FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1938 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE NINE Extra Articles? Want Ads Will Turn Them to Cash The juniors will be organized at 4 p. m. Wednesday afternoon and the seniors at eight o’clock that evening. An intensive drive for new mem bers has been undertaken in this community during the past weeks and about 150 members are now here. The Maccabees and the Artisans were recently, (the latter part of July) united into one organization and the old Artisan lodge here will become one with the new organi­ zation. have the local relief office open of the commercial club had been ap- irom 1 p. m. to 2 p. m. on the first pointed to confer with the county Tuesday each month instead of the court upon the possibility of secur­ first Wednesday as heretofore has ing power shovel work in building been the committee’s day in Clats­ the highline route here. He told the kanie. said, but will include all who are assembled business men that the interested in attending. reply of the county judge had been NOTE: All classified advertis- TROUT ARE LIBERATED— that while the equipment belonging in, must b. paid in advance uni... ■ COUNC,L DISCUSSES pEANg COURT ACCEPTS FEDERAL The state gime commission dump­ to the county was idle, there wer. advertiser has an established month- OF NEW CITY JAIL__ GRANT TO HELP FINANCE ed 75,000 cut-throat trout in tho no funds available to employ cfual- Clatskanie river Saturday and Sun­ ified operators. ly account with The Eagle. Added: Tentative plans for the building JAIL PROJECT— day. About 25,000 were also placed At a special meeting Monday, the bookkeeping, wh> re individuals de- j of the new city jail were discussed in the Nehalem river near Vernonia WOMEN’S CLUB HAS sire to establish an account, wHI met ting of the St. Helens city county court passed a resolution ac 125,000 were allotted to Clatsop BUSINESS SESSION— bring an additional 25-cent char,, i C°UnCil Monday evening. Roy Har cepting the offer of the United county this year. The Rainier Woman’s Club held f„_ . . . . , . .. , I rington, chairman of the police States grant in the sum of $15,641 for each ad in.erted in this column._ . . . . their regular meeting on Thursday, I commission of the council, is in for building the new county jail SMELT FISHERMEN MEET— September 22, at the home of Mrs. " ————¡charge of the project which is be- equipment and altering the presen­ LAWRENCE ORWIG KILLED A meeting of the smelt fisher- E. P. Dove with about thirty mem­ ROOMJL P0R SLBEPERS—Inquiry ing built at a cost of approximated county court house. IN WRECK— men will be held in Clatskanie in bers present. During the session del­ at 376 North St. W. O. Porter j$2200 An order’ was drawn appointing J. Funeral services were held Tues­ f!eld' 40tf i Present plans call for a building E. Doughty to furnish final plans day from the Leslie Memorial church the Fogel hall October 3rd at 9:30 egates were elected to the Third -------------------- —----------------- about 26x18 with a “shake-down” constructing the proposed new jail in Salem for Lawrence Orwig, who a. m. The meeting is for anyone Dist. Convention which will be held at Sandy, Oregon, October 10. I WILL NO! be responsible for room 8x10 feet. Accomodations will and to supervise the construction. passed away Saturday night shortly interested in smelt fishing. The final plans and specifications after an auto wreck. Those elected’ were, Mrs. E. J. any debts contracted by my wife. I be for 10 men and four women or Brewer and Mrs. R. W. Smith, witn Ray Meyer.--------------------------- 40tl j juveniles. J. E. Doughty, local arch- I will be submitted to W.P.A. official Orwig was passing an oil truck Mrs. D. R. Philpott and Mrs. C. R. --------------------- —------------------------- 1 itect, is drawing up the final plans . this weekend for their approval ar.d when the accident occurred. Hallberg as alternates. Mrs. O. W. i COMMERCIAL CLUB DISCUSSES FOR SALE—Fireweed honey, water' which will probably be ready for I bids for construction work will be The accident occurred about three White, president of the club will white. Pints, Quarts, 5 or 10- local contractors bids by the end of advertised for in the near.future. Sunday morning as Lawrence ani 'PROBLEMS OF COMMUNITY— pound pails, 60-pound cans, Also ^e week. Approximately 60 days I a neighbor boy were returning from A group of 20 business men at also attend. colored fryers weighing from 3 to will be required for the work. The FORECLOSURE NOTICES TO skating .t Albany. Lawrence lived the Interstate cafe Monday evening 4 H pounds. Fat hogs butchered to building will be erected on the re- ! BE MAILED THIS WEEK— until shortly after noon the nex: for a regular meeting of the Rainier FORMER RAINIER SCHOOL order. Nehalem Apiaries, 3 miles cently acquired lot adjacent to the One thousand tax foreclosure no- day but did not regain conscious­ Commercial club, first dined and HEAD DEAD— William C. Gauntt, 56, formerly out on Rock creek road. J. O. Kane. fire station. tires are being written up this week ness. His friend was not injured. then discussed community activities. in the tax collection department of Lawrence had just become a licens­ 40tf— Highway improvements in the head of the Rainier schools for nine LOCAL TOWNSEND CLUB the sheriff’s office and will be ed aviation pilot. district were covered by William years, was buried in Portland Sat­ f mailed to property owners this week Lawrence was born in Clatskanie ' Reid, who reported that an emer- urday. FOR RENT — Six-room modern SURRENDERS CHARTER— Mr. Gauntt served as superinten­ St. Helens Townsend Club num- end. 22 years ago and lived here with j gency expenditure by the county house. See Harry Culbertson for particulars. 39ti ber one surrendered its charter to Taxpayers who are in arrears in his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. ! in the new drainage district near dent of the grade and high schools the national organization Wednes­ their taxes for the year 1935 and Orwig until the family moved to Clatskanie, where the old road had which were combined at that time. day evening during its regular sche­ prior will be included on the present Salem to reside. Lawrence has been I been covered by construction opera- In 1925 the Rainier Union high FOR SALE — Piano. Good shape; duled session in the West St. Hei­ list for foreclosure. working witn his father in his ' tion, requiring new surfacing, had school district was formed and he recently tuned, for the small bal­ ns Community Hall following a re­ meat market. I taken all loose cash of the county served as principal of the high ance of $58. Write Mr. Keltner, fusal to indorse certain candidate-: | court. Mr. Neil predicted that noth- school when the schools were separ­ 204 Ainsworth Building, Portland, RELIEF COMMITTEE TO ”or political offices in the coming ■ ing corid be done soon, not earlier, ated, and was in charge when the Oregon. 39t3— CHANGE OFFICE TIME— general election. George Baker. I at least, than the passing of a new school was built and when the first Portland, representing Gordon Ware According to a report from Dva budget by the county. Further, Mi. class graduated from th» new school. PIANO SACRIFICE—Late model, state manager of the Townsend MACCABEES TO BE ORGANIZED Louisa Tice, administrator of the Reid, C. R. Hallberg and others The next year he went to Tigard bungalow type, standard make, clubs, is said to have attended the An organization meeting for both Columbia County Relief Committee conversant with the situation pre high school as principal. Later he Guaranteed. Will sacrifice for cash meeting and insisted upon the club the senior and junior Maccabees of the office time in Clatskanie will dieted that not even during next had been engaged in selling school or small monthly payments. For indorsing certain candidates. This this vicinity will be held next Wed­ undergo a change. year was the prospect too bright. supplies for a Portland firm, where ft 11 particulars, address, Adjuster, met with disapproval of members nesday at the I. O. O. F. hall. I The schedule from now on will Mr. Reid at a previous meeting the family resided. Cline Piano Co., 1011 SW Wash md the charter was surrendered. ington, Portland, Oregon. 39t3— According to members, they still favor House Bill 4199 which is the FOR SALE OR TRADE— ’35 Fore Townsend plan, but refluse to use V-8, long-wheel br-se, 1A4 -ton that name for their organization, truck. Dual wheels. Would takt An investigation is being conducted milk cows or small tractor for part if the General Welfare Federation payment. See Nelson Moeller, Tre- with headquarters in Washington, harne, on Hyland place. 3813 D. C. with the idea of affiliating with that organization. FOR SALE—Scratch pads. 2 lbs. for 25c. Eagle Office. tf COURT SAYS FORMER ST. HELENITE GUILTY MAN- SLAUGHTER— FOR RENT—Six-room house. Semi­ lEarl Lattin, 28, longshoreman ri­ modern. See Harry Culbertson. dding in Portland, formerly of St. SOtf Helens, was found guilty of man­ THE VERNONIA EAGLE for one year slaughter Tuesday by a jury in Cir­ and any 3 Magazines below only BEFORE YOU ORDER printing of cuit court, Portland, in connection all kinds, salesbooks or bookkeep­ vith the death of Madison E. Weir, (or any 4 magazines for $3.50 ing forms out of town, let The 38, on June 24. Judge Stapleton set — or 5 magazines for $4.00) Eagle figure with you. We can meet 2 p. m. Monday as the time for outside competition if we can supply­ mposing sentence. identical stock and quantity. tf Lattin was indicted on a second (Check the Magazines egree murder charge. It was con­ You Want) FOR SALE—High grade (no cheap tended by the state, represented by stock) calling or business and Deputy District Attorneys T. B. Woman's Home Companion 1 Yr. professional cards. 100 cards $1.25: Handley and A. M. Hodler that Lat­ (A TOTAL OF 124 ISSUES) 1 Yr. Pathfinder (Weekly) . . 200 cards $1.75; or 500 cards foi in fatally beat Weir in front of a 8 Mo. American Boy .... $2.75. Printed right here in Ver­ ’»eer parlor at 815 Southwest Park McCall's Magazine . . . i Yr. nonia by The Eagle. Phone your > venue. Silver Screen .... . i Yr. order, pay in 30 days. tf According to the Oregonian, Pictorial Review ... . i Yr. tin testified that he was intoxl- Modem Romances • • . i Yr. TRUCK OWNERS—The Eagle can •ated from drinking beer and had True Confessions ... . i Yr. supply your legal combination '.o recollection of having struck the Romantic Magazine . . . i Yr. transportation bills and receipts a' it Iderly man. 6 Mo. Christian Herald ... AAC CALLS 6 Mo. a reasonable figure. Form ready Parents' Magazine • • • • to go. Give us your needs and rely TICKET SELLING Good Stories .... . 2 Yr. DRIVE NOW ON — on your home town printer, Call Woman's World ... . 2 Yr. A ticket selling campaign wa- tf or see us. Vernonia Eagle. Household Magazine . • . 2 Yr. •tarted Thursday noon by a com- Home Arts Needlecraft . . 2 Yr. Open Road for Boys • < 16 Mo. AN UNLIMITED supply of scratch nittee headed by Elmer Steele, Bob The Country Home . • . 2 Yr. pads offered at 2 pounds 25c Hye and Heinie Heumann, in an The Farm Journal . . . . 2 Yr. Call at The Eagle office, Phone ffort to raise sufficient funds to American Poultry Journal . 2 Yr. your needs and we’ll save some ’inar.ce the remaining cost of mat­ Breeders' Gazette ... . 2 Yr. for you. Special scratch pad orders erials and labor for lighting John All Seven for One Year............ tf Gumm athletic field. /This year’s Poultry Tribune .... . 2 Yr. made up on order. school budget committee allows Value $5.25 — You Save $2.25 ’600 for the project which was RUBBER STAMPS are available in enough to start operations. The re­ 21» days if ordered through The Let us solve the reading problem for your whole family. Just pick out the special mainder will be raised through the Eagle. No order too large, too sale of tickets to the various event« offer that you like best. Then bring or mail the “MONEY SAVING COUPON’’ to the small. Stamp pads and other office the remainder of supplies furnished on order. Let slated for your local newspaper office supply season and next. Classified Ads............ COUNTY NEWS St. Helens Rainier- Clatskanie 3 The Vernonia Eagle Offers Big Magazine Bargains Offer No. I 83.00 Offer No. 2 7 Big Publications 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 McCall’s Magazine Pictorial Review.. Woman’s World Good Stories The Country Home The Farm Journal The Vernonia Eagle year year year year year year year $3.00 THE VERNONIA EAGLE tf CHAMBER WILL MEET AT ADAMS FAMILY INN— R. R. Hankins, secretary of St. Helens Chamber of Commerce, nnounced Thursday that a meeting of that organization would be held at the Adams’ Family inn Monday evening, October 3. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE An interesting out-of-town speak­ On the 10th day of October, A. D. 1938, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock er will explain the tax question A. M. at the west front door of the that will confront voters in the Court. House in the City of St November election. The meeting is Helens, Columbia County, Oregon. not confined to members, it was I will sell at auction to the highest bidder for cash the following des­ cribed real property located within Plaintiff, vs. CLAUDE O. THOMAS Columbia County, Oregon, to-wit: 'sometimes known as C. O. Thomas) Alt of Lots numbered Nine (9) and md GERTHA K. THOMAS, hus­ Ten (10), Block Two (2), Original band and wife, Defendants. Town of Vernonia, Columbia Coun­ M. R. Calhoun ty, Oregon. Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon Said sale is made under execution By H. E. Veazie •nd order of sale issued out of the Deputy Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ gon for the County of Columbia to Dated, published and posted Sept- me directed in the case of MARK ember 3, 1938. SKINMER, as superintendent of Date of last publication—October 7, Banks of the State of Oregon, 1938, these needs. Legal Notices SimnU »mpiC and your present subscription to this Newspaper will be marked ahead ONE FULL YEAR, and you will be entered as a regular subscriber to the magazines for the full term indicated. These offers are for NEW or PRESENT subscribers. If you are already a subscriber to ANY of the publications, your PRESENT time will be extended. Special Offer No. 2 Extra Big Value Woman’« Home Companion ........ The Pathfinder (Weekly) .......... McCall’s Magazine .......................... Pictorial Review .............................. Good Stories ...................................... The Country Home ....................... THE VERNONIA EAGLE ALL SEVEN FOR ONE YEAR, one year one year one year one year one year one year one year ONLY THE VERNONIA EAGLE VERNONIA, OREGON (Date) and enclose $ I accept offer No. in full payment. (If you make up your own list of magazines from Offer No. 1, please check the magazines you pre­ fer, and enclose with your order.) Name R.F.D., or Street Postoffice , State