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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1936)
PAGE TEN____________________________________________________ VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON SOCIETY NEWS - CLUBS - FRATERNAL CHURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOL NAME OFFICERS nesday afternoon when patches were ripped from “the minister’s shirt.” “Patching the minister’s shirt” was a project begun last summer when a shirt was passed about- among the members who sewed on the patches, each concealing a gift to be sold at the Christ mas bazaar. Mr. and Mrs. Hedman were Io. E. S. IS EXPECTING presented with a beautiful floor LARGE ATTENDANCE lamp and a large bouquet of —o— yellow crysanthemums. Members of Nehalem Chapter, Order of Eastern Star are ex ENDEAVORERS* TO SING pecting a large attendance for- CHRISTMAS CAROLS initiation ceremonies next Wed nesday, December 16. Invitations The Intermediate and Junior have been issued to neighboring Christian Endeavor societies un chapters to visit the local chapter der the leadership of Mrs. W. 0. that evening. Livingstone are planning to sing Christmas carols to the sick and BETTY BR1TES MEET nshut-ins at the Christmas tide. Anyone wishing them, or knowing AT MRS. F. E. MALMSTEN’S of those who would like to have The Betty Brite circle met at. them sing, will please see Mrs. the home of Mrs. Franklin Malm— Livingstone, or phone 264, and sten Tuesday afternoon to plan they will be delighted to serve in two projects for the new .year. this manner. One is to be the sale ot snap ore afternoon are as follows: Mrs. L. H. Dewey, president; Mrs. Geo. Drorbaugh, vice president; and Election of officers for the Mrs. Oscar George, secretary- Evangelical Church and Sunday treasurer. school was held in the church A Christmas program arranged Wedesday evening following the by the hostesses included a song regular “church night” supper. by Maxine Hartwick, a reading Church officers include Mrs. the former’s home Wednesday Sidney Malmsten elected class iby Alice George and 0. Henry’s leader for a period of a two story, “The Gift of the Magi,” THREE GIRLS ‘INITIATED year term; Mrs. Walter Kent, as read by Mrs. L. H. Dewey. sistant class leader for two years BY NEHALEM ORDER Plans for a Christmas party in and Mrs. Emma Weed, trustee the Masonic temple on the even Candidates initiated by Neha for a three year term. For one ing of December 23 were made. year Mrs. Dave. Marshall was lem Assembly, Order of Rainbow All Masons and Eastern Stars and AUXILIARY TO* GIVE elected church society secretary; for girls Monday night were their families are to be invited. CHRISTMAS PARTY Reich, Helen Belle Miss Lenora Kiser, treasurer; Heide Mrs. Enoch Dumas, pianist, and Vaughan and Kiyoko Kugt. MRS. BROCK BECOMES Plans for the Christmas party Dancing and refreshments were Mrs. Ray D. Fisher, assistant for American Legion and Auxil W. M. OF EASTERN STAR arranged for by the committees pianist. iary members and their families under the leaderships of LaVerne Mrs. C. L. Brock was elected are going forward under the dir- Sunday School officers elec Thompson and Daisy MacDonald. worthy matron of Nehalem Chap ertion of Mrs. Phil Taylor and ted were Mrs. E. E. Garner, A balloon dance was a special ter O.E.S. at the annual election her committee. superintendent ;Mrs. Henry John, feature. Ada Mills furnished the of officers Wednesday night of assistant superintendent; Mrs. A. The party will be held Mon music. last week. W. Sauer, secretary, Mrs. Leona day evening, December 14, in the For the first time the girls en W. T. Lilly was elected worthy Grange hall, the date having Weidman, treasurer; Mrs. £. S. joyed the effect of the new in patron; Mrs. Frank Hartwick, as Thompson, pianist; and Jeanette been advanced from Tuesday direct light fixtures which they sociate matron; Emil Messing, as John, assistant pianist. evening as first announced. A recently purchased for the Ma sociate patron; Mrs. H. E. Me At a session of the official program will be given and there sonic Temple. Graw, secretary; Mrs. Herman will be games and refreshments. board members planned a special Dickson, treasurer; Mrs. T. Ji. rally service with Dr. Petticord PYTHIAN SISTERS ADMIT The Legion commander and the Crawford, conductress, and Mrs. Auxiliary president, “Happy” and as leader durig January 15, 16 TWO CANDIDATES George Drorbaugh, associate Mrs. E. S. Thompson, join in ex and 17, at which time a new financial program of the church tending a cordial invitation to all Ten members of Vernonia tem conductress. will be inaugurated. members of the two organiza ple, Pythian sisters, went to For MR. AND MRS. " h EDMAN est Grove Wednesday night tions to be present. CHRISTIAN W.*M. S. TO where two candidates for admis GIVEN SURPRISE PARTY MRS. R. S. LINDSAY ENTER HOLD PUBLIC SERVICE sion to the local temple, Mrs. C. A surprise party was given TAINS FOR MRS. PETERSON Mulkey and Mrs. Oliver Mellinger, The Women’s Missionary soc were initiated by officers of Del Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hedman on B street Saturday evening, Dec. 5, iety of the First Christian church phi temple. NATAL (Special) - Mrs. R. S. this date being their 15th wed Lindsay gave a surprise party will hold their annual public ser The Vernonia ladies were vice in the Church on Sunday guests at a pot luck supper pre ding anniversary. A large group on December 2 honoring her evening. They report that they ceding the evening’s ceremonies. gathered early in the evening mother, Mrs. Mary Peterson. The and from there went to the Ne guests were Mrs. Erickson, Mrs. have prepared a very interest Arrangements for the trip were ing and helpful service for the completed Tuesday when mem halem hotel, where the party was Broeun, Mrs. Olsen from Pitts burg, Mrs. L. Carmicheal, Mrs. evening. For several months past bers met at the home of Mrs. M. held. Dancing was enjoyed the first J. W. Neuer, Mrs. Fred Parkk- they have been studying the J. Lapiping in a special session. part of the evening, and at 11 nen, Mrs. Joe Banzer, Mrs. Fred problems of the colored people of America, and on Sunday even MRS. L. HIEBER ENTERTAINS o’clock supper was served in the Busch, Mrs. Noble Dunlap and dining room. Thirty-five people Mrs. Mary Peterson, who recei ing a delegation of local colored AT BRIDGE LUNCHEON were seated at attractively de ved many lovely gifts. Sand people will be in attendance. The Mrs. Lowell Hieber entertained corated tables. Speeches were wiches, cakes, cookies and coffee Missionary Society has grown were served at 3 o’clock. quite rapidly in the last few at a brid'/e luncheon Thurs j given and songs rendered. months, and at present has a afternoon of last week to. me .- membership numbering between bers of the Queen of I.e_.. i thirty s.nd forty. They hold their club. Mrs. Phil Taylor was a guest. monthly meetings and meet at the homes of the members. Sun Mrs. William Heath held high day evening’s service promises to score, and Mrs. Loel Roberts, be novel and a large attendance second. Mrs. Ben Brickel, Mrs. George Plumb, Mrs. R. D. Eby, is anticipated. Mrs. Jack Nance and Mrs. Frank LOYAL WOMEN MEET Hartwick completed the group. IN CHURCH PARLORS —o— The Loyal Women met in the Christian church parlors all day Tuesday and Wednesday to make preparations for their bazaar Dec ember 11 and 12. Pat luck lunch eons were served both days, and a social hour was enjoyed Wed- NEHALEM CLUB PICKS OFFICERS FOR NEW YEAR | | FRIDAY. DECEMBER 11, 193S toe rubbers which will fold into ones hand bag when not in use. A supply is expected to arrives next week. * --------- •---------- LOYAL WOMEN TO HOLD BAZAAR DECEMBER 11 *---------- The Loyal women of the Christ- Christian church will hold their bazaar in the building next to the post office Fri., Dec. Il from 1 to 6 P. M. and Saturday, Dec ember 12 from 9 A. M. to 7 P-. M. Chicken dinner will be served from 11:30 A. M. till 7 P. M. on Saturday. Price 35c. Adv. Professional Director!! Dr. C. O. Anderson EYE SPECIALIST AT Kullander’s Jewelry Store First Monday in Each Month R. E. SILVIS Dentist Over Terminal Cafe VERNONIA Roland D. Eby, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Town Office 891 DR. R. I. HALL Phy*ician and Surgeon 965 Bridge St. Phone, Office 72, Res. 73 Office Hours 7 to 12 1 to 5 Special Attention to Obstetrics NEAL W. BUSH Nehalem Club officers for the new year elected at the club’s monthly meeting for which Mrs. George Drorbaugh and Mrs. Her man Dickson were hostesses at Attorney at Law Joy Theatre Bldg. Ph. 663 In Vernonia Mondays and Tuesdays Dr. Chas. E. TATRO Oregon Motor Stages Leave from Bush’s Cafe 7:55 a. m. 1:25 p. m. and 5:25 p.m. daily for Portland via Timber. Leave Portland, from Yamhill stage depot daily at 9:30 a. m., 2:00 p. m. and 5:15 p. m. Call service between Camp 8 and Vernonia. FARE: $2.10 round trip, $1.30 one way Ride the new Oregon Motor Stages The First National Bank OF FOREST GROVE, OREGON Enlist a Bank as Your Ally in Protecting your funds Banking By Mail Accounts Wei- corned. Checking— Savings— and Deposit Account* Deposit* Insured Directors: M. R. Johnson, Pres. Geo. G. Paterson, Vice 1 Pres. E. H. Johnson, Cashier W. B. Coon C. L. Wagner Chiropractor — Radionist Physio-Therapist OVER CLINE FUR. STORE Phone 231 H. M. BIGELOW DENTIST Joy Theatre Building Vernonia - - - Oregon FULLERTON STUDIO — PIANO — VOICE — 479 Rose Avenue Telephone 1091