Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, April 02, 1937, Image 1

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$1.50 per year,
Legion Post 119
Organizes New
Local Gun Club
5c a copv.
New Mail Schedule
Goes Into Effect
Careening Auto
Hits Parked Car
Near O.-A. Hill
FRIDAY, APRIL, 2, 1937
; Track Practice Starts
1 At Union High School
The new schedule for mail ser­
Track practice began at high
vice to Vernonia went into ef-
i school Monday under Coach Me
' feet yesterday.
The star route
Crae. So far the work has been
carrier arrived from Houlton at
confined to running and other
Formation of Junior Rifle Club
A Ford V-8 sedan said
-7 :40 a.m. with a heavy mail,
conditioning exercises. About 15
Will Be Accompli.hed Ai Soon which was distributed in the lo­ belong to Ernest Lane and driven
boys are out.
As Senior Club Is Under Way cal post office shortly after the
The principal
| ton got out of control at the
usual opening time.
meet will be held at Beaverton,
Under the new plan much of
The Vernonia Gun club was
with the schools in the Wash­
organized at a special meeting of the eastern mail reaches this city | Tuesday, crashed into a parked ington-Columbia county league
Vernonia post of the American
It is possible also
! bert George and rammed a pier participating.
Legion called by Commander E. very.
the porch of the Olive that the local high school will be
The closing time is now 4 p, ‘ on
S. Thompson. The following offi­
represented at the invitational
cers were unaimously elected: m. and 8 a. m. instead of 4.30 apartments, Mrs. Olive Powell, meet at Pacific university, Forest
' proprietor. A third car, a Chev-
Harry Culbertson, president; Earl p. m. and 7:15 a. m.
---------- a----------
i rolet received a few scratches Grove early in the summer vaca­
Atkins, vice-president; F. J. Zei-
i when bumped by the George tion..
ner, secretary; A. E. Tousley, Park Board Discusses
---------- ------------
car in the mix-up.
Lane is al­
treasurer. By-laws were adop- Athletic Field Plan
leged to have been driving down Temperance Play Is
A meeting of the park board the hill so fast that
he could To Be Given Monday
It will be several days before
with the special committee of not make the turn at the foot. |
— o—
the application for a charter can
the chamber of commerce to dis- He was not injured,
and the ' “Prisoner at the Bar,” a tem-
be sent in due to lack of a range
cuss the proposition to erect an' George car was not occupied at perance play sponsored by the
In order to expedite
Anti-liquor league of Portland,
athletic field in the city park j the time.
the matter a special meeting will
Lane was arrested by Marshal will be presented in the Washing­
was held Monday evening in the
be held at 8 p.m. Friday, April
city hall.
While no definite ac- H. H. King and taken on Wed- ton grade school auditorium Mon­
9 to hear reports from committees
tion was taken it was the major- nesday to justice court, where day, April 5 at7:45 p. m.
appointed by the president to lo­
ity opinion that a project should he pled guilty to a charge of cast will include 21 local persons
cate and build rifle ranges. The
be applied for.
' reckless driving and was fined from the Vernonia churches.
range location committee consists
Matters up for consideration $50 and costs by Justice P. Hill.
The play depicts a trial in
o' Geo. McDonald, Ch. Lamping
included the right to charge an I Both the Ford and the Pontiac which a young man, Hayward H.
and Ludwig.
Regular meetings
admittance fee, construction of a were
badly damaged in the Johnson, is accused of murder­
will be held the first Friday each
foot bridge across the creek for collision.
ing his wife while under the in­
I use of the high school boys and 1
---------- •-----------
fluence of liquor. Vernonia citi-
Due» -„ere se'. at $1.00 mem­ use of the Campfire cabin in the Wilbur Denny Leases
1 zens participating will be Rev.
bership and $1.00 initiation fee. park.
. L.
Mrs. J. L. Timmons. .
n ■ n
i W. O. Livingstone, judge; Wil-
TCadia Park Resort
Applications may be made to any 1 member of the board, declared
! lard Berg, prosecuting attorney;
of the officers or at the office > that charging of admission to (
Wilbur Denny, from Salem, has 1 Enoch Dumas, defense attorney;
<'i the Oregon Gas and1 Electric the park would not be legal, but
leased Arcadia park from the Martha Wells, prisoner’s little
L. H. Dewey pointed out that the owner, Martha Brassie of Port­ daughter;
“Happy” Thompson,
It is the intention to form a plan is to charge admission to land, and is fixing up the place sheriff; Rev. H. R. Scheuerman,
junior rifle club as soon as the the grandstand only.
preparatory to reopening it April finger print expert; Oscar G.
senior club is under way.
It is expected that the various 17.
He will conduct a dance Weed, court clerk; Mary Louise
phases of the park question will hall and sell beer.
Miller, star witness; Harold Me
| be presented at the city council
The park has been closed all Entire, court bailiff;
Verle DeVaney Hurt
| meeting next Monday night.
. Douglass, J. F. Itose, Mrs. Madge
---------- »----------
In Plunge over Grade
Rogers, Mrs. Grace Peachey, I.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lumm will I
N. McCollom, L. L. Wells, Mrs.
Verle DeVaney was cut in the!rnove next week from the Rose-!
Rev. W. O. Livingstone, pastor J. T. Brady, Lenora Kizer, J.
face and neck and his sedan I wi>y apartments to thé house on
of the Christian church, was con- W. Skinner, Dr. R. I. Hall, W.
was wrecked
Saturday night Weed Ave. occupied for several
fined to his bed with illness since , w. Clark and Mrs. Anna Woods.
when he ran off the grade this1 >’ears by Mr- and Mrs- A- w-
He was able to be up members of the jury.
side of Keasey.
The car went ; Wridge.
Mr. Lumm, formerly
I Admission is free, but a volun-
over a 12 foot bank and narrow- President of the northwest coun-
i tary offering will be taken.
ly escaped a further plunge that cil
tbe loKRers’ union is now
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bennett
would have been even more ser­ working as hook tender for Clark
I and Wilson.
I moved from the Ford house on
Zonweiss Douglass, who is tak-
A street to the Dübendorf house
| ing a course of study in a Bible
Grant street near the Odd
I on
Vernonia CMTC Quota
institute in Portland, returned
Fellows hall.
■ Monday after spending Easter
Is Assigned at Two
Mr. and Mrs. Al Lachine and
I a' her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lachine and
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dusen-
son spent the week end in Ho-
Vernonia has been assigned a i
were in Vernonia last Fri-
quiam, Washington, visiting Mrs.
tentative quota of two enrollees
I day.
Children grouped according to Al Lachine’s daughter and fam­
for the citizens’ military train­
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Cobat ages hunting Easter eggs in the I ily, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Evans.
ing camp July 1-30 at Vancou­
Mrs. Joe Doyle and Benny Joe
ver Barracks. Harold McEntire, and daughter spent Easter with city park, and Hank King looking |
principal of the high school, re­ I Mrs. Cobat’s parents, , Mr. and on to see that there were no, spent Easter in Portland with
presents the civilian aid com-, Mrs. George Reiher in Cottage mix-ups . . . Mrs. Hammack with ; Mrs. Doyle’s parents, Mr. ana
a paper sackful of eggs giving Mrs. Ben Bergstrom.
mittee locally, of which H. B. Grove.
them out to little tots who didn’t
Laura Ross spent the Easter
'Hager of Clatskanie is chairman.
have much luck at finding any vacation with Cora Dusen berry
Mr, McEntire has enrollment eastern Oregon for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard John­ . . . Kenneth White, Hugh Cbck- in Camp McGregor.
blanks for those interested.
son and daughters Lorraine and rell and Walter Barnes all delv­
McEwen and Gale
The county quota of nine boys
Lucille visited in Portland on ing into a crate to hoist a refri­ Hacks tend of Silverton visited
will be held open until May 20.
gerator motor out . . . Howard with Mr. and Mrs. John Ross
The intention is to spread this
Mrs. Ben Smith is home from Reeher driving a new Chevrolet Tuesday.
in the various communities, pro- Portland where she spent the
... A trailer with a horse and. Louise Peterson of Portland
Vided suitable material is avail- past two weeks caring for her
---- -----
side by -----
side r
-------- — at — Ro-' visited .....
her sister, ......
Mrs. Mildrer
mother, Mrs Hannah Smith,, who land’s service station . . . Charlie | Whitsell, in Vernonia last week.
The war department provides was ill but is able to be up again. Malmsten shingling the roof of [ Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Boyer and
transportation, board, lodging, I Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kirk at­ Tim’s house . . . Kenneth Bollin- daughters of Forest Grove were
medical attention, uniforms, e- tended the dance at Natal Satur- ger carrying an empty keg out week end visitors of Mr. and
quipment, arms and laundry.
day night.
the morning after the charivari. Mrs. W. F. Manthey.
Feathers . . .
Baseball Team
Becomes Member
Of City League
Two Other Team» from Tualatin
Are Admitted
Vernonia, Carlton and Amity,
former leaders of the Tualatin
Valley league, were admitted to
the Portland City league at a
meeting held in Portland Mon­
day night. This combination pro­
mises to give Vernonia fans the
fastest brand of bush ball played
in the state of Oregon.
The league will be composed
of Blitz-Weinhard, Hop Gold, Pa­
cific Fruit, Reliable Shoe, Carl
Mays, Amity, Carlton and Verno­
nia. The schedule starts May 2,
running into late August.
Portland games will be played on
the Vaughn street ball orchard
of the Portland Beavers and Jant-
zen beach park.
Porter Yett, Portland contrac­
tor, is league president and Joe
Nicholson is secretary. Both ex­
pressed great satisfaction at hav­
ing Vernonia in the league.
Miss Amy Hughes, music in­
structor in the Vernonia public
schools attended the four-day
Northwest Music Educators con­
ference held in the Multnomah
hotel in Portland from Sunday
through Wednesday of this week.
Mrs. Enoch Dumas had charge
of her classes during her absence.
The conference included be­
tween 500 and 600 public school
music teachers and an equal
number of music students from
Montana and Alaska.
inent music educators from other
parts of the United States, New
York, Chicago, Los Angeles took
part in the sessions and clinics.
Among them was Dr. Joseph
Maddy, of Ann Arbor, Michi­
gan, president of the National
Conference, who is heard locally
over the radio in weekly music
Miss Hughes stated that at­
tending the conference was a
wonderful evperience, as it in­
cluded addresses, rehearsals, ex­
hibits demonstrations and con­
certs as well as interesting soc­
ial contacts.
The music concert was held in
the Public Auditorium Tuesday
night when 1,000 Portland grade
school children sang in unison
under the direction of William
music supervisor.
Also on the
program were numbers by the
Northwest High School band, the
Northwest High School chorus,
and the Northwest High School
orchestra, each compose! of 200
members, and directed by na­
tionally known educators.