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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1936)
PAGE TWELVE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON I UhtS S S ft 0 A]cove: “Modern Istand” by WlcfWI IVU xH Mei Cicely Hamilton, “The Soul of I England” various authors con- CAPON SHOOT at the old school! tributing, “The Pageant of Per house, Mist, Sunday, Dec. 13. ' ria” by Henry Filmer and “Un- About 130 birds. Free lunch at 1 der the Swastika” by John B. noon. Bring cups. 50*1 Holt. The girl’s league has charge of sales in the high school and teh Campfire girls in the grade I schools. | Returns from the stamps sent , out to a selected group of indi- I viduals in one dollar lots was ' $63.45 as late as Wednesday af- FOR SALE, wood range stove. Service Club Is ■ ternoon. One hundred of the 24G Star, in good condition, for Installed at School letters sent in this locality have sale cheap. Inquire at 920 Sec ( been returned. ond at white house in the At an afternoon assembly • A percentage of the money i. grove. 50*1 Tuesday the Washington grade ‘returned to the county for local school witnessed the installation WANTED: Western Red Cedar of a Service club whose members work in the prevention and care poles or stumpage for produc- are to act as student guides, ush of tuberculosis. If the county ing poles. L. D. NJcFarland Co., ers at assemblies, and in other I raises 1000 dollars, as much as 50*6m capacities in which they may 60 per cent of that will be used Milwaukie, Oregon. locally. be of benefit to the school, The Y’OU WILL never make a mistake The two big objectives for Ore ceremony, an impressive one, when ordering jour suit or gon in 1937 are (1) finding all was in charge of the student overcoat from a skilled tailor. council. the unknown cases of tubercu You are always assured a per losis if possible and (2) securing County School Superintendent. enough sanatorium beds so all fect fit, correct style and the E. H. Condit was the guest tuberculosis patients can have best of quality. Suits and over coats $25.00 Elliott Sorensen, speaker. He chose as his topic care early enough to enable them | the general service to others. to get well. Merchant Tailor. After a number of interesting ' Last year 1,204 tuberculosis WANTED: Care of children dur I examples of the part one’s at- tests and 70 X-ray examinations titude plays in life experiences, ing evenings, by the hour. Mrs. were given to the boys and girls A. E. Jennings. ? Mr. Condit concluded his talk by urging a wholesome spirit of in this county. *...... ■ ' LOST - Pair of silver rimmed cooperation between the students For your Christmas wines see glasses between 2nd Ave. and at large and the new club mem theatre building. Reward at Eagle bers who had pledged themselves the supply at Mac’s Pharmacy. Adv. office. 50cl to courtesy and service. Students receiving the honor CHANGES TAKE PLACE IN FOR RENT - Small house. In quire Fullerton studio. 479 of a Service club badge were STAFF OF SAFEWAY STORE Vike, Florieda Graves, Rose Avenue. 50*1 , Nora Gilmore Stbo, who for the Frank Rose, Bill Thompson, Mar FOR SALE - Christmas cards, im- I garet Anderson, June Wood, Mar- past several weeks has been as- printed and assorted. Any price. I jorje Lolley, , Vincent Ebmino, sisting in the grocery department Call O.-A. hill house 37 or phone j and jjillv Fi and Billy Fitzzgerald. The re of the local Safeway store has 11F51. Dorothy Malmsten. 50*1 j gular student traffic patrol con been made manager of the store at Kelso. His place here is taken FOR SALE - Irish Setter pup- j sisting of Ralph Bennett, cap j by Russell Whitsell. tain Walter Parcells, Calvin pies. Parents both registered. I Dr. Bigelow. 50*2 Davis, Edgar Culbertson, Dan !GRANGE CONFERENCE TO BE Rollins and Clayton Aldrich also ¡HELD AT YANKTON PIANO FOR SALE - Small bun received membership badges. As -■O— galow size. You take over con soon as they can be obtained, A grange conference will be tract for balance due, for cash the Service group will wear re held at the Yankton grange hall or small monthly payments. Ad gular Sam Brown belts as em Dec 17, with the state grange of dress, J. F. Smith, Adjuster, Cline blems of their office. ficers in charge. Pot luck dinner Piano Co., 1101 S. W. Washing The Student council who inau- will be served at noon and even ton, Portland, Oregon. 49c3 - gurated the service idea has as ing. The session begins immedia i its present membership Jack FOR SALE - Cream separator, Cooley, president; Helen Fow- I tely after noon and continues ; through the evening. A feature Economy King, size 16. Good i ler, vice-president; Barbara Nich-I will be instruction in ritual work as new. George Kirk, Vernonia, ols, secretary and Lillian Laird, for the benefit of newly elected Oregon.______________________ 49*3 Lyle Galloway, Mary Ann Tom officers. WANTED - Cash paid for shakes. lin, Virgil Mulkey, Ruth Hous- Alsu will buy cedar stumpage. ler, and Jonnibel Hatfield. CARD OF THANKS See Wm. Cody, care of this I wish to thank the many paper._________ _ _______________ Sale of Christmas fritnds for their kindness in send- FOR SALE— Rhode Island reds Seals to Continue and whites, also pigs. Sleep —o--- ing rooms to rent. W. O. Porter The annual sale of Christmas field, 376 Nort st. 43tf seals to gain funds for the battle against tuberculosis, will contin FOR SALE— Three room house TWIST BREAD completely renovated and paint ue in Vernonia until Christmas, according to Mrs. Enoch Dumas, ed. Inquire Mrs. R. D. Eby. 44tf community chairman working in That Is Giving Wide FOR SALE— An A-l farm team. cooperation with the Columbia Satisfaction 9 County Health See Harry Culbertson. Association. * Down town booths where the seals may be purchased will be Mrs. Sandon Named found in the Miller Mercantile Chairman of store, the Union Cash store, and Public Library Board at Safeway every afternoon after school and all day Saturdays. Mrs. Harry G. Sandon was Campfire girls will be in charge. elected chairman of the Verno Sales have progressed during nia public library board at its the week in the public schools regular monthly meeting Tues day night. Mrs. F. E. Malmsten was elected secretary and Mrs. Harry Culbertson, treasurer. Mrs. Paul Gordon was assigned to the library committee which is in charge of the conduct of the library and the purchase of books. Mrs. L. H. Dewey, retiring chairman, tendered her resigna tion to the board, thus creat ing a vacancy which will be filled by appointment by Mayor J. A. Thornburgh, President Ben S. Owens. In her monthly report the “THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK” librarian, Edna Owens, announ ced the receipt of four new books for the International Mind ’ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1936 ing flowers and sharing in the ' taking a three weeks tour of funeral I expenses of C. E. (“Old i California and to visit two sis- |ters in Los Angeels and friends Kid”) Staples. ; Mrs. A. E. Jennings,in Bakersfield. I Mr. and Mrs. James Currio «-------- Mr. and Mrs. George Basling- ' (nee Grace Miner) spent Sun- on accompanied by Mrs. Bas- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. lington's parents of Carlton are R. L. Spences. Specials for Fri. & Sat ---------------- 7------------------------------------------------------------------- Airway Coffee 3 lbs. 49c Flour %^EVbeîiLOBÎeSnOdM49 lbs S B .59 05c Crisco 3 lb. pail PEN RAD PURE fe* S •> ST Motor Oil iPenn 2 gal can *7 1 GRANULATED SOAP Ma Perkins OWN OXYDOL, Large pkg. CANBY Monster Gums 2 lbs. Old Fashioned Chocolates 2 lbs. Satin Mix lb. RYTAK KNACKEBROD 2 lb. pkg............ COFFEE 25c EDWARDS DEPENDABLE i ib. CRACKERS SNOWFLAKE 2 lb. box ......... 25c 25c 10c 30c 25c 2 lbs. 49c BAKING POWDER 16 oz. can .................. 10c PRODUCE APPLES, Delicious Box ........... 98c Sweet Potatoes, U. S. No. 1. 3 lbs 10c Lettuce, Solid Heads, Ice Pack 2 for 9c Cranberries, U.S. No. 1, 2 lbs............ 39c Try It The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK invites you to Bank by mail if inconvenient to come in person 1 21c Ask For Vernonia Bakery ■< WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Portland—Banks Stage Line The Independent Line Stages leave the Vernonia Hotel daily at 7:55 a. m., 1:25 p. m. and 5:25 p. m. for Portland via Banks. Stages leave the Cen tral Stage depot, Park and Taylor Sts., Portland, for Vernonia daily at 8 a. m.> 1 p. m. and 5 p. m. SPECIAL, leaves Vernonia Fridays only, 6:30 p. m. Leaves Portland Sundays and holidays only, 8 p. m. Call service between Vernonia and Keasey FARE: $130 one way $2.10 round trip A