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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1937)
PAGE TWELVE VERNONIA EAGLE, County of Columbia. State of Oregon, as per the duly recor- i ded plat thereof. WILL TRADE - Ivory enamelled i Said sale is made under execu- dresser for one with Oak or tion issued out of the Circuit Walnut finish. Call evenings. I Court of the State of_Oregon for I the County of Columbia to me Mrs. Een Bennett, 258 A St. cl. directed in the case of J. M. Person vs. Chas. Arthur Reese tUK S a LJ. - Loose Uat hay. J. and Ruth Reese, husband and C. McLees, Keasey Star Rt. wife. 10*1 M. R. Calhoun Sheriff of Columbia County HATCHING EGGS - Special mat D. D. Bump ing. Best Egg Strain. Jer ittorney for plaintiff sey White Giants. (Largest oret. Grove, Oregon chicken grown, best meat.) Write *---------- Box 232, Vernonia, Oregon, or Dancing Classes Organized call at Mumbach’s place, one mile New classes in dancing for the from post office. On Rose Ave nue. 10*1 .spring term, February to June, are being organized. If you are FOR SALE - Small three room interested in tap or ballroom house on approximately 100 x dancing or gymnasium see Mrs. City water, electric Eby at 551 North street or phone 200 lot. lights, close to O.-A. mill. $450.- 901. Adv. 10*3 00, terms. J. E. Tapp. B • PORTLAND SAW SERVICE - Hand or machine, large cross cut, circle, drag and carpenter saws gummed, retoothed, set and filed, No. 1 jobs. 121 E. Mor- rison St., near East side de- 7*9 pot. WANTED : Western Red Cedar poles or stumpage for produc- ing poles. L. D. McFarland Co., 50*6m Milwaukie, Oregon. Rhode Island reds FOR SALE and whites, also eggs, Sleep- ing rooms to rent. W. O. Porter- 43tf field, 376 Nort st. for the SIXT1 MEMBERS Banquet ATTEND E. M. S. MEETING AT CHURCH Feathers . and • • EVANGELICAL ns FRIDAY March 12, 7 p.m. Speaker and Program Chicken George Laird starting out in his sedan with a group of high school basketball boys for the Astoria tournament . . . and Coach McCrae with a couple of CHURCH Banquet Tickets 35c each On Sale at Safeway Store ¡I VERNONIA SALE SUNDAY & MONDAY, MARCH 7-8 Winterset ALL STAR CAST Super Deluxe Gangster Picture TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, MAR. 9-10 Banjo on My Bi nee FEATURING --- pl more boys in his coupe . . . C. IF. Hieber, J. F.. Rose and Rus- j sell Whitsell sweeping water a- —O ' --- O— Mrs. Thelma Reeves entertain-! A past noble grand pin was long the gutters while Bridge ed the Cootie club last Thursday. | presented to Mrs. C. C. Brown street was being flushed. A lovely luncheon was served. following the work of Mountain Dr. Tatro Moves Office The afternoon was spent playing Cootie. Members present were Heart Rebekah lodge Thursday Dr. J. C. Tatro, chiropractor, Mrs. Oneda Cobat, Mrs. Roberta of last week. Mrs. J. L. Biggs has moved from the Cline build Mauer, Mrs. Verda Cook, Mrs. made the presentation. ing to newly fitted quarters at Rose Cobat, Mrs. Beulah Gill, A social hour was enjoyed Bridge street and Weed Ave. Mrs. Hazel Cobat, Mrs. Hazel later in the evening. Mrs. IT. adjoining the Vernonia plumb Cook, Mrs. Grace Bundy and the M. Bigelow, Mrs. P. O. Mellinger ing shop. hostess. First prize was given and Mrs. Merle Cline were in I to Mrs. Gill and consolation to charge of arrangements and re Mrs. Bundy. Father & Son freshments. I Joy Theatre On the 30th day of March, 1937, at the hour of ten o’clock a.m. at the courthouse in St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, I will sell at public a ction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property, situate in Columbia County, Ore gon, to-wit: W’est one-half of lots 9 and 10 in Block 81, City of St. Helens, ppTTTi FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1937 COOTIE CLUB ENTERTAINED ' MRS. C. C. BROWN BY MRS. REEVES ¡PRESENTED WITH GIFT Over sixty members attended the Evangelical Missionary society in the church Wednesday after noon for business, circle reports, BUSINESS WOMEN mission study and devotions. The Deborah cicle announced TO MEET MARCH 9 a St. Patricks tea to be given —o— Business and professional wo- March 16 at the home of Mrs. Judd Greenman from 3 to 5 men, who are interested in form o’clock. ing a club in Vernonia, will meet The date for the society’s in the little auditorium of the nual birthday luncheon was Washington school Tuesday even nounced for April 17. Mrs. Ross Duncan gave ing, March 9 at 8 o’clock. In terest in such an organization study chapter review for the was created at a dinner in the and Mrs. Sidney Malmsten devotional service. Masonic hall two weeks ago, the when Mrs. Zola Morgan, state I Betty Brite circle had charge of president of the Oregon Federa the program. Refreshments were served by tion of Business and Professional Women's clubs, and other spea the Pollyanna circle. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas of Forest kers from Hillsboro were pre Grove was a visitor. sent. KNITTING - Mrs. Laura B. Pugli will teach knitting and cro cheting classes every Wednesday afternoon from 2 till 4 at the home of Mrs. Chas. White, River view. 30 cents a lesson, 10 lessons $2.50. tfc NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S VERNONIA, OREGON next Joel McRae and Barbara Stanwick THURSDAY & FRIDAY, MARCH 11-12 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM j L p IU «pl.5 months °f Jones Family in The Atlantic Monthly Baek to Nature ALSO Make the molt of your read ing hour». Enjoy the wit, the wisdom, the companionship, the charm that have made the ATLANTIC, for »eventy-five years, America’s most quoted and most cherished magazine. Woman Wise MARCH 13 SATURDAY ONLY MATINEE at 2:30 P.M. I A Three Smart Girls FEATURING — Deanna Durbin (Radio’s Sensational Song Bird), Bennie Barnes, Alice Brady, Ray Millard and Charles Winninger SEND $1. (mentioning this ad) THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY 8 Arlington St., Boston ? COMING I* That Is Giving Wide Satisfaction Girl From Paris, College Holiday, Ambassador Bill, Lloyds in London, and Devil’s Play Ground. < Lumber, Shingles and Rejects Veneer Try It Wholesale and Sletail Vernonia Bakerv See my bargains in Kiln Dried lumber at $6.00 per M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to Noon. I! (