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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1937)
FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1936 VERNONIA EAGLE, PAGE THREE VERNONIA, OREGON T [ LODGES Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu nication first ind third Wed nesdays of each month, at Ma sonic Tempi«. All visiting sis ters and broth ers welcome. Mrs. L. H. Dewey, W. M. Leona McGraw, Sec. A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at ] Masonic Temple, Communication Stated I First Thursday of each month. Special called meetings on all other Thurs day nights, 7:30 p. m. Visitor» most cordially welcome. George Plumb, W. M. Glenn F. Hawkins, Sec. Tomlin, Roberta Sword, Betty I president, who is ill, Mrs. Kullan- Olson, Shirley Parker, Ruth By I ¿er, first vice president, presided. ers, Joyce Wright, Margaret An A dance is being arranged for derson, Marianne Tomlin, Bever February and a rummage sale ly Wridge, Joyce Knight, Phy will be held in the near future. llis Berger and Miss Grace Con- Mrs. H. E. McGraw is chairman dit, the guardian. for the rummage sale and she is asking the cooperation of all livingstones ’ hold members in support of the pro “OPEN HOUSE” ject. At the next meeting of the An enjoyable occasion of New group an initiation will be held Year’s day was Rev. and Mrs. W. for new members. Several dis O. Livingstone’s “Open House” at trict officers are expected to the Christian church parsonage. attend. From ten o’clock in the morn Following routine business a ing till nine at night a constant social hour was held. Mrs. Phil stream of callers stopped for in formal visiting. Coffee, tea and Peterson and Mrs. J. L. Timmons served refreshments. Mrs. Tim little cakes were served. mons was awarded a prize at the conclusion of the meeting. LEGION AUXILIARY ______ *______ MRS. SALOMONSEN IS <)- ■ Vernonia Unit No. 119 of the CLUB PRESIDENT PLANS ACTIVITIES American Legion Auxiliary plan ned several activities for the coming weeks when they met in regular session Tuesday even ing in the Legion hall. In the I absence of Mrs. E. S. Thompson, Mrs. Ed Salomonsen was elec ted president of Mountain Heart Rebekah social club at a meeting i held at the home of Mrs. Robert Spencer Tuesday. Mrs. Bessie USED CAR BARGAINS ! VERNONIA POST 119 AMERICAN LEGION Meets Second and Fourth Monday* 1934 1934 1934 1930 1929 AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays LEGION HALL Master Chev. Coach Master Chev. Coupe Chev. Pickup Nash Sport Sedan Nash Sedan $485.00 $465.00 $425.00 $295.00 $185.00 Guaranteed O. K., with a guarantee that really counts. CAMPFIRE GROUP HOLDS CHRISTMAS PARTY The younger group of Camo fire Girls held a Christmas party in the Washington grade school Tuesday night, Dec. 22. Names had been drawn at a previous meeting and presents were given out. Refreshments of cake, jello, candy, punch and oranges were served. Those present were Erma Ko- berstein, Joy Willard, Kathleen JOY Sunday - Monday Bobby Breene in Rainbow on the River Tues, and Wed. Double Feature MRS. GORDON,, MRS. McCOLLOM ENTERTAIN Mrs. Paul Gordon and Mrs. Ivan N. McCollom entertained at the latter’s home Wednesday evening for the lady teachers and wives of teachers in the Verno- nia schools, who complimented Mrs. Enoch Dumas with a " ——=s shower of gifts for baby John Charles. Games furnished the evening’s entertainment. Additional guests were Mrs. E. Sehorn and Mary Ann Childs. --------- MRS. ESTEY ENTERTAINS DEBORAH CIRCLE —o— Mrs. E. R. Estey entertained members of the Deborah circle at her home Tuesday afternoon for business and a social hour. Mrs. E. A. Matthews was a vis itor. In the obituary of Victoria Braun publishel last week the name of Fred Braun of Verno- I nia, a son, was omitted. There were nine grandsons and two grand daughters. XHXHXHXHZHXHXHZHZHXHXHZH3 ■ Range Special * Enameled Trimmed GREEN and IVORY h x H x H One Only ... Cash Price x I $29.95 S X H X SOME TERMS x SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT Vernonia Auto Co. “The House of Honor, Economy and Friendship” Business Directory CHEVROLET AUTOMOBILES A. FEDERICI Oregon Motor Stages 5:25 12:55 4:51 7:42 10:30 3:30 6:15 9:30 2:30 5:15 7:55 Lv Vernonia Ar 11:57 9:30 Forest Grove 7:00 2:30 7:53 3:23 10:23 Ar Portland Lr Expert Shoe Repairing All Work Guaranteed 868 Bridge St. Roland L. Treharne Expert Automobile Repairing Nehalem Valley Motor Freight W. A. Davis, Frank Hartwick Proprietors Portland- Timber. Vernonia- Mist- Birkenfeld- Jewell- Astoria Vernonia Telephone 1042 WELDING ROLAND’S SERVICE STATION Willard Batteries general mobilgas FARE: $2.10 round trip, $1.30 one CASON’S TRANSFER The usual “On Call’ service will continue between Vernonia and Camp 8. Expert Greasing Oil» way VERNONIA SERVICE STATION LOCAL AND LONG DIS TANCE HAULING SEE US For your old-growth BAFFORD BROS. 3 Married Men 16-INCH FIR WOOD AND CEDAR SHINGLES General Plumbing • Big Broadcast of 1937 Little Sweet Pea — Popeye Cartoons COMING The Great Zeigfield Born to Dance After the Thin Man H X HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXk GRAND JURY Thursday - Friday - Saturday H 5 x S Hoffman Hardware Co. Ï Leave from Bush’s Cafe THEATRE Spofford was elected vice presi dent, Mrs. Clyde McDonald, ser- retary; and Mrs. Spencer, treas urer. Those attending included Mrs. E. A. McDonald, Mrs. Ed Salom onsen, Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. George Baslington, Mrs. Bessie Spofford, Mrs. Al Webb, Mrs. C. C. Brown, Mrs. Sam Hearing. Mrs. Cl; de McDonald and Mrs. H. G. Sandon. The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK invites you to Bank hy mail if R. R. HANKINS Collections and Adjustments Credit Reporting Service Office with Loel Roberts Bank Building Vernonia THE GOLDEN RULE BARBER SHOP N. S. SODEN, PROP. inconvenient to come in person. J. A. Thornburgh, President. ‘THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK” Vernonia Plumbing Shop Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work Fred Hansen, Prop. Phone 392 Carpenter Small Jobs a Speciality By Contract w. D. BREWER Phone 1191 856 Rose Ave.