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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1937)
VOLUME XIV $1.50 per year, McCollom Resigns As President of Vernonia Chamber ------ a------ Two State Police Speak on Topic Of Safe Driving; Mechanical Motorists Scored Ivan N. McCollom, recently elected president of the chamber of commerce, resigned at the meeting in the Masonic temple Tuesday noon, and his resigna tion was reluctantly accepted. He would not be a resident of the city after July, he stated, and it would be unfair to his successor as president of the chamber to make committee ap pointments or outline a policy for the year’s work at this time. Safe Driving Is Topic Sergeant Kenneth Helea of the state police with headquarters in Astoria, spoke on the subject of safe driving. New drivers, he declared, are responsible for 7 per cent of traffic accidents in the state, while experienced dri vers are responsible for 90 per cent of them, leaving 3 per cent unclassified. This is due, he ex plained, to the fact that ex perienced drivers often fail to have their minds on the opera tion of their cars, and drive without noticing signs and with out proper consideration of haz ards. 354 people were killed in 1936, he asserted, a 37 per cent increase over the num ber of deaths from a like cause in 1935. Efforts of the police to decrease reckless driv ing is handicapped by the soft ness of juries who feel sorry for the offenders rather than for the victims and their relatives, and the public fails to get the pro tection it should have. Atten tive driving he urged as one of the preventatives of accidents. C. E. Throne, officer of the state police at Clatskanie, ex plained a safety campaign for schools which he said had ach ieved encouraging results in his town. Mr. McCollom, in introducing the speakers, declared that there are three dangerous places on the highway between the school and the mile bridge, places where children have to walk in the road. Preliminary to the program there was group singing under the leadership of Miss Amy Hughes, accompanied by Miss Marjarie Gray. Attendance was the best for several months. ■—a DRAMATIST TO APPEAR AT WASHINGTON SCHOOL Jack Rank, a magic dramatist, is to present a three act one- man drama, “The Vienna Ex press”, in the Washington grade school auditorium Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 8 p.m. Mr. Rank portrays five dif ferent characters by means of quick changes of costume. 5c a copy. VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON Milk Control Law Law favored by Pomona Resolutions favoring the milk control law, asking the county court for restoration of the boun ty on bob-cats, coyotes and moles, supporting legislation providing for an appropriation for the Doernbecher hospital, and op posing House Bill 115 which deals with election of joint senators and representatives were adopted at the meeting of Columbia Coun ty Pomona grange with Beaver Valley grange Saturday. A reolution asking that the government appoint a board of control for the Columbia river project was discussed at length and given back to the com mittees for further study. Plans were made to donate work and material to repair the damage to the barn of Mrs. Winn of Chapman caused by snow crushing in the roof and leav ing her hay and stock without shelter. After the lecturer’s program in the evening a class of five was initiated into the fifth degree. The next meeting of Pomona will be at Clatskanie in May. * Mr. and Mrs. Buckner Have Son A boy, weighing eight pounds, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buckner in the Smith hospital in Hillsboro Wednesday evening, February 10. He was named Richard Max. --------- *--------- St. Helens Lions To Be Here 17 th -■"0--- The St. Helens Lions, undefea ted in the intercounty basket ball series except by Vernonia, are to play a return game here Wednesday night. The Lions are out to avenge their only loss so far, while the Loggers are de termined to repeat their bril liant victory, hence a spirited contest is in prospect. Other games scheduled are with Sherwood, tail-enders in the race, tonight here, with Beaver ton there Monday, and with Rain ier Saturday of next week. Loggers Lose to Tigard The hard fighting Vernonia Loggers dropped a game to the swift Tigard team Tuesday night on the enemy’s floor 25 to 16. The Vernonia boys were behind in the first three quarters but by a hard fight in the last half were able to cut down the Tigard lead. The line-up was as follows: Tigard Vernonia Condit 7 Storey 6 Adams 2 Meeker Schalock 1 McDonald Holmes 13 Nurrenkamp 4 Beckham 7 Moore 1 Ashmore Tg 8 Nyberg 8 Engles The game scheduled for last Friday with Forest Grove was postponed on account of closing of the Forest Grove school. rf If c k FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1937 NUMBER 7 Vernonia Post to Consolidation of I Wilark Boy Passes 'After Brief Illness — Sponsor Junior Two Districts Is i j John Gilbert —O Sundquist passed away at his home in Wilark, ¡Rifle Club Here Approved Monday (Feb. 4 after a brief illness of pneumonia. Consolidation of Rock Creek j was born in Hinckley, Minn- Every Boy Should Be Able to Handle Gun 1» Belief School District 27 with Verno- ■ esota, Aug.4, 1934 and came to Of Member« at Meeting nia District 47 was approved' Wilark with his parents in Aug- Monday night at meetings in both, ust, 1936. He died at the age At their regular meeting Feb districts. The vote in the Rockf of two years and 6 months. Creek district was 6 to 0, and I Left to mourn the loss of ruary 9, the American Legion in the Vernonia district 7 to 2. | their beloved son and brother is post of Vernonia discussed plans Bruce McDonald, a director | his mother and father Mr. and for forming a junior rifle club in in the Rock Creek district, was Mrs. John Sundquist and daugh- the city if sufficient interest is largely instrumental in accom-'te Hildur and his grandparents shown. Several members expres sed the thought that it should be plishing the favorable result. Pro- (Mr. and Mrs. Gust Sundquist. bability of a heavy increase in Funeral services were held Sat- done as it is the inherent right of taxation as timber valuation de-I urday, February 6 by Rev. H. R. the American boy to know how to handle a rifle. creases in that district induced Scheuerman. The post secured additional several who had formerly opposed | Among relatives out of town consolidation there to approve ofI were Mrs. Sig Sevenson from belts for the school patrol and it. The Rock Creek district main- | Portland, Mrs. Richard Elmgren presented them at a school as sembly in the Washingtor grade tains a one-room school, taught, from Spok.ane. school Tuesday afternoon. for several years past by Mrs. Commander E. S. Thompson W. T. Graves. LICENSE EXAMINER PLANS spoke on the successful flood re- The consolidation will be effec TO COME FEB. 16 (lief drive that has been conduc tive with the next school year. ted in the city. --------- •--------- R. J. Dooley, examiner of oper It was reported that Hale Bank- I ators and chauffeurs, plans to I ston, who was hurt is getting make a trip to Vernonia Tues- fine and the post i day, 1 Feb. 16. Mr. Dooley was I along ' voted to send him a carton of j twice prevented by bad j cigarettes. Ray Self and W. L. I from keeping scheduled 31 Cummings have left the hospital here. I for their homes. J. C. Lincoln The hours are from 10 a.m. to' | reported that the inhalator fund Weather conditions at Camp 4 p.m. at the city hall. I was coming along nicely and had i McGregor have improved con .now reached a total of $251.00. * siderably the past few ddys and I After the meeting adjourned a it is now hoped that camp will 'feed of hot dogs and coffee was be able to resume Monday. Ow I served and a general social even ing to scariity of logs the mill ing enjoyed. has been operating only three ' k days a week. ANNUAL REPORT OF Most of the Clark and Wilson LIBRARY IS MADE loggers returned to work last Monday, though a few were on The junior play of Vernonia The annual report of the Ver the job the latter part of the I high school, “The Arizona Dude nonia Public library was read by Ranch,” is to be given Friday, i ------ preceding week. Edna i Owens, librarian, at the February 19 in the Washington . monthly meeting of the board FLU SITUATION SHOWS grade school auditorium at 8:30.' I Tuesday night. Mrs. W. O. The cast is as follows: Gail I | Livingstone, MUCH IMPROVEMENT v , newiy newly up'po appointed 1 nvtf<1 and her brother Jeff, operators ,member, was assigned to the pub- “* the ,L. ranch, __.u Elizabeth «K-t-U Wall and - --j . The epidemic of bad colds andi of i licity committee. flu in Vernonia has noticeably Harold Davis; Sheriff Wild Bill | diminished during the past week. Hiccup, Fred Ervin; Mr. and Mrs. I TM annual report indicated Absences from the two grade Barclay, Norman Crowder and a circulation for 1936 of 9,215 schools now approximates 40, Louise French; their two daugh-j voulmes, an increase of 1,291 while last week the average wasi ters Sue and Dixie, Ruby Condit lover the previous year. During 75. and Bertha Thompson; Sam the year the borrowers number Smith, Bill Thompson; Minnie ed 1,455, a 58.2 per cent of the HahaHeeheHobo, Awbrey Fritz- i town population. It was pointed Red Cross Quota for i gerald; Inspector Carter, Clarence j out, however, that many borrow- Vernonia is Exceeded Lamping; Miss Prim and Falling j ers are from without the city. At the end of the year the The quota of $150 for the Hawkins, La Verne Thompson library shelves contained 2,144 and Kathryn MceKenzie. Red Cross relief fund has been The play is a three act comedy. volumes, 65 of which were ad- considerably exceeded in Verno 2 ded during the year either by The high school orchestra, the nia, though complete figures had purchase or as gifts. not been compiled up to yester glee club and tap dancing will j For the benefit of the many day afternoon. In addition to supplement the presentation. newcomers to Vernonia a board the amount raised by the benefit member requested the announ- J. C. Moran Visits performance and by voluntary J. C. Moran CCC camp super- cement of the fact that the pub- subscription the Timber and Saw library, located in the city mill Workers union 2557 donated visor whose home is on a ranch near Pittsburg, was in town Tues-'hall building on Third ««reel. street m M $600. day. Mr. Moran, who resigned ’ open each afternoon except Sun- recently as chairman of the local day, Monday and holidays from NORMA ENOS, AGE IS grade school board, now has his J 1 to 5 o’clock, with Edna Owens DIES OF PNEUMONIA in charge. A pay shelf of late headquarters in Salem. --------- w--------- I fiction and the Carnegie Inter- Norma Enos, 15, daughter of Leaves to Attend School / , national Mind Alcove are two Mrs. F. R. Enos, died Wednesday Miss Zonweiss Douglads left ¡ valuable features. night of pneumonia. Arrange I ments for services had not been Sunday to take up a course of New fiction for the pay shelf announced up to press time yes- music at the Portland Bible in- and new juvenile books are to terday. stitute, Portalnd. 1 be added this week end. Camp McGregor to Start Monday Is Present Hope ¡VHS Junior Play To Be Presented Friday, Feb. 19 hijjsuviix