FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1938 WHO’S VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young WEEK By LEMUEL F. PARTON EW YORK.—President Getulio Vargas of Brazil was a far- western frontiersman in his youth, or still wearing “bombachos, gaucho trousers, Pres. Vargas for informal dress, and quite in char­ Handy With acter pumping a Six-Shooter six-gun at the pal- ace, and putting down a Graustark- ian revolt. A swarthy, stocky little man, quick on the draw, he has never been gun-shy, and impromptu shooting has been an occasional obligato in his rise to supreme power. When he established his totali­ tarian state on November 10 of last year, there were those who said he was dealing in the dark of the moon with the green shirts —that here was where Germany and fascism got a toe-hold on this continent. The green shirt revolt and its vig­ orous suppression by Sr. Vargas seems to be an answer to that, even if he had not previously made it clear that his authoritarian state was not of the European model. Brazil has a complex racial make­ up which provides no proscribed group or racial Home Talent myth, the first re­ quirement in fas­ Expert at cist technique, and Strong Arm furthermore, when it comes to strong-arm government, all South American countries have plenty of home talent and indige­ nous skill. THE FEATHERHEADS N Sr. Vargas recruited his political following as a liberal. He denounced monopoly and promised the over­ throw of the “coffee plantation kings.” He seized power in 1930 by the overthrow of President Washington Luiz, with the aid of his lifetime friend, old General Aurelio Monteiri. Luiz had won the election against him, but Vargas raised a cry of fraud. From the first he ruled partially by decree, now entirely, since the adoption of the Denies All constitution of No­ Rights of vember 10. His re­ organization of Free Speech the country fol­ lowed established dictatorial prac­ tice in the formation of labor “syndicates,” the fixing of maxi­ mum and minimum wages, and the denial of all rights of free press and free assemblage. He is a famous orator, speaking a fluent and flowery Portuguese, us­ ing the radio a great deal in na­ tional appeals. He is credited with just about the shrewdest political intelligence in South America. In his prairie town, he attended a pri­ vate college, later enrolled in a military college, but was diverted to the law. His rise through minor offices to the national congress parallels the standard career chart of our con­ gressional record biographies—dis­ trict attorney, state legislature and all the rest of it. • * • 'THE make-believe war in which the eastern seaboard was de­ fended against “black” expedition­ ary forces from overseas was the . . _ first large-scale Air forces work-out of our Defend U. S. “flying fortresses” in Kock War under a unified command. Major General Frank M. Andrews, run­ ning the show, is one of the few flying generals. Came the Dawn ¿a as lomó * as you are absorbed — DON'T MiND IF- I RUN OCvJN -rOVMN AND BUY A COUPLE °F* A /JOMAN MAY BÜŸ A Pl-AiM DRESS but the husband C etj T he NO — INDEED-------------- right ahead TRiMMiNfr" By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP— Wise Guy, Huh? MESCAL IKE ______________________ ‘_________ b , s . l . huntley Bringing the Mountain to Mohammed JAIL fConvrtsht, FINNEY OF THE FORCE B:Leí.°2^ílin —PIAY/N