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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1937)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA. OREGON day after publication of the order ....................... motorists everywhere in the state were wondering at long lines of lad by en trucks drawn up alongside the highways. JEAN NEWTON No Property Tax There Unique in the nation, the state has never levied a property tax. Its principal revenue for the gen- j eral fund is from fees for corpora tion charters, most of which are llllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll granted to firms doing their major IT MAY TAKE TWO TO KEEP nicest way, entirely for his own I business outside its boundaries. To PEACE, BUT ONE CAN sake, and I assure you were t<e supplement this income, there is DO A LOT positions reversed I should be only only a system of business, inherit too glad to try to correct such faults ance, and estate taxes and licenses, in myself. But no—the slightest sug which in the fiscal year ended June ••TXT'ILL you kindly write some- gestion of criticism, and the sun * ’ thing in your column on the 30, 1932, netted less than $765,000. turned to black clouds and Io, there Little Delaware, with a popula fact that just as it takes two people j was dissention! So you see it takes to quarrel it takes two people to tion of 238,380, ranks fourteenth keep peace” writes one of our read two to keep peace." among states in payment of taxes ers. I should like to say to our reader to the federal government. There “Some time ago I determined that “You are absolutely right.” But in is not a house within its boundar sincerity I am afraid I cannot do ies more than four miles from a there should be no more friction be that. I must say that while one paved highway, and it has a state tween my husband and myself. I person may not be able, absolutely wide system of fine modern schools; realized that as you once said, ‘it Delaware Girls Glazing Goatskins From India alone, to keep a situation of per yet for public improvements that is much better to be nice than to be Prepared by National Geographic Society, described the arc did not designate have cost $50,000,000 it has paid right,' that getting one's own way fect peace and happiness, one wise Washington, D. C.—WNU Service. person can do a great deal! And I the exact length of the segment. practically out of what is counted isn’t nearly as important as being HE charm of Delaware grows should like to point out to our friend The result of their oversight was happy. And I made up my mind to upon as current income in state mellower and more potent this thought: In this matter of keep more than two centuries of litiga let nothing interfere with absolute financing. with age. Its effect is grad ing a sense of values and giving up tion over boundaries. There is something strong and accord between us. ual, stealing almost imper After the United States came in sturdy about Delaware that finds "And do you know, it seemed to one’s way for the greater good, ceptibly upon the senses, yet alto isn’t it important to include in the to being, New Jersey and Delaware gether enthralling once it asserts began to squabble over certain wat expression in its attitude toward its work. All the little things in which things we are giving up the attempt its power. Unfortunate indeed is er and fishing rights on Delaware problems. When former President I did exactly as he wanted to do to change the person with whom we the trc.«ler who, as too many do, river and bay. Delaware claimed Hoover sent a message to Governor didn’t matter anyway, and the ef are living? We have found, haven’t dashes the length of the state in possession of the river and bay to Buck asking for an expression on fect on my husband was marked. He we. that that is rarely possible, and four hours on the main highway low water on the Jersey side, and the question of relief, the Delaware just expanded under the experience that the attempt and the insistence of never being cross and outdid him without pausing to savor its gra New Jersey insisted the boundary governor replied: result only in friction. And if the “I am in accord with your plans self to be nice to me! ciousness. Such a traveler may not should be fixed at midstream. price of happiness is accepting the as made known to aid unemploy “Everything went beautifully un faults with the virtues, and not try even see a native Delawarean; for Courts were in a quandary, shift 82 per cent of the trucks, 66 per ing the boundary first to one side ment, and you may expect Dela til I just had to mention in the ing to change them, even "for his cent of all the motor vehicles on and then to the other. Both states ware to co-operate in every way. nicest way, shortcomings of his own good”—why then the price is the highways are from outside the sent commissioners to England to Furthermore, the citizens of Dela which if not corrected will work to not too high! state. obtain evidence. It was not until ware can be counted upon to pro his great disadvantage—a careless P. S.: If the faults were of a too Perhaps the Delawareans are a February 5. 1934, that a final deci vide financial help as is required to ness in manners and dress that I serious nature, there would be no little to blame for not making them sion was handed down. The Su care for those in need in this state have tried for years to counteract, question of keeping happy by letting without making the slightest im them alone. See? selves and their treasures better preme Court of the United States during the coming winter.” known to outsiders. They are a then determined that Delaware is Governor Buck spoke simply for pression on him. I did this in the © Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service. delightful people, genuinely hospi entitled to all land and water with his fellow Delawareans. It is their table, but effusive. pride that they take care of their in the 12-mile circle, and that be Houses exquisite with the patina low the circle the boundary shall own. Wilmington is small enough to of age are to be seen everywhere, be considered the middle of the but few of them are “restored,” ship channel. The two states were have a friendly and democratic so set apart as shrines, and labeled. ordered to share equally in the ciety, large enough to escape the worst phases of provincialism. Men They are homes that have passed costs of the litigation. from father to son for generations, On its face that decision appears meeting on the street hail one an growing old gracefully, receiving a mere compromise to settle a other by their first names. If the necessary, not disfiguring, repairs, technical point; actually it has giv Philadelphia visitor who said. "I DILLY MINK opened his eyes. At “Huh!” muttered Billy. “This is and keeping silence concerning the en rise to a remarkable situation. now know that scrapple is an edi first he couldn’t think where he queer.” He ran about a bit, and it famous persons they have shel New Jersey capital fqr years .has ble pork product, but I should like was. Everything about him was didn't take him long to discover tered, the stirring events of their been building long wharves out in to learn what is a Biddle,” had strange. Then all in a flash it came that there were many tracks lead past. True, the Delaware Historic to deep water within the 12-mile gone to Wilmington instead, she to him where he was. He was in ing to that opening out of doors. He Markers commission has placed circle. Now comes the Supreme would never have been puzzled for a dark corner of the haymow in the could tell by the smell that those tablets here and there, but these Court with a decision that these a moment as to the meaning of du big barn where the rats lived. rats had gone out and not come New Pont. are unobtrusive. To appreciate the wharves are in Delaware! Billy yawned, then he stretched back. Jersey cannot arrest persons in real glamour of the state, one must first one leg. then another. He “It looks as if my future dinners bide a while and—forgive the pun Delaware without extradition pa “Christian Soldiers’’ by yawned again, stretched some had run away,” muttered Billy, and pers. Yet these wharves now in —absorb “Delawareness” from the Small Village Minister more, then lay quiet for a few min then he began to explore that barn Delaware belong to citizens of New people. “Onward Christian Soldiers” was utes trying to decide whether to in earnest. There wasn't a hole or Delaware is not obvious in its Jersey. The problem has become take another nap or hunt those rats crevice or cranny in it that he didn’t bid for attention. Measured by pop so difficult that the two states have written by Dr. Sabine Baring-Gould, again. poke his nose into. There wasn't ulation and area combined, it is appointed commissioners to study minister of the small village church “I may as well learn all about a rat nest there that he didn’t find. a. Lew-Trenchard. England, says a the smallest of states, having more it and formulate a solution. square miles but fewer citizens Jefferson Called It “The Diamond.” writer in the Boston Herald. On this barn while I am here.” thought But not a glimpse of a single rat Despite its diminutive area and Whitsunday in 1865 the boys and Billy. “One never knows when such did he get, nor the squeak of a than Rhode Island, and more people There but far less territory than Nevada. scant population, Delaware has its girls of his parish Bible school were knowledge may come in handy. Be single voice did he hear. It is only 110 miles long and its grand moments. With only one preparing to attend a festival on sides, I want to find out where all wasn’t a rat in the barn! When he width varies from nine to 35 miles, member of the United States house the following day in a nearby vil these rats live. How they did squeal had gone to sleep there had been and squeak when they discovered many. He had heard them squeak but its citizens are forward-looking of representatives to accompany lage. “They must have a stirring song me!” Billy chuckled at the mem ing all about him. Do you wonder its two senators to Washington, it and its industries far-reaching. takes precedence over its larger to sing as they march tomorrow,” ory. “It is great fun to hunt them.” why he was surprised? l’enn Bought It for 10 Shillings © T. W. Burgess.—WNU Service. Billy lazily got to his feet and A wit in congress once referred sisters in the parade of states; for the pastor decided. He spent most to it as a “sandspit on Delaware it was the first to ratify the Consti of the day searching for a satis arched his back, which was one bay, with three counties at low tide tution. Its depredators are remind factory marching song and. when way of stretching. Then he started and two at high.” William Penn ed, too, that Thomas Jefferson held he found none to suit him, he sat up out to explore the big barn. Of bought it from the Duke of York it precious enough to dub it “the most of the night writing one of his course he didn’t go far before he I For Paralyzed Pet smelled a rat. That is to say, he for 10 shillings, and Lord Balti diamond”—a name that has clung own. As those little English children, smelled the seent left by the feet more disputed the ownership, to it to this day. Wilmington has claiming it under a prior grant historical authority for its slogan, convention bound, sang “Onward, of a rat. Right away Billy forgot from the king of England. Because “The First City of the First State.” Christian Soldiers” for the first time everything but the fun of hunting, of an ill-fated Dutch settlement in Let it not be supposed, however, the next day, Dr. Baring-Gould lit the game of hide-and-seek in which 1631 near the present site of Lewes, that the little commonwealth is con tle dreamed that he had written a death was the price of being caught. Baltimore lost the case, for his tent to rest on accomplishments of song destined to live with the great He started out along the trail of grant of hactena inculta specifically long ago. Though it treasures col hymns of the ages: “It was written that rat. By and by, way down un excluded land previously occupied onial customs, even to the retention in great haste, and I am afraid der some boxes he came to a nest. by white men. of the whipping post for wife beat some of the rhymes are faulty. Cer It was made of old rags, torn paper, Billy From its very beginning Dela ers, highwaymen, and other mean tainly nothing has surprised me 1 and other bits of rubbish. didn’t knock to find out if any one ware has been a subject of contro offenders, and though for more than more than its popularity." versy. The families of Penn and a century it was somnolent and One Sunday in May 1910. when was at home. No, indeed. Billy Baltimore went to law over posses backward, it now constantly seeks the sixth international Sunday didn’t knock. He just popped his sion of "the three lower counties on improvement. Its very smallness school convention was meeting in head right in. He expected to find the Delaware," and their claims oc renders it admirable for political, Washington, D. C„ it was arranged some babies at home, if no one else, cupied the attention of the courts economic, and sociological experi that “Onward, Christian Soldiers” because he knew that there are for years. Penn landed at New ment. If a theory seems worthy be sung simultaneously in Bible babies most of the time in the home Castle on October 27, 1682, and re of consideration, Delaware can give schools the world around. The hymn of a rat. Right then Billy got his first sur ceived from the citizens of that it quick trial and immediate adop was translated into more than 100 tongues and dialects for the occa prise. That nest was empty! Yes, thriving village a bowl of water, a tion or rejection. Two summers ago several serious sion. Today it is as popular as ever sir. it was empty. There had piece of turf, and a twig as earnest of his undisputed possession of the traffic accidents occurred within a in churches and Sunday schools and been babies there, as his nose told land, water, and forests within an week because overweary drivers of at young people's religious gather him, but they had been carried Billy, a pedigreed Pekinese of Los away. Billy hunted about a bit un Angeles, had a stroke of paralysis arc described on a radius of 12 freight vehicles fell asleep on duty. ings. til he found the trail leading away miles from the New Castle court The secretary of state forthwith The hymn tune with which mod that disabled his hind legs. Dr. C. house. Thus was established the published an order requiring every ern Christians are most familiar from the nest. This he followed. C. Green evolved a small cart with northern boundary of Delaware. driver of such vehicle to rest for was composed in 1871 by Sir Arthur It led downstairs to a hole in the Later Penn was awarded the south at least two hours after each eight Seymour Sullivan, the great Eng bam floor, through this to the | harness, and now Billy gets around ern part of what is now the state. of driving and to limit his time on lish organist, who is known also as ground, and straight to an opening quickly and comfortably, even if bs Unfortunately, the surveyors who the road to 18 hours in any 24. The the composer of “The Lost Chord.” which led out of doors. THE DIAMOND STATE A WOMAN’S EYES T