VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA. OREGON Wrong Number in Japan Of INTEREST 10 THE HOUSEWIFE Potatoes for Short Cakes.—Hot, boiled and mashed white potatoes are good in making short cakes and puddings. They not only save flour, but require less shortening. • • • Removing Scorch Marks. — Scorch marks can be removed from linen by boiling together the juice of an onion, one ounce ful­ lers’ earth, one-quarter ounce shredded soap, and one teacupful vinegar. Allow the paste to dry on, then brush off and wash in the usual way. * • • Crab Apple Jelly. — Take one pint of water to every pound of apples, and boil until soft. Then put through jelly-bag. Allow one pound of sugar and a tablespoon­ ful of vinegar to every pint of liquid, and boil for half an hour or until it jellies. « • • Cleaning Enameled Sinks. — Those stubborn dark streaks which accumulate on enameled sinks and bathtubs can be re­ moved with kerosene. QöN FEDERATE soldiers ' AT THE BATTLE OF STOve TAVERN, VIRGINIA, USED BITS OF IRON TO SHIELD FROM THE UNION SHELLS THE GRAVE OF A UNION CAPTAIN FROM NEW i/ERSEV- JUNES,HEB. (see usjoternnrrenh A.G LARUE OF IHONTPeueti. VtRftWNT. NAS EKTRACTÌD MORE TH AV 1,000,000 TECtH- OVER A PERIOD OF years ,.. fr If AU HIGHT TO use me picture of georec washton OR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN A. TRADE MA AH, BUT YOU CANT USt THAT OF WOODROW WUSON OR CALVIN COOLIDGE. A Three Days’ Cough Is Your Danger Signal c,r /namuiCD CHKKS... BELONGING TO H.ZLITT OB «OWA H«, MKHltM . J/X Capt. Robert O’Neill, U. S. A., was stationed at Stove Tavern when the Civil war broke out. He led a company of Union troops in the defense of three plantations when marauding negroes attacked the owners right after the Fort Sumter incident. In the course of the skirmish—in which Union soldiers protected Southerners->-he was shot to death. His grave is still decorated every Memorial day. That ceremony • « • is probably the only one held on May 30 in the South. The name of a former President may not be used in advertising if When Peeling Small Onions.— Cover small onions with hot wa­ his widow is alive unless she gives written consent. Traditionally, wid­ ter and let stand for a minute or ows of Presidents have refused to grant use of their husbands’ names. two and the skins are easily re­ moved. * • • Johnny Cake.—One cup yellow corn meal, one cup bread flour, one-third cup sugar, one and one- half cups sour milk, half teaspoon soda, half teaspoon baking pow­ By Lemuel F. Parton der, one teaspoon salt. Mix and sift the dry ingredients twice, and gradually add the sour milk. Beat well, and bake in a shallow XJEW YORK.—Virginio Gayda. Il greased pan, in a moderate oven. I- ’ Duce’s official spokesman, WHO’S NEWS THIS WEEK... WNU Service. land has the credit and raw ma­ terials it needs and Hitler hasn’t. * * • DLAND, round-faced Edward A. Kenney of New Jersey keeps on plugging on his federal lottery bill Now in his third term, he has been urging a national Kenney Keep«grab-bag almost Plugging for from the day he U. S. Grab-Bag™1™* ^ngress. His bill is now be­ fore the house ways and means committee. Just now, he is back from Puerto Rico, where he has been studying the working of lottery laws there. Previously he has pursued his re­ search in other countries, He has been active in the national confer- ence to legalize lotteries, of which Mrs. Oliver Harriman is president, He is a New York, Jersey City and Hackensack lawyer, highly gre­ garious, a member of the Elks, the Red Men and many other or­ ganizations. He gets astonishing support for his idea, among its pro­ tagonists being a professor of cal­ culus who has dabbled in sociology. He is a native of Clinton, Mass. Incidentally, New England has been experiencing a gambling wave the last three or four years, while all the famous old Nevada hell-holes are closed up tight. Former chance­ players are looking for a sure-thing and vice-versa. In this general re­ versal of form, the now orthodox quantum theory makes the whole universe a dice game. Maybe Mr. Kenney is just a little ahead of his time. sounds like a fire-eater, denouncing England for her "dark and treach­ erous role,” but in Signor Gayda person he isn’t Affects Pose like that at all. I of Fire-Eater remember talking to him in the stu­ dio of a British artist in Rome soon after Mussolini seized power. He is a gentle, scholarly man, hesitant in speech, giving one the impression of wide tolerance and understanding. Quite astonishing was his brass- throated warning to the world, as Il Duce's sounding board. He talks like Charles Evans Hughes and What a difference good bowel writes like General Johnson. habits can make! To keep food He is accepted in Europe as wastes soft and moving, many merely Mussolini’s Charlie McCar­ doctors recommend Nujol. thy. But he is a lot more than just a ventriloquist’s dummy. One of INSIST ON GENUINE NUJGL Copr.1937. Stanco Inc. the most powerful and brilliant jour­ nalists in Italy, he helped build the first scaffolding of fascism, ar.d has Act Above Doubts Never do an act of which you been one of its cleverest rational­ izers. doubt the justice or propriety. He is at his best in what appears to be a scholarly condemnation of checks democracy and exaltation of fascism. But his journalistic alter • • • ego is an expert dynamiter, and all and Il Duce has to do is to stick out his N 1904, he was Sol Hurok, selling chin to get a devastating blast needles from a peddle cart, and from Signor Gayda's typewriter, first day washing bottles fourteen hours a LIQUID. TABLETS He is forty-two years old, educat­ day for a dollar wage. Then he ULVE. NOSE DROPS Headache, 30 minutes. ed in law at Turin university. Turn- , ,,, , was Solomon Hu- Try MRnb-My-Ti»in"—World's Best Uniment ing from the law Bottle Washerrok' impresario of Duce s Stooge t0 newspaper Is Now Ballet musical talent, and Began Career work, he was the Impresario he is S Hu- as Attorney central and w5st; r rok, probably ' era correspondent America’s leading music manager. for Stampa, of Turin. He was in The fifth season of De Basil's Ballet Russia when the war started, and Russe de Monte Carlo starts soon Help Them Cleanse the Blood was taken into the political and under his management. of Harmful Body Waste military service, Later, he was in Managing such temperamental Your kidneys are constantly filtering the diplomatic service i in Sweden stars as Chaliapin, Duncan and Pav- waste matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in their work—do and London. lowa, he became America's boss not act as Nature intended—fail to re­ In 1921, he returned to active lion-tamer. It wore his hair down, move impurities that, if retained, may poison the system and upset the whole journalism, as editor of the Mes- but otherwise he shows little wear body machinery. sagero of Rome and in 1926 became and tear. His father in Russia Symptoms may be nagzing backache, persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, editor of the Giomale d'Italia. gave him 1,500 rubles for an appren­ getting up nights, swelling, puffiness In his spokesmanship, there is to ticeship in the hardware business, under the eyes—a feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of pep and strength. be traced no official connection with which he duly served, and then Other signs of kidney or bladder dis­ the government Any expedient re­ landed in Ellis island with three ru­ order may be burning, scanty or too frequent urination. traction would involve only Signor bles, in 1904. There should be no doubt that prompt Gayda, with no governmental face­ treatment is wiser than neglect. Use He eased himself nicely out of Doan's Pills. Dean's have been winning saving necessary. bankruptcy in 1926 and is still gun­ new friends for more than forty years. They have a nation-wide reputation. Just now, he thunders against ning for only the big ones. The one­ Are recommended by grateful people tha England, but with no such rever­ time peddle cart pusher has done country over. Ask your neighborl beration as that of the Ethiopian as much as anybody in his line to antiphon of hate. Informed opinion open the flood gates of culture for in Europe is that Italy is turning -insular America. e Consolidated New» F.atur.a, more toward England because Eng- 1 WNU Sorvica. COLDS FEVER Watch Your Kidneys/ DOANS PILLS The Japanese aie superstitious and will not have a telephone with an unlucky number. The number "4,” for example, is practically barred because the word for four, “shi,” sounds almost the same as the word for death. The only ex­ ception is that where pronouncing the complete number also conveys a happy thought. The number 4919 is a good ex­ ample. Although it contains the dreaded 4. Japanese get around it by using the word "yo” instead of “shi,” and then the phrase is “yo- ku-i-ku” (4919), meaning “every­ thing goes well.” But this is a very definite ex­ ception, for the word “nine” has the same meaning as “sadness,” and Japanese therefore shun it. I No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold, or bronchial Irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may La brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with any remedy less potent than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble and aids na­ ture to soothe and heal the Inflamed mucous membranes and to loosen and expel the germ-laden phi [egm. Even if other remedies have fi ailed, ____ don’t be discouraged, try Creomul­ sion. Your druggist is authorized to refund your money if you are not thoroughly satisfied with the bene­ fits obtained from the very first bottle. Creomulsion Is one word—not two, and it has no hyphen in it. Ask for it plainly, see that the name on the bottle is Creomulsion, and you’ll get the genuine product and the relief you want. (Adv.) Fame to the Few Fame must necessarily be the portion of but few.—Robert Hall. GET RID OF BIG UGLY PORES PLENTY OF DATES NOW...DENTON'S FACIAL MAGNESIA MADE HER SKIN FRESH, YOUNG, BEAUTIFUL Romance hasn't a chance when big ugly pores spoil skin-texture. Men love the sort smoothness of a fresh young complexion. Denton's Facial Magnesia does miracle, for unsightly skin. Ugly pores disappear, akin becomes firm and smooth. They Can’t Follow Rules Most people who are in jail are there because of defective judg­ ment—on their part. The resolution hardest to keep: To hold your tongue. A cackling laugh is not so cack­ ling if it is at your comic remarks. Ought two people with the same literary and dramatic ambitions marry? Don’t worry. Not one time in a thousand will they. IM FEEIIN6I FINE THIS MORNING -FREE FROM THAT THROBBING HEADACHE AND READY FOR All people who suffer occasionally from headaches ought to know this way to quick relief. At the first sign of such pain, take two Bayer Aspirin tablets with a half glass of water. Some­ times if the pain is more severe, a second dose is necessary later, ac­ cording to directions. If headaches keep coming back we advise you to see your own physician. He will look for the cause in order to correct it. The price now is only 15J for twelve tablets or two full dozen for 25 cents — virtually, only a virtually 1 cent a tablet TRAP LINES t'ìUìll I1 HI, BUCK! GETTIN’READY FOR TRAPPING Watch your complexion tike on new beauty Even the first few treatments with Denton's Facial Magnesia make a remarkable difference. With the Denton Magic Mirror you can actually see the texture of your skin become smoother day by day. Imperfections are washed clean. Wrinkles Cadually disappear. Before you know it Denton* • is brought you entirely new skin loveliness. EXTRAORDINARY OFFER —Saves You Money You can try Denton's Facia! Magnesia on the most liberal offer we have ever made—good for a few weeks only. We will send you a full 12 os. bottle (retail price $1) plus a regular sized box of famous Milneria Wafers (known throughout the country as the original Milk of Maanesia tablets), plus the Denton Magio Mirror (shows you what your skin specialist sees) ... all for only $11 Don't miss out on this remarkable offer. Write today. DENTON ’ S Facial Magnesia I SELECT PRODUCTS. Inc. I 4402 - 23rd St., long Island Ctty, N.Y. a Enclosed hod >1 (cash or stamps) for which »end ma your spacial introductory combination. a a a a a I City a a a a a a I ■ t t t J (YEP, AND THIS YEA ALL MY NEW TRAPS ARE GONNA BE OR STOPLOSS TO CATCH AND SURE TO HOLO. I'M j ! THRU LOSING ’RATS*