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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1936)
OCTOBER 30, 1936 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON BEDE EXPLAINS PROPOSED POWER MEASURES At the request of the publisher of Columbia Informant, Elbert Bede has given us his idea of the proposed power bill. It follows: If a friend of yours should suggest to you that you borrow $18 and loan it to some person of whom you had never heard, which person had told your friend that he would invest the amount in which he hed hed no exper ience, and would immediately start serving meals at half the price at which they were being seved, what would you do. You’d tell your friend that you never loan money to persons whom you did not know, that there was little probability that meals could be served at much less than they were now bein£ served, which is proved by the fact that restaurant owners are making no huge profits at pres ent prices, and that $18 wouldn't be enough money to make a good start in the pestaurant business. Well, just now some persons who are sincere but misguided, are asking you to do that very ththing with state money, which is really your money. They want $18,000,000 with which to em bark in a state-wide business, inferring that they will sej-ve at lesse than present rates enven those persons to which privately- owned power utilities, always reaching out for new business, have found it impossible to serve at the moderate rates which those utilities are permitted, under state regulatios, to charge. With this $18,000,000 of dol lars, three persons yet to be el ected by popular vote, would start out to duplicate the priv ately-owned power business in which many times that amount is invested. If you wouldn’s loan $18 with which to set up a stranger in the restaurant business, in which he had no experience, why would loan $18,000,000 to setup a pow er business to be operated by three men whom you do not know and who may know nothing about the power business. Don’t forget that if you start I such a state-owned power bus- 1 iness, whether or not the bus- would i '2 cost *22.222.222? $29,670,000? 2... The an- was driving a car in the medium iness is successful, the state-own-1 of course, is that the n.-* once _ *u- sys- - price range, Mr. Snell learned ed properties would collect from tern is established, more and | lat the license plates issued their customers nothing to be I more money would have to be turned into county treasuries borrowed. This means more and in China remain permanently in as taxes, while the power util more debt for taxpayers to pay the possession of the owner, thus, the same style of plate is ities are now turning into county eventually. treasuries something like two There is no example, of which always used. The black and and a half millions annually. I. know, of any government op white plate consists of a many This state power bill is un eration of a huge business that pointed star, like the emblem I n doubtedly the first step in a has been financially profitable try. The license number and proposed plan for state operation when management by three in try. The lictnse number and of all utilities. That brings up a experienced persons such as is some Chinese characters appear point of interest to every voter. very likely to happen in Oregin on its face. , During depression years the tax under this bill. Examples are ■_______ es paid into some county treas legion of government operation uries in Oregon by the utilities, that has been successful and ran as high as 60 per cent of all has put a big bill up to the taxes paid. Counties, cities, taxpayers. school districts would have been Mrs. Otto Michener and two The state tax bill proposes a unable to operate without this dangerous experiment in mixing children visited her mother near money collected by the utilities business and politics, a combin Dilley from Friday to Sunday. from their customers. Under ation that is about as dangerous D. O. Bennett of St. Helens, state ownersrip of utilities no and mixing boozze and benzine. revublican candidate for dist tax monies would be collected or rict attorney, addressed the log paid by such utilities. , CAR FROM ORIENT gers’ union meeting here Thurs The best evidence that $18,- REGISTERS IN STATE day of last week. 000,000 of bonds (to be paid I by the taxpayer if the scheme K. H. “Doc” who has Earl Snell, secretary of state, fails to earn a profit) to start ' had an interesting and unusual such a state-owned power system | experience this week when he in Oregon, would be but a drop in the bucket, is the fact that | registered a car with the license the Oegon State Planning com ¡plates of the Chinese Republic. mission, through its special com- ; i The owner, from Shanghai, is mittee on power, reported to the visiting in the state and is the Governor of Oregon luring De first motorist from far-off China cember, 1935, that the cost of a to register his car in Oregon tdansmission system only for during the last two years. Bonneville power would be $29, In contacting the owner, who 670,000. That “ statement is found. on page 13 of the commission’s report. I For This $29,670,000 for trunk | transmission lines does not in County Treasurer clude cost of building a distribut ing system, which includes thous-' Re-Elect anls of piles, transformers, met- eds and other electrical equip Gladys E. Peterson ment. Republican Candidate The question is: How can any three-man state power commission Experienced and Efficient build a complete state power sys Pd. Adv. Gladys E. Peter- tem for $18,000,000 of bonds, when voted, when a commission son, St. Helens, Oregon of experts estimates that trans- mission lines only in Oregon I Glenn V. Barnett Independent Candidate To the voters of Colum bia County who want a new and square deal in reality and not just as a promise, I ask your support of my candidacy for sheriff of this county. I am a worker and if el ected will continue to be a worker and will act as a non-partial, non-prejudist servant of the people at all times. Our People Cannot Continue to Pay, IF our County It to Move Forward, Our Cutover Lands Sold to Settlers, and Our Population Increased, We Must Stop Voting Debts upon Ourselves. Go to the Polls and Vote! WE RECOMMEND YOU VOTE— 313 X NO I am a member of the F. Workers 315 X NO Alliance and Townsend club. Pd. Adv. Glenn V. Barnett, St. Helens, Ore. Bert Mills County Commissioner Faithful Service To All of Columbia County Pd. Adv., Bert Mills," Ver nonia, Oregon. Gentleness of Hand Washing Combined with Machine COLUMBIA COUNTY TAXPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION E.J. Ballagh J.F. Leino W.B. Bowser President Vice President Secretary Pd. Adv. Taxpayers Ass’n HERE is the washer for which housewives have been waiting—a washer that will give the same gentle care that you give your dainty lingerie when you wash them in a wash bowl. • This new THOR offers you a fast, gentle washing action that thoroughly washes anything and everything — flimsy lacy underthings or big heavy woolen blankets — in quicker time than you ever dreamed possible. • We really can't begin to describe the satisfaction that this washer will bring — seeing is believing — so why not give it a try right in your own home. Of course, there is no obli gation. You Can See The Difference In the Action — In the Speed — In the Clothes! Free — 1 case of washing powder with each washer sold O. E., Carpenters and Joiners, ELECT "Let’s Look at the Record Assessed Valuation (1936) ....... $ 14.151,620.00 Taxes to Be Collected (1936) .... $ 683,196.90 Number of Real Property Taxpayers .......... 5,723 Number of Personal Property Taxpayers ..... 527 Population (1930 Census) ........... 20,047 Delinquent Taxes Due County and Unpaid (October 1, 1935) ........ $ 1,323,305.04 Nearly 40 percent of all TAXES Levied in Col umbia County Since 1931 have NOT Been Paid. YOU KNOW WHY! NINE been seriously ill with pneumon ia, is reported to be recovering. It will be some time, however, before he can return to his dut ies as driver for the Oregon Motor Stages. R. H. Cremere of the St. Hel ens plant of the Standard Oil Co. has been relief agent here for L. G. Hawken during the latter’s illness. Taxpayers COLUMBIA COUNTY For Sheriff PAGE Paterson Furniture and Radio Store t