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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1936)
> VOLUME XIV $1.50 per year, Coleman Kills W. \ an Blaricom During Quarrel ! 5c a copy. VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON Charity to Gel Share of Receipts elected | ' Crawford Becomes ‘ Head of A. F. & A. M. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1936 T. M. Crawford was Installation of newly elected i worthy master, Ray Mills senior ' (officers of Vernonia grange will i Promise to pay to the city for . noiucn, Loel iarjci iwuzus wax- ’ t . x- v ¡warden, Roberts juiuui junior war- ‘den, Glen Hawkins secretary and charitable purposes six per cent take place Saturday night in thnc Two Engage in Fight at .Emil Messing treasurer of Ver-|°f 8ross receipts of the wrestling ; local grange hall. Harry Condit Chamber of Commerce Lis I nonia lodge 184, A. F. and A. M. and boxlnK matches to be held ¡will succeed himself as master. tens to Addresses on Topic The Home of Forrest ; Thursday of last week. Installa- here was made iIond«y night by ¡Bruce McDonald will again be Of Outlook for 1937 Moak in Vernonia the ’ treasurer and Mrs. Floy Ham- ¡tion will take place December 17, ■ 1 r°ni°ter ..Bert lisdale --- 0--- Re- mack secretary. e ! metting of the city council. ; _ ~ _ - Lumber is on the way back Walter Van Blaricom, pop- and announcement of appointive ---------- a----------- tba I cetly, he explained, this has ont officers will be made at t™ but has not fully recovered, ex urlarly known as Walt Hy-Van | been paid because the boxing plained Judd Greenman at the was killed late Friday afternoon I ttime. | commission paid for the seats in chamber of commerce meeting in by his brother-in-law Harry Cole- | i the Legion hall from this fund, the Masonic temple Tuesday man in a brawl at the home MailslaUJjIltCr Is I which could legally be used for evening. Normal production for -of rorrest Moak. Coleman gave1 ~ ‘ I expenses that the commission this country is approximately 35 bimself up several hours ¡might incur. Under the terms of billion feet, he said, while nt McNeill, J. W. Nichols, K. A. and was taken to St. Helens by 1 I the law, it was explained by City Deputy Sheriff M. R. Calhoun. I —o— I Attorney Bennett, 60 per cent Dr. H. M. Bigelow, Sam Hearing present only 14 or 15 billion are Investigators were informed I A verdict that Walter Va n [ of the city’s shart must be paid and Ed Bollinger were elected being produced. The depression ■4hat Van Blaricom, who had Blaricom met his death by J 1 nan' | to some veteran’s organization directors of the chamber of com- low was 8 billion feet in 1932 The recovery for frequently quarreled before with • slaughter at the hands of Harry l and 40 per cent to charity? 1 Tuesday and 1933. . In merce at the meeting Coleman, had drawn a knife dur-¡Coleman was reached by the jury;this case a]1 wil) gQ to thg j in- night in the Masonic temple, which we are looking depends 3v>n an on argument. nno-nn-nn*. At A A the Alin request woomocA at Alio zmnnon*e — in in Vav _ officers upon the confidence of the peo ing the corner ’s > inquest Ver- halator fund, both the council- They will select the ple who build barns, houses, fac •of Mrs. Moak, the only witness, ¡nonia Tuesday. from among their number. 'men and Mr. Tisdale agreed. tories, etc. When this confi he put it up, but went to a closet j Testimony was given by Dr. There was some discussion re- J. W. Nichols, manager of the and got a rifle, with which to r . p. Eby, who stated that there Oregon Gas and Electric Co., Igarding underwriting part of the dence is attained the lumber in .hit Coleman, bruising his head, were four head wounds, the least explained the proposed new rates I payroll for work done recently dustry will be on a paying basis Coleman thereupon seized the of which would have knocked the for lights. He stated that the Ion tbe swimming pool dam. The and this community will reap the rifle, hit Van Blaricom four blows ¡victim out and any one of the company will put in synchroniz-1 matter was brought up by Lester benefit. Mr. Greenman was introduced on the head, breaking his skull others would have caused death, who explained that in ¡ing equipment that will facilitate I Sheeley, ~ by Ivan N. McCollom, chairman, and causing instant death. ' At the time he reached there, Dr. accord with an opinion of the | interchange of power between who also called upon a number of Coleman drove around town j Eby sajdi the man was dead. ' their Keasey plans and the O.-A. city attorney the city could not men to speak on the topic, for awhile, finally running out I Mrs. - — Forrest -- - Moak testified as min draw on next year’s budget for ■of gas. After several hours had tQ Van Blaricom>s drawing a' “Looking Ahead to 1937.” its share in the project, and that ' Mt' the murder became■ “We hane to be optimists or «lapsed knife and afterwards obtaining BENEFIT SMOKER TO BE in order to assure their money known, Dr. R. D. Eby and J. W. ' a rifle, but maintained that she' we wouldn’t be lumbermen,”' as- without waiting until next year Brown, undertaker, having been did not see or hear any blow HELD FOR CHRISTMAS FUND serted F. R. Olin, president of the chamber of commerce should summoned, and Marshal Henry struck. She did not know that the Oregon-American corpora be willing to sign a note to be A benefit smoker for the King set out in search of Cole Van Blaricom was dead until the lcbY tion. d7nVg7’brist“mas’fund”will paid later by the city. J. W. man. While the marshal was out doctor said so, she declared. She A. F. Baker, logging superin Brown, city treasurer, cautioned ■Coleinan walked into the city ' tried to get her nephew next i held Friday, Dec. 18 in the tendent of the Clark and Wilson against signing the note on the hall and reported to Mr. Brown, I door to put Van Blaricom to bed, ! Legion hall. Bert Tisdale, who Lumber Co., told of the progress ground that there is no certainty who notified the sheriff’s office. I but he refused to touch the body has charge of the arrangements, of the Camp 8-Chapman road that next year ’ s park board I promises that there will be an Upon Mr. King’s return, Cole | and sent for the doctor. The construction. That road, he de would vote the amount. Mr. man was locked up. He admit- ■ ■ fight took place in the living ¡array of first class talent that clared, is going to sneak in on Sheeley contented that the park will prove a real atraction. ♦ed the deed, but explained his room. Vernonia before any one knows board is merely an advisory body, delay in giving himself up by j J. W. Whitsell, Mrs. V. M. and that the council determines it is coming.” Rocking is pro- District Attorney John L. stating that he was unaware that 1 gressing along with the grading, Storla prosecuted, and Walden Whitsell and Russell Whitsell re- the expenditures. Van Blaricom was dead. Mr. Baker said, so that the day With Mr. Calhoun were Gordon ^llari, represe,n‘ed th„e Tde^e"Se’ 1turned Sunday from Springfield, The matter was finally refer the road reaches Camp 8, one I The jury consisted of Loel Ro-! , .. ...... Thompson of the sheriff’s office. . Oregon, where they attended the red to a commitee consisting of may drive through to Portland. bents, Harry Culbertson, C. A. I District Attorney John L. Storla (Mills, Frank Lusby, Claude Tho-,funeral of J- W- Whitsell’s bro-' Tom Crawford, J. W. Nichols This road, together with the and Coroner T. S. White. They others under construction in the and Ed Bollinger. mas and A. A. Michener. Three ther. went to the scene of the murder j northwestern section of the state beJ favored second degree murder and made an investigation should help this community. ’and three manslaughter, finally fore returning to St Heelns. J. W. Brown spoke briefly, ¡agreeing on manslaughter. The representing the city government, I verdict carries no penalty and is j CLOTHING CATCHES FIRE A. W. Nichols, of the Oregon Gas not binding upon either the, and Electric Co., and Sam Hear- IN TRAILER HOUSE 'grand jury or the trial jury ini ■ ■ ~O~~* ing, president of the chamber of I the circuit court. Some clothing caught fire from commerce. I I a stove in a trailer house be VAN BLARICOM SERVICES “We are going to do our best Dick Lewis G Alder McDonald longing to B. R. Lapree on Rose I to make Vernonia more friendly,” S Petrasser Schalock The dead eyes of the Vernonia HELD TUESDAY ARE avenue Tuesday. The fire de S Sehorn Mr. Hearing declared. Loggers resulted in a merry tat Jarvis partment was summoned, but the Enetrtainment features inclu Services for Walter Van Blari too on the back board to the tune Byers S Hansley blaze was extinguished before com were held Tuesday after ded solos by E. S. Thompson ac Thriller Is Promised of a 30 to 21 defeat for Baby the men arrived. companied by Mrs. L. H. Dewey, noon in Brown’s mortuary. Rev. • | Badgers of Pacific university in Vernonia is scheduled to meet tap dancing by Joy Willard, ac W. O. Livingstone officiated. Mr. '• i the local gym Friday night. TWELVE STUDENTS MAKE the strong Rickreall team of the companied by Mrs. J. W. Nichols, Van Blaricom was an ex-ser ' | The wild scoring spree started I Polk county league tonight in a acordion solos by Jane Watts, HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLL vice man, and members of Verno | in the first few minutes of play, nip and tuck battle on the local songs by an impromptu quintet nia post of the American Leg • and soon there was a__ six . point high school floor at 7:30. Rick Twelve students made the hon consisting of L. G. Hawken, J. ion acted as palblearers. ¡lead which the Loggers were able reall is coached by Ernie Calef, F. Rose, E. S. Thompson, L. H. or roll for the second six weeks an ex-Vemonian and a good Dewey and Howard Reeher, and in the high school, according to WATER DEPARTMENT TRUCK 'to hold to the end. The Badgers settled down and basketball coach. Calef is certain group singing led by Miss Amy announcement yesterday by Har DAMAGED IN COLLISION I under the able leadership of to put a good snappy team on Hughes acocmpanied by Miss old McEntire, principal. They are Elmo Smith, Lawrence Wick- The radiator, shell and fen CSaptain Alder fought a good the floor with every intention to Marjorie Gray. win. Coach McCrae, on the other atrom and Clare Jarvis, seniors; ders of the new city water de game to the Over 50 men and women were follows : Lawrence Bennett and Olive Han partment truck were damaged The lin-up hand, is not to be caught flat- present. PU sen, juniors; Kiyoko Kuge, Doro Friday night in a collision with VHS footed and has a fine squad. The Clark contest promises to be a tough thy Myers and Howard Rundell, a car at the entrance of the Ver Condit F Mrs. Charles Marston left for F Sagar duel and a thriller for the crowd. Portland Thursday to visit for sophomores; Joanne Nichols, Wil I nonia Auto Company’s garage. Story McCurly It will be Vernonia’s last home several days with Mrs. Carl ton Rogers, Heide Reich and The truck is laid up awaiting Adams c Kappel game till aftdr Christmas. Patricia Pemble, freshmen. the arrival of new parts. Meeker G Kinney. later IiKHiest Verdict I 50 Lumber Trade Oil Way Baek Says Judd Greenmau Grange Officers to Be Installed Directors of C. Are Elected f NUMBER Baby Beavers Are Trapped By THS Loggers 30 to 21 c