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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1937)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Here's New Way to Initial Your Linens! (?• (]. A/oka MARK When your throat feels scratchy and hot, a Smith Brothers Menthol Cough Drop cools and soothes, checks the irritation. 5^. CoCNTlESt TOASTS Smith Bros. Couoh Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A oejMk. TO A AT COCONATION Twe, eeooieiwG in - nUMeCABie loving - Aee C ups , muss This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold and cough infections. and BBAkffRS GJ Note, F inds TUlS A PBoFiTABCt- oxuPATiON, this bus - 'Ness OF TOASTS to A klNG PLEASE ACCEPT He R eads Twe- A2T pEPAETMeNT O= THe foTTeeies at STOWE ON-TBE- n T Pattern 5749 0*. ÖÖOP wwxe- Here’s an exciting new way to W*CT E«T, initial linens—with crocheted let ters that you can make in varied ’ Bizes according to the thread and' hook you take. Used as insets in towels, pillow cases, sheets or whatever, they make for a "showy” effect, and may be fur ther enhanced by a bit of flower stitchery. There are enough cut work motifs to make two pairs of towels or pillow cases or two scarfs. In pattern 5749 you will AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA find directions and charts for a complete alphabet; a transfer pat tern of two motifs 5’4 by 8% inches and two motifs 5Vt by 8 inches; directions for use of ini tials; illustrations of all stitches By Lemuel F. Parton used. To obtain this pattern send 15 cents in stamps or coins (coins preferred) to The Sewing Circle Medical G-Men Catches Up With Household Arts Dept., 259 W. Outlaw Leprosy Fourteenth St., New York, N. Y. EW YORK.—Simultane Write plainly pattern number, your name and address. ously, Dr. Earl B. Mc THIS 4-PIECE SILVER SET man in England—that it was his in exorable decree that drove Edward from the throne. He is better known as Lord Ir win, former viceroy of India, in which office he disclosed a mastery of political subtleties never sus pected in his years of comparative obscurity. He is six feet, two inches tall, with a long, pallid, melancholy face, broad forehead and big ingenious eyes, the cagiest, wariest and sub tlest of all modern statesmen. His father was a fervid leader of the Anglo-Catholic movement in Eng Kinley announced the isola In the son, this religious fer- land. tion of the leprosy germ and vor has been sublimated in meta Emil Ludwig published his physical politics. biography of the Nile, where He is a Tory. It was believed the germ first was mentioned he was willing to make a deal with Hitler, to divert Germany eastward, in graven headlines 4,000 but the word now is that the fascist years ago. threat to the Balearic islands and Starting from scratch, Dr. Mc the Canary islands, on England’s Kinley, one of the cleverest of the lines of empire, had implanted in G-men who patrol the submicro- his mind some deep misgivings scopic world, caught up with the about a German tie-up. outlaw in 20 years. He is the forty- • • • three-year-old dean of medicine of A Mexican Caballero. George Washington university. His announcement was made as he ar CTRAIGHT Graustark is the rived in Manila, where he was with life story of Gen. Jose Gonzalo the Rockefeller foundation in 1927 Escobar, who may be repatriated and 1928. He will conduct further by the Mexican decree of amnesty research among the 6,000 lepers of for political exiles. He found his the Culion island leper colony. This wife at a beauty contest—a Texas work will be in behalf of the Gen contest, too. She was the famously eral Leonard Wood Memorial fund. beautiful Conception Goeldner of El Dr. McKinley is a native of Em Paso and Mexico City. The handsome, hard-boiled and poria, Kan., educated in liberal arts and medicine at the University of bucko General Escobar, staged in a Michigan. He continued his stud long and glamorous plot of amour ies in bacteriology as the holder of and fighting, was one of General a research fellowship ' the Pasteur Calles’ best officers. He was the institute of the University of Brus hero of the "shelf of death” battle sels. He gained eminence in his in 1925, suppressing the De La profession in teaching and research Huerta revolt. He suppressed the work at the University of Michigan, 1927 uprising and rode into Mex Baylor university and the college ico on a handsomely caparisoned of physicians and surgeons of Co white horse, with the bands playing and the crowds cheering. lumbia university. Two years later, he hid in a clump After his work in the Philippines, he was dean of the school of tropi of soap weed, shed his gaudy uni cal medicine at Puerto Rico. He is form, medals and all, put on a a member of the International Lep peon’s soiled dungarees and strolled rosy association and the American across the national boundary line Leprosy foundation. He is an au under the eyes of his enemies. He thority on the ‘'filterable virus,” the had started a revolution of his own. author of several books in his field, It didn’t jell. His beautiful wife traced him to including "The Geography of Dis ease.” and a member of many a house in Prince Arthur street in Montreal. With a lawyer, she ar learned societies. rived to tell him she had started News from the Philippines is that divorce proceedings. He could turn chaulmoogra oil, the ancient Indian on charm by just pushing a button. remedy, is proving increasingly ef Señora Escobar wilted into his fective at the Culion island settle arms, and it has been a Ruth and ment, although it is not yet an abso Boaz story ever since. The divorce lute cure. But this, with the isola proceedings were withdrawn. His tion of the germ, gives hope that enemies charged that he had tak the dreadful plague of mediaeval en a half million gold pesos with Christendom will soon be van- him when he fled. quished. £) Consolidated News Features. WHO’S NEWS THIS WEEK... N DON’T TAKE UNKNOWN REMEDIES 15C FOR 12 2 FULL DOZEN DEMAND KaP-V FOR 25c AND GET GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN Difficult Word One word is the secret of most financial independence: No. A Three Days’ Cough Is Your Danger Signal No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulslon. Serious trouble may be breezing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomul- sion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mem branes as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. Even If other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulslon and to refund your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Get Creomulslon right now. (AdvJ CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT OPPORTUNITY OrrORTUNITY FOR MAN WITH SIS Start day and night sign business. WILTSE SIGN CO. - * LISBON. N. D. MORNING DISTRESS isdue to acid, upaet stomach. Milnesia wafers (the orig inal) quickly relieve acid stomach and give necessary elimination. Each wafer equals 4 tesspoonfu Is of milk of magnesia. 20c, 3Sc h 60c. • • Meet Viscount Halifax. NFORMED observers of British politics tell me that Viscount Hal ifax, who fenced adroitly with the German Von Ribbentrop, has risen within the last year to power unsur passed by that of any other one I WNU Service. Success May Be Meaningless Success once attained is mean* ingless unless one is great enough to know how extremely little any one person can really know about any ou subject. — for only 25c complete with your purchase of one can of B. T. Babbitt’s Nationally Known Brand of Lye This lovely pure silver-plated Set—knife, fork, soup spoon and teaspoon in aristo cratic Empire design is offered solely to get you to try the pure brands of lye with 100 uses, shown at right. Use lye for cleaning clogged and frozen drain pipes, for making finer soap, for sweetening swill, etc. You’ll use no other Lye once you’ve tried one of these brands. How to Get Your Silver Set To get your 4-piece Silver Set, merely send the band from any can of Lye shown at right, with 25c (to cover handling, mailing, etc.) with your name and address TEAR I I I I I I I I to B. T. Babbitt, Inc., Dept WN, 386 Fourth Ave., New York City, N. Y. Your Set will reach you promptly, postage paid. You’ll thank us for the Set and for introducing these brands of Lye to you. OFFER GOOD WITH EITHER BRAND Rad Saal Babbitt OUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT AS A REMINDER —made her look old Looks young and lovely since using Denton's. New facial remedy firmed and smoothed her complexion Wrinkles add years to your age. Denton's Facial Magnesia cleans the skin deep into the pores, smooths and firms the texture. Big, ugly pores dimin- ish, the skin loses its flabbi ness, the complexion becomes glowingly youthful. Even the first few treatments with Denton's make a remarkable difference. Before you know it friends are complimenting your appearance, telling you how much younger and pret tier you look. REMARKABLE OFFER — good for few weeks only Now is your chance to try out Denton's on the most liberal basis wo have ever made possible. We will send you a full 6 oz. bottle of Denton's Facial Magnesia (retail price 60<), plus a regular size box of famous Milnesia Wafers (known throughout the country as the original Milk of Magnesia tablets) ... both for only 60<! Take advantage of this marvel ous offer. Send 60< in cash or stamps today. ■DENTONS FACIAL AG N ESIA Enclosed find 60c (cash or stamps) for which send I me your special introductory combination. I Name ______ I Street Address I I City I State. Select Products, Inc.. 4402-23rd St, Long Island City, N. Y.