PAGE TWELVE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON llaiisiiied Ads FOR SALE - Large size baby bed, complete with mattress. 114 Millview, or telephone 822. 48*1 Will do hour work. 330 C Street. Maye Loyd 48*1 SPECIAL BARGAIN for quick sale. Have fine used piano also beautiful small piano nearly new. Would prefer selling in this locality to save moving ex­ pense. If interested in seeing, write at once to Tallman Piano Store, Salem, Ore. 48c3 PIANO BARGAIN - Lovely I shape/ bench, free delivery. You can’t beat our prices. Only once. Schwan Pidno Co., 417 S. W. 12 Ave., Portland, Ore­ gon. 47*5 FOR SALE - Apples, walnuts, filberts, pumpkin and squash. accidents are increasing there,. the tax structure, which is be- A. L. Parker, about 3 miles on statistics compiled by the Oregon lieved among other things to be Mist routs. 46*3 Ii State Motor association reveal. throttling business. Complaining APARTMENTS FOR RENT - that no one in the country gives Austin Apartments, 117 North a thought to the 5,000,000 pri­ street. 46tf vate employers, O’Connor very FOR SALE - Chickens, colored pertinently remarked: “We are and white fryers, also hens for roasting. M. L. Porterfield. TASTY DELICIOUS 44tf What Other Editors ... Think .... FOR SALE - Old hens and fryers. I buy beef hides and buy, sell NEED CONFIDENCE or trade cattle. Crane electric Chairman O’Connor of the pump for sale. I will come and do your butchering for you for house rules committee has called j the hide and one dollar. Chester upon congress for a revision of White boar pig services, $2.00 D. S. Graven. tfc DISHES Served at BUSH’S CAFE Our Specialty: Steaks and Chops cut to order. CHINESE NOODLES picking on them, abusing them and snooping on them. Yet the only place anyone can get a job is from a private employer. The employers won’t do anything while living under the fear of the government, with taxes, snooping and so on to harass them.” Verily it is high time for the good of the country that some effort be made to create more confidence among the mil­ lions of employers in the nation and to definitely let them know that their government is with them instead of against them. -Hillsboro Argus policy in the bitter labor quarrel, says a United Press dispatch from Washington. If this report proves true, it will be one of the best bits of news the nation has heard in many a day. Weary of labor strife, the public has been looking to the president for a long time to do something about ic. Per­ haps he is at last going to act. Astoria Astorian-Budget. If the present attempt of C. I. O. and A. F. of L. leaders to patch up their quarrel should fail, President Roosevelt may decide to drop his “hands off” Leave Orders at Paterson Furniture Store ______ ♦______ INA STEVENS, O. T. BATEMAN MARRY IN HILLSBORO Miss Ina Stevens, formerly of the Margaret-Ina shop, and O. T. Bateman, assistant postmaster, were married in Hillsboro Satur­ day night They left on a two weeks honeymoon trip to Idaho Falls, Idaho, to visit with Mr. Bateman’s brother. On their re-, turn they will make their resi­ dence in the Cherrytree apart-1 ments. I _______♦_______ MARTHA CIRCLE ENTERTAIN. ED BY MRS. L. A. ROGERS King Turkey has abdicated the Throne and Beef has taken his place. Our Market is head­ quarters for Quality Meats at Prices that are Right. BEEF ROASTS CROSSING CRASHES MOUNT Despite the fact that every railroad crossing in Oregon is marked, often with several warn­ ing devices, serious automobile 1 Second-hand sheepskin lined | Coats • and Jackets. Also an assortment of good second­ hand Shoes at the Vernonia Bargain Store 818 Bridge St. 15c 1 STEELHEADS BRAZING RIBS 12’/*c SIRLOIN or RIB STEAKS 25c BONELESS CUBES 20c Pound ..................................................................... GROUND ROUND They are on their way. Pound ..................................................................... AIRWAY COFFEE The big battle will soon be on. 17c Pound ............................................ _ 23c 3 pounds PORK & BEANS We will offer the following Large No. 2 Va Cans, 2 for 25c 4 oz. can 10c PEPPER prizes for December: SCHILLINGS Black, 49c JELLO First Steelhead ........... 30 Yards Leader Largest Steelhead ......... Heavy Silk Line Second Largest ..................... 3 Jars Eggs ASSORTED FLAVORS, Reg. pkg., FLOUR, SUNSET GOLD 49 pound bag ........................................................................ MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE I Pound ......................................................................................... LAUNDRY SOAP 30 bars ......................................... CRYSTAL WHITE, SOAP POWDER NU BORO, Package ....................................... Large 5c Each $1.45 30c $1.00 35c A beautiful piece of glassware FREE with each package. LADIES AUXILIARY CHANGES I MEETING PLACE The Ladies auxiliary of I.W.A. No. 21 will meet in the Eagles’ hall, over Turk’s cafe, Dec. 2 instead of in the Grange hall. BOB MORRELL Pound ...................... ,........................................................ Must be caught in Rock creek between Dani and Power House. Please register at store. Contest open to any customer buying any amount of fishing tackle. Ten members and five guests of the Martha circle were en­ tertained by Mrs. L. a . Rogers Tuesday afternoon. The guests were Mrs. W. O. Porterfield, Mrs. Fred Lumm, Mrs. Chas. EKer- eaul, Mrs. Emma Weed and Mrs. Oscar Weed. PAINTING Paper Hanging Calsomining SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 1ZHXHXHZHXHZNXKXHXHXHZHXH HORSES and MULES for sale or, trade for cattle. Ranging ' from 1200 to 1600 lbs., 4 to 12 ! years old. All guaranteed as j represented. Roy stables, Roy, I Oregon. 32tfa ; FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1937 This year we will give a final grand of Special Fly Pole worth more than for largest Steelhead caught up to 1 1938. Will also give prizes for month during Steelhead season. BROOMS prize $6.50 April each A good 4 Sew Broom, Each ....................................... CRACKERS SNOWFLAKES, 2 pound box ................... „.......... EGG NOODLES 1 pound Cello pkg. ............................................................. PRODUCE We have a complete new stock of leaders 5c to 25c coil, and remember our special Steelhead line — Nothing like is else­ where and the price is low. For Steelhead Tackle See HOFFMAN about It. GRAPEFRUIT Marsh Seedless 6 for .. 10c DRY BEANS 19c Hoffman Hardware Co. ■ CHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX Idaho Red Mexican Pound ................ 5c 1 Q 13C Canned Soup COCOANUTS Fancy 2 for ....... .......... 19c Albers, Reg. pkg. Each ................... . BANANAS Golden Ripe 3 pounds ............. 29c Corn Flakes CARROTS Fancy Local 3 bunches ......... 29c 15c Websters Assorted 10-oz. can ......... 5c WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES