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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1937)
PAGE TEN VERNONIA EAGLE, SOCIETY NEWS - CLUBS - FRATERNAL L---------------- —- MRS. CHAS. L. BURROW IS COMPLIMENTED FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1937 VERNONIA, OREGON STUDY CLUB BEGINS SERIES objectives of the American Leg ion Auxiliary during the coming ON HOUSEHOLD ARTS year.” Beginning a series of studies Several social affairs have “The Auxiliary will support been given during the past week of Household Arts, members of the American Legion’s demand to compliment Mrs. Charles L. the Vernonia Study club listered for passage of a universal ser Burrow of Vale, Oregon, who to a program of talks in the de vice act at this session of con has been visiting her parents, velopment and use of silver, gress, providing for draft of Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman. copper and brass, and pewter capital, industry and man power, Last Friday Mrs. Greenman en Thursday afternoon of last week as well as men to fight, in the tertained a group of friends at at the home of Mrs. J. J. Troy. event of a national emergency' 01 a dessert luncheon honoring her Mrs. L. H. Roberson’s sub war,” says Mrs. Turnbull. “Equal daughter. Bridge was the after ject was silver, Mrs. A. J. Hughes service for all, special privilege noon’s diversion at which Mrs. told about copper and brass, for none,” is the principle of Ben Brickel won high honors, and Mrs. H. M. Bigelow spoke the legislation being advocated, and Mrs. Paul Gordon, second about pewter. A number of Two national defense confer- high. pewter objects were displayed. ences to be held in Grants Pass The program committee an- and Salem, March 8 and 10, re The guest list included Mrs. Roland D. Eby, Mrs. Loel Ro nounced that it had secured as spectively, were announced. berts, Mrs. H. M. Bigelow, Mrs. the speaker for the club’s an- A session with the Legion to Lowell Hieber, Mrs.Enoch Dumas, nual guest day later in the be held March 15 in the Legion Mrs. George Plumb, Mrs. C. L. spring, Mrs. R. A. Harcourt, hall was planned. Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. Paul Thompson, professional dramatic reader of Luther is chairman in charge of Mrs. Paul Gordon and Mrs. Ben Portland^ formerly of Chicago. refreshments, and Mrs. C. H. Mrs. Charles L. Burrow of Jarvis, Mrs. Virgil Powell and Brickel. I Mrs. J. W. Nichols will arrange Mrs. Burrow and Mr. and Mrs. Vale was a guest. Greenman were dinner guests of Mrs. Enoch Dumas will en- the entertainment. Seveal special committees were Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olin Friday tertain the club next on March 11. appointed by Mrs. E. S. Thomp evening. I _______________ e ---- son, president. These include: Wednesday of last week Mrs. | poster contest, Mrs. A. L. Kul- C. L. Anderson entertained at; NATIONAL DEFENSE IS lander and Mrs. M. J. Lamping; luncheon for Mrs. Burrow, i A — j ?AUILIARY THEME rummage sale, Mrs. George Vos- ® ditional guests were Mrs. Green- ; Defense . was the nik; program, Mrs. A. L. Kullan- A uuuipoun. ,.. I Natlonal man and Mrs. Paul Thompson. I theme of the meeting of the der and Mrs. J. W. Nichols. Mrs. Burrow, who eft f°r • I'American Legion Auxiliary Tues- Radio chairman, Mrs. C.H. Jarvis, home Saturday, was accompanied ; day evening in the Legion han announced that broadcasts are as far as Portland by her par- ! A message from the state de made by the state department on ents, where they and Harriett partment defense chairman, Mrs. the last Tuesday of each month, Campbell were dinner guests of J. H. Turnbull, urged active par- KGW, from 4:00 to 4:15 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davidson. ticipation in the defense program An attendance prize was awar •---------- of the national organization. Mrs. ded to Mrs. Bert . Hawkins. Re FATHER AND SON BANQUET Turnbull stated, “United action freshments were served by Mrs. TO BE HELD MARCH 12 by American women to depro- A. J. Schultz and Mrs. fitize war will be one of the Demarest. The annual Father and Son banquet sponsored by the Betty Brite circle will be an event of next Friday evening, March 12 in the Evangelical church social hall at 7 o’clock. Prof. James T. Matthews, for many years of the mathematics 1. Weekly Schooled Mechanics. department of Willamette Uni versity, will be the principal 2. Modern Hi-Pressure Greasing Equipment, speaker of the evening. 3. Most Complete Local Stock of Part«. Judd Greenman will be toast 4. Complete Line of Auto Accessories. master, Several fathers and sons will speak, and a musical pro I S. Modern Equipped Shop gram will also be given includ 6. Body Repair Shop. ing selections by the Douglass 7. Modern Car-Painting Equipment. orchestra, E. S. (Happy) Thomp son, and a men’s quartet. 8. Economy, in Costs. All men and boys of the com 9. All Work Guaranteed Completely. munity are invited to attend singly or with some one elses I father or son if they have none of their own, according to com mittee members who are arrang “The House of Honor, Economy and Friendship” ing details for the chicken dinner CHEVROLET and program. Announcement of when tic automobh . es kets can be secured is made else where in this paper. REBEKAH CLUB TO was hostess for the evening and GIVE BENEFIT CARD PARTY served refreshments during the social hour. A public benefit card party The Anniversary Night plans at which both 500 and bridge include a party in the Oddfel- will be played will be given by I lows hall for Knights of Pythias, the Rebekah social club March Pythian Sisters and their fam 17 at 1:30 o’clock in the Odd ilies. fellows hall. Details were ar ■_______ ranged at a meeting of the club Mrs. Tom Turner was ill with at the home of Mrs. George Bas- tonsolitis this week. lington Tuesday afternoon. Another project of the club is a dance to be given the latter part of March. Members attending the meet-1 ing included Mrs. Sam Hearing, Mrs. H. M. Bigelow, Mrs. J. L. Biggs, Mrs. Walter Linn, Mrs. Legion Hall Vernonia Alvin Herrin, Mrs. E. McDonald, Mrs. J. A. McDonald, Mrs. R. WED., •> MARCH 10 L. Spencer, Mrs. Clyde McDon ald, Mrs. Alfred Webb, Mrs. A. JACK LIPSCOMB B. Johnson, Mrs. Oscar Kap- vs hammer, Mrs. Merle Cline, Mrs. D1LLY DAVIS Koberstein and Mrs. Harry G. One Hour Time Limit Sandon. WRESTLING Refreshments were served by the hostess. * PYTHIAN SISTERS PLAN ANNIVERSARY NIGHT OTTO LUGER vs CHARLIE KEENE One Hour Time Limit Arrangements for the “Anni versary Night” of Vernonia tem ple, Pythian Sisters, March 10, were the main considerations of the business session of the temple held at the home of Mrs. M. J. Lamping Wednesday night, Feb ruary 24. Soden 15 Minute Preliminary First Bout Starts Promptly at 8:30 ADM. 40c. I ..adds a Priceless Quality SERVICE Malting----- the magic transforms* tion of the raw grain to mellowed malt, the heart of GOOD beer. Bohemian Club Light Lager is brewed, not from unmalted grains, but SOLELY from choice Malted Barley which adds so much to MELLOWNESS and FLAVOR. Drink Bohemian Club Light Ex port Lager—this BETTER beer— for healthful (■!enjoyment, for your refresh ,fA ment, for the best in beer. Vernonia Auto Co Nehalem Valley Ice & Creamery Co., Disi Itoli >1 orel I PAINTING PAPER HANGING KALSOMININC At Popular Prices 763 Second St. The First National Bank of Forest Grove • Brings Bank Service as Close as Your Post Office Checking and Savings Account Deposit» I mured Directors: M. R. Johnson, Pres. Geo. G. Paterson, Vice Pres. E. H. Johnson, Cashier W. B. Coon C. L. Wagaer Cleaning' and Pressing Women’s & Men’s Over Coats and Suits ............................................................. 85c Ladies Dresses 85c to 95c We pick up and deliver Guaranteed one day service. Vernonia Laundry and Dry Cleaners