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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1936)
PAGE EIGHT VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA. OREGON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 193ff GRANGE HALL at the Dumas residence. Austin The services at the Grange Apts, 2 o’clock. Lessons 25c. All hall are as follows: Sunday interested invited. Adv. Notice of Resale of Real Property Bid in by Columbia County • morning at 10:00 is the Sunday • school followed by the devotional at Tax Sale service at 11:00. Sunday night Notice is hereby giver) that the undersigned Sheriff and Ex- at 7:30 an evangelistic service; Officio Tax Collector of Columbia County, Oregon, by authority of an order made and entered by the County Court of Columbia Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 County, Oregon sitting for the transaction of County business, on P. M. the 4th day of November, A. D., 1936, I will offer for sale at | Those are _________ desirous of an _____ who ___ ____ „ __ public auction for cash certain pieces and parcels of real property experience with God which gives located in Columbia County, Oregon, heretofore bid in by saidL „z said h__ .. CouVY at a tax foreclosure sale and to which said County now;th™ ‘ ‘J he 16 assurance of Heaven holds a deed by virtue of said sale; that said real property will will : after this life are especially in in- be sold to the highest and best bidder for cash but in no event foi Ivited to the Sunday evening meet- a less sum than set opposite each respestive piece or parcel herein-1 ¡ng. after described; and said property to be sold being described as! •■ All the services are conducted follows, to wit: on a Full Gospel Order and only NW >4 of NE14 and NW »4 and SW*4 and W% of SE'4 Sec Today’s Clipper Ships cross the tion 36, Township 7, N. R. 5 W. of W. M................................... $440.00 the word of God is taught. You Pacific with their arrival times are welcome to attend any or all scheduled as closely as the 3.42 acres in McLean DLC as described in Assessor’s Division of the meetings. Twentieth Century. A modern No. 89 in Sections 15 and 22, Township 8,N. R. 4 W. W. M. $165.00 miracle, made possible by mir Merle A. Glew, Pastor N M of NW *4 of SE ’4 of NW '4 of Section 4 Township 3 acles of time-keeping accuracy. N. R. 1 W. W. M................................................................................ $110.00 ---------- •---------- We have a wide selection of Julia Wangler, former employe 34.84 acres Tract 13 as described in Book 30, Page 83, Deed those watches famed for accuracy Records of Columbia County, Oregon, , except8.10 ___ r____ ____ acres __________ as described of the local Safeway store, was — Hamiltons. Let us show in Book 55, Page 197, said Deed Records, 19.24 acres Tract 14; ;jn town for a brief time Tues- them to you. 15.73 acres Tract 15A; 10 acres Tract 15B; 25.72 acres Tractl6;* TractlG; 20.09 17; 12.64 ISA; 12.66 20.09 acres acres Tract Tract 17; 12.64 acres acres Tract Tract 18A; 12.66 acres acres Tract, Tract > day uay' ’ Sh on ® ' has ’’•’«»"«’d from the 18B; 36.76 acres Tract 19 and 5.55 acres Tract 20 South of High- ' j company s store at Astoria, to ZX X Z ZX il ZX C zl ZX r - ZX MX lx ZX zl X »X LJ ZX ZX lz 9 11 ZX ZM ZX Q O Zl «X X zl t 4 ZX ZX zl ZX ZX ZX — zl zx ZX XX zi XX Y lx X ZX lx 11 ZX way all as described in Book 30, Page 83 said Deed Records, and ¡which zx she was transferred from all in Magruder Drainage District ......................................... $7,500.00 ¡here. That Part of Lots 5 and 6 and East half of SWl4 and W>4 of| zoe Miller’s class in smocking SEU as described in Book 39, Page 77, Deed Records of Colum-1 wiU be nized toda (Fridav) bia County, Oregon, except amounts as described in Book 41, Page, “ 184 and Book 53, Page 357, said Deed Records, in Section 12, i Township 7 N. R. 3 W. of W. M. lying inside of Rainier Drain-J 1 age District ...................................................................................... $2,400.00 183 acres in Warren D. L. C. in Sections 15, 21, 22, and 23 I as described in Book 35, Page 216 Deed Records of Columbia “The cleanest pos County, Oregon, except 15.11 acres to State of Oregon as des I cribed in Bock 55, Page 409 said Deed Records; 4500 feet of Tide- sible milk from tuber- land fronting Warren D. L. C. in Sections 15, 22, and 23 and Lot 3 and East 23.74 acres of Lot 4 and S% of NE*4 of SW*/i of Section 22 as described in Book 35, Page 216 said Deed Records culin-tested cows all in Township 7 N. Range 2. W. W. M.............................. $10,000.00 not safe to drink until All of said land being within Columbia County, Oregon; said sale to be made on Saturday the 12th day of December, A. D., 1936 at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. at the West front door of heated to the parteur- the County Court House in St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon. ization point or high- OSCAR G. WEED Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon A M OIIEIIM MIRACLE OF ACCURACY er. By H. E. VEAZIE, Deputy Dated and first published November 13, 1936. Date of last publication December 11, 1936. sion Services, that will continue j through the week with the ex The Livingstones, Ministers ¡ception of Monday evening; the M. Services: Church I services begin at 7:30 o’clock. A. School at 9:45, a place for every • Wednesday evening the Thanks- member of your family, Sound giving union service will be held teaching, good instructors. Com at the Christian church with munion Service at 11:00, follow Brother Scheuerman of the Evan- ed by the morning message by | gelical church preaching the ser the pastor, subject, “The Honor mon. The meetings of this week ed Guest.” are very important, be with us. P. M. Services: Intermediate and Junior Christian Endeavor Societies at 6:30, spirited, educa tional, inspirational meetings, all children and young people invited. Song and Praise service at 7:00, followed by sermon by the pas tor on the subject, “Foolish Preaching”. This will be the beginning of the Preaching Mis- FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH JOY THEATRE Saturday PAROLE Wrestling Legion Hall Joel Me Crea Arthur in Bulldog Jackson vs Don Sugai HARRY ELLIOT General Adm. 40c Sunday Matinee Nehalem Tues, and Wed Valley Ice & DANIEL BOONE Creamery I i Thurs. and Fri. THE BIG GAME Dr. C. O. Anderson EYE SPECIALIST AT Kullander’s Jewelry Store First Monday in Each Month R. E. SILVIS Dentist Over Cafe Terminal VERNONIA Roland D. Eby, M. D. Physiqjan and Surgeon Town Office 891 DR. R. I. HALL Physician and Surgeon 965 Bridge St. Phone, Office 72, Res. 73 Office Hours 7 to 12 1 to 5 Special Attention to Obstetrics PHONE 471 I NEAL W. BUSH Attorney at Law Joy Theatre Bldg. Ph. 663 In Vernonia Mondays and Tuesdays Dr. Chas. E. TATRO Chiropractor — Radionist Physio-Therapist OVER CLINE FUR. STORE Phone 231 H. M. BIGELOW DENTIST A.L. Kullander Watchmaker and Jeweler Joy Theatre Building Vernonia - - - Oregon FULLERTON STUDIO piano — VOICE 479 Rose Avenue Telephone 1091 C. BRUCE Lumber & Shingles Wholesale and Ketail See my bargains in Kiln Dried lumber at $6.00 per M. and up. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to Noon. Oregon Motor Stages George O'Brien in ALSO Referee Jean ADVENTURE IN MANHATTAN Bob Castle vs Sailor Dick Trout 30 MINUTE PRELIMINARY and These startling statements were were made by an eminent Western Pe diatrist, director of nutritional research laboratory, Univers ity of Oregong Medi cal school. Scientifically pas* teurized milk and cream available in Vernonia at no extra cost. Sunday and Monday Wed., Nov 25 “Pasteurization of milk renders a pos sibly dangerous food safe for human con sumption.” Professional Directory Leave from Bush’s Cafe 7:55 a. m. 1:25 p. m. and 5:25 p.m. daily for Portland via Timber. Leave Portland, from Yamhill stage depot daily at 9:30 a. m., 2:00 p. m. and 5:15 p. b.. Call service between Camp 8 and Vernonia. Sundays Only: 12:30 p. m. for St. Helens. Leaves St. Helens 3 p. m. FARE: $2.10 round trip, $1.30 one way Ride the new Oregon Motor Stages I