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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1937)
FRIDAY, 1937 JANUARY 15, PROGRAM FOR SOILS MEETING ANNOUNCED —o— (Continued from page 1) The extensive nature of the discusions are clearly indicated in the following detailed pro gram. Thursday, January 21 10:00 A. M. Opening remarks by Geo. A. Nelson, County Agent. 10:10 A. M. The Columbia LODGES Order of Eastern Star 4 VERNONIA EAGLE, county soil survey report - its meaning and use, by R. E. Stephenson, Associate Professor of Soils, Oregon Agricultural Col lege. 11:00 A. M. Soil management practices for different soil types, Dr. W. L. Powers, Social Scien tist, O. A. C. 12:00 Noon luncheon at Metho dist church, Dutch Treat. 1:15 P. M. Te agricultural con servation program and its rela tion to permanent agriculture, by Wm. L. Teutsch, Assistant Coun ty Agent Leader, 0. A. C. 2:00 P. M. Conservation of soil fertility, by Professor Stepren- son. A. Fertility removed by com mon crops. B. Fertility removed by leaching and erosion. C. Organic matter. 3:00 P. M. Lime and commercial fertilizers, by Dr. W. L. Powers. Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu nication first tnd third Wed nesdays of each month, at Ma Friday, January 22 sonic Temple. All visiting sis j 10:00 A. M. Illustrated lecture on ters and broth I the general soil erosion problem, ers welcome. by Ivan De Armond, Soil Con Mrs. L. H. Dewey, W. M. servation Service. Leona McGraw, Sec. 10:15 A. M. Control of soil er osion, by Arthur King, Exten A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 sion Soils Specialist, Oregon Agri- A. F. & A. M. meet:- I cultural College. at Masonic ' Temple, 11:30 A. M. Erosion demonstra Stated Communication tion and exhibits, by Mr. King First Thursday of each and Mr. De Armond. month. Special called meetings on all other Thurs 12:00 A. M. Noon luncheon at day nights, 7:30 p. m. Visitors most cordially welcome. George Plumb, W. M. Glenn F. Hawkins, Sec. VERNONIA, OREGON Methodist church, Dutch Treat. 1:15 P. M. Expanding our agri cultural area through irrigation, by Mr. King. 2:15 P. M. A permanent land use policy, by A, S. Burner, Pro lessor of Farm Management, O. A. C. 3:00 P. M. A program for the utilization of the soils of Col- umbia County, by Geo. A. Nelson. A notorious biru bandit is the skua, a large robber gull which lives by cunning. Found on our northern seas, observes a writer in Tit-Bits Magazine, and nesting on Scotland's wild moors and the adjacent is lands, it will not take the trouble to search for food. It prefers to follow a flock of gulls, and when one secures a beakful of food or snaps up a fish, the skua gives chase and worries the smaller bird until it drops its prey. Then the robber pounces to enjoy a stolen meal. In the world of plants we find many species which live upon their neighbors. The mistletoe is a para site upon trees, such as the apple and poplar; the ivy climbs up forest trees, driving its roots into the bark and obtaining sustenance. But one of the most interesting is the dodder. This plant is little known, al though it is found in abundance in many parts, particularly on heaths and moors. On furze commons we sometimes see a bush which has the appearance of being partly cov ered with a mass of fine crimson twine. If ■ ok clo'ely we see that at into along the twine there are little bunches of what at first appear to be bundles of small knots, but they are clusters of diminutive flowers. Botanists maintain that in the dis- tant past the dodder fought for its living, but as ages passed it became more and more dependent upon others, and at last joined the ranks of shiftless plants that live entirely upon the hosts on which they settle. _____________ Johann Ludwig Leichner Father of Grease Paint As the father of grease paint, Johann Ludwig Leichner merits the gratitude of every actor and actress born in the last hundred years. Pre viously, relates a writer in the Philadelphia Inquirer, dry powder was the popular stage make-up, but under the strc >f volatile emo VERNONIA POST AMERICAN LEGION | I tions, this won?.! make a sorry, gar ish patchwork of the most chastely decorated features. Imagine, then, the actress' joy at getting from Leichner a scientific grease paint that not only kept her face cool, but was proof against the most tearful cataract. From earliest times, women have painted their features. Kohl, a powdered antimony, served to bring luster to the eyelashes of Egyptian sirens at Cleopatra's court; many also used henna to improve their hair. Characteristically. Roman matrons copied these allurements, adding one of their own—bleaching the hair. Tudor actresses kept their secret» in a well-equipped make-up box, called the "sweet coffer.” Later came the Puritans, castigating this magic and seeking to punish as witches all women convicted of using artificial aids to heautv. USED CAR BARGAINS ! 1934 1934 1934 1930 1929 Master Chev. Coach Master Chev. Coupe Chev. Pickup Nash Sport Sedan Nash Sedan $485.00 $465.00 $425.00 $295.00 $185.00 Guaranteed O. K., with a guarantee that really counts. See the New 1937 15 All Metal Tube 1 PAGE THREE Vernonia Auto Co. "The House of Honor, Economy and Friendship” CHEVROLET AUTOMOBILES GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIO Meets Second and Fourth Mondays AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays LEGION HALL Now - On - Display I Business Directory E. Z. Terms may be arranged A. FEDERICI We repair all makes of Radios Washers - Cleaners and Expert Shoe Repairing All Work Guaranteed 868 Bridge St. Refrigerators Roland L. Treharne THEATRE Expert Automobile Repairing Sunday - Monday Smartest Girl in Town Tues. and Wed. Double Feature WHEELER W. A. Davis, Frank Hartwick Proprietors Portland- Timber- Vernonia- Mist- Birkenfeld- Jewell- Astoria Vernonia Telephone 1042 WELDING « 1 Nehalem Valley Motor Freight & Everything for the home on ROLAND’S SERVICE STATION Easy Terms at Portland Prices PATERSON’S FURNITURE STORE CASON’S TRANSFER WOOLSEY SEE US For your old-growth 16-INCH FIR WOOD AND CEDAR SHINGLES Murder with Pictures The Forest Grove Theodora Goes Wild NATIONAL BANK COMING Libeled Lady invites you to Bank by mail if inconvenient to come in person Born to Dance J. A. Thornburgh, President. The Great Zeigfield •THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK” VERNONIA SERVICE STATION LOCAL AND LONG DIS- TANCE HAULING Mummy’s Boys Thursday - Friday - Saturday Willard Batteries GENERAL MOBILGAS Oils . . Expert Greasing R. R. HANKINS Collections and Adjustments Credit Reporting Service Office with Loel Roberts Bank Building Vernonia Plumbing Shop Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work | Fred Hansen, Prop. Phone 392 BAFFORD BROS. General Plumbing Vernonia THE GOLDEN RULE BARBER SHOP N. S. SODEN, PROP. Carpenter Small Jobs a Speciality By Contract W. D. BREWER Phone 1191 856 Rose Ava. I