Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, July 29, 1938, Page 3, Image 3

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    FftibÀŸ, JULY 29,1938
Army Men Ed Tapp Is Safeway Is
Clark and 450 Acres Old, Second
Due in City New Legion Remodeling
Wilson to
Growth Fir Taken in
Store Front
August 1
Commander Open Plan to Be Vogue Work Today
Topographical Work to
Get Vernonia 26 Added
Population to Dec. 1
Local Fuel Company
Owner Gets Coveted Of­
fice; Jarvis Assistant
for Vernonia Establish­
ment; New Rack Planned
Skidder and “Cate” Start
on East Side of Nehalem;
No High Lead Slated
Holl man Lookout Fire
The Vernonia Safeway store is
modeling its arrangement from sev­
A tote) of 26 regular U. S. Army
J. Ed Tapp, well known Vernonia
Indication that fire danger in the
engineers, all connected with the fuel dealer and recently appointe 1 eral of the more recently establish­ woods has decreased to some ex-
ed open front stores, Gerald Horn,
29th Engineers, the only outfit of councilman, was elected commander
tent this week was evidenced late
Many stretches of cutover and
local manager, announced this
its type in the entire army depart­ of the Vernonia American Legion
yesterday when Frank Baker, Clark
first growth timber land in this area
ment, will shortly arrive in Vernonia Post the past week at the regular
& Wilson logging operation super­
were barren this week, of vegeta­
A crew of carpenters has been
to work here until December 1, The .lection held here.
intendifit, announced that the skid­
tion as well as human users, it was
Commander Tapp succeeds J. C.
der and tractors on the east side
Eagle learned this week.
reported from the Pittsburg fire
Lieutenant Eschbach, in charge of (Abe) Lincoln in the post.
of the Nehalem river would be back
Clare Jarvis, Union Oil Co. mana­ new sliding-door, open front, The
the work to be done here, was irt
ger here, was elected vice-comman- entire east half of the store will at work this morning.
About the only human element
the community this week and made der. Arthur Tousley was elected be thrown open and a new, metal,
Crews thus affected were notifi-
using the forests now in this area
arrangements to billet his men at chaplain.
sprinkler-type vegetable rack is to ed and the operation will go ahead,
is the firefighter who uses the
the American Legion hall. The men
J. L. Timmons will serve as ser- 'be installed at the front of the No action on the west sidle, how-
Brief, but Impressive Fun­ wooded stretches under protest and
will eat end. sleep at the hall, •eant-at-rrms, Harry Culbertson as store on the west side. Change in j ever, was promised by the official. J
eral Service Conducted adverse conditions.
plans now being underway to rear­ finance officer, J. W. Nichols as the shape of the front along the
Mr. Baker
:J that 1 --
no high ' leads
—J ~
range the facilities of the building. historian, Fred Zeiner and John west front is planned.
from Own Chapel
The week’s greatest fire within
would be in operation for some ■
Work to be done will cover 120. Luther as executive committeemen.’ The change will allow the store time, or until the fire danger had|
the Vernonia area occurred early
miles of quadrangles, it was said,
in the week when a small fire
A. L. Kullander, Commander four feet of display space at the been eliminated through a change'
and will take the men over all of Tapp and Harry Culbertson were extreme front and give more room in weather and humidity conditions. bute Saturday morning at 9 o’clock thought to have been started from
the territory jutting out from here i named delegates to the state con­ for customers.
The work order affects several! to James W. (Jim) Brown, the com­ a carelessly thrown cigarette grew
ir all directions for from 12 to 40! vention to be held in Pendleton in
The change is the first of a ser­ ’Vernonia families and is heralded, munity’s mortician, a merchant, and to uncontrolled heights in the Hoff­
miles. Almost each inch of ground, September.
ies planned for the establishment. as good news in Vernonia.
public servant when citizens gather­ man Lookout district, southeast of
will be mapped by the men, it was
J. W. Nichols was reappointed Mr. Slater, district manager, point­
ed to overflowing proportions at his the town. The blaze originated a-
believed, when the type of work post adjutant by the commander.
long the road to the station but
ed out.
own funeral chapel to hear Rev.
done by them was described.
spread to both sides, taking the eas­
Members feel, after checking the.
Harvey R. Scheuerman, Evangelical ier path, however, just ahead of a
The 26 army engineers will work annual report form, that they_will •
here three months, completing their have been able to show much pro.
pastor, offer the last readings and west wind.
work December 1, and taking one gress during the past year. The
console surviving family members.
Starting about 2 a. m. Friday,
intervening month away from the port is submitted soon to state
Apparently in excellent health, the blaze burned over 50 acres at
and planning a vacation for him and 9 a. m. and then, with its near mile-
---------- o---------
Mrs. Brown but the day before, Mr wide front, started in a business­
The angler lies in wait with
Brown had risen about 4 a. m. July like fashion to lay low the under­
hook and line and rod and reel,
21, and then laid down on a daven­ brush and timber in the area.
I and perhaps at night he brings
Fire officials said the blaze cov­
Departments Incor­ I port in the front room of the Brown
the cook a bullhead or an eel.
apartment in the second floor of the ered more than 450 acres. Several
funeral home.
small farms were menaced during
The angler lies forever at
To Present Awards
Mrs. Brown said she heard an un­ the blaze. Camp Reehers OOC men
the mercy of the skeeters, of
Bill Heath announces the grand usual noise and shortly went to in­ were called as were several crews
stinging fly and biting gnat
I opening of his Hrvice station for vestigate. She found her husband of Vernonia men. Damage to the
and other blood depleters.
I Saturday in this issue of The Eagle. apparently asleep, on the daven­ standing first and second growth
Former Recorder, Local
The anglers lies, but we sur­ | The opening will be featured by port. Failing to rouse him, however, timber was not estimated. The blaze
Insurance Man Appointed
Outhouses Available Thru mise that this is idle chat, we’ll I the awarding of many valuable she called W. J. Armitage who, in extended! from the Hoffman road
at Special Meeting
Local Project; To Start merely say, “The Angler Lies/’ ! prizes, including a tire, tubes, sport- turn, summoned a physician. Mr. to the Bacona-Buxton road.
and let ft go at that.
Though not ordinarily appointed
' ing goods and free gifts for the Brown wts pronounced! dead. It was
At Big creek, near Birkenfeld,
August 1
ir. such a speedy fashion, stress of
“kids”, he says. The prizes will believed that he passed while sleep­ where one of the state’s largest
Don’t even smile!
Vernonia city business during the
blazes has been damaging second
and lumber for use in the little be given away at a public drawing ing in the early hours.
The remains were kept in Ver­ growth and vegetation, an area est­
But Vernonia’s newest manufac­ “bungalows” is being delivered i to be held Saturday evening at 8:30
past week necessitated an almost
nonia and a friend of the family, imated at 5,000 acres had been lain
immediate naming of a city treasur­ turing venture gets under way here today.
at the station.
The entire proiess, concrete and
er to succeed the late J. W. Brown, Monday, August 1, when a half­
Every person in Vernonia, River­ a mortician of Forest Grove, called. low.
dozen or more men wiir begin the construction, will be done at the view and surrounding area is invited Interment was in the Lincoln Mem­
Over half of the seeded 800
it developed this week.
As a result of the urgency, a construction of as many privies— local shop and the . houses made to write his or her name on a slip orial mausoleum in Portland near acres of the Northup Creek Range
special council session was called sanitary pit type—as residents of ready for installation by the WPA and deposit in a barrel at the sta­ the remains of a son who had pass­ 'Elxperiment Station had been des­
Friday evening at the city hall and the area will pay for at approxi­ crew.
troyed. One particular plot, seeded
tion between now and Saturday ed rway prior.
The deceased had been a promin­ with an Australian grass, and valu­
It was understood that farmers | evening, The formal drawing will
C. F. Hieber, well known Vernonia mately $16 each.
The project is under the direct of the areas, or urban residents, divulge the names of the winners. ent merchant in Vernonia for over ed highly by Herb Hoowell, super­
insurance and real estate man, was
.supervision of the WPA and the interested in obtaining one of the Merchandise of a substantial value (Continued on Page 2, Section 2) visor, was destroyed during the
named to the position.
Mr. Hieber, known to many here local supervisor is to be selected sanitary privies, could place theiris to be given away, he said. Favor.s
week. The fire has given trouble to
Maurice Cotta. orders for almost immediate deli-, for the children are en route here shelter.
fighters all week and much worry to
as “Judge”, served the city for a from the groupt.
period of six years as recorder. Portland, with the state department very.
One of the features of the new officials in charge. Spot fires have
The privies are described as fly-
Councilmen making the appointment of health, is directly responsible for
The new station, constructed un­ equipment is the electric hoist in­ been a menace, the report states.
proof and sanitary, with the pit der the supervision of C. I. Ander­ stalled at a cost of nearly $400.
However, with large crews work­
said they believed the appointee had the project.
The attractive buildings, for use portion
concrete. son. Riverview contractor, was conJ Acessories and sporting goods will ing on the fires, it was expected
an excellent working knowledge of
the city records and books and that on farms or at residences not now Plans call for substantial building pleted thie week following the be the two major items to be carri­ that all would be on the “mopped
little time would be lost, though the served by sewage systems or by and good materials. No charge is nainting by the Signal Oil Co. Three ed by the station, aside from the up” list or nearly so, barring un­
death of the treasurer dealt a sev­ sanitary outhouses, will be con­ made for labor, the federal agency departments are incorporated in the gas and oil, Mr. Heath said, but a foreseen fires in other areas. Ex­
structed in the old building directly furnishing that much of the pro­ structure—the
ere blow to the governing body.
store stock of candy, smokes and miscell­ treme fire weather maintained dur­
Materials, alone, constitute room and work shop, the main dls- aneous items will be kept for accom­ ing the week.
Mr. Brown was extremely inter­ south of the Scott Studio. The ject.
--------- o---------
ested in his work as treasurer, the concrete moulds arrived this week the average cost, it was said.
play room and the electric hoist modation of customers.
councilmen said, and was of a most
cooperative sort.
"Jim” Brown
Rites Held
Bill Heath
Opening His
Station Sat.
„.¡The Angler
C. F. Hieber
New City
Death Takes
Director off
Grade Board
People Have 30 Day» in
Which to Elect; Superin­
tendent May Name
The hand, of Death changed the
complexion of the grade school dir­
ectorate this week when J. W.
Brown was taken from the group.
Ed Condit, grade principal, said
this week that the voters of the
district can meet and elect a dir­
ector to replace Mr. Brown. This
must be done, according to state
law, within 30 days.
If 30 days pass without any
election action, the principal said,
the county school superintendent
shall then appoint, the information
It was believed that a meeting of
the grade school district voters
would be called and another direct­
or named by popular acclaim rath-
ei than awaiting the appointment.
The board is composed of Ted
Keasey, recenty elected; Glenn
Hawkins, both as members, and
Mrs. F. K. Hammack as clerk.
Les Kerns’ Beer Barons main­
tained their winning streak last
night at the city park diamond
when they took the Wilark nine
9-6 in a 7-inning fracas.
Parker did the hurling for the
Kerns’ team has been defeated
but once during the second half
and the defeat came at the hand?
of the flashy Wolf Creek nine.
Privies to
Be Built
Area Gets
Hottest Day
The Vernonia Chamber of Commerce
Is Wholeheartedly Behind Any Project of the Community
City Park and
Roads and
We try at all times to
Believing as we do that
“all work and no play
makes Jack a dull boy.”
We assist in any way
we can in the building
up of our swimming
pool and park facilities.
Where can you go
that you can get as
much FREE as right
here at home.
Baseball, swimming,
swings, slides all help
to make this an ideal
place to spend the
and Industry
Highways in first class
By report­
We are
working to bring in new
industry and
provements that could
yet be made to make
In general the Cham­
sive business men and
women, but is not limit­
Farming and cattle
have to look to for sup­
port when our trees are
would like to have you.
We need you whether
you need us or not.
Come out and join
gone, so these are at
us in our meeting and
help us insure Vemo-
our highways more safe
present our main
and comfortable to use.
nia’s future.
Vernonia Chamber of Commerce
Lyman Hawken, Pres.
composed of progres­
raising are what we will
There are many im­
ed to these. Individuals
the ones we have.
ing and suggesting im­
provements and better­
Old Sol Leaps All Bar­
riers to Soar to 106 at
3:30 in Afternoon
With 103 registered by 'Hhc
Eagle’s weather bureau thermom-
' eter last Wednesday, July 20, and
| with residents sweltering under the
warm sun, but thankful for a light
I breeze to freshen the air, Old Sol
wasn’t satisfied and shovedi the
mercury up three more notches the
• next day to 106.
Many old timers hereabouts dec­
lared that they believed that tha
warmest registered temperature in
these parts for many, many years,
l perhaps ever.
' A light west wind, however, kept
| the direct rays of the sun from
I feeling too severe during the sul-
i try afternoon.
A week’s resume of the temper-
■ atures follows:
i Date Max. Min.
Date Max. Min.
1 22
! 20
j 21
J. T. Scott of Scott’s Studio in
Vernonia is responsible for the
fine detail work which g>ve to
readers of The Eagle the photos
of the swimming pool and park.
The photos, small snapshots taken
by L. H. Dewey, were paneled
and prepared for rephotographing
for the cut by the well known