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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1937)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON I Here's a Smart Rug That's Easy to Make Ask Me Another • A General Quiz © Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service. 1. By what country were doub- loons coined? 2. In politics, what is a refer- endum? 3. Who was father of Mary Queen of Scots? 4. What was a corvette? 5. What are the two chief is- lands of New Zealand called? 6. What is the atlas bone? 7. >Vhat is an Eurasian? 8. Who was Pluto’s wife? 9. What president of the U. S. had Rutherford for his first name? 10. What is a collect? Answers 1. Spain. 2. The reference of some ques tion to a vote of the people. 3. James V of Scotland. 4. A wooden war vessel. 5. North Island and South Is- land. 6. The top-most bone of the spine. 7. One of mixed European and Asiatic blood. 8. Persephone (or Prosperpine). 9. Hayes. 10. A short prayer. A Three Days’ Cough Is Your Danger Signal No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial Irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomul sion. which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mem branes as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Get Creomulsion right now. (Adv.) about The Social Register MONICA, CALIF. —Those who warm their S ANTA aristocratic hands at the so cial register, take comfort from the latest issue of that priceless volume. It seems that, if a well-born lady weds a night club playboy with a head suitable for a handle on a dollar umbrella, she stays put. But if she is married to a gen uine gentleman, such as Gene Tun- ney is, or a gifted orchestra leader, such as Eddie Duch- in. out she goes. The charming granddaughter of a poor Irish ■ immi grant qualifies as an entry, which is as it should be, in any language. But when she takes for a hus band the son of a Irvin S. Cobb Poor Jewish immi‘ grant, whose blem ish is that he's a professional song writer—and one of the greatest song writers alive — her name is scratched off the sacred scroll. Yet what’s an old family but a family that advertises that it’s old? And what is society except a lot of people who keep proclaiming that they are society until the rest of us believe them? Protecting Human Game. E'OR the preservation of the less- " ening wild fowl, the govern ment stands pat by its ruling that ducks may no longer be lured to hunting grounds which have been baited for them and then bagged. But one shudders what would hap pen to Wall street if practically the s-me system now in vogue for gar nering in the human game was ever abolished on the stock exchange. Still, why not leave well enough alone? If there was no margin Contempt for Life gambling available for cleaning the War is one place where human poor things, they’d bet their money life is treated with contempt. on horse racing or the old Span ish prisoner game or something. • • • Liberty League Marriages. T'HE rotogravure sections reveal A- that they’ve just opened a fresh crate of du Ponts, too late to qual If you want to really GET RID OF GAS and terrible bloating, don't expect ify for membership in the Liberty to do it by Just doctoring your stom League, because the Liberty ach with harsh, irritating alkalies and “gas tablets." Most GAS is lodged in League, alas, is dead of overnour the stomach and upper intestine and ishment. but in ample time to fill up is due to old poisonous matter in the constipated bowels that are loaded the background at the approach with ill-causing bacteria. ing marriage of the President’s fine If your constipation is of long stand ing, enormous quantities of dangerous son, Franklin Delano, Jr., and a bacteria accumulate. Then your •iges- charming daughter of the royal tion is upset. GAS often presses heart ■nd lungs, making life miserable. family of Delaware. You can’t eat or sleep. Your head That’s one wedding where the aches. Your back aches. Your com- Elexion is sallow and pimply. Your ushers will do well to see that the reath is foul. You are a sick, grouchy, families are seated in separate wretched, unhappy person. YOUR SYSTEM IS POISONED. pews during the ceremony, because Thousands of sufferers have found in somebody might tactlessly be re Adlerika the quick, scientific way to rid their systems of harmful bacteria. minded of little things that came up Adlerika rids you of gas and cleans foul poisons out of BOTH upper and during the heat of the late cam lower bowels. Give your bowels a paign. REAL cleansing with Adlerika. Get Otherwise, in the customary re rid of GAS. Adlerika does not gripe —is not habit forming. At all Leading galia of shad-bellied coats and Druggists. striped trousers, it will be difficult to distinguish a champion of the 53-3« WNU—13 rights of the great common people from an entrenched wretch of the ruggedly individualistic group. Don’t Irritate Gas Bloating THE CHEERFUL CHERUB I love the big wind of the night, So strong end unending it seems. It blows from the future with hope., It blows from the dim z) with dretjni. H'C»“ 22 W old MKÎ MAKES HER LIVING |N1HIS ODD WAŸ Playing the Ponies. ACING starts soon out in Holly wood, and the stars and star- ines may have to make their pic tures between events at Santa Ani ta because they'll have absolutely no time for fiddling around studios. To risk my modest wagers on, I’m looking for a horse named Vir ginia Creeper or else Trailing Arbu tus. Then when I lose, as I always do, I can’t say my choice wasn’t appropriately named. If I had a bet on Paul Revere’s nag, Paul never would have made that famous ride of his. Somewhere between Concord and Lexington, a constable would have pinched him for blocking the highway. IRVIN S. COBB. R ©—WNU Service. SHE HAS BABN BLUE- &SK, IS SIX FFET TWO INCHES TALL AND Mi n? POUNDS- SHE IS AN EIPKT AT W2KTLING-. SP& DDES HER. B ouncing - foq . a CHICAGO tame R ni . Pattern 5699 Just a simple square, repeated I and joined together forms this smart rug. You’ll love doing the Peail Alitckell colorful squares in varied colors, and, in no time at all, you’ll have enough completed to make this ofa Œbicayo, stunning rug. Here’s one way to turn useless rags into something / worthwhile, though rug wool or II canulewicking may also be used. Done in Germantown the squares would make a handsome [cushion or chair set. In pattern j 5699 you will find complete instruc tions and charts for making the I would have been massacred. square shown; an illustration of Thanks to careful driving, keeping it and of the stitches needed; ma the front wheels on the road while terial requirements. negotiating corduroy bridges | To obtain this pattern send 15 through overflow country, we cents in stamps or coins (coins bumped along at 30 miles an hour [preferred) to The Sewing Circle and about 4 p. m. made the front .Household Arts Dept., 259 W. fence of what Dr. Dafoe calls the Fourteenth street, New York, N. Y. Write plainly pattern number, Dionne hospital. “The two provincial police, who your name and address. keep the line moving and see that the roads are kept open, saw right Indians Wealthier away that we had come to see the The Dionne Quints Through the Indian land holdings have been quints, and not the crowd. ‘From Eyes of My Old Guide which way, Jack?’ asked one of Increased by 2,100,000 acres in 17 ERCY HAMILTON, the them. ‘Hamilton’s Landing, Lake [states in the past three years. best guide and fisherman McGreggor, with Grand Lake just [More cattle are owned by more along the whole Gatineau over the hill. Three hundred miles Indians today than at any time chain, recently hied himself to the south, officei, the best bass in Quebec. These ladies with to Callender, Ontario for the water me are my kinfolk,’ says I. ‘And single purpose of casting can we see the quints?’ ‘Sure thing. eyes upon the Dionne quints. Keep your eyes on the glass-fronted WATCHn YOUR He disappeared upon the precise veranda, where they show up when date when I needed him most. While the notion takes them. A good look this upset me to begin with, there free of charge if you have pa was nothing to do but forgive him tience.’ ” when I learned his motive. Pa Dionne Gets Fan Mail. Medical Authorities recognize the value of a balanced Alkaline Re “Couldn’t you,” I asked, “have My old guide did another suspen serve as an aid to cold prevention. had an eyeful of those kids after der stretch, firing both barrels in unison. “When you stop to think the bass season closed?” "I could that,” replied Percy, that the Canadian kids are the only stretching his suspenders from un ones out of 35 sets of quintuplets Contribute to your Alkaline Re der his armpits, “and had just as born during the last 500 years that serve because they contain an good a look at ’em as anybody else came through r’arin’ and are still • ALKALINE FACTOR leaning over the fence around Doc alive,” continued Mr. Hamilton, tor Dafoe’s hospital, where he has "why wouldn’t I stick around to charge of the babies in the name of have an eyeful?” “Man alive!” exclaimed the guide the king, but something said ‘go to it, Perc.’ It is only a few miles less from Lake MacGreggor, and Grand, than three hundred from my house just over the hill, “I saw them come to his, just a few hours across coun out in ones, twos and—I was about try in my timber-hopping gasoline to aay threes, but you know what tank, and worth two days of any I mean, until the five of them were man’s time. I sure could have in sight. Mind you, the windows, waited. But being the kind of a some new-fangled patent, allows NO matter how much your man I am, crazy about children, the people outside to see in but the back aches and your nerves ■cream, your husband, because he father of four girls of my own. and quints can’t see out. Good idea, is only a man, can never under with all my wife’s womenfolks r’ar that. Five girls at any age couldn't stand why you aro so hard to live in’ to get into my jitney for a round take it without blowing up. I’m the with one week in every month. trip to Callender, what the hell was father of four—born one at a time— Too often the honeymoon ex press Is wrecked by tho nagging I to do but say, ‘Come with me to and I know. I sure do know.” tongue of a three-quarter wife. The A forward gesture from the arm the quintuplet show and have a wise woman never lets her husband pit out, a crack like a pistol shot look.’ ” know by outward sign that she is and Mr. Hamilton continued, “It a victim of periodic pain. Becomes Conducted Tour. For three generations one woman was good business for the govern Percy again pulled out his sus ment has told another how to go "smil to take over the job of bring penders, which popped back with a ing those girls up under Dr. Dafoe, ing through" with Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. It loud crack like the beaver makes leaving Mr. and Mrs. Dionne time I helps Nature tono up the system, when slapping the water with his to raise the kids they have left. thus lessening the discomfort* from tail. the functional disorders which They have six other singlets living, i women must enduro in the three “You did exactly the right thing, a nine-pounder following the quints, ordeals of life: 1. Turning from Mr. Hamilton, and it is my pleasure who weighed, the whole flvla of girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre to be among the first to congratu them, less than ten pounds at paring for motherhood. 3. Ap late you. How many ladies were in birth.” proaching "middle age." Don’t be a three-quarter wife; your party?” More suspender artillery from take LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S “About five that I could see,” an Mr. Hamilton. “Not yet three years VEGETABLE COMPOUND and swered my old guide, “and no less of age, they are now worth close to Go “Smiling Through.’’ than a dozen that I could only hear. a million dollars. Old man Dionne They seemed to swarm into the gets a bigger fan mail than Clark back seat at every crossroad along Gable. At 50 cents a throw, he the way. You’d have thought that drags down *700 a week for his sig at les st half of them were the moth nature, while Mrs. Dionne, the Nature can more quickly expel Infection when ers of the quints and wanted to slip most-talked-about mother in the elded by internal medication of recognized merit the old Doc some new stuff on what world, is in the money a dozen dif was best to be done right away, or ferent ways. I’D say it’s coming to take the consequences. A tire blow her.” HA VS «COGNIZED MEPIT out anywhere along the route and WNU Servie«. fludy ßouncßt Davi/ P s XLAK ce LUDEN'S WOMEN WHO HOLD THEIR MEN NEVER LET THEM KNOW FOR COLDS Saiicon Tablets