FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1938 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWELVE 2-Million Mark Reached by Unemployed Compensation you£ town ’ s Tones tha and Betty Brite circles brought YES, WOMEN MAY the rest of the delightful luncheon. ENJOY THE TROUT After the luncheon a devotional FEED TUESDAY NIGHT and business meeting was held in the main auditorium of the church, Cemetery Benefit Billed— fat the American Legion hall. Sev­ Some have called The Eagle Mrs. Malmsten presiding. Mrs. A benefit, funds for which will eral reels of interesting movies will Salem, Oregon, April 13—Ore- to learn if women may attend go toward the improvement of the also be shown, Kenneth White, man­ gon has reaohed the $2,000,000 the trout feed Tuesday night. ’ Sauer finished the study of th# Mist Cemetery, has been slated for ager of Paterson’s, reported this milestone in distribution of state Women members and those book “Mecca and Beyond”. Mrs. « the Natal Grange hall Saturday. week. unemployment compensation bene- planning to become members Garner, general chairman for the Many features, including a fish New Sidewalk in— fit checks. are 'extended an invitation. quilt fair which is being held by pond, candy sale, supper, program Hawever, the pictures, follow­ Since January 2, when claim John Erickson, local contractor, the Pollyannas, explained the dif­ and bazaar, are to be enjoyed, Mrs. ing the meal, will be open to blanks were made available to Ore­ completed construction of a new Earl Holce stated. ferent. classes of quilts to be en- the public. The pictures are gon’s unemployed workers, more sidewalk this week on the ground due at 8:15 p. m. Club of ­ ttered in the fair and told of the than 60,000 have applied for bene­ Word of Project’s Success Marshfield Man Here— fronting the Paterson Furniture ficials will have membership fits under the law passed by the prizes to be given for each class. store. The old walk was broken up Comes This Week from Vern Fullerton of Marshfield has receipts on hand Tuesday even­ state legislature Nov. 15, 1935 and and a complete new walk construct­ All the ladies were invited to. enter been visiting with his father, Chas. State Department ing. If you plan to attend amended in March 1937 to afford Fullerton, at the home of Mrs. ed. any quilt. Old and valued heir­ the feed, you are asked to job insurance for those able and Word was received this week l' y Lulah Et Fullerton. Mother Here— Icoms of handiwork will be wel­ contact either the president, t vailable for work but who are un­ yman Hawken, president, and J. w. In Oregon City— Marion Sexton; the secretary, Mrs. Marion Sexton is enjoying able to obtain jobs. corned. H. E. McEntire; or Director a visit Approximately 42,000 of these Nichols, secretary, of the Vernonia this week with her mother, Mr. and and Mrs. Rex Pemble After the business meeting ths Red Ranes at Hoffman’s. claims have been allowed by the Chamber of Commerce, that the pro­ children spent Sunday visiting rela- Mrs. W. H. Reams of The Dalles. regular drawing for “Birthday state unemployment compensation ject seeking a painted stripe on fives in Molalla and' Oregon City. Friends” was made. Seattle Folk Hei the highway from Mist, through commission and the payment of m a m r „ u I QUILT FAIR EXPLAINED Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hoffman havel^ »«tTTINC benefits has increased steadily un- Vernonia, to Buxton, recently in­ In Hillsboro----- augurated by the local civic group, en entertaining Mr. and Mrs. A. A* IVlfc-t, 1 llxlj Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emmons been til current production at commis- had been considered and that action and son, Jimmy, spent Friday in F. Bassford' of Seattle the past Bring All the Family! sion headquarters here has reached The women’s Missionary society would be taken. Hillsboro. week. The visitors arrived Sat­ 5000 checks daily, with total daily To Natal Grange hall Satur­ urday and left yesterday for Port­ of the Evangelical church held its The department stated that the disbursement of more than $60,000. 111 at Home----- day, April 16. Program and annual “Birthday Friend” luncheon land from where they will continue work will be done this spring, with ­ Under the law, rhaximum weekly bazaar Home made candy, Leo Brutkie, small son of Mr. church Wednesday, April 6. at the benefit to each totally unemployed in a comparatively short time, and and Mrs. Dan Brutkie, has been ill on to their home after a few days’ fish pond, balloons, etc. Supper 15c plate. Admis­ visit. Mr. Bassford is in charge of The luncheon was a pot luck affair worker is $15 and $7 is the mini­ that the entire distance between for nearly a week. sion 10c, 20c. the economics and history depart­ with the Deborah circle decorating mum. Oregon checks have .been the two points would be covered and setting the tables and furnish­ by the yellow ment in the Queen Anne high school stripe, considered a Sees Specialist — averaging $11. Benefit Mist Cemetery ing the salad. The Pollyannas had O. H. Kaphammer motored to in Seattle. Records of the commission indi­ safeguard to motorists enploying charge of the kitchen and the Mar- Portland Friday to see an eye In Clatskanie----- cate practically the entire $2,000,- the route. The project was first discussed rpecialist. 000 has been expended for the pur­ Mr. and! Mrs. Alvin Lachine and chase of necessities and has acted two meetings back when Frank Visit Here Sunday---- son motored to Clatskanie and Del- as a tonic for business generally, Baker suggested the plan to the Mrs. Dan Brutkie’s parents, Mr. ena Sunday for a pleasure trip and as well as reducing the direct re­ group. The reaction was favor- and Mrs. H. O. Stults, and her visited with acquaintances there. able and the chamber letters to the lief load. grandmother, Mrs. Barbara Stults, The maximum total amount of »tate department followed, More of McMinnville, visited here Sun- Milton Folk Here— benefits payable to eligible workers generous use of safety and warn- Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Brown and Easter Box Candies, Gifts and Cards during any benefit year shall not ing signs along the route was alsS day. two children of Milton, Oregon, are exceed one-sixth of his total wages ncluded and will follow, the state’s i Visit in Forest Grove— guests of Mrs. Brown’s parents, during his base year, or 16 times letter sent here states. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ludwig and Mr. an