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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1937)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Urge of Ambition You Will Delight a Child With These! Ambition, like love, can abide no lingering; and ever urge th or. his own success, hating nothing but what may stop them.—Sir P. Sidney. * ’«■'wew Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial Irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomul- slon, which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the Inflamed mem branes as the germ-laden phlegm Is loosened and expelled. Even If other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Get Creomulsion right now. (Adv.) , {lit MW DON'T RUB YOUR EYES c CHooses To 8e- Rubbing your eyes grinds invisible particles of dust and dirt right into the delicate tissues, making the irritation just that much worse. A much better way, as thousands have discovered, is to use a little Murine in each eye—night and morning. Murine may be depended on to re lieve eye irritation because it is a reliable eye preparation containing 7 active ingredients of known value in caring for the eyes. In use for 40 years. Ask for Murine at your drug store. foe Live- iNsecrs <®J b is ibaes exo aeP HOSSS BKAMfr Hee business As INSECT DIETICIAN, SUE- FATTENS UP MÇAU AOQMS FOO SCORPIONS efeeos fruit ' cues F=oa sPiDees . jz Atl&A JhbCtj ClauAen. H You. Hcwe ASK YOUR DOCTOR THIS oç- Tue. MUseüM KjATJßAU UISTOGN, cf - .___, NO2* “Who respond the more readily, men or women?” Women More Generous “Men as a rule, but women are more generous when they do come in. In any case the middle class can be depended upon to make the best showing. I am sorry to say that many people who from their at tire and manner seem to represent the prosperous class are downright rude at even the suggestion that they should be included in the trivial People Who Drop Coins in Tin assessment for the good of others. Cans for Sweet Charity It is heartening to find that there ARDLY a week passes are some who come forward with in this country without out being asked, to volunteer a con tribution. One man, who from visi ¡the inauguration of some ble evidence appeared to be not sort of drive, the object of overly prosperous, gave me a twenty which is to secure funds for dollar bill, but absolutely declined benevolent purposes. So gen to wear a button. ‘It will save you being approached again, I eral has become the custom from ‘Oh, I don’t object to that!’ ¡that municipalities have urged. he replied. ’It won’t be hard to give found it necessary to estab something to the next collector.’ lish regulations under which Men of that sort are few, however." “The average daily total?” money may be collected and The girl shrugged her shoulders. accounted for. “Well the weather always has After many experiments made to something to do with giving. Per simplify the business of receiving haps you will be surprised to hear voluntary contributions, the sealed that rainy days are the best. In tin can, slotted for the reception of stead of being chilled and depressed coin or currency, and bearing a by gloom, a great many people plainly printed statement as to what seem disposed to respond to an ap particular organization or institution peal from others. Warm sunshiny is behind the drive, has come into days have almost the opposite ef fect; folks don’t appear to realize general use. Women and young girls are the that anything is worth worrying most successful collectors of lar about. All is well with them; why gess for the benefit of suffering hu- not with the rest of the world? I ! manity. While it is not obligatory find that the morning is more favor upon citizens to respond, none the able for good returns, Most people : less a pleasant smile and a soft are buoyant after breakfast. I my voice, plus an appealing look is an self work faster and with more satis faction. Now about the average, I (influence of proven value. feel that the day has not been wast Quite recently at the peak of a ed if I take in twenty dollars.” drive, worthy in every way of gen ©— WNU Service. erous public response, I returned to New York after a long absence, entering Manhattan via the Penn sylvania station. One of a dozen j pretty girls, aU armed with tin banks and enameled buttons, asked ■for a contribution. "Whatever you wish to give,” said she. “We are grateful no matter what the amount.” From a vest pocket I produced several subsidiary coins and held out my hand: an invitation for her i to help herself. She selected a quarter, fixed upon the lapel of my coat an unobtrusive button which established me as a member of the club, and expressed her thanks. One in Six Contributes. “What percentage of those you ask to contribute respond with money?” I asked. “About one in six, a little less than 20 per cent, and in amounts ranging from five cents to a quar ter; occasionally fifty cents or a dollar bill. About half of those who pay tell me to keep the button and sell it again. But to that I say no. you must wear it so that others may know that you approve.’ No man whe is willing to help should “It’s easy to get s line on a man be eshamed of having done so.” who is interested In you.” H Ask Him Before Giving Your Child an Unknown Remedy Practically any doctor you ask will warn: "Don't give your child unknown remedies without asking your doctor first." When it comes to the widely used children’s remedy—“milk of mag nesia,” the standard of the world is established. For over half a century many doctors have said “PHILLIPS’ Milk of Magnesia.” Safe for children. No other is “quite like it.” Keep this in mind, and say "PHIL LIPS’ MILK OF MAGNESIA” when you buy. Now alsoin tablet form. Get the form you prefer. But see that what you get is labeled “Genuine Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia.” ALSO IN TABLET FORM: Each tiny tablet is the equivalent of a teaspoon ful of genuine Phillipa* Milk of Magnesia. Q abby Q ertie P hillips * MILK OF MAGNESIA /--WATCH—X the Specials You can de pend on the special sales the merchants of our town announce in . the columns of this paper. They mean money saving to our readers. It always pays to patronize the mer chants who advertise. They are not afraid of their merchandise or their prices « « « Tiue Devotion Real inward devotion knows no prayer but that arising from the This sturdy pair, dressed in depths of its own feelings.—Hum their "Sunday best,” are sure to boldt. walk right into the heart of some I wee tot. You’ll have fun, too, mak ing both the dolls and their bright finery, ’specially if your scrap bag furnishes you with gay odds and ends. Hair and features are done with a few simple embroidery stitches. Grand indeed for gifts are Sambo of the checkered over alls, and Mammy, in apron and kerchief. In pattern 5247 you will find a transfer pattern for a doll about 14 inches high; patterns for making the clothes; directions for making doll and clothes; materi If muscles in your legs, arms, chest, al requirements. To obtain this pattern send 15 back or shoulders feel stiff and sore, get a bottle of Hamlins Wizard Oil and get cents in stamps or coins (coins ouick relief. Rub it on—rub it in. preferred) to The Sewing Circle W arms—soothes—gives wonderful com Household Arts Dept., 259 W. fort. Will not stain. At all druggists. Fourteenth St., New York, N. Y. HAMLINS Write plainly your name, ad dress and pattern number. Pattern 5247 MV PEBSOMAL OieTüAM» Modest Heroes Most of the heroes who get no publicity don’t want it. Biggest Truck The world’s largest truck is 72 feet long, has 14 wheels, can carry i 130 tons, travels at six miles an hour, and is steered by four men, two in front and two in the rear, all connected by telephone. MUSCLES FELT WIZARD OIL On Aspiring Did you ever hear of a man who had striven all his life faithfully and singly toward an object and in no measure obtained it? If a man constantly aspires, is he not elevated? Did ever a man try heroism, magnanimity, truth, sin cerity, and find that there was no advantage in them—that it was a vain endeavor?—H. D. Thoreau. For MUSCULAR ACHES and PAINS Due to RHEUMATISM -NEURALGIA LUMBAGO CHEST COLDS MORNING DISTRESS is due to acid, upset stomach. Milnesia wafers (the orig inal) quickly relieve acid stomach and give necessary elimination. Each wafer equals 4 teaspoonfuls of milk of magnesia. 20c, 35c & 60c. ________________________________ The only cough drops containing VITAMIN A are the famous Smith Brothers Cough Drops • • . Recent scientific evidence shows that Vitamin A raises the resistance of the mucous mem branes of the nose and throat to cold and cough infections. Two kinds of Smith Bros. Cough Drops: Black or Menthol —5fL SUBURBAN HEIGHTS By GLUYAS WILLIAMS FRED VERLEv' THREW THE ANNUAL RUMMA6E SALE INTO CONFUSION WHEN HE DlSCOUEPED THAT THE LADS' V/HO HAD COME AROUND COLLECfiN6 FOR If HAD SOMEHOW INCLUDED HI5 DRESS SUtf WHITH HE HAD LEFT W fUE HALL READ/ FDR -THE CLEANERS ___________________