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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1937)
VOLUME XIV $1.50 per year, Veruonia Upsets League Leaders In Close Game 5c a copy. VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON OSC Football Stars To Play Team Here A basketball game out of the I ordinary is promised local fans ¡Wednesday, Feb. 3, when a group of O.S.C. football stars will play Previously Undefeated St. Helens ¡an all-star team from Vernonia Team Loses to Vernonia I in the high school gym at 7:30. By Score of 22 i The visitors’ team will consist of Washington-Columbia Standing. iJoe GraF- “the «»Hoping ghost,’’ j Ken Demeing, all-coast center, W. L. Pct. Frank Ramsey, guard, Johnny Al- Tigard .......... 1 875 I ■ j CAtlllU exander, “jack rabbit,” Holly Hol- St. Helens .... ...7 1 875 ! comb, , “pride of Vernonia,” and Forest Grove 6 2 750. Dick Sutherland of Hillsboro. Vernonia ..... .6 2 750 ' The line-up of the Vernonia St. Marys .... 5 3 625; team has not been definitely de Beaverton .... 4 4 500 1 termined yet, but will be the best Clatskanie .... 3 5 375Í that can be had. Hillsboro ....... 3 5 375 ! --------- •--------- Rainier ........ 3 6 333 RALPH LONG TO BE TEACHER Scappoose .... 2 6 250 Sherwood ..... 0 9 000 Í IJM WASHINGTON SCHOOL JANUARY 29, Seventy-four Are Absent from School 1937 NUMBER 5 ¡Camp Me Gregor I Closes Down on flu ep absent J Account of Snow Chiefly because of the idemic 74 pupils were from the Vernonia grade schools —,o .... Decision of the ambulance com- yesterday, of whom 47 were from I mittee of Vernonia post 119, Am- the Washington school and 27 Mill Will Continue Operation But on Somewhat Curtailed erican Legion, to keep the pre- from the Lincoln school. On Wed Schedule During Log Shortage sent ambulance until a more nesday there were 76 out. Dr. Roland D. 'Eby, health of adequate up-to-date service is pro Snow from 2H to 3 feet deep vided the community was repor ficer, has informed Principal Har closed the logging operations of old McEntire of the high school ted Monday night at the Legion the Oregon-American Lumber cor- meeting by J. L. Timmons, chair and Supt. I. N. McCollom of Iporation Tuesday night, and most man.. There have been several the grade shools that it will not ¡of the men left camp Wednesday offers for the ambulance, Mr. be advisable to close the schools, ! morning. Timmons said, but the decision believing that the epidemic can The mill will continue to oper- not to sell was unanimous. be better controlled if the : ate, but upon a curtailed schedule The district convention at schools remain open. | until logs can again be brought Portland was reported on by i down. The exact procedure has Earl Atkins. He stated that Dis- GRADE SCHOOL GAME WITHinot been determined yet, but will trict 1, which includes Vernonia, McBRIDE IS CANCELLED j be the equivalent of three days was asked for $9,000 for flood —o— a week for both sides. It is pos- relief. The post commander, E. The grade scohol basketball1 sible that the mill will run five S. Thompson, was instructed by game scheduled to have been play- days a week, each side getting the meeting to appoint a com Friday between Vernonia and days of work. On this basis mittee to work with the Legion . | ed —------ , ---------- ----------- ------ can-' tbere there wil1 enough Auxiliary to find a way to raise | McBride of St. Helens was can-! wl" be lo *°^ ^ s enou Rh to last funds to help the sufferers. , celled, McBride having sent word !until th fourth or fifth of March- the team team could could not not come come be- be- is estimated. However, if the J. W. Nichols reported on the 'that that .the 'supply is likely to run out there district meeting at Astoria, at cause of bad roads. ' will be still further curtailment tended by Mr. and Mrs. E. S. On the wTiole the grade school Thompson and Mr. Nithols from games will be postponed until of schedule rather than a com- Vernonia. He quoted the state weather and health conditions ; plete shutdown. i The record shutdown of camp commander as saying, “The Leg have improved. j on account of snow is six weeks ion is no longer a ‘gimme’ or- |in the winter of 1922-23, when ganization, but is an organiza-1 Consolidation Is ■ logs were being shipped to thq tion that has a program of ser-1 i river before the mill was comple- vice and gratitude to the com-1 To Be Voted on ted. Since the mill started in munity.” —o--- Oregon has 8400 members to- Monday, , February 8 at 7:30 1924 there never has ben a shut- day, Mr. Nichols reported, and p. m. has been set as the date down because of log shortage. I Heavy Snow in Timber Vernonia 70 members. for voting • on the proposed con solidation of Rock Creek dis About two feet of snow is re BUSH’S CAFE IS CLOSED trict 27 i and Vernonia district ported on Timber hill, where the TEMPORARILY 47. The Vernonia meeting will road is being kept open by snow be held in the Washington grade plows. Along the Beaver Creek Bush’s cafe, operated by Ray school. route the snow is about three Self, is closed temporarily while Petitions for the consolida-j inches deeper on Top hill, the Mr. Self is recovering from the wound near the shoulder catised tion were circulated recently in | highest point, than in Vernonia. ______ . It is said that i Traffic has been impeded con- by an accidental discharge of his'bbe two stricts. a majority of the Rock creek ¡siderably on the Rock Creek road gun. to Keasey, where the snow is voters signed the petition. --------- t--------- quite deep, The road down the Vernonia Chapter valley is said to be in good shape. The fast coming Vernonia Log Ralph Long will start Monday gers rose to great heights on the as teacher for the eighth grade St. Helens floor Tuesday night in the Washington grade school, to defeat the powerful St. Helens i taking the place of Wm. D. Hor Lions previously undefeated in I sham, resigned. He was princi in league play 22 to 18 in a pal of the Gilbert school in bitterly contested game. Portland and recently has been The hard fighting Loggers re- attending the University of Ore sorted to a tight defense and gon in order to complete his clever blocking offense to over- i collegiate work. He receives his come the great advantage in degree there in mid-year. height held by the Lions. The Loggers zone defense completely POMONA GRANGE TO MEET muffled huge Leroy Mason, big AT BEAVER VALLEY HALL I gun of the St. Helens attack. The Loggers took the lead im The Columbia county Pomona mediately after the opening tip grange is to meet Saturday, Feb. off but were soon overtaken by 6, at the Beaver Valley grange the Lions 2 to 1. The local boys hall for the quarterly session. forged ahead to lead at half time At a recent meeting of the 13 to 10. A Lion rally gave grange council Clyde M. Watson them a 18 to 17 lead with six of Yankton grange was elected minutes to play but a Logger president; David Seidler of Yank spurt put them out in front ton, vice-president and Inez M. at the gun, 22 to 18. Langdon of Chapman grange, sec The Loggers lineup of Storey, retary-treasurer of the council. Condit, Adams, Meeker and Scha --------- a--------- lock all played fine ball, coming through with their usual fight and fine ball hawking. The ball handling of the Loggers was im Resumes Activity proved over previous games. i — o — This victory placed the Log Chamber Initiates Vernonia chapter 54, P A meeting of officials and gers in striking distance of the Arch Masons, resumed its acti- ■ Membership Drive league leaders with six wins and coaches of Washington and Col- vities Tuesday night, when offi two losses for a percentage ofiumbia county hi*h schools met iu cers were elected and installed. The Vernonia Chamber of Com St. Helens Sunday to draw up a Fire Saturday night damaged .750. During the depression the chap merce is beginning today a mem football schedule for next fall. the house occupied by Mr. and ter has been dormant, regular bership drive, with 100 members The Lineup: Representing Vernonia were Wal- meeting having been discontinued Mrs. Joe Magoff on O.-A. hill, as the goal. The organization, Vernonia (22) St. Helens (18) iace McCrae and Paul Gordon. burning tihe roof off, ruining i I under the leadership of Ivan N. Cndit (6) F (2) Mason ge(j that each team about four years ago. It was arran arranged Officers elected were J. E. the wall board with water and' McCollom, newly elected presi Storey (10) F (8) Tupper piay three inter-county games. damaging the floor. The loss Tapp, high priest; A. L. Kullan- dent, is planning a program of Adams (5) C Hamilton Vernonia will play Hillsboro here, amounts to $700 or $800. community service that promises Meeker (li ti) Lampa! ¡St. Marys here and Beaverton der, king; T. M. Crawford, scribe; G The two year old daughter of a number of benefits to Verno Schalock G McLinn there, besides the county teams. Elmil F. Messing, secretary; Albert Childs, treasurer and master of i Mr. and Mrs. Magoff was alone nia and the upper Nehalem val Sub. for St. Helens, Shaldey (2) first veil; E. M. Bollinger, cap in the house, asleep in bed when ley during 1937. LOEL ROBERTS STARTS St. Mary* Come* Tuesday tain of host; Ira Mann, principal •the fire broke out. She was res- DUTIES AS RECORDER sojourner; 1 Robert Berg? Royal cued b? M- A- McNutt, who lives Cmmunity Chorus A battle royal is expected next Arch captain; J. W. Brown, tiler next door. Mr. McNutt noticed Tuesday on the local floor when Loel Roberts, new city recor- and master of third veil; K. A. the fire and rushed in to get the To Be Organized the Loggers meet St. Mary’s, a der, began his duties Monday - -n— baby, finding her still bed and team that had the distinction of , morning upon receipt of his McNeill, master of second veil. Prof. J. A. Finley, for 35 years apparently choking with the Meetings are held the second defeating Tigard on the same I bond. He will have charge of a teacher of voice and conductor Tuesday in each month, the same smoke. night that Vernonia won over ’ 'water water collections as well as the as previously. The fire was of mysterious or of an oratorio in Portland for still the league leaders, had been recorder’s books, and will main igin, apparently starting in a 16 years, is to organize' a com tied with a record of no games tain his office in the city hall. William D. Horsham, who re clothes closet not near any stove munity chorus in Vernonia, for lost. which there will be no charge. C. F. Hieber, who served as signed last week as teacher in the or pipe, and without wiring. The game scheduled with Scap deputy recorder during the ill Washington grade school, will be The fire was fought by a crew Prof, Finley’s coming has been poose tonight has been cancelled ness of B. F. Rogers, will handle instructor in bookkeeping and from the mill. The city chemical made possible by outside assis- because of the closing of the | the insurance and check exchange English in the Oregon Institute J truck went to the scene and tance. His initial appearance high schol there due to the flu business of Roberts and Hieber of Technology, Portland, begin-,stood by to be of service if here will be at the Christian epidemic. in the bank building. ning Feb. 1. .wanted. I church February 11. Coaches Discuss Fall Football ♦ Ambulance to be Kept until New Service Assured FRIDAY, Baby Is Rescued ‘ "etL As House Burns