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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1937)
VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA. OREGON Crochet Tot Snug and Warm Three-Piece Set Pattern 1097 Miss Five-to-Twelve will be snug, warm and proud in a hand-crocheted cap, scarf, and muff-set of plain crochet, with picot-stitch trim. Pattern 1097 contains directions for making the set in 5 through 12 year size (all given in one pattern); il lustrations of it and of all stitches used; material require ments. Send 15 cents in stamps or coins (coins preferred) for this pattern to The Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept., 82 Eighth Ave., New York, N. Y. Write plainly your name, ad dress and pattern number. Keep your body free of accumulat ed waste, take Dr. Pierce’s Pleas ant Pellets. 60 Pellets 30 cents. Adv. Distributing Words A word to the wise is sufficient; a word to the sensitive and you make an enemy for life. only LUDEN'S MENTHOL COUGH DROPS will do these 3 things... and ail for . . . 5/ Q Clear your bead Q Soothe your throat © Help build up your ALKALINE RESERVE WHEN A COLD STRIKES! Need We Worry? When “the atom is harnessed,” 1 that will upset the whole power business again. Never Say "Die” Poultry Persons who never say “die” can find 380 other ways of getting the idea across in the American language, says an article in Amer ican Speech, a Columbia Univer sity linguistic quarterly. Dr. Louise Pond, of the Univer DAMP HOUSES ARE sity of Nebraska, author of the DISEASE BREEDERS article, says preachers employ the euphemisms more than others. Listed as favorites are the follow ing: “Released from the burden Poultry Contracts Colds, of the weary world,” “the lamp Other Disorders. of life flickered out,” “his clock has run down,” “joined the great By H. H. Alp, Extension Poultryman, University of Illinois.—WNU Service. majority,” “bit the dust” which Just as humans have more colds was written by Homer; “gave up the ghost,” which was written by and pneumonia during periods of Shakespeare, and “launched into damp weather, so damp poultry houses during winter months favor eternity.” the development of roup, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases of chickens which affect the efficiency of poultry production. One of the most common causes of dampness in poultry houses is wet litter. Wet litter is in turn caused by too many birds in the house, floor mixture and leaky roofs. Birds are overcrowded in houses Try This Remarkable having less than four square feet “Phillips” Way of floor space to each fowl. Unless Thousands are Adopting a poultry house is equipped with mechanical ventilation, and few of them are, crowded pens will soon become damp. Cement floors which have no sub tle or of gravel, crushed stone or similar material will usually sweat sufficiently to make wet litter a problem. In some houses spillage from water pails and poor surface drainage are factors along with leaky roofs. In addition to these causes the poultry flock itself voids and ex hales enough moisture to be a fac On every side today people are being tor in the problem. If dropping urged to alkalize their stomach. And boards are left uncleaned for thus ease symptoms of “acid indiges two weeks, experiments have shown tion,” nausea and stomach upsets. that for each 100 birds there would To gain quick alkalization, just do be approximately three to four bar this: Take two teaspoons of PHIL rels of water left in the house during LIPS’ MILK OF MAGNESIA 30 this period. minutes after eating. OR — take two While it is impossible to keep Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia Tablets, poultry houses absolutely dry, flock which have the same antacid effect. Relief comes almost at once — owners can help by cleaning off the usually in a few minutes. Nausea, dropping boards at least every other “gas” — fullness after eating and day. Frequent changing of the litter “acid indigestion” pains leave. You is another chore generally justified feel like a new person. by the results obtained in more Try this way. You’ll be surprised efficient production. at results. Get either the liquid “Phil Keeping windows open to provide lips” or the remarkable, neu> Phillips’ fresh air aids in keeping down damp Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Delightful ness, and artificial heat is needed to take and easy to carry with you. in many instances. Many poultry Only 25¿ a box at all drug stores. men have found that heat from brooder stoves has helped in houses ALSO IN TABLET FORM: where colds and roup have been Each tiny tablet b troublesome. the equivalent of a If You’re Told to “Alkalize” u-aapoonful of gen- uine Phillipa' Milk of Mag- nesia. Good Management Brings More Eggs, Expert Says P hillips * milk or MAGNESIA A FARM ER BOY NE of the best known O medical men in the U. S. was the late Dr. R. SHE TOLD HIM WHAT TO DOJ THANKS TO CLEVER WIFE.. TTE wasn’t himself. Had too many restless tl nights, too many tired days. Seemed to lose his ambition. But hut clever wife was too smart to let this go on. She insisted that he try Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) and he found out what a surprising difference it made t o use a laxative of entirely vegetable origin. He didn t mind taking NRs at all, they were so gentle, and non habit forming. They simply made him feel like a new man Get krtTONICHT a 25c box at Pty tomorrow alihcht any drugstore today. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT REMEDIES Rheumatism—Arthritis—Neuritis Lumbago Muscular Aches & Pains ■Ell.MANN'S FORMULA NO. M Bold for 25 years. $2 bottle—3 for S5. Prepaid. Guaranteed. Write for booklet. ■ FIT M ANN’* NAT I. IHSTRIBl TORR 4074 Ss. Nurmandis. Angeles. Cwllf. V. Pierce of Buffalo. N. Y.. who was born on a farm in Pa. Dr. Pierce’a Favorite Prescription has for nearly 70 years been helping women who have headache and backache as sociated with functional disturbances, and older women who experi ence heat flashes. By increasing the appetite this tonic helps to upbuild the body. Buy of your druggist. New size, tabs., 50c, liquid fl. "Quotations" ----- V------ The whole recret of life ii lo be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well.— Hindi IT alpole. Do not cast your heart before the world; the world ia an ill-trained dog which does not retrieve.— Victor Cherbuliez. The thing that impresaea me ia the reverence that Americans show for great men and great deeds.— Emil Luduig. No other factor in the intellectual life of Americana ia more important than the colleges for women.— Owen D, Young. I am certain tire world crisis will soon pass, owing to the general favor able reaction.— David Lloyd George. During the winter hens cannot keep up a high egg production un less they are properly managed, according to C. F. Parrish, exten sion poultryman at North Carolina State college. Feeding, he points out, is perhaps the most important item. No hen can be expected to do her best unless fed the proper grains, mashes, and green feeds. Then the poultryman must pay strict attention to the housing prob lem. Poorly constructed and drafty houses are not conducive to high egg production. The houses must be comfortable or the birds will suf fer and a consequent decline in the number of eggs will be noted. Inferior birds should be culled from the flock. These poor produc ers, if allowed to remain, will bring the average of the flock down sharply. Poultry Notes In Michigan eggs are sold by the pound. • • • Gather eggs daily; market at least twice a week. • • • It is a severe drain on a bird to go through the molt. « • • Hens that grow broody often are likely candidates for culling. • • • Pullets need to be graded and put into different pens according to their maturity. Bunyan Created Lakes Ambition of Man Elk and Torch lakes, the beau tiful finger lakes that stretch par allel for miles along the shore of Lake Michigan near Elk Rapids, date back to the days of Paul Bunyan, according to the old lum berjacks. Lake Michigan, they say, was scooped out by the mighty Paul, to be used as a log pond. Instead of skidding the logs into a stream and floating them down to his pond Paul would hitch onto a section of land and drag it over to the lake, log off the timber, and then haul the section back. One day Paul hooked onto a particularly heavy timbered sec tion near the Boardman and started Babe, the blue ox, out to haul it over to the lake. There had been a heavy rain, the ground was greasy, and Babe’s feet slipped. Torch and Elk lakes remain, an eternal testimonial to the blue ox and the time his feet slipped.— Detroit Free Press. At four—to wear pants. At eight — to miss Sunday School. At twelve—to be President. At eighteen — to have mono grammed cigarettes. At twenty—to take a show girl out to dinner. At twenty-five — to have the price of a dinner. At thirty-five—to eat dinner. At fifty-five—to digest dinner.— Excelsior Springs Standard. Queen to Beggar No more striking misfortune than that of Nathalie Keschko has befallen a woman of modern times. From 1875 to 1888 she was the Queen of Serbia — famous, wealthy and beloved by her sub jects. In 1931 she was a common beggar in the back streets of Paris — homeless, penniless and without a friend in the world.— Collier’s Weekly. Here's Simple Way to Ease a Cold Two Quick-Acting, Quick-Dissolving Bayer Aspirin Tablets with a Glass of Water The modern way to ease a cold is this: Two Bayer Aspirin tablets the moment you feel a cold coming on. Then repeat, if necessary, according to instructions in the box. At the same time, if you have a sore throat, crush and dissolve three BAYER tablets in one-third glass of water. And gargle with this mixture twice. The Bayer Aspirin you take in ternally will act to combat fever and the pains which usually ac company colds. The gargle will act as a medicinal gargle to provide al most instant relief from rawness and pain. It is really marvelous; for it acts like a local anesthetic on the irritated membrane of your throat. 1 1 Try this way. Your doctor, we know, will endorse it. For it is a quick, effective means of combating a cold. Ask for Bayer Aspirin by the full name at your druggist’s — not for “aspirin” alone. 1UV FOR A DOZEN 2 FULL DOZEN FOR 25C VIRTUALLY 1C A TABLET —1. JADVERTISED BARGAINS (XUR readers should always remember that our community merchants cannot Eifford to adver tise a bargain unless it is a real bargain. They do advertise bargains and such advertising means money saving to the people of the community.