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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1937)
VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA. OREGON In Nature's Refrigerator Thousands of years ago, re treating northward with the ice, the mammoths of Europe and Asia made a last stand in Siberia. Countless numbers bogged down in the soft, icy marshes, were frozen in the unthawing soil. They are occasionally discovered now, perfectly preserved for more than 10,000 years in nature’s refriger ator; the hide, hair, flesh, even the remains of undigested meals « in their stomachs; bunches of moss, grass, sedges and wild thyme unchewed in their mouths. Siberian farmers cut off chunks of the red flesh to feed their dogs. —Literary Digest. The Mark “Sterling”— Found Wanting “But, Alfred, why don’t you like girls?” “They’re too darn biased.” “Biased?” we repeated, not quite understanding. “Yes, biased, I mean. Bias this and bias that, until I’m flat broke.” Meet the Family The schoolmaster wrote on the back of a boy’s monthly report: “A good worker, but talks too much.” The father signed the re port and then wrote under the Secret of Living remark of the schoolmaster: “You The whole secret of living is to should meet his mother.” make adaptations as they are nec essary. Let none of us try to in Reversed Charges sist that nothing should ever be This is the age when a husband changed.—Jane Addams. kisses his wife’s neck and says: “Why, dearie, you haven't shaved this morning!” Fascinating History of the Term and Its Meaning Wherever Applied UhÀ/vikó about ANTA MONICA, CALIF.— Out here the new Authors’ S club is functioning nicely and abourids in surprises. For in stance, at one of our lunch eons, the following types were observed: An Armenian, he being the only Armenian I ever met that didn't try to sell me a rug. A visitor from Aberdeen who not only bought for him self but wanted to buy copiously for others. A native writer who declined to talk abouf his own Prove It works. Nurse—Good morning, I'm the A British writer in new nurse. the same admirable Grouchy Patient — Are you a fix. trained nurse? A radio comedian Nurse — Why, of course. who did not discuss Patient—Then let's see you do Irvin Cobb. nationally im some tricks. portant feud with some other radio comedian—prob ably saving that stuff for his regular broadcasts. If muscles in your legs, arms, chest, A house committee chairman who back or shoulders feel stiff and sore, get a bottle of Hamlins Wizard Oil and get No matter how many medicines neither bragged nor apologized. If we can only maintain this av quick relief. Rub it on—rub it in. you have tried for your cough, chest Warms—soothes—gives wonderful com cold or bronchial Irritation, you can erage, the Authors’ club will be fort. Will not stain. At all druggists. get relief now with Creomulslon. come the most unusual organization Serious trouble may be brewing and on earth. you cannot afford to take a chance HAMLINS with anything less than Creomul- sion, which goes right to the seat “Made in Japan.” WIZARD OIL of the trouble to aid nature to HIGHLY patriotic function there For MUSCULAR ACHES .md PAINS soothe and heal the Inflamed mem Due to RHEUMATISM -NEURALGIA was a tiny American flag at branes as the germ-laden phlegm LUMBAGO—CHEST COLDS each place, and on mine I found, in is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have very small print, “Made in Japan.” failed, don’t be discouraged, your And it is officially stated that at Living Our Careers druggist is authorized to guarantee least three out of four of the totem Speaking of careers, life is a ca Creomulslon and to refund your poles sold to tourists in Alaska money if you are not satisfied with reer. Study every step. results from the very first bottle. as authentic relics of the aborigines Get Creomulslon right now. (Adv.) come also from the orient. MU5CLE5 FELT STIFF AND SORE Got Quick From Pain Still Coughing? A CHECK THAT COUGH BEFORE IT GETS WORSE Collegiate Cosmeticians. HE students' newspaper of the University of Wisconsin has made a scientific stud, of the subject and announces that the average coed (female type) uses enough lipstick Check it before it gets you down. Cheek it before others, maybe the children, catch it. in one year to paint four barns. That Check it with FOLEY'8 HONEY A TAR. HERE are certain things a sounds like an exaggeration, or may This double-acting compound gives quick relief woman has to put up with and and speeds recovery. 8oothee raw, irritated be mouths are running longer and be a good sport. tissues; quickly allays tickling, hacking. Spoon- Men, because they are men. can barns are running smaller. But the f ul on retiring makes for a cou^h-free sleep No never understand a three-quarter habit-forming, stomach-upsetting drugs. Ideal barns do look better for being wife—a wife who is all love and for children, too. Don’t let that cough due to a painted. cold hang on! For quick relief and speeded kindness three weeks in a month • • • recovery insist on FOLEY’S HONEY de TAR. and a hell cat the rest of the time. No matter how your back aches Movie Family Parties. —no matter how loudly your ONTHS after a moving picture nerves scream—don't take it out studio has changed hands or on your husband. undergone an upheaval—such earth For three generations one woman has told another how to go “smil quakes being quite frequent — Nature can more quickly expel Infection when ing through’’ with Lydia E. Pink- the new bosses sometimes are still sided by internal medication of recognized merit ham's Vegetable Compound. It finding, tucked snugly away in the helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from payroll, relatives by blood or mar the functional disorders which riage of the ousted bosses. To you, HAVE RECOGNIZED MERIT women must endure in the three reader, a new production may be ordeals of life: 1. Turning from either an epic or a flop, but out girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap here it’s often just a pleasant family proaching "middle age." MORNING DISTRESS party, extending even unto the third Don't be a three-quarter wife, is due to acid, upset stomach. generation. take LYDIA E PINKHAM’S Milnesia wafers (the orig VEGETABLE COMPOUND and In other words, Hollywood has inal) quickly relieve acid Go "Smiling Through." added a new line to the old spiritual, stomach and give necessary as follows: elimination. Each wafer “Ali Gawd’s chillen got kinfolks!” equals 4 teaspoonfuls of milk { WNU—13___________________1—37 • • • of magnesia. 20c, 35c & 60c. I An Aniti-War Prescription F SENATOR HIRAM JOHNSON of California had never done any other statesmanlike thing—and he's done many a one during his long service in Washington—this country Be Sure They Properly would owe him a debt of gratitude Cleanse the Blood for that act which he put through \7OUR kidneys are constantly filter* congress providing that America I ing waste matter from the blood can lend no more moneys to any You can de stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in foreign government still in default their work—do not act as nature in. pend on the special for sums previously borrowed from tended—fail to remove impurities that sales the merchants of us. poison the system when retained. Can any sane man doubt that cer Then you may suffer nagging back our town announce in ache, dizziness, scanty or too frequent tain European powers, now heav the columns of this urination, getting up at night, puffiness ily in debt to us, would not be at paper. They mean under the eyes; feel nervous, misera one another’s throats if they were money saving to our ble—all upset. assured of financial backing by Un Don't delay? Use Doan's Pills, readers. It always pays cle Sam for their fighting. In other Doan's are especially for poorly func to patronize the mer words, they'd love to enjoy another tioning kidneys. They are recom chants who advertise. world war so long as they didn’t mended by grateful users the country They are not afraid over. Get them from any druggist have to pay for it But onca in of their merchandise awhile, even a born sucker takes the cure, provided there's a Hiram or their prices « « « Johnson to write the prescription. ARE YOU ONLY A T THREE-QUARTER WIFE? T* HE name sterling silver has A a fascinating history. The name originally was Easterling, but in the progress of time be came contracted to sterling. The Easterlings were a group of men who, in the Twelfth century, came to England from Camden in Eu rope, a place to the east of Eng land and from this geographical fact gained their name. The men formed a guild to uphold stand ards of excellence in their work, and to protect themselves from robbers and pirates. The high standards pertained al so to the coinage with which they paid those with whom they dealt. So unvarying was this mon ey, and of such pure silver, that it became a gauge of excellence for all silver. The proportion of pure silver to the alloy was enormous, being at the ratio of 925 silver to 75 copper in each 1,000 parts. This same ratio per tains even today in all sterling silver. So adamant is this ratio, that no deviation of it is permissible under the name sterling. Severe penalties are laid down by our federal statutes for infringements of this ruling. So when you see the word sterling on the silver you already have or on pieces you are buying, you know the articles are of the finest grade of silver. The silver may be marked 925 fine, or 925-1000, for all these markings indicate the same thing —sterling silver. The term solid silver is not synonymous with sterling silver since the proportions may not be 925 fine. Solid silver is a more flexible term permitting more al loy. The word plate, when applied to silver was once a guarantee of pure silver, but now the word is so associated with plated silver, that the name, silver plate, has lost its high standing. It is rec ognized in its true sense of ster ling, by a comparative few per sons, those only who know its rightful significance, and are versed in names of silversmiths, recognizing wares as true plate or as plated silver thereby. So absolute is the meaning of sterling as the highest grade pos sible in coinage or silverware, that the word has become synon ymous of worth and value wheth er applied to silver, material things or to character. © BeU Syndicate.—WNU Service. ONLY F ANIGHT 1 II I H, J LIGHT 11 H 1111 ///JI I l l i 1 > \v KEROSENE OR GASOLINE MODELS AIR-PRESSURK Alsnf/eLAMPS Protect your sight with this eye-saving Coleman light! Kerosene and Gasoline Pressure Mantle Lamps provide a high candlepower of live light... nearest like natural daylight • • . ki^d to your eyes. You can enjoy thi finest light for only V a night. No home can afford to be without a Coleman. Buy It from your local Coleman dealer. FREE Folder»— Send Postcard Nowl <nw THE COLEMAN LAMP AND STOVE CO. Dept. WU173, Wichita, Kan«.; Chicago. IlLj Philadelphia, Pa.j Los Angele«, Calif. Beyond the Straits The haven of rest is usually reached through the straits of hard work. DON’T RUB YOUR EYES Rubbing your eyes grinds invisible particles of dust and dirt right into the delicate tissues, making the irritation just that much worse. A much better way, as thousands have discovered, is to use a little Murine in each eye—night and morning. Murine may be depended on to re lieve eye irritation because it is a reliable eye Ereparation containing 7 active ingredients of nown value in caring for the eyes. In use for 40 years. Ask for Munne at your drug store. T M FOR COLDS Salicon Tablets z~WATCH— Watch Your I Kidneys/ the Specials DOANS PILLS IRVIN 8. COBB. Coprrl.bL—WNU S wim . The pleasant and quick way to make coughs quit is a Smith Brothers Cough Drop. (Two kinds —Black or Menthol — 5^.) Smith Bros. Couoh Drops art the only drops containing VITAMIN A This is the vitamin shat raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and th"->-t to cold and cough infections.