FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1938 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX ■ ANNOUNCING The NEW IFXILL IGENCT it Nance Pharmacy Bisma Rex ........................ Mi 31, Mouthwash Rexall Liver Pills ........... Puretest Rubbing Alcohol Agarex Compound ........ Stag Hair Oil .................... 50c, $1.25 49c 25c 50c, 25c 89c 25c, 40c — STATIONERY, MANY ASSORTMENTS — at 25c — 50c — 75c — $1.00 Cara Nome Powders — Creams — Lipsticks — Rouges — Also the famous ADRIENNE LINE GO TO YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE IT’S BACK TO SCHOOL for the “kids” and FALL NEEDS for the parents! HATS Ladies Latest Styles Doll and Birdnest Hats — The last word in New Felt Hats at $1.49 and $1.98 Sam & Bob Enlarge Store Space New Shelving and Racks Make for More Con­ venience, Said Tihe Sam & Bob grocery and market was materially enlarged the past week with the addition of 12 more feet of shelving along the east wall of their store, which also saw the removal of the store room partition to a point in distance equal to the length of the new shelving. While the store room space will be cut, the store owners said, the addition front room space will make for more customer convenience and give chance for more display of merchandise. * Several other changes are antici- pated but will be spread over a period of time to keep store con- venience at a maximum, they said. -------- o See Mr». Thomp»on— Mrs. Ross Duncan and Mrs. E. M. Bollinger were in Portland Sun­ day to visit with Mrs. E. S. Thomp­ son, formerly of Vernonia and now in Marshfield, who is confined at the Portland General hospital fol­ lowing a major operation. Mrs. Thompson is now well out of dan- ger. ¡New Drug Line Taken by Nance Store Pinochle Diversion— Return» from Vacation— Mrs. L. Pierce entertained the Mrs. E. H. Washburn returned p; st week at the Pierce home on Wednesday from Kettle Falls, Wash­ Rock Creek With a pinochle party. ington, where she has been vacation- j , uucBia __ were wciv air. Guests Mr. unu and mis. Mrs. Dane ing and visiting with friends jnilRrady and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy relatives. Christenson. Rexall Products to Be Featured Locally; Neon Sign Installed TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nance of the Nance Pharmacy announced yes­ terday that they will feature the well known Rexall drug line in their local store. The arrangements for the local stock were made some time back and merchandise for the shelves has been arriving daily. Of importance this week is the arrival of a new Neon sign which was erected yesterday afternoon at I the drug store. The large sign feat-| ures the Rexall brand and is minated ’in blue and white. The store’s announcement pears in this issue. -------- o— ■ COLUMBIA COUNTY FAIR At the Fair Grounds on the Lower Columbia River Highway Near Deer Island THREE DAYS — THREE NIGHTS August 25, 26, 27, 1938 Golf at Astora— ■■ Mr. and Mrs. Harry King, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brickel spent Sunday golf­ ing at the Astoria Country club. " 1 - 1 ■■ 1 ■ ■ '■ 1 -............ ■' 11....................... . — ..................... 5=3 Large, interesting Program • Livestock Show • Grandstand Events • Electrical Display At Beach— Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heorle, Jack Heorle and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bell spent the weekend at the Ore­ Called to Idaho— Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bell of gon beaches. Vernonia were called to Idaho, near Out— Boise, Tuesday due to the serious Hildur Sundquist, 10-year old son illness of his father. of Mr. and Mrs. John Sundquist of Wilark, underwent an operation for On Vacation— Mr. and Mrs. George Trumbo and removal of his tonsils this week. family are enjoying a vacation which will extend into next week. The family members are at Rose­ burg, their former home. Duff Me Andy, Portland pharmacist, ,’s assisting at the Nance Pharmacy “J during Mr. Trumbo’s absence. Fun for Everyone Poultry Show Dances Carnival Bring the Family 1 Be There-Meet Your Friends Portlander Here---- Mrs. P. L. Hewes of Portland, sister of Mrs. Jack Nance, was a visitor in Vernonia Sunday, spend­ ing time here with friends and rela-; tives. Headquarters for All School Buy» Cafe---- Supplies. Fast Color Prints for School Dresses Large Assortments at 10c, 15c, 19c and 25c yd. $ ¿1 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Foster an­ nounced the fore part of the week that they had purchased the inter­ est of Mr and Mrs. Roscoe Mitchell in the Terminal cafe. The deal was consummated Saturday evening. The two couples had originally purchas­ ed the restaurant from Chales Mar­ tin some weeks ago. ,, «51 1 Us Visit» Mother— BACK TO SCHOOL FROCKS Girls’ Beautiful Fast Color Broadcloth Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Smith were recent visitors at Gearhart where they visited with Mrs. Ruby Smith, Mr. Smith’s mother. Hou.egue.t— and 80 square prints, 6 years to 14 years Mrs. Wallace Bergerson enjoyed the company of her sister, Miss Josephine Benson of Bellingham, Washington, last week. Circle Meet.— Only New Fall Assortment of DONNA LEE DRESSES in Back-to-School sizes in Dirndls and Jumper Dresses at ............................. $1.98 ANKLETS All sizes and colors — 10c and 15c Boys’ Cotton Tweed Zipper Jacket 2-Piece Suits ------ 6 to 8 years ------ Only $1.98 BACK TO SCHOOL Boy’s Dress Shirts------ Plain and Fancy Sizes 6 to 14% ------ Only 49c and 79c Young Men’s DRESS SHIRTS—Plain and Fancy Sizes 14 to 17 --------- $1.00 — $1.50 — $1.98 PURE SILK and RAYON TIES — 25c, 49c, 95c Oswego Wool TIES (the best made) $1.00 Boys’ Fancy Dress SOX Men’s Fancy Dress SOX 15c 15c — 19c — 25c 25c — 35c — 49c Boys’ Back-to-School TROUSERS Tweeds ------ Cords ------ Duck ------ Whipcord Sizes 6 to 16 years 98c — $1.49 — $1.98 — $2.25 $1.49, $1.98, $2.98, $3.49 MEN’S TROUSERS and $4.98; Large assortment materials and colors Gym Clothes Trunks 65c; Shirts 45c; Support 25c; Sox 19c, 25c, 49c; Shoes 98c, $1.35, $1.49 and up. Complete outfit (except Shoes) $1.69 The Rock Creek Circle met at the home of Mrs. Al Pierce the i past week with 14 members pre- sent and one guest, Mill Wilma Dearberry, Refreshments were serv- ed by the hostess. 111 in Portland— Dave MacDonald, MacDonald hotel owner, is in Portland recov­ ering from an illness. He was stricken with dizzy spells several days ago and went to Portland for medical attention. * Regular Peach Crates or BUSHEL BOXES i t-k • SOAP LIFEBUOY 3 bars ..................... Apples Gravenstein 10 lbs. 19c Green Peppers 3 lbs I Oc Carrots 3 bunches 10c GRAPES Seedless lb 5c i ft 1ÏJC Table Salt «-lb. bag ................. J 9 i COMFORT TISSUE 4-Roll Special ARGO GLOSS STARCH 3 packages BAKED BEANS Large 2 Vi cans 3 for ...... CLABBER GIRL BAKING POWDER 2-lb. can ........ PEANUT BUTTER Real Roast 2-lb. jar ... PEETS GRANULATED SOAP Medium package LIPTON TEA Orange Pekoe pound tin __ 29c 25c 25c 22c 25c 19c 79c Coffee h ™ 2-lb. bag 39c Milk each 6c Shortening 4-lb. pkg. 39c Sugar Vinegar Peanut Butter POUND 10c Maximum Tall Can. Cuts Head— Dan Rollins, 13-year old son of Mrs. Emma Rollins, suffered a deep gash in his head Tuesday afternoon while diving at the local swimming pool. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I HAVE several good used electric and battery table model radios priced from $1.50 and up. Vernonia Bargain Store. 818 Bridge St., Ver­ nonia. 34 It— MAN WANTS respectable home in which to board and room. In quire at Eagle office. 331t— Are you looking for good second hand lumber or hewn timbers? See A. C. Taylor, 117 North St., for a good deal on it. 343t FOR SALE—Will have one-half of! butchered hog for sale Sunday I morning. To sell at 12 cents per nound or 11 cents for entire half.' Peter Bergerson, Vernonia, Timbe • Route. 341t I HAVE on hand a selection of | good used wood ranges and heat- I ers. They’re priced right. Vernonia Rargain Store. 818 Bridge St., Ver-' noni*. Silt- Pickling Spices Pure Cane Fine Granulated Pure Cider In %-pound packages nF. 2 for ZÛC Guaranteed Te.t Canning Supplies JELLS RITE 2 bottles ..................... PEN JELL 2 packages .................. KERR LIDS 3 dozen .............. JAR RUBBERS 3 dozen ....................... . ECONOMY CAPS Dozen ...................... KERR or BALL MASON CAPS Dozen KERR or BALL MASON JARS Pints, Dozen 69c; (Complete with Lids and Rubbers) Qts., Doz. 25c 23c 25c lOi 19c 19c 79c —SAFEWAY QUALITY MEATS— Baby Beef Roast Tender and Juicy Ib. IZ'Z.c Veal Stew lb Country Sausage Style 2 lbs • 3»>c Suysir Píenles lb . 17c Cured Fresh Salmon lb. 18c Specials for Friday and Saturday, Aug. 26 and 27