Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 15, 1937, Image 2

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Officials Inspect New Air Giant
W. A. Patterson (right), president of United Air Lines, and D. B.
Colyer, vice president, inspect one of the company’s new $3,000,000 fleet
of 28 new 21-passenger type Douglas transports which are being placed
in faster service on the New York-Chicago-California airway. Rated as
the most powerful passenger landplanes in the country, the new ships
are capable of flying 1,500 miles without refueling.
New Queen Reveals Democratic Personality
Illustrating the democratic qualities that made her popular as the Duchess of York is the above photo­
graph of Queen Elizabeth of England. Instead of the formal bow, she rushed forward to give an impulsive
handshake to the official who greeted her at a London function. Behind her are her children.
Kelley of Yale Receives “Most Valuable Award”
McNutt Is Decorated by French
Paul V. McNutt (left), retiring as governor of Indiana, is pictured re­
With members of his family as proud witnesses, Yale university’s grid star, Larry Kelley, was presented ceiving the decoration of a commander of the Legion of Honor from
with the John W. Heisman trophy, symbolical of the designation “best all-around player of the 1936 football M. Andre de Laboulaye, French ambassador of the United States in
season.” (Left to right) Lawrence W. Kelley, father; Larry Kelley; Walter Conwell, president of the Down­ Washington recently. Mr. McNutt is a former national commander of
the American Legion.
town A. C., who made the presentation; Mrs. L. W. Kelley, mother, and Virginia Kelley, sister.
Is First Alumna
to Be Elected
to Ruling Board
“C. I. O.” Elects Council Members
Members of the eouncil who were elected by employee representa­
tives from 42 steel plants between Cleveland and the Atlantic coast at
a recent meeting in Pittsburgh. Left to right: Elmer Maloy, president;
Phillip Murray, speaker; Thomas Kane, assistant secretary; and William
Garrity, vice president.
Ambrose Swasey of Cleveland, in­
ventor and recipient of every ma­
jor honor the engineering profession
can award, who recently celebrated
his ninetieth birthday.
Mrs. John Appleton Clark, twenty-
four years old. of New York city,
who was recently elected a mem­
ber of the board of trustees
Lawrence college. She is a mem­
ber of the class of 1932 and the first
of the college’s alumnae to be
elected to the governing board. Mrs.
Clark is also believed to be the
youngest member of a college gov­
erning board in the country. Mrs.
Clark was active in campus affairs
as an undergraduate of Sarah Law­
rence college and for the past five
years has taken a prominent part in
the alumni affairs 01 the institution.
Most of her fellow board members
are graduates of long standing.
An Italian Belief
Consideration for Others
Rattling the keys in the pocket is ;
Two main features of gentility are
propriety and consideration for supposed, in Italy, to keep off the i
"Evil Eye.”