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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1937)
page six VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1937 may be introduced into the legis- ectors, Wm. Pringle, R. M. Aid- His Itinerary ature raising the salaries of the rich, Emil Messing, H. E. Me : Columbia county judge and pos Graw and A. L. Kullander. A I sibly some of the other officers, permanent office will be main-1 Entered as second class matter It should be done, particularly in i tained ' ’ with a stenographer to I August 4, 1922, at the post office case of the judge, the lowest paid I put in full time there. R. M. I at Vernonia, Oregon, under the and yet perhaps the hardest wor Aldrich is president. act of March 3, 1879. tXLVUStOU XXX ked of them all. «.ATES V The Vernonia American Legion Judge Wilkerson, who in the oints worst of times in Vernonia com Auxiliary formally received its "S 1 90 daM manded a salary of $2,000 (if charter Monday night in a big limit memory serves correctly) when he meeting in the Brown building. croP-OV XXX was high school principal and in Municipal ” officers were all good times was getting aroundI I reappointed Monday night as fol RAY D. FISHER, $3,000, carried over into the of- 1 Editor and Publisher lows: W. J. Kelly, marshal; D. fice the same cultural back i B. Reasoner, recorder; Lester ground, unimpeachable integrity . , , - , - Sheeley, city attorney ; M. L. ELECTING A RECORDER and fine sense of justice that he Gajnes water superintendent> Suggestion was made at the exhibited here, yet receives only Mrs BaH Waehburn> water col. council meeting Wednesday night $1200 a year. The day when lector. that an amendment to the city even the unskilled laborers havei XXX charter be submitted to the vo to work 10 hours a day at 40; c. O. Thomas presented his ters providing for election of cents an hour in camp or mill wife with a new Buick roadster the city recorder. This news is fortunately gone, yet Judge as a Christmas present. . The car paper is in accord with the ma Wilkerson, with his high degree arrived last week, jority of the council that fur of education, is perhaps lucky if J daughter Jay spent Sunday even lander. Hartman of the ther delay in the naming of a he averages that much. Such a ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. engineering corps on the Wolf recorder would have been de situation is unjust and should be W. Koberstein. Creek highway was also a visitor trimental to the city’s interests, corrected. at the Kullander home. John Laramore, Miss Erlene but is does believe that an Jenkins and Miss Bobby Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Taylor amendment to effect the THE ENDING OF i I were Goble visitors Sunday. or Portland are visiting at the change should be drawn up for LABOR DISPUTES I ------ — home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. consideration at the annual bud | Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Smith of * A bill is reported to be get election next fall. under Vernonia visited at the home of Currie. consideration in congress provid- Mr. and Mrs. John Martin Sun- The present method of selec- Mrs. H. G. Sandon is substitu tion, whereby the mayor names ing for arbitration for 30 days day. ting at the Washington school Mrs. R. Hall spent Thursday »he recorder and the council in case of labor disputes, work this week for William Horsham, O. W. Seaman, state highway to continue as before, then, if with her sister, Mrs. D. Bays, confirms the appointment has not worked altogether happily in no agreement is reached, govern- who lives near Vernonia. engineer at Eugene, was a house who is ill in Portland with in Vernonia. Very excellent and ment operation until a final set-} Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller guest over the week end at the fluenza. Such a of Vernonia were visitors of Mr. capable recorders have indeed tlement is attained. home of his sister and brother- R. A. Simmons, chief engineer filled the office but the polities method appears to offer a reas- and Mrs. Dick Lynch. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kul- at the mill, is ill with the flu. onable solution of the difficulties! Mrs. Joe Lodle, daughter of involved have repeatedly led to friction. Election by the people now attending strikes. As long Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rainey, left as the strike is the only method for her home in Houston, Texas would be a remedy. of obtaining justice to the work- Sunday. A few years ago such an ers everybody loses - the owners, Mrs. John Martin is recovering amendment was voted upon. Un- the laborers and their families,! fortunately though it included from a serious case of throat and the public. Justice without OF FOREST GROVE, OREGON election of marshal, also, a pro trouble. such tremendous costs should be Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jacobs and cedure to which there are ser the object of the government. Enlist a Bank as Your Ally in ' family spent Sunday at the home ious objections and many voters Protecting your funds who probably would have favor ' of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hall. ed election of the recorder , Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anderson Banking By Mail Accounts Wel- ' and Mr. and Mrs. Chet Anderson voted against the amendment be corned. cause it went too far, Another j of Glenwood visited the C. Checking— Savings— and Time attempt, leaving the marshal to , Anderson home Sunday. Deposit Accounts be chosen as at present, is John D. Baker, and | Pearl Holcomb were married at worth while. It is time to be Deposita Insured thinking it over. Vernonia Eagle, Jan. 20, 1927 nine °’clock Sunday morning in Directors: the Christian church. THE SALARY Lester Sheeley will be paid I A quilting party was held at M. R. Johnson, Pres. Geo. G. Paterson, Vice 1 Pres. secretary of the reorganized the home of Mrs. L. Huntley OF COUNTY JUDGE E. H. Johnson, Cashier W. B. Coon chamber of commerce, according Monday. C. L. Wagner There is prospect that a bill to decision of the board of dir- Mr. and Mrs. Mike Willard and Vernonia Eagle \ P lliverview The First National Bank C. BRUCE Lumber & Shingles Wholesale and Retail See my bargains in Kiln Dried lumber at $6.00 per M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to Noon. Portland-Banks Stage Line The Independent Line Stages leave the Vernonia Hotel daily at 7:55 a. m., 1:25 p. m. and 5:25 p. m. for Portland via Banks. Stages leave the Cen tral Stage depot, Park and Taylor Sts., Portland, for Vernonia daily at 8 a. m.. 1 p. m. and 5 p. m. SPECIAL, leaves Vernonia Fridays only, 6:30 p. m. Leaves Portland Sundays and holidays only, 8 p. m. Call service between Vernonia and Keasey FARE: $130 one way $2.10 round trip