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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1936)
VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA. OREGON The Passing Moment The mill cannot grind with the water that is past. As little can it grind with what is to pass through it. We can make no use of time past. As little use can we make of time to come. We can make use only of the passing mo ment. I Cl* fT ’i ,*By RICHARD H. WILKINSON A slice oi Lite <^> ®A“?i^rv?e.’I>'rt ULIAN SHORE opened the enve then looked up at him and her eyes were shining. “Julian! Five hun dred! Oh, Jul—” “Jinie,” said Julian, “1’ve got an dollars! It was hard tc believe, hard to grasp. He wet his lips and idea. Let’s convert this check into ran a finger around the inside of cash. Let’s take two hundred of it his collar. Five hundred dollars! He and buy ourselves some clothes. scrutinized the figures closely. They Let's look up a cruise and go whoop didn't say five or fifty, but five hun ing for a week or two!” Jinie sat down abruptly. "Julian!" dred. There it was as plain as day, “Let’s reserve the most expensive with his name writtan after: “Pay suite on the most expensive boat. to the order of.” Julian sighed. He produced a Let’s act and talk and feel and look handkerchief and dabbed at his fore as though we hadn’t a care in the head. The reaction was a little an world for as long as the remaining noying. He wondered why he didn’t three hundred will last.” Get Quick-Dissolving Bayer jump up and yell and throw things A furrow appeared in Jinie’s fore Aspirin Now Without around and rush to the telephone head. "Julian if we do that — we and call his wife. That’s tne way owe so many bills.” Thought of Price “We’ve spent three years," Julian he’d more or less pictured himself doing. Instead he sat quietly at his cut in savagely, “waiting. Waiting desk and projected his mind into for something to happen. Just wait In 2 Seconds by the past. Five years. Five years ago ing and hoping and working apd Stop Watch Julian had set out to realize his saving and trying to get along. If In 2 seconds by stop ambition of becoming a commercial we do this we’ll have something to watch a genuine artist. His only requisites were an look back on. History, for us, will BAYER Aspirin tablet starts to disintegrate undeveloped flair for drawing, a date from the moment we decide to and go to work. Drop a vivid imagination and a fiery am go. And next year we’ll do it again. Bayer Aspirin tablet in bition. The first ten months had What if we don’t build up a bank to a glass of water. By netted him a total of twenty-five account? When we get old we’ll have the time it hits the bot tom of the glass it is dollars. But he had improved, had something that those who have a disintegrating. What learned by experience. The next bank account won’t have. A man in happens in this glass year had brought in $1,800, in drib my business has got to have a . . . happens in your stomach. lets of five, ten and fifty-dollar change of viewpoint, a change of at mosphere, a new outlook. I’m get checks. It was then he’d married Jinie. ting stale. We’re both going to seed.” You can now get Genuine BAYER “Julian! Julian! What if—” Jinie knew what she was stepping ASPIRIN for virtually It a tablet “What if—” Julian exploded. into. She had faith in him. She at any drug store in the U. S. wanted to sacrifice so he could keep “Never mind the ‘its!’ Never mind Twofull dozen now, in a flat pocket on developing himself. She’d been anything! Let’s go! Let’s live! Let's tin, for 25/1 Try this new package. darn decent about it, too, even be happy! Let’s cut ourselves a Enjoy the quick action and known though the first twelve months had slice of life and eat it while our quality of the real Bayer article netted them a hundred less than stomachs are young enough to digest now without thought of price. the year before. It hadn’t made any it!” Do this especially if you want At which point Jinie leaped at her difference. She'd kept behind him, the means of quick relief from a bad kept encouraging and buoying up his husband and flung her arms around headache, neuritis or neuralgia pains. Remember, BAYER ASPI spirits. And so he had hung on. He'd his neck. “Let’s!” she cried. “Oh, RIN works fast. (Note illustration kept at it for three years. There my darling, let’s! It’s what I’ve above.) were times when the future looked always wanted to do only I—I'm so And ask for it by its full name — pretty hopeless and pretty black. practical I—I didn’t have the cour BAYER ASPIRIN —not by the Without Jinie he might have quit. age.” name “aspirin” alone when you And now this. His first real check. "Practical?" Julian bellowed. buy. Get it next time you want His first big success. After three “You! Wow! Yippee! Hand me that quick relief. years of plugging, a thing like that telephone, old girl! And start pack 15C FOR does something to a man. ing right this minute. From now on A DOZEN Julian stared at the check, and our motto is to—” “To the dickens with everything! ” was suddenly possessed of an ir 2FULLOC. resistible and overpowering im Jinie finished joyfully. DOZEN AJb pulse. He wanted to take that check Virtually and go on a spree. He wanted one, lc a tablet wild, reckless fling. He wanted to Paris Arc de Triomphe Completed in 30 Years unleash all the pent up desires of LOOK FOR THt BAYER CROSS three years of saving and ccrimping The Arc de Triomphe in Paris, and plugging, and—to hell with the though begun in 1808 by Napoleon consequences. Study Them who intended it as a monument to He thought of Jinie. The idea was the glory of his army, after it had Good pictures reveal unsus crazy, mad. It wouldn’t be fair to won the battle of Austerlitz, pected beauty and truth. Jinie. Jinie was practical. She had was not completed and inaugurated sense. A check for five hundred dol until 30 years later. It cost the lars wouldn’t affect her that way. state over 9.000,0000,000 francs, be She’d be able to think rationally. cause of its substructure, which ex He glanced at his watch. It was tends below 45 feet from the ground. from common colds Louis XVIII decided to have it 9:45 a. m. He got his hat, went out, called a taxi, gave his home address. completed and finished the job at Jinie was finishing up the break high pressure on the accession of No matter how many medicines fast dishes when he came in. She Louis-Philippe. The figures in the you have tried for your cough, chest looked at him and guessed that great frieze running around the top cold or bronchial Irritation, you can something had happened. She said: are over 6 feet high and represent get relief now with Creomulsion. the departure and return of the Serious trouble may be brewing and "What is it, sweet?” Julian wet his lips. He handed her French armies. you cannot afford to take a chance To reach the summit 273 steps with anything less than Creomul the check, conscious of the pounding sion, which goes right to the seat of his heart. She looked at it and have to be climbed. Now Only a Penny a Tablet for Fast HEADACHE RELIEF Beware Coughs That Hang On of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mem branes as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Get Creomulsion right now. (Adv.) WNU—13 German Seagoing Automobile about Salad Mixers de Luxe. ansing , mich .— About L once in so often you meet the man—it’s always a man— WEALTH AND HEALTH The very latest in automobile design, a German seagoing automobile, plunges into the Gruenwald sea for a trial run. It is capable of a speed of 100 ki’ometers an hour or land, and 20 kilometers an hour in the water. ' Realistic Teacher—Why are you late for school this morning? Tommy (breathlessly)— P-p-please, sir, I dreamt I was at a football match, and the referee ordered extra time, so I stayed to see the finish. who knows how to make the perfect salad dressing, and on the slightest provocation does With the Trimmings so. The trouble with this party “Was the defendant expensively is when you get him off salad garbed?” asked the lawyer of the dressings he's practically a total colored witness. loss. “Deed, she was, sah,” answered Nevertheless, a decent salad dressing—and a decent salad—are boons to humanity. The right commin gling of astringent, bitterish green things, with a smooth bland dress ing—there you have something. But of ten we are confront ed by a monstrosity featuring whipped cream, nut kernels, sweet cheese, pre served fruit, even Irvin S. Cobb marshmallows o r pickled ginger. Such an atrocity is never a salad. • • the witness. “Ah knows expensive garbage when I sees it.” Forewarned “When I left my last boarding place the landlady wept.” “Well, I shan’t. I always ask for payment in advance.” // You Hcwe ^ct Child ASK YOUR DOCTOR THIS • Cruelty to Animals. ATELY a dog was tried before a judge for biting a boy. And another judge was appealed to, that he save an elephant condemned to die. So some one proves that, through many centuries, animals were accused of high crimes—dogs, rats, pigs, oxen, roosters, storks, also ants, spiders, snakes, grass hoppers, dolphins, locusts, gadflies, eels, and, being convicted, were burned, flayed, hanged, destroyed by slow torture. But think of the charges on which the so-called brutes might condemn mankind—offenses of which they rarely or never have been guilty— malice; slaughter of weaker things for love of slaughter; deliberate wastefulness of natural resources; wanton destruction of natural beau ties; wars without rational cause; unnecessary greed; bearing false witness; neglect of our own young; drunkenness; slothfulness; bigotry; intolerance. L Newspapers Vs. Spellbinders. N MY reportorial, youth nearly every newspaper, big or little, was bitterly partisan. We distorted facts and editorialized in news stor ies when dealing with the accursed opposition. Otherwise we’d have i been traitors to a sacred cause. These times the average paper, big or little, prints honest accounts concerning both sides—their rela tive chances as revealed by polls, their waning or gaining hopes. But the spellbinders go right on spouting fiction which everybody knows is fiction. And the volun teer debaters clamor with prejudice and misinformation for their am munition. I Currency Juggling. EING frightfully smart to begin with, I know as much regarding currency juggling as the next fellow —which is precisely nothing at all. Up to, say, $18.75, most of us know what money is—or used to be. But when they talk in terms of billions or trillions or jillions, they’ve got us going down for the third time with a low gurgling cry. And the more a financial techni cian, with both his pants pockets full of figures, tries to explain these governmental manipulations, the more convinced I am that, like the average specialist, he has concen trated on being expertly ignorant upon one involved subject rather than remaining, as most of us do, broadly and comprehensively ignor ant upon practically all subjects. IRVIN S. COBB. B 44—36 Good health and succesago together.Don’t handicap yourself—get rid of a sluggish, acid condition with tasty Milnesia, the original milk of magnesia in wafer form. Each wafer equals 4 teaspoonfols milk of 1 magnesia. Neutralizes acids and gives you pleasant elimination. 20c, 35c & 60c size«. oil and stared at the chick that J fell lope out on his desk. Five hundred Page Dr. Dafoe “How’s the wife, George?’’ “Not so well, old boy. She’s just had quinsy.” “Gosh! How many is that you’ve got how?” Ask Him Before Giving Your Child an Unknown Remedy Practically any doctor you ask will warn: “Don’t give your child unknown remedies without asking your doctor first." When it comes to the widely used children’s remedy — “milk of mag nesia,” the standard of the world 1» established. For over half a century many doctors have said "PHILLIPS’ Milk of Magnesia.” Safe for children. No other is “quite like it.” Keep this in mind, and say “PHIL LIPS’ MILK OF MAGNESIA” when you buy. Now also in tablet form. Get the form you prefer. But see that what you get is labeled “Genuine Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia.” ALSO IN TABLET FORM: Each tiny tablet is the equivalent of a teaspoon- ful of genuine Phillipa* Milk of Magnesia. P hillips ’ MILK OF MAGNESIA ntQlalted in WESTERN TRAILER TRAILS is a brand new magazine designed for trailer owners and those interested in trailer travel. First issue, filled with fascinating and informative material, off the press soon. Big $250 cash prize contest to be held. Send us your name and ad dress and a copy of Western Trailer Trails containing full details will be sent you absolutely free. Address: WESTERN TRAILER TRAILS SUITE 711 830 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif.