKE We The kt Monmouth— Loel Roberts, Lowell Hieber, Ben Brickel, Tom Bateman, M. F. Ranes, Jay Taggart and Frank Hartwick were among those attending the opening game, Tuesday, of the Portland Beavers versus Oakland at In Clatskanie— Earl King, Pauline Dial, Boh the Vaughn street bali park in Port­ Owen, Elizaibeth Wall and Mr. and land. Mrs. Bob Dial were visitors in Clats- Move into Home— kanie Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing have changed their residence into the Monday Fisher*— Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wall, Mr. and house recently purchased north of the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mrs. Julias Stubbs and Mr. and Mrs. Layer on Third street. The move R. A. Simmons were fishing at was made last Friday. The building Clatskanie Monday with good luck. was formerly owned by H. E. Mc- Weather-proof, Water-proof and Mar-Resistant! A tough, durable finish that stands up indoors or out. All desirable colors. Ideal for Linoleum and Concrete, too. guarded. end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilark. Many gifts were received THREE DOGS TO SHOW IN KANSAS CITY— H. Washburn. They attended the by the guest of honor. In competition with over 800 Little Club Dance while here. Weekend in Portland-— other dogs, Jewett A. Bush, Bos- To Install Pump— Miss Pauline Ohristen spent the ton Terrier Breeder, will *hoW Harry King and W. G. Heath, past weekend visiting at her home Riverview business men, announced in Portland. She is an instructor three of his prize animals on April Take Tests— 29 and 30 in the American Royal The mechanics of the Vernonia this week plans for the installation t the Washington grade school. Horse and Dog Show at Kansas Auto Co. spent Monday night in' of an electric motor and pump in Portland taking their tests fur a the Nehalem river to provide water In Spokane— C'ity, Missouri. A representative of Reverend H. R. Scheuerman will Chevrolet certificate. Rex Pemble, lor irrigation purposes. The pump Mr. Bush will care for the dogs in be in Spokane from Thursday un * Vern Sykes and George i.eker t-o<; W*M be ^e plunger type. the md of this week acting as r that city, Other showings to be the test for mechanics and Dan Weekend Guest*— member of the commission repre made this summer will be at Port- Brutkie took the test for body Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Rigg of senting the church extension board land, May 13 and 14; Boise, Idaho, work. I Longview were weekend guests of in the church conference. .»lay 20 and 21; and at the San Vi it Burkes__ i Mr. anl* ^rs- Nichols. Francisco Exposition, July 15 and Gt* Citizenship— 16. Names of the dogs in Kansas Ethel Spencer and Jack Grainey Relurn* to Home— Ted Aspinall received citizens' City are Miss Progress of Oregon, spent Sunday visiting with Mr. andj Mrs Hattie Ward returned Tues- papers last week in St. Helens foll­ Miss Pageant of Progress Rose and Mrs. Jimmy Burke. Mr. and Mrs. - (|ay from eastern Oregon where she owing an examination taken t Bush's Ceasar’s Hi Ho. Mike Ludwig also visited with them I has been visiting for the past month. to determine eligibility. in the afternoon. She is living with Mr. and Mrs. IRENE BERGERSON suest*— | Harry Sandon. Weekend Visitors— ELECTED MAY QUEEN— Mr. and Mrs. Wathurs of Port Christine McKenzie visited over (I er, from Montana— Irene Bergerson was elected May and were weekend guests of Mr. he weekend in Tualatin valley with ( Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thorn and \nd Mrs. Phil Peterson. Mr. and Queen by a vote of the boys of Myrtle Thornbrue. sen Clifford of Savage, Montana Mrs. Judd the Vernonia high school Wednes­ Greenman were guests and Gordon Thorn from Germfask, of the Petersons following the Little day Candidates for the position were elected by the senior class. ,, , ,, T tr „ „„a Michigan are visiting with Mr. and Club Dance Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hawken and , . ™ ... i The two other candidates were » t ai • r u;.,., „„a Mrs. Irving Thorn, owners of the son, Lyman, Jr., Alvin Lachine and ’ In Portland— , Red and White Store. Bonnie Arner and Juanita Morris •Jack Heenan spent Sunday in bea-| Mr. and Mrs. Russefl Neffew who will act as crown princesses, Ccoked Food Sale side. were visitors in Portland Wednesday. I Queen Irene will select the remain- Gnaw. Work of extensive nature has been completed on the struct- ure’s interior previous to the move with painting and repairs yet to be completed on the exterior. yCUK TOWN’S TOPICS Attend Exposition— FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1939 ! Tin 27c FRILLETS, Porter’s 28-oz. pkg. 1-pound pkg. 23c 23c Specials for Friday and Saturday, April 21 and 22 King’s Grocery Where Your Money Buy» More 2 Deliveries Daily